You know the seriousness of cancer. You know the toll it takes mentally, emotionally, financially, spiritually, and physically. It causes stress in your own mind and body as well as in your relationships with friends and family. Cancer treatments can make it hard to do the things you’ve always done as a human being, a parent, or an employee.
There’s nothing in your daily existence that cancer doesn’t touch. It’s an exhausting villain to fight and it wipes you out in so many ways that are hard to explain to people who haven’t felt the impact of this horrific disease in their own lives.
What if I told you there was something you could do right now to cut your cancer risk in half? That’s right, in half!
If you knew there was a way to prevent cancer from ever invading your life and turning it upside down… would you do it?
People talk a lot about “cures” in the health industry but there’s a saying you probably heard from your grandparents that makes a lot more sense…
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
At The Truth About Cancer we talk a lot about what causes cancer, and the foods that fight cancer and lower your cancer risk. Now I’m going to talk to you about known, scientifically proven, cancer causing foods that actively increase the chance that you’ll be diagnosed with cancer in your lifetime.
There are cases where it strikes quickly but it is more common when cancerous tumors manifest after years of specific habits. Good examples of this are smoking, exposure to radiation (i.e. from cell phones), and overexposure to ultraviolet rays, which result in lung cancer, brain cancer, and skin cancer, respectively.
Experts estimate that more than half the cases of cancer are preventable with lifestyle changes.
In 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported more than 14 million new cases of cancer… which resulted in more than 8.2 million deaths worldwide. They expect these numbers to skyrocket over the next 20 years by a whopping 70% globally!
The top 5 most-diagnosed cancers in men:
- Lung
- Prostate
- Colon/colorectal
- Stomach
- Liver
The top 5 most-diagnosed cancers in women:
- Breast
- Colon/colorectal
- Lung
- Cervix
- Stomach
I point this out because you’ll note that several of the most common (and aggressive) cancers have to do with your gastrointestinal system. The function of your body that processes the food you eat, distributes it around your body as needed, and does its best to dump the leftover toxins.
That makes it a major area of your daily life that dramatically affects your prevention – and ultimately your survival – of cancer. The food and beverages you consume, the fuel your body uses to fight disease, is critical to your overall wellbeing.
Some foods are worse for you than others and are increasing your risk of many conditions and diseases. While cancer is one of the worst, regularly eating the cancer causing foods in our top ten list can also lead to heart disease, diabetes, chronic inflammation, and so much more.
What Causes Cancer?
Understanding possible causes of cancer comes down to understanding the causes of gene and DNA mutations. Chemicals (like carcinogens), radiation, obesity, hormones, chronic inflammation, smoking, viruses, and a number of other factors have been found to be cancer causing.
In an interview with Bob Wright from the American Anti-Cancer Institute for my The Quest For The Cures docu-series, I asked him what causes cancer in cells. His reply was that “Cancer is caused by chemicals and radiation. You can explode that out to many different types of chemicals whether it’s what you put in your body, what you breath, what you eat, radiation from all sources − women from mammograms, from CT scans, from your cell phones, your cell towers, your Wi-Fi. Cancer is caused by chemicals and radiation, period.”
If Bob is correct that the primary causes for cancer are chemicals and radiation, then both of these factors can be greatly reduced through the food and lifestyle choices that you make.
Top 10 Cancer Causing Foods to Cut Your Cancer Risk in Half
- Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs): The rapidly growing industry of genetically modified crops are infiltrating our food supply at an alarming rate. More than 90% of our corn and soy are now genetically modified. This fairly new practice is the source of many debates. Experts agree that adequate testing was not done before GMO foods were added to the ingredient listing of thousands of products. In other words, no one – including the growers and manufacturers of GMO foods – knows the long-term effect they will have on human health. Look for GMO-free labels whenever possible or buy organic (which always means a product is not genetically modified).
- Microwave Popcorn: From the chemically-lined bag to the actual contents, microwave popcorn is at the center of lung cancer debates around the world. Not only are the kernels and oil likely GMO (which the manufacturer does not have to disclose) unless organic, the fumes released from artificial butter flavoring contain diacetyl, which is toxic to humans. Make your own organic popcorn the old-fashioned way – it tastes better, doesn’t release toxic fumes, and is a healthier choice for you.
- Canned Goods: Most cans are lined with a product called bisphenol-A (BPA), which has been shown to genetically alter the brain cells of rats. Many plastic goods, thermal paper, water lines, and many dental composites also contain BPA. Help protect your DNA by sticking to fresh or frozen vegetables that have no added ingredients for your family’s table! These are better for you and available year-round.
- Grilled Red Meat: While grilled food can taste delicious, scientists have discovered that preparing meats in this way – especially processed meats like hot dogs – releases a carcinogen called heterocyclic aromatic amines. When you grill red meat to the point of well-done, it changes the chemical and molecular structure of the meat. You’re better off baking, broiling, or preparing meat in a skillet than on the grill.
- Refined Sugar: The biggest cancer causing food (by far) is high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and other refined sugars. Even brown sugar is highly refined white sugar with some of the removed molasses added back in for flavor and color. Refined sugars (and foods made with them) are the source of major insulin spikes and feed the growth of cancer cells. Since the majority of the sugar supply in the U.S. is made using genetically modified (GMO) sugar beets, a healthier option is organic honey, coconut sugar, or maple sugar. Now that oncologists are using diabetes medication to fight cancer cells, there’s no doubt (finally) that those mutated cancer cells love sugar.
- Salted, Pickled, and Smoked Foods: These products typically contain preservatives, such as nitrates, which are intended to prolong shelf life. The additives used in processed foods can accumulate in your body over time. Eventually, such toxins cause damage at the cellular level and lead to diseases like cancer. When smoked foods are cooked at high temperatures, the nitrates are converted to the much more dangerous nitrites. [Note: By pickled foods we don’t mean the fermented foods you make at home.]
- Soda and Carbonated Beverages: Sodas have been at the center of the health debate for two decades as a major cancer causing food. Filled with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), dyes, and a host of other chemicals, they are very bad for every aspect of your health. They provide zero nutritional value and rob your body of the nutrients you get from other foods. Adding “diet” to the label means you’re also likely consuming aspartame – which is no better than rat poison to human cells.
- White Flour: When flour is refined, all nutritional value is removed. Then it’s bleached with chlorine gas to make it more appealing to consumers. The glycemic index for white flour is very high – meaning it spikes your insulin levels without providing nutritional fuel. Carbohydrates are converted to sugars by your body, so excessive products that contain white flour can lead to increased insulin resistance. Simple sugars (like refined carbohydrates) are the preferred fuel source for cancer.
- Farmed Fish: Commercial fish farming involves raising an incredible number of fish (such as salmon), in a crowded environment. More than 60% of the salmon consumed in the United States comes from a farming operation where they are treated with antibiotics, pesticides, and other carcinogenic chemicals to try and control the bacterial, viral, and parasitic outbreaks that result from cramming so many fish in a small space. Farmed fish also don’t have as much omega-3 as wild salmon.
- Hydrogenated Oils: Vegetable oils are chemically extracted from their source, chemically treated, and more chemicals are added to change the smell and taste. They’re packed with unhealthy omega-6 fats (that Americans already consume way too much of) and have been proven to alter the structure of our cell membranes.
4 Steps to Help Prevent Cancer
In addition to the 10 foods listed above, also be sure to avoid any food labeled as “diet,” “light,” or “fat-free.” In order to remove fat or natural calories, they are replaced with chemicals that are dangerous to your body.
Instead of consuming food products that manufacturers claim is “good for you” – follow these four anti-cancer diet tips to prevent cancer the easy way:
- Eat organic whenever possible.
- Choose raw or clean frozen if availability of fresh product isn’t good in your area.
- Fill half your plate each meal with non-starchy vegetables. If you eat animal products, make sure they’re pastured and grass-fed meats and dairy goods (including eggs). Use only high quality oils such as coconut oil, olive oil, ghee, or grass-fed butter.
- Cut back drastically on grains and sugars.
Not only will eliminating these foods lower your cancer risk, you’re going to feel (and look) better from the inside out. Now that you know what the top cancer causing foods are, what are you going to do about their presence in your kitchen and your daily eating plan?
Editor’s note: This post was originally published in January 2016. It has been updated and republished in 2024.
Article Summary
What if there was something you could do right now to cut your cancer risk in half?
Several of the most common (and aggressive) cancers have to do with your gastrointestinal system.
The top 10 cancer causing foods are:
- Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs)
- Microwave Popcorn
- Canned Goods
- Grilled Red Meat
- Refined Sugar
- Salted, Pickled & Smoked Foods
- Soda & Carbonated Beverages
- White Flour
- Farmed Fish
- Hydrogenated Oils
My brother-in-law has just received news that he may have bone marrow cancer. I have not heard any stories regarding this type of cancer. I forwarded your website to him in hope he may find some strategies to implement. Thank you for wealth of information you provided.
I am using Maria Treben’s Health through God’s Pharmacy- on p.114 she says – ‘in old herbals Yarrow is called ‘cure for all ills’ and can be used in cases that seem hopeless. ..that Yarrow acts directly and best on the bone marrow and thus stimulates blood renewal, is not well known’. Then on p. 161 for diseases of the bone, she says ‘ 4 cups of Yarrow tea are drunk daily (she advises sipping), additionally 2 cups of calendula tea and 2 cups of stinging nettle tea are drunk to purify the blood (if possible use herbs in their fresh state and 1 heaped teaspoon per cup of water – hot but not boiling. She gives further information for tumours adding the use of horsetail poultices and Swedish Bitters – but I think you need to buy the book so you have her directions to follow. She later wrote a second book – Health from God’s Garden – which has useful information saying that you can take a number of herbs at once with no ill effect. However I find the first book easier as she gives many examples which are very helpful for a beginner. I am in the UK and you can buy the book, herbs and Swedish Bitters from G. Baldwins in London – they offer a very helpful and speedy service. I am very impressed because i have just followed her instructions and healed a kidney infection in a week with Horsetail tea. Now I have started following her instructions again – drinking Mistletoe tea which equalises the blood – high pressure down and low pressure up. Also Horsetail + Speedwell to lower cholesterol. Best wishes.
Thank you for the update on your new version web site. I did kicked all of the tires more then once. Your left front is a little low. Please read on. I love the scaled down or summarized features. It save me a lot of time. I know repetitive reading is great for the mind, but, at my age and stages of illnesses I’ve enjoy all the shortcuts at my choice of time.
Now what you were reading on to hear. I copied the Top Ten Causing foods to avoid and Share with my family and friends. I looks great on the puter screen but has the bottom 2 inches or so with overprinting of a lot of numbers percentage signs etc etc.
Other than this small problem the web site is nothing less the the most educational cancer site I’ve found.
Congrats and Major Kodos to You Your Staff and Designers.
Hi Gordon,
Thanks very much for the feedback! Glad you like the new Article Summary feature. Currently we have it on all articles from Jan 1 onwards — but will be working on adding it to our older articles as well. I passed your feedback about the printing issue along to our tech team to look into.
I was one of those grad students pulled out of grad school by the Draft Law of 1968. I enlisted in the U.S. Navy Hospital corps, and in the latter half of my naval service, I was stationed in the Naval Medical Research Institute – NMRI – Bethesda, MD, working as a laboratory technician. After my discharge in 1972, I applied for jobs as a laboratory technician at various government research centers in the area surrounding Washington, D.C. I got accepted as a technician at the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda. MD. I was a technician in the Biological Markers program there.
While there, I witnessed a lot of dishonesty and chicanery in the cancer research field. What still stands out, particularly, is that some of the contributing cancer research centers started looking into using the body’s immunity. This was made in the mid-1970’s. What happened, is that the drug companies cracked down. Because upper level Cancer Institute bureaucrats were “in their pocket” – think of offers of high-level executive positions, post retirement, the directors of the Cancer Institute complied by pulling research funds from those centers working with immunity and officially declared “The absolute and only way to treat cancer is through chemotherapy and absolutely nothing else.” I left the Cancer Institute in 1975 for other reasons, because of other forms of corruption dishonesty (After I left, Senator Hatch was all over the Biological Markers program with corruption investigations – guess who would have the low-ranking “fall-guy.”)
Our suspicions confirmed from the shop floor! Wow! Thanks for posting.
Ty thanks for everything your book step outside box the was great .I have learned a lot from your book.I lost my own father from cancer at Christmas ,he had surgery chemotherapy the treatment was horrible.I will continue reading and listening to your emails. In northern Ireland were I am from, I am informing people about your book an what a brave man your are . God bless and keep the good work up. Francie
We live in the city of La Serena in Chile. A son of mine hit a rough spot with cancer a couple of years ago. On his own, he rejected the chemio treatment and began a long but rewarding path of searching a natural healthy cure. I followed and he succeeded. It was in this search that we came across the info that Ty and his crew offers to those searching for an alternative to the usual methods. Since we are an underdeveloped country, we still can find some food not spoiled by industrialism. Congratulations to Ty and his team since the balanced common sense tips are now better presented in the new web design. Agradecidos.
Hi Ty,
My name is Krystina I’m from Australia I have been following the global quest and the the quest for the cures continues and have purchased both series. I thank you for empowering people to know they have choices when it comes to their health.
I have long been searching for pure organic products to help strengthen my immune system to rid my body if an autoimmune disease. I have found such a product which is helping people all over the world to better their health naturally and it originated in America. It has helped my symptoms from the disease and the medication I’m on to disappear the product is called Kyani triangle of health and their vision is to save 1,000,000 lives by the year 2018 you can google Gyles a little American boy who is being helped immensely with these pure organic products after surgery for a brain tumour.
I only bring this to your attention as this company like you Ty are genuine in their quest to save lives if you wish to look into this my site name is I hope I haven’t broken any guidelines by informing you of this I just wish all people would learn to ask more questions of the medical profession I know since I’ve followed you I have done just that and I am now so much healthier since making the change but I must state with the guidance of my doctor.
I thank you for all your tireless work in empowering people.
God bless you and your family Krystina
Ty, you are absolute a God-send. Such research and exposure of chemotherapy and radiation to inform the
Mass that there are alternatives, primarily the earth’s diet, has absolutely been an eye opener and a relief to know that we are not left with only one path that most end up dying on (the so called cure rather than the cancer itself). Thank you so much. I’m sorry for your loss and truly do appreciate how you turned your pain of heart into a blessing for so many. Truly a God-send!
Hi Ty et al,
Have you seen the movie on Vitamins just out? Deals with some of the same stuff you guys are on about–the failure of the medical industry to actually deal with what ails us. Answers are right under our noses, and DO NOT lie with the pharmaceutical industry!!!
Ty, I purchased your documentary when it was first offered – I have shared it with friends. I am in agreement with it, but my husband is not. He doesn’t want to watch it or even talk about it. He is currently – and happily – undergoing chemo treatment for multiple myeloma. Without changing any eating or smoking habits. He consumes at least 6 products on the above list.
He will not listen to anything I have to say about nutrition. Let alone alternate cancer treatments. I am now living my life as if he could leave us anytime as the chemo can also affect his heart condition.
Can you do one more episode like a foreword for instance? One that could possibly convince folks like my husband to at least watch the series. Something short and to the point – even blunt. Keep up the good work Ty and team. Thanks.
I am so sorry to hear about your husband…. I too have multiple myeloma. I’ve done RVD, a stem cell transplant and am on one of the new oral meds for maintenance. Six years now since I was first diagnosed. I have watched some of my markers gradually climb over the last 6 years but since seriously changing my eating habits, eliminating all processed foods and sugars, my counts took a drastic plummet for the first time (aside from the stem cell transplant and the initial induction therapy.) I am still learning about diet and seeing the results in my labs, but I highly encourage your husband to give it a shot! 30 days… change your diet (I tried the Whole30 approach)… see if it helps then continue or not based upon how you feel!
For the number one cancer causing food you listed – GMO foods – you did not mention wheat. I think 100% of our wheat is now GMO. I don’t think you can even buy seed for any other kind. Shouldn’t you include wheat in this category? Also, although hardly anyone ever mentions vegetable oils in general as a food to avoid, not just the hydrogenated ones. Except for plants such as coconut, olive, nut, “seed” plants such as sesame, avocado, etc., there is very little oil in vegetable plants (corn, and most of it is GMO anyway, canola which is very questionable, etc.) so it takes a lot of processing to get oil from those plants. I and other people as well think “vegetable” oils are bad for us. I even think soybean oil and other soy products, even if they are not GMO, are also bad. There are a lot of articles showing the pros and cons of soy. I do know baby boys who are fed soy milk tend to go through early puberty. Anyway, I just wanted to express some of the beliefs I have, based on reputable research and people.
To Sylvia Ollerhead, my husband has Bone Marrow Cancer as well, I’m his full time caregiver, we went to VCU Cancer Center in Richmond Virginia, my husband is now cancer free, thanks to Dr.Toor and his team of doctors. It wasn’t easy but possible to get better with time and following the rules. My email is I love this site because it is on target to what causes cancer and how to prevent it as much as possible, all we can do is do our best in eating right and pray that’s the answer to living a cancer free life.
Where’s the science? Where are the peer-reviewed, independent and non-biased studies? Where are the counter-arguments about how GMO’s help malnourished nations and are scientifically safe? Where did you get your doctorate? Who reviewed your study, who cross-examined?
Where are your scientific references for each of your statements?
Why aren’t people scientifically literate?
Hi Joel, There are sources and references listed at the very bottom of the page of this article. Please take a look at those!
I can only see 2 articles, both referencing breast cancer, nothing GMO related. Not interested in starting an argument, just do not believe they are as evil as many make them out to be. No one who trashes them seems to have any reputable citations, which for all of the blame some place on them, should there not be some? I need more than personal opinions and paranoia to condemn a tool that has been very beneficial to production.
Hi Joel and Annarama,
I am a 30 year breast cancer “survivor” because I survived surgery and chemo…If I had not found a medical doctor in 1986 who helped me get well from the chemo, I would not be living to write this. I saw my father suffer for months from cancer treatment radiation and then dying because of not realizing there was a better choice. I have practiced and taught the healthier and naturopathic lifestyle for 25 years. I was a very scientific educated person in 1986 and there were not many who could teach wellness. Today, there is so much research, education and many medical professionals who are helping people get well from cancer. GMO grains are a result of more industrialized farming…I have a long ancestry of farmers who still farm today…Agri business and the high chemical load in nutrient depleted food is helping to create a body chemistry that creates and promotes cancer cell growth. Do you realize that we have to eat 10 lbs. of food in 2016 to get the same nutrient level of 1 lb. of food in 1950? There are so many resources and documentaries today about the chemicals in our environment and farming methods which are contributing to creating so much cancer. I encourage you to start educating yourself so you can reduce the risk for yourself and your family. God bless, Marian
Joel, Where is all of the money that has been given to the Cancer Society? I have said for years that they do not want to find a cure because there is to much money involved. So do not make comments to those that are finding the solutions. I agree with them and even years ago I said they were overlooking the cause of cancer because I believed that cancer was caused by what we put in our bodies (bad foods)
Sir , if you would just take the time and google for the dangers of GMO’s, you will find plenty of information.
To Joel: Are you getting paid to post on this site ? Your comment, with its extremely militant demanding tone
reminds me of the many trolls who wonder through sites that are sharing information on cutting edge that is
helpful to us patients.
To Joel: If you look in the Bible, all the natural cures are in there. God gave us exactly what we need for our bodies to be strong and healthy and to stop taking all that man made garbage they call medicine. It is all about profit and drugs have not cured one patient but managed their disease until they die from the poison.
Joel – I had 15 years of IBS starting in 1998 before discovering the evidence from Samsel & Seneff from MIT on GM Soya – which has glyphosate (Round Up Ready) genetically inserted into every cell of the plant. They discovered that this affects the Shikimate pathway of the plant to kill it – and that we too have a Shikimate pathway in our gut flora. Secondly the Seralini Study shows the link between genetically inserting the active ingredient of Agent Orange into every cell of the maize plant and massive tumours and leukemia. Both these are produced by Monsanto which started as a maker of poisons for wars before re-branding itself as an ‘agricultural giant’. And when agribusiness genetically modified wheat they created massively more gluten which causes many illnesses – I then had every symptom of Cerebellar Ataxia – double incontinence, screaming pain in joints, brain fog and falling over all the time. I discovered that all these symptoms cause Cerebellar Ataxia which leads to dementia, when a friend gave me ‘Wheat Belly’ by Dr William Davis- who gives all the science. GM food is being used to experiment on humans, which is illegal according to the Nuremburg Code to which the US and UK are signatories. But Monsanto, who has now been merged with the pharmaceutical company Bayer – that was part of IG Farben and Auschwitz – something I discovered from – is inside the US, UK, and EU governments. I have just watched the interview by Sayer Ji of with Alison McDowell which gives clear factual evidence of the reason for GM – linking it to the blockchain health system – predatory philanthropy – surveillance – ulimately with the intention to make you sick – make you into data – and then gamble on you for hedgefunds. This builds on and is pretty chilling but already happening and linked to covid – we just have to withstand the retinal scans that have been used on Syrian refugees for some time now. As we speak 5G is being rolled out and among many other bad things will operate free range livestock management from space. Operation Paperclip by Russia and the US pulled in many Nazi scientists – Braun ran NASA. It is a lot of connections – so many already in place – that it was overwhelming to keep up with the 3 hour interview and I took a lot of notes – fortunately as it has just been ‘disappeared’.
Joel. Fortunately no doctorate required for scepticism. GMO’s will help malnourished nations, but not in the way you think. It may render them infertile after 2 generations as has been observed in the animal world. No scientific literacy needed.
Ty, I thank you and your family on the quest to do everything in your power to help fight this Cancer cover up. I am fighting my own battle with two prior surgeries of oral Cancer still have inflamation. If you have any suggestions for my case let me know, as I read all of the articles and try to follow an exceptional diet to help myself. Thanks again for your help!
That was very interesting. I’ve noticed the high increases of cancer and its very scary and heart wrenching. I wrote a research paper on gmo’s last year and #1 doesn’t seem too far off at all. I’ve came to the point where I’m avoiding meat and canned food as much as possible. The American Government is slowly killing their country.
Hello Mr. Bollinger,
My name is Vivana; I am a 47 year old mother of two who lives in Canada.
I have been struggling with two types of cancer ovarian and endometrial since last year and was also diagnosed with Lynch Syndrome. I went through with the doctors suggested extensive surgery because it seemed necessary at the time but I declined chemotherapy because I know it doesn’t work. I lost my father and then my only brother to colon cancer. I saw them go through with chemo and the results were two young adults dying sooner than they should have.
I have been following the summits and all the alternative treatments information you and your friends have published with eager interest since my diagnosis and they give me hope. I changed my diet to a vegan diet, and got treatments with high doses of Vit C and B17 plus the Banerji protocol, among many things, but it’s been of no use. My tumors are back and spreading and it seems my time is running out, I am getting weaker and l lost a lot of weight.
I have contacted clinics in Mexico, Latvia and Bahamas between others and they think they can save my life with a combination of virotherapy and immune rebuilding treatments but my resources are already depleted.
Please Mr. Bollinger, I am desperate, if it affected only me…it wouldn’t be as devastating, but you well know this kind of situation affects the whole family and I have my husband, my daughters and my mother to consider…
I would appreciate all the help you can give me and I look forward to hearing from you.
Check with Loma Linda University Medical Center, Proton Therapy Center at Loma Linda, CA. That non-invasive treatment has proven successful to treat many types of cancers: prostate, breast, colon, skull, pancreatic, … Professionals at the Proton Center assist with every detail from initial inquiry through relocation, insurance, treatment, housing, …
Viviana, read about the Tagamet therapy. There’s a lot of scientific studies on the effects of Tagamet ( cimitidine) on cancer cells. Tagamet kills cancer cells.
A relatively new, but well documented treatment is Hydrogen Therapy (H2). Molecular hydrogen is one of the best antioxidants available because of its small molecular size. Hydrogen is completely natural in its water medium, and because hydrogen is so small it can penetrate the cells wall much easier than vitamin C or any of the other antioxidants. Hydrogen therapy is quite inexpensive and there are many ways to administer it. You can drink Ionized water, or dissolve hydrogen into the water using magnesium tablets. PubMed has several studies that shows positive results. This treatment also helps athletes and busy people who are looking for solutions to toxicities in our environment. Check into it. Google “H2 blue” for the indicator that identifies molecular hydrogen in water.
If a Vegan diet isn’t working, try switching to a log carb High fat meat based diet. Or make your vegan diet ketogenic. This is hard but I have read it is possible.
I also recommend MMS, the Master Mineral Solution. It might be helpful to you in this case. The Genesis 2 Church forum might be helpful to you. Post questions and your story and they will help you.
An Orgonite Zapper would probably be helpful as well. There are ones available for $10 bucks. A Tesla plate might also help.
Please don’t give up hope. Stay positive and believe you can be well.
Samuel Justus
Hi Sam.
Thanks for the information. Eric
I hope you are okay.
When you tell people what they should avoid, it is helpful to suggest alternatives for them. Canned foods are NOT harmful for you if you can the foods yourself. It is the plastic lining of “canned” foods in stores that is harmful. So fresh, frozen, or home canned foods are fine.
When you say, “give up sodas” you should tell people that carbonated water is fine. I save 2 liter bottles, fill them with fresh water and add an inch of dry-ice to make dozens of bottles of carbonated water… as good or better that sparkling water in store. Dry ice is clean, suitable for consumption; careful not to use too much as it will explode the bottle:-P
I was thinking about this too. The carbonation in Carbonated drinks isnt what is bad for you. I am so sick of hearing it. Carbonated beverages can be good for you. Especially for nausea and headaches.
While I believe the 10 items could help prevent cancer, there was no proof or studies mentioned that prove the risk of cancer is reduced by 50 percent. I checked the two references also. I would rename your web site.
Rename it to what?
Viviana, please look into essiac tea and baking soda and molasses combo
Dear Mr. Bollinger,
All this information is just excellent, I have been following a diet more or less along these lines since I was 30 or less. I am now 7O. But you do not mention another source of cancer, which is excessive drinking of alcohol. I used to be a heavy drinker and I got breast cancer two years ago although I do not drink any more. As I read after my disease appeared, alcool causes breast cancer and other cancers. PLEASE mention this in your articles, for many women perhaps do not know this, as I myself did not at the time. I found out only later, too late. Thank God, I’m doing well but I wish this were mentioned and stressed. It could save lives.
Best regards,
Yes alcohol is a major contributor to several cancers. I learned this at MD Anderson. As I say this I would add that it is the amount consumed and also a special risk for women as our systems do not metabolize it as men do. My cancer is gone, praise God. Andrew Weil has talked about alcohol and cancer for 25 years. Keep up the fantastic work!
agree SO much – the summaries are terrific – there is SO much info to absorb, and I likewise copied the TEN TOP causes of cancer to share and keep – brill you guys! Keep it coming – keep it short – keep it, dare I say it -SWEET – but OBviously NO sugar!!! Bless you 🙂 Judy
Bless you VIVIANA – I’m praying for you – please come through for this lovely lady Ty 🙂
Dear Viviana, I too have ovarian cancer, cancer of the lining of the stomach and top of the Colen. I have been juicing with greens, ginger and fruit especially pineapple. First thing in the morning I have a glass of warm water with half a squeezed lemon and a pinch of bicarbonate of soda, this is very anti inflammatory, followed by a poached egg with turmeric also anti inflammatory. Followed by my juicing for lunch. I have a normal evening meal. I feel great, please try, I do take vitamin B C and D. I hope you feel better soon! and always feel positive. Anny
This is one of the exciting article I have come across recently.
When you refer to can foods, would that include tuna and salmon or tomato puree. We consume those on regular basis. Could you please shade some light on this. Thank you for your courage and great work.
Canned food in general is loaded with salt BPA if you get any canned goods be sure it’s non BPA and organic with no salt or sugar added!
At 84 I have lost my first wife to BC and later a 45 yo daughter. Two years ago I was informed that I had prostate cancer of the aggressive type. Other than having this confirmed manually by a Urologist I opted not to take the matter further. The GP’s surgery are not in the least helpful so I am on my own. Where GPs could help is with their diagnostic equipment but they keep insisting that I undergo conventional therapy. I was a vegetarian for around 17 years when in my forties when my health showed signs of deteriorating. Subsequently I had to undergo a quadruple by-pass. I returned to a full diet and have been remarkably well since except that two years ago I had a fall which cracked my skull and I suffered from concussion. and memory loss. Until lately I suffered a catalogue of ill-health problems related to this head injury. Today, I am glad to report that this period is over and I feel more like my old self and with more energy. Even though I have had aggressive prostate cancer for two years I am not showing any of the typical symptoms. With the lack of interest from the GPs I am not able to assess how the problem is progressing but I do feel well.
From reading your article I would question the wisdom of being a vegan or even a vegetarian. The meat of wild animals or those that graze for most of the year is beneficial but so too is the saturated fat which provides the body with energy and those essential hormones.
As you will be aware from Ty’s research, PUFAs in particular are known to be potent suppressors of the immune system but so too are MUFAs (olive oil) and those need to be avoided whenever possible. Fish, while nutritious, also consists of PUFAs. Sugar feeds cancers while oxygen kills it. Q10 helps to raise immunity. Coconut (its oil is recommended) but any of its products are helpful and it has many health benefits and should be part of your daily diet. Organic food is imperative. Activated charcoal clears the body of poisons and has other interesting benefits. It does not require to be taken daily but if unwell try it. Do not take it if taking medication..
Obviously there are many other products that will help with your recovery but should you be interested in what helps me, it is a glass of water without the fluoride, with a little magnolia extract added, plus aerobic oxygen, plus Iosol iodine, plus food grade hydro-peroxide (needs to be well diluted) plus bicarbonate of soda (all stirred but not shaken). I take around 6 apricot kernels and while in the process of chewing them, I wash them down with this cocktail mixture. I take this every night prior to retiring and its regular use makes me feel well and energised. If taken more often the benefit can be felt. At the right dosage levels it is easy to take and has no adverse side effects.
I hope this helps and I wish you well with your recovery.
what IS losol Iodine , and how do I acquire it ?
Also , what is meant by : aerobic oxygen ?
Ty, you say little about prostate cancer even though this is a major cancer for men after middle age.
Six years ago my GP noticed a high PSA reading from my annual blood test and ut the fear of God up me by saying “you can phone me at any time day or night”.
I saw a specialist oncologist who said I probably had T2 prostate cancer and wanted to take a biopsy immediately. When I refused he said “why have you come to see me then?” I had a second opinion and a third at the Royal Marsdon hospital in London where I had a long discussion with a professor. They all recommended immediate treatment.
I have watched 3 of my contemporaries die of prostate cancer (more likely the treatment) and 2 friends who have been severely crippled after contracting an infection from the biopsy, one here in UK and one in NZ.
I have done extensive research on the internet but it wasn’t until I discovered the book “The Great Prostate Hoax” written by Richard J Ablin, PhD , the doctor who discovered PSA that I realised just how seriously flawed the medical treatments for Prostate cancer really are and how the cancer industry continues to prosper by continuing these treatments. I also discovered Ben Ong who has spent much of his life researching natural treatments for prostate cancer.
I have refused all medical treatments and in my eightieth year enjoy a full life. Incidentally my PSA is now well over 60!.
A “must see” website is: or center. You will be delighted to read ALL types of cancers respond to proton therapy. If a person has not had chemo or radiation the results are seen even more quickly.
Proton therapy was invented by Dr. James Slater Sr. at Loma Linda University and Medical Center. His focus was to treat prostate cancer. Results WITHOUT side effects are so consistent for all patients treated for prostate cancer that other cancers are now treated using proton therapy. Cancers such as: skull, breast, pancreas, colon, …
Proton therapy is NOT painful. NO nausea. NO hair loss. Maintain lifestyle — take a treatment and then go swimming, or golfing, or shopping, … EVERYONE needs to improve their diet while AVOIDING the failed methods — chemo, radiation, … — to treat cancer.
There are proton centers in various areas of the US and Europe. The original proton therapy center began, and is still in demand, at Loma Linda, California.
Proton center professionals will assist you with insurance information, etc. They know “the ropes” for treatment, housing, transportation, nutrition, … It’s complete caring of a person’s needs.
God bless you all.
Well stated, I will do all that you have said and get on the B17 AXAP.yu
Greetings Mr. Bollinger, I just wanted to say “thank you” for a wealth of information, & a place to start changing my survival odds. I am a breast cancer survivor from last year, & the toxic treatment/meds I have been prescribed, which I have stopped taking are just as poisonous as the cancer to me. I was raised eating seafood, rare fat steaks, & loaded baked potatoes, but now i am striving for as much organic, raw veg’s & fresh fish as I can find. I just wish there was a label to read that told the truth, what’s in it totally. I mean how can people change their lifestyle without the truth? I had no idea, my oncologist never even offered me a nutritional pamplet, that cancer fed on sugars, & so many other processed foods. It should be recommended, a nutritional consultation to go with that cancer diagnosis, I mean my insurance will pay for the carconagetic crap, why not a “proven” method of treatment. Oh I know, no profit there… I will continue to inform & research your information, & I am sincerely grateful for your work, time, & caring of people enough to empower us with truth & knowledge.
hello how are you today ?
Recent I went for my first chemo for breast cancer, my experience was the worst in my life. A week later synchronization took me to your new video . This makes so much sense and I now have hope. I live in Puerto Rico do you have someone that can help me
Thank you Ty for putting so much effort into finding out the truth about many of the foods that we see on our supermarket shelves. We often assume that food which is sold in grocery stores is generally safe for consumption. NOT SO. I have spent many years learning more and more about the foods we eat in North America and it is horrifying what food producers are allowed to sell. You can almost guarantee that any processed food on grocery shelves is loaded with sugars, salts, preservatives, food coloring, chemicals and when you fill your body with these products day after day, year after year, you can almost guarantee that you will face all kinds of sickness and disease. You are correct when you encourage all people to really learn about food and what companies are allowed to put in “food.” Learning how to eat healthy food is one crucial step in getting on the path to a disease-free life. Thanks. I have learned so much from the info on your website!
“From reading your article I would question the wisdom of being a vegan or even a vegetarian.”
This is patently incorrect. The China Study proves a vegan diet is best for optimum human health and a great cancer preventative. Animal products and animal proteins are known carcinogens.
Adventist Health Study of thousands of vegans and vegetarians has shown that there is less cancer in vegetarians and vegans compared to carnivores (eat meat) and pescatarians (eat fish), BUT they are now trying to understand why vegans have more cancer than vegetarians. In addition, there is an increase in neurological diseases (Parkinson’s, etc.)
My theory is: Vegan diet is too narrow. Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarians use eggs. The egg yolk and white compliment each other nutritionally and aid the body with nutrition to fight inflammation, provide essential nutrients …
Is there any actual research involved in determining the “top ten” and where the fall on this list? There doesn’t seem to be any scientific information included in your Sources and References.
Thank you, I’m more than convinced on GMO’s being harmful & it’s not parinoia that brings me here. Google it, you will see. Research is a wonderful thing.
Steve Jobs listened to people like for his cancer treatment. He said it was a huge mistake before his cancer killed him.
No sources are cited. So much of this is not credible. GMO’s are listed first with 0.0 evidence any GMO food causes cancer. Inserting a piece of DNA from one vegetable into another is dangerous only in the minds of people who have no understanding of biology and genetics.
ALL cells are fed by sugars it’s how they get their energy.
I could go on…
Hi Steve, Underneath the article there is a tab that says Sources and References. Please check those out! Best wishes.
Or the claim that aspartame is “as bad for the human body as rat poison”. What a bunch of garbage. Aspartame was allowed onto the US market in the early 1980s after extensive research, and still is being researched. After 30 years, the FDA or EFSA should have found out by now that aspartame is indeed “as bad as rat poison”, if this were true. But they haven’t, because it isn’t.
study prove aspartan is cancerogenic but fda aproved becouse study show you should eat imposible amount to get cancer . but if you dring every day plus other stuff like monosodium glutamate and other e40.. e…. then after meany years is high possibility you will get cancer
steve jobs live 8 yers with his cancer , according to modern medicine patient who will live 5 yers afert diagniose and cheme is consider as cured , and is 3% people like this so first do reasearch
I read your article and all comments with interest. I wanted to comment on #5, about refined sugar. Honey, maple syrup, and coconut sugar are indeed a bit more healthy than refined sugar, and certainly less processed. However, they will and do cause an insulin spike just as quickly and as high as refined sugar or white flour. Also, even whole grain flour will cause an insulin spike. Just wanted you to be aware that your article needs to be updated. There are numerous studies available for reference in this area.
To Viviana- praying for you precious one.
Whether I die in one day, one year, ten years or more and whether I die from a car, a cancer, a stroke etc. I want to live free and happy every moment I may have left. Is it possible we don’t die of diseases. Maybe we get diseases when our time is rolling around. I think visualization can help. be happy!! Death is graduation to a richer life anyway.
Mr. Park – please share where you get the food grade hydrogen peroxide?? thank you for your encouragement
Got mine from Amazon
Lost my teen age son, who had bone cancer, to a horrible 10 month fight through chemo, radiation,amputation, wide spread of destruction and then they gave up on him. A clinic in mexico wanted to save him but between having no money and he could not be moved cause the pain and weakness was so severe, it never happened. The fear of me getting cancer never left me and in 2010, I was in a cancer battle of my own. Again, no money, so the pressure was on to start right away with a heavy hit of four chemos every two weeks for 6 month or i would die. All of the sudden after only two rounds of chemos, all my tumors disappeared and everyone was shocked but me and those praying for me so I believed it was a miracle. My doctor hit me with a story why the treatment must go on to the end and as i continued, I could of died so many times and from that time to now, with permanent damage, other illnesses, many medications, my body never had the chance to recover. Just recently when I desided to stop all medications, treatments, hospital and doctors visits, I now, finally, have a clear mind to make healthier choices for myself. I’m now no longer scared when I was told that I have three dark spots on my liver and it has to be kept an eye on and if it multiplies then we would be having a different coversation. I’m not surprised about my liver because of all the effects of toxins and medications and treatments. One thing for sure, i will not let any of them touch my body and polluted. My last thought is that I believe that with this God sent connection toTheTruth About Cancer byTY Bollinger, I am now, finally, on the right path that makes it worth fighting harder to achieve that Healthier Me. WOW, here is another great thought: Whatever comes my way to hurt me and destroy me God can turn it to good.
I’m sure you know that there is allot more to the story, than i have shared here with you, about my son and I. I hope and pray that I will be given many opportunities to share and help others. Thank you for this opportunity
Where is the research? Where is the research? How about researching yourself? Eat really healthy for one month then go back and try one of your man made foods and see how you feel. Your own body is your research lab. Anything that was made for human consumption that needs to have chemicals added is research enough it won’t be good for you. Simple logic and common sense tells one that something unnatural is not natural and so not good for you. Now products that are man made with natural ingredients, raised naturally and processed naturally is a different story, however to find such products is extremely hard and when found extremely expensive. I have had to discard 90% of my food at home as I found out they contained GMO is one form or another. I had no idea they had it in there as they don’t have to label. Now possibly fighting cancer (waiting on test results) I have gone back to how I was raised on the farm. Much more limited on food choices as the supermarket is 95% GMO. I have been fighting GMO from the first time I researched it. TY has only added so much more valuable knowledge so I could see I was still consuming it.
I totally agree with you. The people claiming it’s all paranoia and clamoring for research are definitely not actively listening to their own bodies(They’re also not looking very hard for the research, because it’s out there.)
Hello Mr. Bollinger, I just watched Episode 9 of your The Truth about cancer series and found it very interesting. I unfortunately missed Episode 8 and when I went to watch it, it said that it was taken off. I also missed Episode 1. Is there a way that I could get these 2 episodes? I had 3 biopsies on my breast and am awaiting results so I needed to get as much information as possible to be proactive in this (possible) journey. I thank you so much and I did enjoy the series.
Hi Carol, Episode one is available on our YouTube channel!
Hello Vivian,
Sorry to hear about your illness. I was very sick some years ago. I have found chanting the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra to be very helpful,in fact I believe it saved my life. You can chant it a 108 times once a day for a minimum of 40 days. Look it up on Youtube. Please make sure you understand the meaning. There are many videos, find one that you like. If you don’t feel called to do it, please stop, never force yourself to do it.
You do not have to be a Hindu to do this.
Yoga also teaches us the importance of Mantras and how it affects our bodies. My mom had cancer too. We in India believe that whatever illnesses we get are a result of our past actions, and I say this having suffered a serious illness. Whatever you put into the universe comes back to us.
We cannot control the past, but we can control the future. We are here to learn to love one another conditionally – though I struggle with even liking certain people, that is the ultimate reality.
I wish you all the best.
I’d head to the Bethel church in Redding CA. or Catch the Fire church in Toronto and several other Cities. Jesus heals, and I’ve heard of THOUSANDS of healings. Google these names, and if you can go to anywhere on thier itinerary; go! Todd White, Randy clark, Bill Johnson, Bobby Conner, John Arnott, Global Awakening….. 4th stage cancer; healed.
Thank you Ty for what you doing!!!Great help over the world!!!
Looks like some of the 10 (e.g. red meat) reflect the findings of scientific research, and some are more speculative or reflect an anti-science paranoia (e.g. GMO). It is one thing to propose cancer research is distorted, and quite another to ignore the scientific method. Here and elsewhere on the web site, please help us discriminate science from speculation by providing links to research/evidence where available.
“Common sense” is THE cancer preventative.
Basic, natural living is common sense.
Living people who got better from NOT doing the cut burn & poison are “scientific proof” enough that THEIR natural ways work better than the medical ways of more & more deaths & torturous non healing existences.
Common sense increases from one’s own ability to make sense out of “non” sense, by doing all angles of research & consider the sources of information & the sources motives or financial gain by producing the particular information.
Thanks Ty for very helpful information on food to bw taken by Cancer patient. My wife,a breast cancer patient since 2013 has started taking the food recommended by you in ur various series of Truth about Cancer. She is recovering now. Go bless U
Thanks for all you do. I am a survivor and have never taken chemo. I eat organic and use Stevia as a sugar. My body responds.
Feel that we must each take responsibility in educating ourselves. For prevention and optimum health..
I left an oncologist who disagreed about the importance of nutrition.
I also believe it is important to have a passion for something of your own….
Thanks for the. helpful information. Staying away from the process food is right. I am my best to eat right, but it’s also very hard to keep up with.
I agree with you. It is next to impossible to always avoid those food as we cannot always have our food packed at events and such. I wish everyone spoke with realism and how to be proactive in ways despite being exposed. I noticed it is harder to eat100% Non-GMO in addition to myself being a vegan that is 99% rather than perfect 100%.
Wish everybody would mention certain powerful supplements that can be taken each day to counteract the veg oils inevitably taken with no choice as at times we stuck with them in addition to other stuff despite being as healthy as possible?
See Jon Barron’s archiives on proteolytics and antioxidants.
Thanks Sylvia! I am curious to find out more of Dr. Toor and his approaches. Please let me know if you comfy if I email you later. Thanks!
I am in agreement. Also, my daughter’s infant formula was changed to soy milk formula to help so-called “colic” (when in fact it was a hepatitis vaccine reaction). She developed PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and insulin resistance), a hormonal and insulin issue – I am sure it was the soy formula as it is now known as a phytoestrogen.
This can explain it better than I can :
• High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not neutralized by ordinary preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting and long, slow cooking. High phytate diets have caused growth problems in children.
• Trypsin inhibitors in soy interfere with protein digestion and may cause pancreatic disorders. In test animals soy containing trypsin inhibitors caused stunted growth.
• Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function and have the potential to cause infertility and to promote breast cancer in adult women.
• Soy phytoestrogens are potent antithyroid agents that cause hypothyroidism and may cause thyroid cancer. In infants, consumption of soy formula has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.
• Vitamin B12 analogs in soy are not absorbed and actually increase the body’s requirement for B12.
• Soy foods increase the body’s requirement for vitamin D.
• Fragile proteins are denatured during high temperature processing to make soy protein isolate and textured vegetable protein.
• Processing of soy protein results in the formation of toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines.
• Free glutamic acid or MSG, a potent neurotoxin, is formed during soy food processing and additional amounts are added to many soy foods.
• Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum which is toxic to the nervous system and the kidneys.
In the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon, there are two recipes for alternatives to commercial formulas. We used the raw milk one with our second child after I lost my milk due to a quick (at four months old) successive pregnancy. All good, healthful ingredients, especially as compared to commercial formulas. Breast milk is best but I was so very greatful to have a more healthful alternative than yucky formula!!
thanks for your great work ! I bought your first series and would have bought more except for financial problems after many concussions at work- which may have now contributed 2 many health problems including a collapsed gallbladder bile duct & a growth in my liver that they say may be cancerous (which I believe was in part caused after doctors insist that I take anti-inflammatory drugs that I took for the concussions). may I reprint your information as long as I gladly include your information & links to your website my website which is in which I show people the difference between the God Led America Diet (GLAD) lifestyle and the Standard American Diet (SAD) lifestyle or as Rhonda Malkmus (Hallelujah Acres) calls it the “Satanic Alternative Diet”.
my Mother age 80 with Ca rectum with IV stage. Recently there was an article that a Research was done in US that is medicine with the result of 90% cancer cell dead with 2 hour. Its is possible and in US which hospital to be located. What can be done about the pain less pain after giving morphine also. Plz suggest about the pain. And its possible to cure at IV stage at any place in the world.what meals to be given. How to improve cancer patients life. how to boost there immunity.
look at (
I watched all episodes, beyond amazing !!!! Your mission is awakening ! I live in California and am going to Irvine medical center for alternative healing to get scanned. Both the female doctors are are on the show and thats how I contacted them. Thank you for all your research. I am here to help if you need any. I am an advocate now for ttac.
I did not get to watch all but it is amazing an eye opener and lots of information
No problem, I never heard of this Dr. Tool but am forwarding the information to my brother-in-law.
Avoiding these cancer causing foods may help BUT I have rarely eaten any foods named above. Hate meat, white flour/sugar Always enjoyed fresh food. Ate more than 5 portions a day. Ran half marathon every Monday attend gym for times a week gave up smoking 25 years ago. Now at 54 I have terminal collateral cancer with lesions on my liver. Even during treatment I eat no sugar or carbs (I’ve kept my hair, no vommitting or bad diarrhoea). Sorry folks a healthy diet is NO guarantee for cancer avoidance!!!
Yvie P = Yes, you can avoid all the foods mentioned in this article and because you may have been eating “fresh food” as you said, you apparently were not choosing “organic”. Therefore, all that fresh food you were eating was loaded with chemical pesticides and fertilizers! Another point…you can never eliminate cancer cells unless you take enzymes! Why? Because cancer cells disguise themselves with a protein coating so that the immune system cannot recognize them. Therefore, even chemo therapy cannot destroy them. Even if it appears like “they got it all” from surgery or radiation, they will always return because the stem cells of the cancer has survived. In my opinion, and I’ve been studying this issue for over 20 years, is that you need to build up the immune system and take multi-enzymes. This will melt and destroy the coating on the cancer cells and allow the immune system to recognize them as foreign and be able to attack and kill them in the process. Get yourself to a Natural Treatment center that uses this method… There are many of them, Google and do your research! There is also Hyperbaric (oxygen) chambers infusion of oxygen and/or Hyperthermia (heat) chambers. Both of which destroy cancer cells in the process.
It wasn’t because of non-organic foods. All animal foods and vegetable oils can still increase the risk of cancer. A diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and no isolated oils and animal foods will make it very difficult to get cancer. Avoiding red meat alone isn’t enough. Non-organic fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains are far safer than organic grass fed animal foods. I would still avoid GMO corn and most wheat products.
The only thing I would question is the egg. Dr. Colin Campbell’s book “The China Study” reviews and comments on the largest dietary study ever. In it he demonstrates that any country with a well-developed milk or egg industry has increased cancer rates, as does any country with a well-developed meat industry. He give good evidence from this and several other studies that all animal protein accelerates cancer growth. Get your protein from organic whole plants (be vegan) and you will do better. More protein than is found in plants is NOT needed or healthy. That is one of the biggest lies in the health field. A person needs only about 27 grams of protein per day for good health. The researcher that verified this then doubled that amount to about 55 grams per day. then the people involved in setting minimum daily recommended requirements doubled it again. The average American diet provides about 150 grams of protein per day. We don’t need more! I remember meeting a lady with breast cancer who was eating a lot of liver with egg because her mother always told her to eat liver for her health, and, well, the extra protein couldn’t hurt, she thought. Well, her mother was simply misinformed. She could not believe that something as “good for you” as liver was actually bad for you. Sadly, she died a few months after we met and got acquainted.
I agree with what you wrote and will read Campbell’s book. Thanks for posting your comments.
Thank you, Ty for your enlightenment of cancer research. Lost my mother and her 2 sisters with breast cancer from 1984-1997. My brother had prostate cancer 2011, My son, Sean Mark Pattison, who succumbed to pancreatic cancer July 2015 at age 45, was a follower of yours. Myself, diagnosed Aug 13 2016 with a R breast cancer(second breast cancer occurrence following cancer in milk ducts of L breast with lumpectomy)opted to have bilateral mastectomy Tue 30Aug 2016 rejected chemo or radiation regardless of lymph node involvement which was negative. Have been told by surgeon to follow up with oncologist for medcation to reduce estrogen level, the culprit of the cancerous growth. Need to find a healthy alternative. Recommendations? You have my support totally in the quest for a cure. May God bless your efforts.
Hi Joyce,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
It is so sad that the very people who are supposed to looking out for Americans are so corrupt! Thank you Dan Jacobson for telling the truth about what a lot of use have suspected!
My mom is diagnosed and currently doing chemo-“therapy” for the second time. It’s obvious it isn’t helping, but she is delusionally hopeful and honestly likes all the attention from it. Furthermore, she eats most of the 10 items to avoid in various combinations on a daily basis, except soda because it makes her stomach hurt immediately. Its painful to watch as she ignorantly, and stubbornly, destroys her health. Oh well, you can lead a horse to water, but… At least I know this information and can change my habits while I’m young.
Kalvin, the “attention liking” is what I noticed as well with my husband (68) He gets it from the nurses, the neighbours, the relatives, the kids etc. He is doing better with the food, but still smokes. I have been on this pro health diet for years – all he has to do is eat what I eat. He still has his rice crappies and cornfakes. Kalvin, I have been trying to convince him of better nourishing food for 26 years, stubborn as a mule. It has only stressed me out. Now he has multiple myeloma.
I don’t see how I can post a reply rather than a comment – anyone?
Thanks Martha, I just read this now, our life has been on a roller coaster. He came home from the stem cell transplant end of July. Making some headway with the diet. We have also found a herbal stem cell activator made by Bell and some more herbal support at a health practitioner from a Korean background. I have been following a clean diet for years now – all he has to do is eat what I eat. sigh He has a half inch of hair back on. If only I could get him to quit smoking.
I didn’t read about an insuline spike. But I might be wrong. Something else that might be of interest, I recently read a book that stated that natural products carry life-energy in them. No science, but in a way it makes sence.
Hello Marian,
Glad to know how you were cured. My wife is also suffering from Breast Cancer sine 2013 and is on chemotherapy. Although her last PET showed no cancer cell in any part of her body, but TDM-1 chemo is being given to her every three weeks. Please suggest how to get rid of chemo and also diet you took to prevent cancer revival. Thanks
Verinder Kumar Sethi
I think the key word here is “industry”. An animal product industry is not the same as an individual eating country-raised chicken eggs, for example.
I am not really commenting on your opinion—just noticed the word “industry” in the study, which may have far different results than if populations living in non-toxic environments, eating their tradition or ancestral diet, would have the same results.
I think the best way to prevent or cure cancer is using food grade hidrogen peroxide. It oxygenates your body. Cancer can’t survive in an oxygenated body. Good luck to all that try this.
My brother has just been diagnosed with multiple myeloma which maybe the cancer you are talking about? He has had a hip replacement since the MM tumor caused the hip to fracture and is taking chemo at the Mayo clinic in Scottsdale Az.
The USA used to have “in God we trust”. When God is left out of the equation, as the way we all live now, it’s a recipe for disaster. The food we eat should be alkaline with a pH of 7.5 ideally. The stomach however, has hydro chloric acid to digest foods.The pancreas produces Amylase, Protease, Lipase, digestive enzymes to deal with the foods we eat. Also, our mind, along with healthy food choices, determines our bodies condition. The old song ‘eliminate the negative, accentuate the positive’ is spot on.
Oh my Bob, you haven’t done any research into the corruption that brought aspartame into our food source. You are either blissfully ignorant or you are a paid alternate source of disinformation. There is a TON of evidence that aspartame is poison. Apparently, you aren’t looking very hard for the facts.
Doing my own research. I found watching PH and use of Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade) as being a low cost solution for the Masses of the population. This System of control of Our World is killing us with products full of harmful agents I.e. toothpaste, shampoo, lotion, bar soap, processed food etc… Acid water and environmental pollutants add to bombardment. Avion or Figi Water are wise investments. Trust Nothing. Death is a Multi Billion Dollar business. Obesity is actually starvation. The USA population will suffer in future years. Michelle Obama tried to sound the alarm: NO ONE is listening. Some Corporations are pushing Death (unknown if they even know the ramifactions of the FDA approved additives) that they pour into food. Presently, I am helping my Family nurse a beloved member through colon cancer surgery at Cedar Sinai Hospital in Loa Angeles. No Doctor has even mentioned change in diet: I can’t even find out PH or Parasite Count. Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade) rods the body of All parasites. Two routes of disease thru acid and low oxygen and thru parasites. Trying to tell as many People as possible. Each person has to Want To Change.
Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade Removes All Parasites. Try it. DE can save Humanity.
Hello Ty. My partner is a fellow of the Institute for Human Individuality and studied under Peter D Adamo N D. He is fully supportive of the work you do, but he wonders if you have looked at the connection between Blood groups and diet.
Hi Judy, I have a genetic marker, fibrinogen which causes inflammation. I have not found a way to over turn this or at least bring the blood results down from over 509 to a safer level below 300. I’ve asked Ty and many of the specialists associated with this series and received no response. I sense it’s because they don’t know or it might be seen as diagnosing. Use a functional doctor or natural path. And also look into finding a really good and trusted medical qigong therapist who is able to emit Qi, use herbs, and provide qigong exercises. Also, acupuncture helps energy and inflammation among many other illnessand disease. Find wants to keep stress down such as tai chi and qigong and even go to salt caves and sound vibration meditation. I teach all of this. I know these practices have kept me healthier. It can take months and/in years to make and create the changes we are looking for. Not over thinking and stressing is important! Good luck!
So nicely stated Marian. I have been that kind of person who wanted you to prove to me extensively anything you are telling me. However, it is only when we own the responsibility for discovering the truth that we may truly be changed and enlightened by the Truth. Don’t you (other commenters) know that once upon a time people didn’t think smoking could really be bad for you because they had not known the scientific evidence to show how bad it is, and yet today we would think anyone stating that smoking is safe is crazy! I believe it won’t be long down the road that the industry will be fully turned upside down by the sad reality that our poor food system is not good enough and the public wants better. People are doing their own research and knowing they are not being treated humanly by big business and industrial farming. What do you have to loose by picking up the Non-GMO product than settling for whatever may be in your food? You MIGHT pay more for Non-GMO, but your health costs will be much lower, you’ll feel better and contribute to the cause of better for all people. I don’t believe TTAC wants you to just take them for the gospel truth but to start hearing what many health leaders are saying and reading a variety of sources, they support one another and should not stand alone. Strength in numbers 🙂 Thank You Ty and those you interview for such a great variety of sound information that should be available to all.
I think you are right about veganism being too narrow, at least in the long term. It would seem though a vegan diet is good for short term relief to the digestive system and a holistic recovery method if you are unwilling to fast. In fact a ketogenic vegan (lots of bulky non-starchy vegetables raw and cooked with coconut oil) food prescription for say 3-4 weeks would put a lot of excess to right. Just add lots of filtered water with lemon or lime. Zero man-made carbohydrates and only minimum fruit. All organic. Sounds like a post holiday idea.
how are you today Anny ?
sylvia is you really want to help your brother look up Dr. McDougall on youtube and watch his videos…it really works!
Can you tell me about essiac tea. And molasses and baking soda I know about essiac tea but haven’t heard about molasses and baking sodas connected with it
Hi Sheila,
You can research these topics on our website! All you have to do is type the topic in the search bar. Happy researching!
Thank you for your commitment to this cause.
Nancy Nanarello
January 10, 2017 at 7:29 PM
Yvie P = Yes, you can avoid all the foods mentioned in this article and because you may have been eating “fresh food” as you said, you apparently were not choosing “organic”. Therefore, all that fresh food you were eating was loaded with chemical pesticides and fertilizers! Another point…you can never eliminate cancer cells unless you take enzymes! Why? Because cancer cells disguise themselves with a protein coating so that the immune system cannot recognize them. Therefore, even chemo therapy cannot destroy them. Even if it appears like “they got it all” from surgery or radiation, they will always return because the stem cells of the cancer has survived. In my opinion, and I’ve been studying this issue for over 20 years, is that you need to build up the immune system and take multi-enzymes. This will melt and destroy the coating on the cancer cells and allow the immune system to recognize them as foreign and be able to attack and kill them in the process. Get yourself to a Natural Treatment center that uses this method… There are many of them, Google and do your research! There is also Hyperbaric (oxygen) chambers infusion of oxygen and/or Hyperthermia (heat) chambers. Both of which destroy cancer cells in the process.
this was great info. thank you
We appreciate your efforts to inform and save the world.
Awesome Useful information
Why does the goverment past inspection on all of these products,that will kill us?
Simple. Because cancer patients bring average half $1 million. And most of them are going to die anyway. If you want to be healthy stay away from doctors. Neither government non-doctors don’t need you to be healthy. Healthy people bring no money. Just be smart and save yourself
Thank you!!
I am a HER2+ breast cancer patient in the UK- diagnosed June 2010. I have received many rounds of chemotherapy of various types and also, more recently, RF ablations for nodules on my lungs and gamma knife surgery for spots on my brain. All the while I have been investigating ways to help myself and , as a result, I have been dairy free for 21/2 years after reading a book by Dr Jane Plant. Also I am trying to follow a TM program from Louise Hay (book – How to Cure Your Life). I also read your emails and feel that I should eliminate sugar from my diet – this has been done to a reasonable extent anyway as it is in many of the foods I used to consume which contain dairy.
I feel that the decisions that I have made in personally fighting my cancer have been beneficial (I lost a lot of weight when I eliminated dairy and cancer nodules on my liver disappeared; the Louse Hay book that I bought really seems to help and my cancer marker levels are falling) but I really need to get rid of it once and for all now.
I am hoping that someone will be able to help me by suggesting my next best step – please send any supporting information with the suggestion as my personality will not accept peoples’ words because they say so, whoever they are. There has to be substantiating evidence
Do google the benefits of apricot kernels. Don’t take my word for it – although I have been taking 12 a day (6 morning and evening) for a few years. Read the research history.
It is estimated that eating 50-60 apricot kernels would deliver a lethal dose of cyanide
You can eat 50, but you have to build up to it, and spread it through out the day. Just don’t eat them all in one sitting.
I had breast her 2 and what should I do now
Consume foods which provides oxygen to your body. My dad has pancreatic cancer and he has been drinking wheatgrass juice every day in the morning. It sure has helped him. He also drank infused soursop leaves or the bark of the tree. I cannot substantiate these unfortunately but I can just tell you that my dad was given 3 months to live since he was already in last stage cancer and it is already 2 years now. Maybe these helped. And yes he also drank lot of coconut water.
Let me know what else worked for you.
Love the explanatory names for the diets, perfectly appropiate!!
Thanks for your commitment to save other people’s life, your words are well taken.
Thank you for this very well written article and info graphics. Your site is a great inspiration to me in my journey against cancer.
Keep up the great work as always
Thank you for your kind words and for being with us I Heart Cancer! Best wishes!
I am so confused about glutamate. I am watching The Truth About Cancer Series. I thought I was doing the right thing by eating fermented foods (saurkraut and dill pickles), and more importantly eating mushrooms and broccoli. I see all of these on the do not eat lists for glutamate….. please help….,
Hi Nancy,
My mother has pacreatic cancer. What’s the best multi enzyme to give her?
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Hi. The following statement regarding GMO’s is laughable
“Experts agree that adequate testing was not done before GMO foods were added to the ingredient listing of thousands of products. In other words, no one – including the growers and manufacturers of GMO foods – knows the long-term effect they will have on human health.”
If no one knows the long-term effects of eating these foods then why are they listed here as cancer causing???
Eat up & let us know how it goes.
i think they meant to put no one knew… it did say the sentence before it that before it was being used.. meaning they possibly know now, no garuntee its it but I wouldnt risk it. the government doesnt care if we die or not, everything kills us slowly anyways. just cut out the ones that do it more
Thanks, so much on your Article well done.
Please, I want to know if there are fruits and nuts that are carcinogenic, like cola-nut?…
thanks for alerting us
Iam her2 positive had lumpectamy in feb did 12 rounds of chemo Do herceptin every 3 weeks People say do not do radiation which starts aug 28 20days for 2 min only very confused
I am very surprised that your list does not contain “processed meats and foodstuffs”?
I don’t speak English as a first language, can someone explain:
1. “Cut back drastically on grains and sugars” – what grains do they mean ?
2. And if i eat bread, not flower but whole wheat bread is okay ?
3. And canned goods are okay, as long as there is no BPA ?
In other words, no one – including the writer of this article– knows the long-term effects [GMOs] will have on human health….so…why put it on the list?
Informative and Educational , thank you for the articles!
Hello, thank you for the information. It’s really helpful, but can I ask when did you write this? It’s for school purposes.
Hi Mira,
The article was initially published on Jan 27, 2016.
Great share! Cancer among people is getting serious day by day, though its treatment is also available and is growing with better technologies and treatments still, protection is always a good option. As a famous quote says “Prevention is better than cure”! The list of matters that should be avoided to reduce the risk of cancer especially the food items. Though Bioviva has come up with efforts of treating cancer and many other serious health problems or diseases in an affordable manner. You can book a consultation now by visiting the website.
Unfortunately, this is a serious problem. Thank you very much for the great and informative article.
I like it says that GMO foods cause cancer, but if you read what it says they say that there’s no proof and they don’t know the effects
Please, can you explain how GMO food is bad for us? Based on which research? As you wrote: “In other words, no one – including the growers and manufacturers of GMO foods – knows the long-term effect they will have on human health.” No one but you knows that GMO food can cause cancer…
Hi Raiko –
Thanks for your note.
Though a plethora of information can be found online if you search the dangers of GMO foods, we also have some articles on our site that will be helpful:
In the research we’ve done using the info above and after speaking with many doctors and health experts we’ve come to the conclusion that genetically engineering food is not as safe as eating organic food. The chemicals and bio-engineering that is done on crops is a kind of mutation, based on what we have learned.
Please note that we are not doctors ourselves and we do not claim to provide any medical advice. All of the information we share is strictly educational. We share what we have learned as we’ve found it to be extremely helpful in our own lives and those of our peers.
However, we always encourage you to do your own research as well and thoroughly see both sides before deciding which one you choose to put your belief in.
In our case, we firmly believe that eating foods made with steroids, pesticides, weed killer resistance, toxic herbicides, and the many more unnatural additives aren’t things that our bodies and digestive systems are adapted to. Therefore, the nutritional value to be obtained is either much less than an organic crop or non-existent. Rather it can create more toxicity in our body as our body breaks down the foods with pesticides and that goes into our bowels and blood stream. Not to mention the mutated “superweeds” and “superbugs” that are created as a result of GMO’s. This is not to say that each and every apple will have the same effect. But as a rule of thumb, we would stay away from risking this all together. This is why we always suggest non-GMO and organic.
Hope this helps clarify. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Have a blessed day!
Dear all
My mother diagnosed with squemous cell carcinoma a type of easophageal cancer, please suggest the best medication to make him survive, while doctors are asking for chemo & rediation and my family not much confident on this type of treatment, please suggest
Hi Amit –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
I’m so sorry to hear about your mother – I’ll be sure to pray for her.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
this helped with my homework
Good to hear, Bob! 🙂
Nice article. It will help us a lot thank you so much for this article. My uncle has diagnosed with kidney cancer last year. After removing his left kidney, he is now out of danger. By this article, he will always stay away from cancer in natural way. thank you so much. After that incident I have started writing health articles for safety of people. I hope this article will help people
My sister died of bowel cancer. Her Dr told her family to have bowel scopes every 5 years to check for polyps. Three of us have done that. Three of us had polyps removed. Now we are over 75 and Doctors try to discourage us to be checked because of our age. Should we insist on having scopes? My sister was 58 years old when she died.
Hi Florence –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
I’m so sorry to hear about your sister. This must have been heartbreaking to witness.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global Quest series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Wishing you and your family endless love and blessings.
I did a study on: What major companies manufacture artificial sweeteners? Found out the main and major companies are in China and India. MSG is manufactured primarily in Japan by Ajinomoto. They are enormous. As for Sweeteners: Aspartame, Neotame, Ace-K, Sucrose, High Fructose Corn Syrup. Sucralose now made in China not England. cheaper to make there. Made in China: Niutang Is the biggest. So many more: big business. India: Bienvenue, Indian Foods, Sweetener India….and they even make Stevia! These companies ship the sweeteners to the USA as liquid or powder then it is repackaged here in nice packages to sell to Americans. These chemicals attack the liver, the kidneys, the heart, causes brain tumors. even drives up sugar levels to cause diabetes. So sad is these chemicals actually make you want to eat more and more. You don’t feel full! this is why Americas has gotten so obese! We just must stop this! The healthy future of our country is at steak.
I did a study on rape seeds. and apparently monsonto has been using carcinogens to cut the seeds to make canola oil. years ago they campaigned that canola oil was the better for you than vegetable oil. Indonesian companies cut all the rain forest down in borneo to grow palm trees and force the locals to work extracting the palm oil to sell to America.
Hello there, You have done a great job. I will definitely digg
it and personally suggest to my friends. I am confident they’ll be benefited
from this web site.
Thank you so much, Niềng! ❤️
Where is your evidence that GMO crops are bad? Is it speculation or science? 20+ years of science have determined nothing to back up the tactics of fear mongering companies like whole foods. The idea that organic foods dont get fertilizer or insecticide is a lie. They do. They are just “certified” organic fertilizers and insecticides. Sutainabity is a complex subject in agriculture. PETA & HSUS contribute heavily to the anti meat agenda’s as well. There is little evidence to back up the cancer claim. Humans have roasted meat & fish with wood smoke for thousands of years they also salted & cured it as well. But hey, You have books to sell.
The Cure for Cancer!
There is plenty of research establishing there is a link between distorted PH blood levels and cancer patients. The facts are cancer cells thrive in an acidic [toxic] environment while they cannot survive in a normal, more alkaline environment. The proper alkaline environment that your body needs to maintain life is between 7.35 and 7.45; when these levels are not maintained you will without question quickly become a cancer patient. The cancer cells make your body even more acidic [toxic] as they produce “secret” lactic acid. There has been lots of research linking lactic acid to being one of the main energy sources for cancerous tumors. Therefore, the facts are if you have cancer, your PH blood levels are lower than 7.35 to 7.45 meaning your body is way too [toxic] acidic to sustain life.
The primary organs responsible for maintaining proper PH blood levels are the lungs, kidneys and pancreas. At any time if your PH blood level decreases below the (7.45) this is called alkalosis. The acidosis environment (less than <7.35 PH levels) is caused by your improper "carnivorous" diet, eating meat, cheese, candy, cake, and foods loaded with processed sugar [the typical American fast food diet] this diet is directly linked to creating an acidosis environment, meaning your PH blood levels are lower than (<7.35), which causes cancer. In addition, foods loaded with process sugar are the food cancer cells love to eat; they need to eat something in order to survive; and the facts are food[s] loaded with processed sugar is food for the cancer cells. However, lactic acid, which is also produced from exercising week unused muscles, helps grown cancerous tumors. So its diet and exercise that enables your organs to maintain proper PH blood levels in your system.
The brain is continually monitoring your PH blood levels in order to sustain life and fight off deadly diseases; as stated earlier the facts are your body needs to maintain the PH blood levels in your system between 7.35 and 7.45; when these levels are not maintained you will without question become a cancer patient. The facts are unless you have been eating a very healthy diet, consisting of fruits, nuts, grains and vegetables, your body is way too acidic [toxic] which creates a very good environment for cancer cells to grow and survive. Actually, too much acidity [toxic] is an underlying factor in many degenerative diseases, such as type two diabetes, arthritis, fibromyalgia and several other killer diseases. A basic maxim of health is to have a balanced bio-terrain, work on this first, then everything else including your PH blood levels will come back to normal. This balanced bio-terrain takes place when you eat or drink nothing even remotely questionable. Example, if you have an aquarium, you know if your fish are sick and you only treat the fish and not fix the environment they are living in, then you will wind up with a bunch of dead fish in your aquarium. It’s the environment that matters in order to maintain health and prolong life. Therefore, the brain is continually monitoring your PH blood levels, in order to sustain life and fight off deadly diseases; however, if your bio-terrain is wrong due to eating and drinking food perfectly calculated to kill you then you will develop acidosis, your PH blood level decreases well below the (<7.35) minimum and you will unquestionably soon become a cancer patients.
Another example; taking medicines and/or supplements for cancer while your PH blood levels is highly acidic [toxic] is a bit like washing dishes in a sink full of dirty water, even when you put in plenty of soap, you can't get the dishes clean. According to Keiichi Morishita in his book, “Hidden Truth of Cancer,” when your blood starts to become acidic, your body starts to deposit (toxins) [acidic substances] into your cells in order to allow your system [the blood levels] to main in a slightly alkaline environment. The absorption of these toxins into the cells causes your cells to become more & more acidic and/or toxic, which results in their oxygen levels decreasing, and this harms [damages] their original DNA programming while weekending their respiratory enzymes. Most of these damaged cells eventually die over time as they increase in acidity and these dead cells themselves turn into acids and toxins floating around in your system. However, some of these acidified toxic cells amalgamate and then adapt to your toxic environment which you have created by your poor diet and lack of exercise. In other words, instead of dying [as normal cells do in an acid toxic environment] these cells amalgamate and survive by becoming abnormal cancer cells, which feed upon the organs designed to sustain life. These abnormal amalgamated cells do not respond to your brain’s commands, they start malfunctioning and they no longer respond to your normal DNA codes. Therefore, these amalgamated cells start growing indefinitely and without any specific orders from your brain they start eating your body’s organs. This is called cancer.
The direct link between lower PH blood levels and cancer is undeniable and is caused by a process of abnormally lowering the oxygen levels in normal cells, which is directly linked to malfunctioning lungs. This is important to understand; alkaline water in the system (dictates the alkaline fluid in cells) which controls the amount of oxygen in the system directly linked to the performance of the lungs. The facts are toxic acidic water in the cells holds very little oxygen. So the more acidic your cells are, the less oxygenated they will be, which is the direct result of a toxic environment caused by your poor diet and lack of exercise. To make matters worse, there is a fermentation process taking place in the actual cell itself, which creates lactic acid, further increasing acidity and a toxic environment thereby dramatically reducing your oxygen levels, leading to the amalgamation of the health cells into cancer cells existing in your system. If your blood is too acidic, toxins will be released from these amalgamated cells into the blood system and unless your organs [the lungs, kidneys and pancreas] can detoxify your system immediately in order to maintain the proper PH blood levels, [7.35 to 7.45] this buildup of toxins in your system results in poorly oxygenated cells, which will inevitably turn cancerous.
In general, degenerative diseases are the result of acid waste buildups within our cells. When we are born, we have the highest alkaline mineral concentration in our system. It’s from that point moving forward that the normal process of being bombarded by toxicants starts to rob us of our life, which takes place through acidifying our entire system. This is why these degenerative diseases do not occur in young people. The reverse aging process requires two separate steps: chemical and physical. The first step is to lower the acidity levels in your system so that it [your system] can dispose of acidic toxic wastes found in your blood and in the cellular fluids. The second step is to physically pull away old stored wastes into the blood stream so that they can be naturally discharged as waist from the body, which can only be done through diet and exercise. Therefore, as I have learned about the link between low PH blood levels and cancer, I find there is a long history of reversing cancer simply by alkalizing your system, which takes place through the oxidization of cells thereby stabilizing the mitochondria; the brain’s original DNA programming. Therefore maintaining proper PH blood levels is one of the basic strategies in battling cancer and for improving your mental and physical health in general.
The cure for cancer is very simple; the facts are everyone with cancer has without exception low PH blood levels. This takes place because your poor diets create cancer, which thrives, in an environment that has low PH blood levels, meaning your body is far to toxic and acidic. Those with low PH blood levels create an environment that causes your body to store more toxins “specifically” in your cells resulting in reducing their oxygen levels, both of which are fundamental in the development of cells that have amalgamated and become abnormal cancer cells. These abnormal cancer cells start eating other health organs, particularly the organs that maintain the proper PH blood levels in your system. When cancer cells grow, they produce even more lactic acid making it very difficult to raise your PH blood levels in your system. Consequently because cancer cells pump out an abnormal amount of lactic acid into the system (they produce as part of the cell’s fermentation process) enzymes are released that increase the size of cancerous malignant tumors in your system. If you have been diagnosed with cancer do not use chemotherapy; this toxemias the system and kills your body’s natural immune system. If you treat any killer diseases holistically please remember it’s during the healing process that lots of lactic acid and toxins are being pumped into your system, further acidifies your environment so it’s important your flow through with the detoxification process. First start by drinking fluoride free mineral enriched oxygenated water [not purified through reverse osmoses] this is a must; this will help stabilize your damaged bio-terrine. In cancer patients; mega-doses of Vitim C will also be required to counter act the cell’s fermentation process; and by adding food grade hydrogen peroxide this will help oxygenated the water you are drinking. Finally, a diet consisting of fruits, nuts, grain and vegetables should be eaten. However, they must be grown organically while using rock dust as a fertilizer. The facts are people get sick because they are malnourished; [however the food has been robbed of it nutritional value] so going with the vegan diet is important, but the quality of the food you are eating is just as important. So eating the fruits and vegetables grown in soil fertilizer with rock dust is very important, [reasons] the rock dust will increase the minerals and nutrients in the fruits, and vegetables you are consuming, this will transform the food you are eating into non toxic medicine; while exercising six days a week will increase the oxygen levels to all parts of your body and you will quickly see results in your fight against cancer. The cure for cancer is very simple, Lord willing I plan on opening up several centers that will fight cancer and other killer diseases holistically.
Thanks for sharing, Charles! God bless you!
You might want to read the latest report on cancer from Dr Mercola..He has a completely
different conclusion for its cause! ..about water in the cells…about sitting under a heat lamp…
about ten thousand D3 daily plus K2 daily…about a sauna daily…He is brilliant! Check it out!
I was stage 4 fatal cancer in 2011.. I’ve had many tumors cut out! It had spread and they couldn’t
get it all. I did no chemo, radiation and I take no drugs. I drink 8 glasses of a cancer tea daily..
I sent for organic herbs to make it! Recipe follows..I also filter my water with a Berkey water
filter. I take many natural herbs and supplements..Joining Life Extension will have an oncologist
Call you with homepathic supplement suggestions to take. But can buy them from them or where ever you want. I seldom eat meat, never beef or pork..I eat organic fruit and Vegs. I use a grounding mat. I eat no deli products.
Whenever I am on the web…I don’t use a cell phone only for emergencyies, and never carry it on my body! I avoid sugar, starches, anything white except onion and garlic..I only eat sweet potatoes organic..I use are saying it’s safe but I wonder..I never use a microwave.. I dance 5 days a week for 3 hours, I sit under a sunlamps 30 minutes a day..I fast 12 hours a day..I meditate and pray every at least 15 minutes. I DONOT dwell on my illness, I am thankful and try to help someone every day! I put a smile on my face! I keep my body thin and attractive!
I take many supplements a day also? All my friends did chemo and drugs and are all dead!
I am 78 years young..Sure wish I had a ballroom dance partner!
Recipe for cancer tea
3 cups of
1cup of stinging
1 cup of speedwell…organic
1 cup of yarrow…organic
Mix in large container…keep in dry, dark place
To make tea…boil clean filtered water..
8 cups af boiling water..add 8 teaspoons of mixture..stir and steep..
Keep refrigerated until gone…
,Good luck and God bless you all!
can I talk to you to learn more about your case? Maybe you can help me? Thanks.
Hi although I agree that most of those foods are bad, I am not finding this information in any of the three sources you listed. Did I miss one. Also “Genetically modified food” litterally just means that the genetics have been modified not always with chemicals. Its like breeding to get desired results. Oranges are naturally green and yellow, carrots multicolored, corn multicolored, but over generations of selective breeding we have achieved desired results. Not all gmos are bad, some are actually good for you and have extra high levels of certain nutrients. Just hope this can be explained as well. Great article keep up the good work
Eating fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables are far better than tin can stuff. I find that with tin cans, they add too much sugar and salt which is not good for you.
Hello Silvia, you are right! A great deal of salt and sugar is added to canned fruits and vegetables.
It’s a good article, it’s a pity that in modern times we often do not control what we eat, we choose which is faster, easier and not very useful. At this time, you need to carefully monitor the choice of products and what we eat. You need to understand that this is important for our health. Thank you for this top 10.
As cancer has become a common disease. So you have written a great and helpful information. I really appreciate you for this. This will help a lot of people who are suffering from this deadly disease.
What the Health
• Forks Over Knives
• How Not to Die – Dr. Michael Greger
• Eaternity Recipes – J. Wrobel
• Game Changers – Movie
Very interesting top of the list is Genetically Modified food, the wheat used in most of the common bread sold in shops is Genetically Engineered, this also gives one ‘Leaky Gut’ when people eat this every day is this another reason why cancer has gone rampant.
CT scans well I hear how can you see if your tumors are shrinking or growing without ex ray or CT scan? someone answer this question please?
I meant to say how you can see with a CT scan if your tumors are growing or shrinking so how can you see what is going on with your tumors without x-ray or a CT scan?
Hi, always i used to check website posts here early in the
daylight, for the reason that i love to learn more and
Commenting on the food photo with hamburgers and fries, etc. If you get rid of all the food but just the burger (even the lettuce and tomato can go away, make sure the burger is grass fed and finished and don’t grill it, or not too often with maybe a pickle or fermented kraut on the side ) you will possibly be getting rid of a lot of cancer, the new Type 5 Diabetes.
13 years ago, I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in my bone marrow. Immediately I started making, and drinking fresh carrots juice every day. I would add a chunk of red cabbage.sometimes some garlic.
I suspected that fake butter made from seed oils was my downfall into cancer. Two years later I discovered that anything made from seed oils, also known as vegetable oils was a part of loosing my health. I even had cancer in my spine. 13 years later, at age 80, I am on zero medications.
However, I did go through radiation and chemo but today I regret that. Chemo left it’s mark.
Still, I am totally free from cancer and in excellent health at 80.
With radiation therapy lots of good as well as bad cells die so a constipated or sluggish person builds up a lot of poison … i am well read over several decades and never have I heard a matching protocol for this to cope with the therapy outcomes. No matter what we must be regular and no matter what we must get rid of our half dead zombie cells …cells die all the time and many stay and cause trouble never mind the ones we kill