Video Transcript: Does Aspartame Cause Cancer?
Dr. Blaylock: Aspartame has been studied for a long time. What a researcher did, he said, “I’m going to look at all the research that’s been done. Those that are sponsored by the makers of aspartame versus independent studies.” What he found, virtually, all the independent studies found harmful problems. None of the ones sponsored by the maker for it found any problems.
Ty Bollinger: So you’ve got to look at who does the studies.
Dr. Blaylock: What the maker does is he goes out and he pays scientists to come up with articles, or ghost written articles, that say it’s safe. And he fills the literature with it. And then when he goes before a camera and says, “Look, these are the pile of studies that show it’s safe.”
So the news commentator looks at this and says, “Well, there’s been hundreds and hundreds of studies that show it’s safe.” They don’t even show the real studies that were done. The carefully done studies show it’s not.
Now, the carefully done studies show that it’s a carcinogenic agent and that it combines with other carcinogens, like nitrites, from your food to become even more carcinogenic.
They found, in the original studies used to get approval for using NutraSweet, increased brain tumors. About a six-fold increase in brain tumors. They found increased lung tumors, breast cancers, breast tumors. All sort of tumors and thyroid cancers were found. But what the investigation did after the approval – because they approved it over all these findings – they found out that they were taking out the tumor from the experiment and throwing it away and writing down that it was normal.
Ty Bollinger: Really?
Dr. Blaylock: Yes, all this was discovered. It’s under oath in congressional hearings. A lot of these amoral shenanigans were done to get it approved in the first place. The guy who’s head of the committee that approved it, after he approved it, within months he went to work for the company that was a promoter of aspartame. So that’s sort of this revolving door we talked about between industry and government.
Now, the studies have consistently shown that it’s harmful. It does brain injuries, it produces abnormalities of the immune system, it affects the reproductive system, and it can cause cancer.
Ty Bollinger: And wasn’t there a study in Italy?
Dr. Blaylock: The Italian study was a study—I think his name was Rossini but he is one of the most respected researchers on carcinogenic agents. What he does is he tests these agents to see if they cause cancer. So they gave him this project. They said, “Look at this aspartame and see if it’ll cause cancer in animals.”
He did the largest animal study ever done. Now, his research is considered impeccable, almost unquestionable. Because he was so careful in doing it and so respected. He did it and he found that there seemed to be an increase in lymphoma and leukemia, and probably breast cancer, and maybe brain tumor. And they wouldn’t accept it. So he redid it with a lifetime study of the animal, as you would in human, because the human will keep drinking this stuff for a lifetime. And he found that there’s definitely an increase in leukemia and lymphoma, most likely increase in breast cancer, and brain tumor.
So then it went to the United States. The CDC said, “We’ll look at his study and give a final determination for the American audience.” And everybody knew how it was going to turn out. Exactly what they said, “well, we’ve had some criticism about how the study was done.” You know the criticism was? Well, “you did a lifetime study. We cut it off at two years.” And he said, “of course you do. That’s when the tumors start appearing.” So they cut off the study before the tumor started showing up.
Ty Bollinger: It’s the same thing Monsanto did with the GMO studies.
Dr. Blaylock: Yes, exactly. They knew at which point you were going to see the problem with the GMO so they cut the study off before that appeared. And then they said, “we didn’t find anything.”
Ty Bollinger: And they did the same thing with the aspartame.
Dr. Blaylock: Yes, I mean, it’s just prestidigitation. It’s a magic act. And, of course, the public doesn’t know these things. The public doesn’t understand these delayed effects and onsets. To them it’s a mystery. But if you understand the science and that this tumor, or this destruction of kidneys, or this destruction of brain, is not going to occur until certain time and then they cut off the study before that would happen and claim safety. It’s a farce.
It’s kind of a crude analogy. But I’ve often referred to this—when it comes to the GMO study, I was not aware of the aspartame study—but it’s really the equivalent of me grabbing somebody by the hair and dunking them underwater and then after five seconds you pull them up and you say, “see, water doesn’t cause drowning.”
Ty Bollinger: Yes, they didn’t drown. Because you didn’t do it long enough. And then they don’t do the studies long enough mainly because they’re only required to be self-authored studies.
Dr. Blaylock: Right. I mean, they do the study, they pay for the study, and they cut it off when they want to. But I couldn’t believe that this was the criticism, it’s that you carried the study on too long. Humans are taking it. They don’t stop taking it at age 50 or age 30. They are taking it for a lifetime.
Ty Bollinger: I literally see guys and gals at the Stop and Go’s or 7-Elevens with these 100 ounce, huge half gallons of diet sodas.
Dr. Blaylock: Right. What we used to call “belly washers.” Huge drinks and they drink all of it.
Ty Bollinger: And they drink all of it. Also, from what I understand about aspartame is that it has something to do with the release of leptin or ghrelin so that you don’t feel satisfied. And you actually gain weight. So is there a link with obesity?
Dr. Blaylock: Yes. What they found is—the hypothalamus is where leptin operates to curb the appetite. There are receptors there—in this particular nucleus, the arcuate nucleus—unless that leptin can react with that receptor, it doesn’t work. Well, glutamate is a transmitter for that receptor. And aspartame has aspartic acid which is also an excitotoxin just like glutamate. It burns out that nucleus.
So now the leptin won’t work. The leptin levels start rising, which is inflammatory, and you start gaining weight. Actually, what they found is that aspartame is not good for weight loss. It actually stimulates gaining of weight. The other thing is that the tyrosine in it, the phenylalanine, stimulates hypoglycemia which makes you hungry.
Ty Bollinger: So you’re going to eat more.
Dr. Blaylock: So you’re going to eat more. They knew that. It’s not that they didn’t know it. They knew it.
Ty Bollinger: You wonder if that was one of the reasons that they put it out there. You don’t know. It’s all speculation.
Dr. Blaylock: Yes. You can’t prove it but I know that they knew that this research had been done.
Ty Bollinger: And we know that it does cause obesity, it is linked to cancer. We know those things about aspartame.
Dr. Blaylock: Oh, yes. I would think that you would really be foolish with all we know about aspartame to keep using it. Particularly giving it to children. Because the child’s brain is in its stage of formation. A child’s brain—the more complex part of brains are not complete until age 27. So all these brain pathways are busy forming their connections. And you’re pouring this toxin in, you’re damaging it.
So what happens is that the kid has a behavior problem. You find out you can’t control him. He has these outbursts of anger, or he’s depressed, or he has anxiety, has panic attacks.
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Thank you
Thank you for this article. I always check if there is Aspartame involved in food or drinks. But I also found out that it is in almost all medications. Horrible. Even the pharmasist agrees with me that it is harmful and horrible because you can not buy your medication without Aspartame. I try not to use medications and to use medical treatments but sometimes you just want a caugh syrup wich does not contain Aspartame. Why is this stuff still legal? There are so many ways , healthy ways, to make things sweeter.
9/24/18: THANK YOU TY for another excellent interview, choosing Dr. Blaylock, Yay!, who gave us the “inside scoop” of how studies are skewed for the benefit of those who fund them! Thank You, Dr. Blaylock, for all your work in educating us on exitotoxins and your excellent explanations, in the interview, about misrepresentation in studies. Roxie in Mpls
With all the information about artificial sweeteners available today, who’s using Aspartame’s or any other toxic products like these? You’re preaching to the choir here!
Dan, please consider: Not everyone can read, or bother to.
Not everyone has access to the vast quantity of valuable health issues, ie a computer or tablet etc.
I guess not every language has been translated for global info?
Plenty of toxic consumables still available in shops. Assume some uninformed user’s are still buying?
Why did you bother to read being so well informed already?
I know a lot of ppl that still use Aspertame.
I was diagnosed with astrocytoma in 1972 at age 21. The major operatio revealed complex tumors in the spine in the neck that were largely inoperable, even partly up to grade 4. I am still alive,due to diet exercise research and spiritual healing but Imy whole body is largely paralysed.
What cutting edge findins e2xist now, that guide into disposal of any regrowth of tumors, and to help repair erve3 damage also non-steroidal anti-inflammatories ? ( ginger etc I already do)1
I stopped using Aspartame products years ago as I learned about the dangers. Is there anything I need to do to actively reverse possible damage or detox the remnants of it from my system?
Is stevia still a safe alternative?
Hi Michele,
Here are some great resources for you!
Was told by alternative medicine Dr That stevia was safe to use as it is a natural product made from the leaf of the Stevie plant
Amazing information being shared here at TTAC! Thank you Dr. Blaylock, and Ty Bollinger for helping the people see the false in disguise!
I was warned about.aspartame many years ago, by someone following advice from the MS society.
I have used stevia for some time now, but looking at the information following your fantastic article, I am wondering if any of the other sweeteners are safe at all. I know I should give up any sweeteners but is there one that IS safe?
Although it will shock and be difficult to believe, but we and the global public are being conned by huge pharmaceutical companies by the methods shown in this article. A must read and if still not convinced type in Ty Bollinger in your address bar and enrol to his free newsletter. The answers are there together with actual cures plus ways of protecting ourselves against the devastation of avoidable serious illness for you and your kin folk.
Thank you for your informative, truthful info TY. What greed has done on this earth is despicable, diabolicle…
When aspartame came out. I read a health article on how it caused formaldehyde gas to form in the brain. So I avoided it. On the few occasions I consumed diet soda years ago, I was like “this stuff tastes raunchy'”
But still millions hv consumed it. And probably will PAY!
Hi!!!!!!! Great article!! Where can I read the independent studies? How can I find them??? THANK YOU!!
Thank you Ty Bollinger and Dr Russel Blaylock…very wise men!
Thank YOU, Tarry. We appreciate your love and support!