Video Transcript: The Best Cancer-Fighting Essential Oils
Ty Bollinger: So let’s talk about some essential oils, specifically as they relate to cancer. Let’s talk about some essential oils that might be good at treating cancer because I know that you’ve come across them in your research.
One of the things that I’m really glad about, with you specifically, is that you’re such a researcher. None of this stuff that you’re saying is just conjecture. There is medical literature that is replete with what you talk about today so I really want to make note of that for the people that are watching. These are not Dr. Z’s theories. This is steeped in medical literature.
Dr. Zielinski: Yes, and just because I understand my aromatherapist friends are going to be listening, and I’m going to get crucified if I don’t say this statement: There is a fact that we have to be careful about invivo and invitro studies. We’ve got to recognize that even bleach will kill cells in a petri dish, but we’re not going to drink bleach.
Ty Bollinger: Right.
Dr. Zielinski: So to take the extrapolation that a certain essential oil is going to cure cancer when it was shown to kill, let’s say, a bladder cancer cell line—be careful. However, it’s important to recognize that the burden of proof is on the scientist at this point to show what’s safe and what’s not safe.
So when it comes to essential oils, it’s really important to recognize one awesome thing too. There is no oil for one specific issue. What we have found, and this is pretty fascinating, is that, let’s use the ayurvedic model—Indian folk medicine, for example. There is an abundance of lemons in India, so you’ll find that Indians use lemon essential oil for virtually everything — detoxification, internally, externally. Whether or not you’re going to clean the counter or whether or not you want to clean your skin. They use lemon essential oils for everything from nausea to halitosis to diabetes, cancer.
Well, when you go to Australia, they’re using melaleuca (tea tree) and eucalyptus. When you go to Oregon and Washington, they’re using peppermint for everything. So it’s important to realize that these oils — a lot of them do the same thing. When I report on research it’s limited because we’ve only done a limited amount of research, but, as far as I know, there is no essential oil that does not have a cancer effect.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Dr. Zielinski: It’s important because you’re going to get helped one way or another. Most research has been done regarding frankincense. And just going back to the baby Jesus and the Magi, it just rings so true to me. Why would these three wise men, we call them, travel halfway across the world to give the king of the Jews gold, frankincense, and myrrh? Because it was — and still is, in my opinion — one of the most precious commodities on the planet.
And what frankincense does, it does multiple things. It produces what’s called apoptosis, which I know you’re very familiar with. It’s a programmed cell death. So when you ingest frankincense, apply it topically over a tumor, or even inhale it via aromatherapy, what we have found was frankincense essential oil can trigger the cancer cell to die — basically commit suicide. It also gives your body what it needs to kill cancer as well, so it’s a dual mechanism.
I just recently read a report of over 130 research articles regarding essential oils. And what the researchers came to understand was what essential oils do is prevent angiogenesis, which is the growth of veins and arteries. It stops metastatic growth. It prevents DNA repair, which is pretty key.
That’s really key because there is one study that compared sandalwood and frankincense. It found that frankincense again triggered that apoptotic effect where the cancer cell died, but sandalwood killed cancer another way. Sandalwood went around the back end, in a sense, and flanked the cell by triggering the DNA to not have the ability to repair itself so that cancer just died that way too.
So there are multiple mechanisms. There are various other ways plus increasing reactive oxygen species and working at the cellular level to bring out oxidative stress.
Ty Bollinger: So the essential oils—the different ones work with different mechanisms.
Dr. Zielinski: Yes.
Ty Bollinger: So you really would be wise then, I guess, to take multiple essential oils, especially if you’re battling disease, because they’re going to have different methods of action.
Dr. Zielinski: Okay. I have a 4-year-old son, and he loves everything to do with superheroes so I’m all about Avengers and everything. There is a research study that actually uses the terminology “synergistic approach.” So in a sense, it’s like this. Iron Man, he can kick butt. Hulk, he’s unstoppable. And same thing with Captain America. But when you get them together, they save the world.
And that’s exactly what research has found was in the chemicals in the essential oils. They work together in a synergistic approach. Meaning this—you could take a ketone, you could take an ester out of an essential oil, and test that viability to kill certain cancer lines. But when you use the actual essential oil itself, it is a synergistic approach. But when you combine other oils too, it’s like boom, Avengers Part 2. I can’t wait to see that one, right?
Ty Bollinger: It is like superheroes on steroids.
Dr. Zielinski: I love it. So that’s where we’re at right now. And it’s unbelievable. And the thing is, we don’t really know exactly how it works, but we’re learning.
One should be careful when using those essential oils. One should make sure that they are not synthetic and that they are pure and natural. I have seen frankincense, peppermint, lemon, and myrrh oils available in the Health Food shops, but they are not from ‘Young Living’ or ‘De Terra’.
IMO…it is not logical to ingest essential oils. The mechanism within the gut is just too powerful and it is like carpet bombing the intestines when all you need to do is to start the assault to healing with different nutritional choices and lifestyle changes.
Also Young Living and DoTerra and not the most trustworthy sources for Essential Oils. They are some of the most expensive. Neither will supply purity testing of the batches of oils they a re currently selling.
Doterra indeed does third party testing, multiple purity testing, and you can verify purity with each bottle of oil you purchase by contacting the company. It is extremely reputable.
YL are the only company that own their farms i have been a naturopath for 30 yrs and the only brand i would use is YL i get results with these
Giving the test results for their oils would violate their rights to trade secrets. With test results anyone could fake a oil. As members you can ask to see data, visit the farms and be part of the process. I am happy to know my farm when it comes to oils.
I’m afraid you’ve been misinformed. Young Living will give you a tour and show you the testing they do and it’s very extensive. Since they own their own farms and/or have highly specific contract with some growers that must meet their high standards, they have complete control over the plants they use and they use highly technical methods to test and retest the oils that are distilled from these plants to assure the best possible quality – any oil that does not meet these standards is not bottled or distributed to their customers and that is a quarantine they base their whole business on. It’s their “seed to seal” guarantee and they are proud of that formulation. Although they are inhibited from making any medical claims by the FDA, many people have learned by use of their oils just how effective they are and turn to them first before going to anything else and, in most cases, never need to go any further. I am one of those, and although I am also inhibited from making any claims, just let me say, I’ve never had a cold that lasted more than a day or two, using their oils, among other things I’ve successfully treated with them.
I completely agree with Sandy. Ever since I’ve been using Young Living Essential Oils, I’ve managed to escape colds, flu, basically anything that has come around me – and I work in the health care field where I am exposed to everything imaginable. I love YL “seed to seal” guarantee. I know they are pure. And yes I ingest them. But, when the oils are applied to the skin or you breath them in from the diffuser, you are in essence ingesting them anyway! I won’t use or encourage any other brand. I know what Young Living oils have done for me!
Where do you get the pure form of essential oils
Young Living is the only brand I will use.
If you really want an oil you can be confident with use PURE(TM) by Melaleuca. They undergo more testing than any other oil on the market, yet are most competitive in price. Expensive EO does not mean its better, it simply means its more expensive. Melaleuca is also a debt free company and a triple A member of the BBB.
I have tried to purchase some Oils several times but the screen keeps popping up something else. also having a phone # would be great. so I was nor able to order any
Living libations very trustworthy.
Amazing products a company that cares
I read that FRANKINCENSE oil does not have the apostolic properties they claim. The chemist from Tisserand institute, Robert Tissereand, has an article about frankincense and cancer. Boswellia is not in the oil because of extraction.
Sorry for the typo. Not apostolic but aptopic.
How do you use these oils. Apply on your skin? Put in a machine with water? Put in your food or drink?
Several ways – in a diffuser, (available in most health food stores or online) topically, mixed with coconut oil or olive oil, put in a capsule and ingested (but carefully research beforehand to be sure it is considered safe to consume, although used topically, it still penetrates into your system very quickly, so what’s the difference?). Always, always, always do your homework before using oils. No matter what anyone says, they are strong medicine and should be used judiciously. The key to use of oils is education, not only to protect you from error, but also to give you the most benefit. Your best bet is to contact Young Living because they are all about making sure you get information so that you can get the most, safely, from their oils.
I bought a reglar oil diffuser with water from the drugstore and now I read that it needs to be a “cold diffuser”. I’ve tried to google this and I couldn’t find an answer. Can someone help me please?
Thank you
“Cold” vs heat. DO NOT heat essential oils or they will lose their properties. Use room temperature water from the purest source you have available.