What is leaky gut? How does it affect our immune system and health? What can we do about it? Here’s everything you need to know…
Healthy Nutrition
The absolute best way to prevent, treat, and beat cancer is through nutrition. Unfortunately, finding the right information can be hard. The agricultural industry is doing its best to confuse us with tricky labels and misleading science. That’s why we put together hundreds of articles exclusively dedicated to nutrition.
Did you know that over 50% of cancer deaths are preventable? With the right diet, you can drastically reduce your cancer risk – and even help your body heal from most diseases. These articles will teach you how to read nutrition labels, support your immune system, and avoid harmful toxins in your food.
The medical mafia wants you to believe that drugs are the only way to fight disease and illness. The truth is that there’s very little money to be made in natural treatments. The standard American diet (SAD) is loaded with sugar, toxins, and processed, fake foods. Check out the articles below to learn how the right nutrition works with your body instead of against it.
At The Truth About Cancer, we’ve heard hundreds of testimonies from folks who have healed from cancer and other diseases simply by changing their diets. From detoxification to probiotics, essential oils to iodine, you’ll find everything you need to help support your body’s natural defenses right here.
3 Ways to Detox With Iodine
Toxins are everywhere, but certain nutrients can help the body heal and detoxify. Discover how you can detox with iodine and why…
Top 10 Terrific Uses for Tea Tree Essential Oil
If tea tree essential oil isn’t part of your first aid kit… it should be. Discover its top 10 health benefits and six popular…
Are You Eating These 8 Nutrients That Block Cancer...
Diet plays a major role in the prevention and spread of cancer (cancer metastasis). Discover 8 of the best dietary nutrients to…
Despite the Bad Rap, Tomatoes are a Cancer-Busting Food
Believe it or not, the health benefits of tomatoes for fighting cancer are pretty legendary—and fully backed by science too!…
Do You Know These 6 Health Benefits & Uses for...
You’ve likely tasted rosemary in savory foods, but did you also know that rosemary essential oil has some remarkable uses outside…
Investigation Finds Heavy Metals in Baby Food
This week, a congressional investigation discovered that several major baby food brands contained “dangerous levels” of toxic…
4 Proven, Cancer-Fighting “Superhero”...
When the “villain” you want to keep at bay is cancer, look no further than your own kitchen for these “super hero” cancer-fighting…
The 8 Keys to Health (Part 2)
In this clip from TTAC LIVE 2019, KC and Monica Craichy explain the 8 keys to health and provide the best ways to combat disease…
The 4 Pillars of Disease (Part 1)
In this clip from TTAC Live 2019 KC and Monica Craichy walk us through what they call the 4 Pillars of Disease… and how to…