Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority.”
– Sir John Dalberg-Acton
We all want to believe that we live in a fundamentally good world. A world in which our leaders serve the best interests of the greater good, in which our most wealthy and successful citizens and companies use their influence to help others, and where communities come together to support one another in times of crisis. A world where an organization like the CDC would actually act in the best interests of public health and individual well being.
Sadly, this simply isn’t the case.
Before we dive in, let’s recap a quick highlight reel of CDC corruption and the contentious cover ups by which it has been defined in recent years:
CDC: Corrupt and Incompetent
- In 2016, a group of CDC scientists filed an ethics complaint claiming that its agency officials were being manipulated by corporate interests. The CDC claims that it “does not accept commercial support” and has “no financial interests or other relationships with the manufacturers of commercial products.” As it turns out, several high-ranking CDC officials were discovered to be colluding with Coca-Cola to publish studies and influence public health policies in Coca-Cola’s favor. According to studies, Coca-Cola is linked to 180,000 deaths per year.
- That same year, it was discovered that CDC officials lied to Congress about its WiseWoman heart disease prevention data and then covered up their lie. Millions of dollars were allocated to the project based on falsified data.
- In 2018, the CDC decided to cut efforts to prevent disease outbreak by 80%. The cuts included oversight and prevention efforts in China, where the Coronavirus outbreak first occurred.
- In March of 2018, Robert R. Redfield became the director of the CDC, where he took a $375,000 annual salary – nearly 60% higher than his predecessor. Here’s his track record:
- 1992: Redfield is accused of lying about the effects of an experimental HIV vaccine by the Defense Department.
- 1993: A subsequent investigation by the U.S. Army found that Redfield had an inappropriate relationship with a private organization of the failed vaccine.
- 2020: Redfield supported doomsday models of the coronavirus spread that have been proven to be completely wrong. This model was the basis for the draconian lockdown measures (despite being WAY off), and Redfield continued to make excuses defending it.
But CDC failure during the coronavirus outbreak extends beyond Redfield…
- At the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, avoidable lab contaminations at the CDC ruined initial testing performed in the United States. Many of the tests were tainted with COVID-19.
- Officials have also accused the CDC of lying to the president about their ability to produce test kits.
- Emails reveal that chaos and a lack of organization at the CDC dramatically slowed early response to the virus.
- The CDC also failed to use other diagnostic tools, refused help from qualified volunteers, and promoted cloth face masks that actually increase the risk of infection.
- Perhaps worst, the CDC has continued to lie about the death count by artificially inflating it. CDC guidelines for determining COVID-19 deaths include:
- Anyone who tests positive, even if they died from other causes.
- Anyone who had COVID-19 symptoms, even if they aren’t tested.
- Recent reopening guidelines submitted by the CDC were rejected by President Trump for violating religious freedom and potentially crippling the economy.
The Cost of Corruption
Major corporations routinely put profits above people, implementing legal jujitsu, bribes, and lies to cover up their sins and continue on as usual. Many (if not most) of our elected officials are all too eager to exercise authority that is not lawfully theirs while becoming fabulously wealthy on the backs of the citizens they’re meant to serve.
Powerful men and women use their financial, political, and business influence to manipulate agencies that are designed to keep them accountable. The media, the education system, the tech and pharmaceutical industries, government oversight committees, and even international watchdog organizations are all bought and paid for by a few wealthy elites who seek only to further their agenda.
The rampant lies and corruption now inherent in our society have led to some pretty remarkable realities. First, we can no longer trust the media. Institutions that were once bastions of journalistic integrity are now mouthpieces for the industries that sponsor them. The almighty dollar (presenting itself in the form of advertising revenue and political favor) has corrupted the industry so completely that it is almost impossible to find a true source of integrity anymore.
Government leaders, from town councils and school boards all the way to the U.S. Senate, are simply posing as public servants while they work to increase their own power and wealth. What was once considered a duty of public service has now become a career path to more authority and more money.
Doctors and healers focused on preventing and treating disease in their communities have been replaced by a medical conglomerate focused on selling as many drugs and procedures as possible. Issues like obesity, excess sugar intake, and an ever-growing toxic load have been largely ignored in favor of pharmaceutical and surgical interventions that have created some of the wealthiest people in the world.
A technology industry that once promised a bright new future of industry and comfort has now transformed into a salesman-spy hybrid. You can’t even have a conversation about new shoes in earshot of your smart device without being inundated by ads on virtually every site you visit pushing the latest ALDO pumps or New Balance trainers.
And while I could quite literally write a book about this, I want to focus on 3 major symptoms of this chronic corruption. First, I want to talk about how the corrupt and power-hungry elite are consolidating their power across public and private institutions to deal a final blow to freedom and democracy; second, how these institutions are exploiting the current crisis to finally achieve their oppressive agenda and remove any who stand against them; and finally, how these lies have left us more polarized than ever, unable to see the real threat barreling towards us.
The Consolidation of Power
Before diving into the current state of affairs, it’s important to understand how we got here. The truth is that an unholy union between politics, technology, pharmaceuticals, science, and media has taken place right beneath our noses.
It was once true that we could trust the media to expose malfeasance by the pharmaceutical industry. Not anymore. It was once true that we could rely on technology as a tool for finding the truth. Not anymore. It was once true that we could trust our leaders and regulatory bodies to ensure safety and fair play. Not anymore. And it was once true that we could trust scientists and experts to present unbiased facts as truth without influence from outside entities.
Not anymore.
You see, all of these industries are essentially owned and operated by the same select group of people. Major media outlets are controlled by their advertisers and political allies. When a network or personality goes against the narrative that their sponsors have dictated, they’re quickly silenced and removed.
One of the most powerful puppeteers behind the media performance is the pharmaceutical industry, which generates over a TRILLION dollars each year (45% of which is generated in the U.S.). That’s a lot of money on the line, and it’s been abundantly clear that safety, efficacy, or even the overall wellbeing of patients is not a priority.
How often have we seen pharmaceutical giants fight tooth and nail to keep products on the market that are unsafe (or even deadly)? A few examples might include the entire opioid industry, talcum products, diet pills, glyphosate, Zantac, chemotherapy, and vaccines. Many of these products are still on the market today, even as patients and their families battle in court and research continues to demonstrate the danger.
But it’s not just the pharmaceutical industry that’s to blame. The technology industry has quietly gotten into the pharmaceutical game. They have a vested interest in protecting the same agenda as Merck, Johnson & Johnson, Bayer, and Gilead: promote drugs and vaccines and protect the companies from liability.
Did you know that Alphabet – Google’s parent company – has a pharmaceutical division? Or that it’s run by the former chairman of GlaxoSmithKline’s global vaccine business? Or that that same company secretly launched an initiative called “Project Nightingale” that has collected sensitive personal and medical information on millions upon millions of patients… without their knowledge or consent?
It’s no wonder, then, that these companies are censoring information at an alarming rate. Google is constantly changing algorithms to essentially eliminate damning information from search results. Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and others have been removing content or even banning authors altogether for spreading “misinformation”, and using fact-checkers to post banners below articles decrying them as fake news.
Except these fact checkers aren’t always right – and they aren’t always without bias. Back in early November, we wrote an article asserting that the novel coronavirus did NOT originate from a bad batch of bat soup in some market, DID originate from a biolab just a few miles away in Wuhan, and that the outbreak almost certainly began before the Chinese government said that it did.
We were written off by the mainstream media as fake news and conspiracy theorists. Even the New York Post, who ran a similar story about three weeks later, was labeled by these “fact-checkers” as fake news. We now know that one of the fact-checkers (Danielle E. Anderson) has regularly worked with Wuhan’s researchers, and even done her own experiments there.
As it turns out, the U.S. government had long-standing concerns about the safety practices at the Wuhan lab, and several news outlets like Fox News and The Washington Post began to report that top US national-security officials are increasingly of the belief that the bug came from that lab.
Of course, there was no apology or corrective action taken by Facebook. They eventually (and quietly) removed the “fake news” warning, but by then the damage had been done.
Government officials and the ultra-wealthy have almost always been behind these industries, either because of their investment in the industries themselves or because of bribes from the seedy underbelly of the tech/pharmaceutical mob. After all, it eventually leads to more money and more power for those at the top.
Even scientists are not immune. It’s not uncommon for companies to hire their own “independent researchers” to ensure that their tests come up clean. Scientists who refuse to play by the rules are denounced and ostracized by the scientific community… defamation is the only way to ensure no one listens.
Just take a look at people like former CDC official Dr. William Thompson or Dr. Judy Mikovits. Both took a risk by speaking out against the flawed vaccine development process, warning us that these injections are not safe and may cause even more disease. Google either of their names and you’ll be bombarded by articles and entries on sites like Wikipedia and Snopes decrying them as conspiracy theorists and liars.
In fact, the government and CDC have gone to great lengths to silence those that speak out against the pharmaceutical industry. We’ll talk more about this in Part II…
is this tidal wave of corruption too much for even Trump to reverse? The swamp may be too big!!
It seems like a big task for Trump but with God’s help nothing is impossible!
With God’s help, anything is possible!
Does Trump want to drain It? It is a trillion dollar industry. How do you think that will affect the economy.
I understand where you are coming from and I would dearly love to see Gates Fauci et al in jail for life.
They are pure evil
Amen! Our health is more important than the economy . If we are healthy we can grow our economy back… Gates and Fauci need to be taken down or out!
If people can’t afford food, bye bye health. A healthy economy is absolutely required for a healthy populace
It’s a mammoth task, draining the swamp, and the Donald is not Superman. He needs all the help that we can give him!
Gates of hell, falsie and anyone associated with this murderous mess should be held accountable, without question. As for the trillion dollar economy, make them pay back what they have profited into a fund for they’ve denied damaging and give to the families of dead children. A future generation or healthy functioning adults could only do much more for the future economy since we shouldn’t then have millions draining and syphoning as the previous , which is and was totally NOT their fault…Think of a world where man-made disease is eradicated…sounds bloody great to me
“With God, ll things are possible.” (with man….not so much)
I want and have to believe that good will triumph over evil. The corruption that is so evident today took a long while to manifest into the mess it is currently. I do believe that spiritual forces are at work to help bring down those who commit crimes against humanity in the name of profit. It is so important for President Trump, warts and all, to be re-elected for a second term. And when that happens, the dissolution of the Deep State can start to occur. RM
Agreed! But in the mean time we need to start standing up to some of this corruption peacefully. We need to stand together! We can’t just sit around and expect one man to fix all this for us! Above all else we all need to PRAY for our nation and for protection for OUR President!
I agree with Michael Silverhawk. These people need to be held accountable . The corruption and seditious lawlessness of many of the current and past elected officials has run rampant for decades. They just keep growing more brazen in efforts to destroy the republic, the family unit and remove God from our society. Perfect example of their latest exercise of power over the American Public is the mandatory face mask rule. It’s not a law. It’s not in anyone’s best interests. Have we forgotten how the bodies immune system works. They throw us a test i.e. the mask thing, gauge how many people comply without question. Then sit back and laugh at the useful idiots, rub their hands together and proceed on their goals to squash every single one of us.
Michael, welll said! Let’s hope that the process will inflict most deep and excruciating pain that will linger and linger and linger.
Great article, thank you for sharing it – hope it receives very widespread distribution and attention!
So much lying about coronavirus & COVID-19 going on, wearing masks, social distancing, quarantine, lock-downs, etc., it’s so aggravating to see how many people are deceived, and the media is promoting the hysteria, partly by reporting numbers, but never percentages (to put things in perspective, e.g. relative to the seasonal flu, cases vs. deaths, cases vs. population, deaths vs. population, etc.).
Read Revelation 9:21, and then look up the Greek word for sorceries… it’s pharmakeia………..
In Christ,
In my province of British Columbia, north of Washington state in the country of Canada, we have had very good guidance from our medical health officer Bonnie Henry. We have been wearing masks in public places, keeping a 6ft. physical distance and sheltering in our homes for the first 3 months of the pandemic. We HAVE flattened the curve and are doing well with keeping our citizens safe from the COVID-19 virus. Our motto during this pandemic is Be Safe, Be calm, Be Kind.
I’ve got one even better for you Fred. Check this out.
Yep CV is in the Bible!!
Love how you keep us abreast of all the information out there and what’s really happening. My husband and I have long said many of the things you wrote about in this part 1 article. Just can’t understand why so many others cannot see what’s happening. Brainwashed maybe? It’s absolutely insane what is going on in our world today.
Again, thank you for your efforts and digging deeper so the truth comes out. I have watched your videos and recorded them on cam corder so I could rewatch or watch the ones I didn’t have time for when recording. Thank you. God Bless 🙏🏻
mask article was deleted by you tube.
A very balanced, informative, well-written article without the hyperbole so
common among many writers. You’re providing a much-needed source for
facing our nation’s very serious problems searching for truth and reason.
By the way, I just read Ty’s “Monumental Myths” and am blown away.
Keep on keeping on………
Hi Bob
Likewise … I was blown away.
I knew and suspected that there are so many lies and cover -ups but not to the extent that has surfaced in Ty’s book MM.
I am 70 and remember most of the incidents mentioned in the book and relate to them.
I admire Charlene & Ty for the courage they have to expose and for us to see what really is going on.
Hardest thing I am facing right now is trying to convince my closest friends who have trusted me throughout our friendship but look at me as some kind of a nutter. As Ty says, “go back and sit in front of your box”.
In the UK it is very evident that our democracy is being stripped away from us.
Lots of companies have gone under in the name of Coronovirus problems to be replaced by the more powerful companies.
We are even being forced to become a cashless society so that those in power can control our every movement; under the title of protecting society from money laundering which is laughable.
Our whole way of life is being dismantled by the minority elites. They dictate how we should live, eat, breathe, and die! Our so-called leaders are so corrupt.
I agree Tania, I’m from the UK too – England – and you’re right it is unbelievable what is going on right now isn’t it?
How not more people are aware that we are being blatantly LIED TO is just beyond me….
One good thing about this whole COVID19 SCAM is that more people are waking up by the day, the question is, is it all too late? See below, horrible thought that isn’t it?
I’m in the UK too and am awake, a couple of my friends are too but it’s scary how trusting the masses are still, despite the confusing messages and downright lies. If you try to provide another view you are labelled as a conspiracy theorist or told scientists wouldn’t lie.
With you 100 percent on that one! My friends, family and work colleagues poo-poo anything related to them in this vein, simply can’t see past what is reported on the news. I mention Bill Gates name and links with BBC being tainted and they cry “rubbish” – you just can’t dig some of these guys out of the pit they are falling into – the only thing that seems to work is if a celebrity states it as fact! Then finally they may see it on social media and start waking up!
The only negative comment I have to make about this otherwise excellent article is that the “death knell” for democracy in the USA cannot come soon enough to suit me! Due to MSM’s constant promulgation of statements about our form of government being a democracy, the public is misled on this point.
Legally–but, sadly, not practically!–our nation has been under a republican form of government since our country’s inception. As proof of that, if you examine the preface to every State Constitution, each boldly states that it has a republican-type of government. It is the Federal entity that may claim to possessing a democratic-type of government.
As Engels (the co-author of the Communist Manifesto, along with Marx) stated, “Socialism is democracy.” This assertion was confirmed by Gorbachev in the first edition of his classic work, “Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World.” Gorbachev further stated there that more democracy is needed. And so it has been done in this fair land of ours! (See variants of the mixture of socialism and democracy at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_democracy.)
To get to the root of this conspiracy, check this source:Trilateralism: The trilateral commission and Elite planning for world Management; Ed. By Holly Sklar, 1980, South End Press, pages 192-3.
The video that you had on this email was taken down by Youtube Just to let you know. Might want to use Brighteon.com for your videos They are new and don’t censor anyone. And it was started
by Naturalnews .com
Dear Ty and Charlene;
By the Spirit that guides me – the same God you and I worship as Christians, I reach out to you in the work of our God on Earth here, now. Please just ask for yourself if these words that I use reach their target of your heart – not necessarily the mind. i am tasked with the responsibility to share to each other the truth about Cancer, also. There is redeeming news to be shared regarding Cancer and what it is – why did God make Cancer?
This question has guided my search for the answer to Cancer.
My vantage point was a high-power Zeiss microscope through which I observed cell behavior – growth, density, rate of regeneration, cell cycling, of many kinds of cells – from around the world from several species, but mostly from humans from whom I had explanted some cells through biopsy from their skin and blood. When on the subject of cells, I am speaking as one who saw everything he describes. I am the voice of the witness to our Creator – I am the voice of those and that which cannot speak for themselves.
In this regard, there is no means to heal the wound I bear over abortion – it hurts me to feel even in my inability to know, the pain of our Mother/Father side(s) of God – while both, God is beyond gender. While not important, I want to share the fact that you and Charlene wear the same jersey that April and I wear and walk within. Not presently affiliated with a local body, we are Sabbath keepers. April having grown up SDA and I continued by Bible study enjoyment from Church of Christ in Florida, where I became a Christian and was one of those men who was ‘at the building’ unless I was in class. After 25 years of study, a door into Messianic Christianity opened and the Spirit played a flute song and I went in to check it out. lol
Really fun crowd. They are. Go camping each year for Sukhot. They dance – whoa – what about my praying knee and the dancing leg? So, when in Rome? – you dance. It is a blessing beyond expectation when the perimeter of a worship hall is ringed with people holding hands and dancing together to inspiring music, artists, voices. Dancing with each other is a means of directly experiencing God in the present moment.
That last sentence gave me pause to let it ripple through relationships – all the way to husband and wife.
April and I have promised and by that, we mean we have set our purpose – to bring Light – where Light is needed. In regular prayer, we ask for direction, community, family, provision, and protection. We understand our purpose – and desire only to serve our God – being what we were made to be – in the time we are given to live. We all are breathing borrowed breath for a while. We all return the free ‘first inspiration’ to the bookshelf of Life as we exhale and ex-pire.
April and I would like to chat with you. We have done a lot of preparatory work that has become too much for us to continue, yet is far too important to release the investments made in time and effort – and some money, too. This is not about money, but something far more important – Breast Cancer. Thumbnail: 91% of Breast Cancer is NOT Cancer. And they know it. They have honestly reported it – and yet nothing has changed about it. Crickets.
Yet, the conveyor belt rolls on down to the surgery ward – where women and now an alarming number of men, also, will lose breast tissue for misdiagnosed lesions that are not Cancerous – and never will be – and simply, cannot become so. This story must be told. There is a bit more to this, but I have already broken the TMI barrier. Can we talk about this? We can do speakerphone – sit at the table and chat a little about these issues at the present time?
Leadership is greatly needed. We are so impressed with what you both have accomplished working together. We want to work together in the same field with you. We pray that you will get this message and ask God if you should respond. We are not in need at this time of any kind. This is not a request for resources of any kind. I say this because I imagine that as large as your organization has grown you get a lot of spam/mail. Sorry, sort of – that I do not have a godzillion dollars in an account in Bonzwannaland that I have to find the right business partner for – lol
We would however, beg you to help tell our sisters to stop right now and just pause – do not act yet. Stop and take a bit of a rest. Cancer is not the complete boogeyman we have led to believe it is. When we see why God had to make Cancer – all the fear dissolves and we see what needs to be done. Then, there is complete healing – without drugs, and most times, without surgery – not always – some surgery will be required – but with a new tool for that also – damage from surgery will be further minimized.
Thank you – in both our name and the Name of Jesus Christ
Jeff and April Prystupa
Thanks again for shining a bright light on the corruption!!
More evidence of plandemic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7I5LzLgNSI
This very great job. Whatever you are saying I agree with that. Because in India also we are facing same problem. But here also some activist who try to aware people but mainstream medea not allowed them. In current situation lots of people s YouTube videos, channel, facebook pages and wikipedia pages deleted. Our country’s name is “BHARAT” but after independence from Britain we are slave of US, US made & US elite policies.
My name is Sylvia Waiwaiole and I live in Hawaii. I stand with you that Our God still sits on the throne and our only Hope is in Jesus Christ.
Like you, I believe in natural therapy. I was diagnosed with Breast cancer 26 years ago, and was led to a doctor in Arizona who created a compound to help to create Natural Killer Cells. Scientists have long known that breast milk is rich in antibodies that supplement a newborn’s immune system. Now biotechnology companies are racing to use cows as “factories” to produce antibodies that would aid people with weakened immune systems.
Cows are exposed to many of the same bacteria, viruses and parasites that afflict humans, and, like humans, cows produce antibodies to counteract these microbes. I take this compound on a daily basis to help to create the Natural Killer Cells which is our bodies last line of defense against disease. Thank you for all your correspondence in regards to striving for better health. I am also the Author of the book, “Chasing Success” How Wealth exposed my deep poverty” which can be purchased under my name.
Here we go; exploiting another animal as if it does not have a right to its own destiny. Come on, Humans, eat as your anatomy and physiology dictate and your immune system and all other systems will function optimally.Live and let live. Let live and you will live. And, leave the corpses alone.
Thank you for the galant and brave work you are doing.
Thankyou for sharing it will be good addition for my book that I am currently writing on evolutionary learning healthcare systems.
Cant wait to read part two and am eagerly looking forward to it.
They didn’t mention that expert Fauci,is a 40 year government employee in the NIH, is alleged to have illegally signed his USA study of coronavirus #2 in his Laboratory of Allergy & Infectious Disease, which he was told to shut down, & shipped it off to the Wuhan Labs. He also sent along $3.7 million dollars with it, which was also said to be only a drop in the bucket for the money he had paid “Wuhan labs in the past, for contracted work! This raises the biggest question re expert Dr. Tony Fauci. Has this doctor been using any expertise he has to help or harm, not only We the People, but people all over this planet. Is covid 19 his brainchilfd? Is he deep state establishment INSIDER working hand in hand with the new world order using toxic vaccines to deliberately damage childrens brains, immune systems and general health? If so, how ,many others in the CDC, WHO, FDA, etc are working with him??
If you look up Drs. Bradstreet & Nicholas Gonzales, nagalase & GcMaf, I think you will come to the same conclusion I did, which tells us 2 things nagalase in a vaccine can cause. Mouse RNA particles found in vaccines in 1993 are another vaccine scandal Dr. Fauci is accused of covering up. Difficult to understand how they magically got out of the mouse and into the vaccines without a lot of help from experts, One wonders what the ones who transferred them to the vaccine were hoping to accomplish. The one who reported the contamination said the RNA could mix in with the DNA of the recipients! Don’t know what they hoped to accomplish, but the first thing that comes to mind is the question, could it have been put in the vaccines in hopes of reducing the life span of recipients to that of the mice, which I believe is said to be 18 months? Any scientists out there that isn’t deep state establishment INSIDER have an honest educated answer??
The obvious use of harmful vaccine programs in the past/present and the rapid production of more vaccines, definitely explains the use of plandemic covid 19 by Bill Gates & all the other INSIDERS salivating to use it to push for mandating that everyone on the planet will submit to taking all vaccines they produce.
Ty & Charlene,
Please look into the bad effects of Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol. It was okayed and introduced in the Federal Register to be added to milk in July 2016. It is a rat poison. bad effects include chest pain, sob, weight loss, extreme drowsiness, headache, joint pain, etc. It is not processed by the body through the same path that Vitamin D from the sunshine takes. It blocks zinc and copper pathways, and leaves a receptor site open for viruses. Thank you. Kudos to you and Dr Judy Mikovitz. One other things spell check is placing a red line under cholecalciferol and Mikovitz. Interesting???
Thanks, Marjorie, for the information about Vitamin D3. Where can I find more information on Vitamin D3? (cholecalciferool) My Dr. prescribed a bottle of Liquid Vitamin D3 with K2 several months ago.
Thank you Ty and Charlene for such a great voice of truth. Eventually your message will reach the naive. I look forward to everything you share to enlighten us. Knowledge is powerful, but I wish there was more we could do.
Great first summary of the reality which we are confronted with – which most people do not know!
The details behind almost every of your paragraphs will destroy the picture of the world of quite
a number of even Non-Christians. They will read it like a thriller until some of the examples closer
to home will start to open their eyes, making them see the “new” reality – and how powerless they
are in the face of the truth, that they have become mere marionettes, kept occupied with climate change, Black Lives Matter and the fearmongering regarding the pandemic.
Thank God I am a Christian and I can know where I am going.
Thank you for your Christian Faith and your dedication to expose those who are sinners and worship Satan. May God Bless you!
Don’t leave out the corruption of religious institutions too. They’re involved in the NWO agenda also. The elites are satanists too involved in human trafficking and paedophilia.
Excellent article….
Trying to make sense of these troubled times..
Keep up your good work
Thank you for all your hard work!
Thanks for the article. I valuIe Dr.Mikovits Book “Plague of Corruption” very highly and a must-read.
It can be very difficult to tell the truth because some do not want to believe it.
The reality is simpler and more insidious than you imagine. It’s Biblical. Lucifer/Satan is the prince of the world according to Jesus (John 12: 31, John 14: 30), the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4: 4). “The whole world lies in the power of the evil one.” (1 John 5: 19) The secret societies to which all the “elites” belong recognize Lucifer/Satan as their god and do his bidding. Lucifer/Satan is the eye in the capstone of the pyramid that’s the “Great Seal” of the United States printed on the back of every $1 bill since 1935. (The Great Seal dates to the founding of the US.) The novus ordo seclorum is the New World Order. Lucifer/Satan seeks to establish a totalitarian regime under the antichrist and has been patiently guiding world affairs, finance, and science/technology to gain the power and the tools for surveillance, influence and control he needs for his ultimate dominion. It must come to pass because it’s in the Word of God, the Christian scriptures, the Bible. Lucifer/Satan’s ultimate defeat at Jesus’ second coming is also foretold. Study the Word to know Jesus and find His salvation and to escape the deception and destruction that will lead to the loss of many souls for eternity.
Let’s not forget about Lyme disease! Thousands of people each year are not treated properly for Lyme because the CDC guidelines dictate to the doctors what treatment and time frame for treatment is allowed. A 14 -28 day round of antibiotics is usually not enough to combat the bacteria. There are only a handful of doctors who will treat Lyme disease aggressively for a longer period of time because if they do they have their license threatened. Yet dermatologists can treat acne with antibiotics up to a year! If I had been treated by the CDC guidelines I would not have my life back. I had to seek out a LLMD to get better. Lyme is a living Hell! Watch the documentary entitled Under Our Skin. It reveals the corruption of the CDC and is a truly eye opening film!
Yes, u should check out videos on You Tube Senator and Doctor Scott Jensen of Minnesota talk about his ordeal of being investigated by the board of Medical Practice, MI.For allegedly under reporting cases of Covid-19. It is Shame, the board basically want all deaths reported as Covi-19. Hum, something sinks “Fishy”! What is that they don’t want the public to know? We should believe that the Covid-19 death rate is bigger than it actually is, but why? Why are they trying to muzzle the nurses and Doctors?
Also, Rebekah Jones employee Florida Dept. Health being fired from her job maintaining the states Covid-19 data. Then she started her own website “In Truth” to report Covi-19 data.
Could it be to distract us while our government sets up a new digital currency, digital wallet for all of us. All while Bill Gates rolls out the human digital chip, so he can chip us all. With capability of tracking us, know our vitals, spending pretty much everything about us. Which is the creepy ID2020.org, ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with Vaccines. The hits just go and on and on. It’s scary! We must speak the Truth and all Learn the Truth.
Thank you for your tireless research to share the truth! THANKS to God for protecting our President and giving him the courage to drain the swamp!!!
God bless you and protect you!
Thank God! Somebody is finally telling me truth! I pray that Trump wins again so that he can finish draining the swamp!!
There are many very basic science principles that are being repressed due the the cabal you face in the health industry.
I can help you bring millions of dollars into the cause with the things I know. Reducing the cost of energy to the end used by at least half. No, not solar panels or monstrous wind turbines!
If you would have someone contact me via email from the organization with a good sense of basic science and math, I can show you how.
You have a huge battle ahead. Here is all the cash you will need to do it.
Is the whole system based on lies and corruption?If someone disagrees with something they floats in the river.
All the corruption identified here is fine to talk about, but as with every article of this type written here or anywhere, NOTHING ever comes from it or NO ONE ever gets convicted or does jail time. They just change positions and agencies, such as, from the CDC to a Pharmaceutical company then to the FDA and then back again. it’s all swept under the rug.
I’ve been doing copious amounts of research since all this began (and your site is one I visit regularly) and I discovered (not very easily since it goes against the agenda) that viruses have never been proven to be contagious. Then you wonder why vaccines even exist. Oh yeah – big money. Check out the book Virus Mania (free pdf online). Totally eye opening.
Finally someone who is in the real world here and now. Here in San Antonio many if not most people wear the masks to business places where required. The rate of new infections is being kept almost flat. Why most of these demonize Gates and Fauci I don’t know. But I do not believe this president has done much to help anything to do with the Covid. I believe he added chemicals to the swamp and now it is a quagmire. As for Bill Gates, why would he donate many computers to organizations around the country? Computers in which some people are receiving partial facts about him to demonize him. Maybe he as done some bad but there are others that have done as much if not worse. I know people have died from this directly. I like to have conversations with other customers at the grocers or other business. One told me two or her relatives died from this. At a storage facility a worker told me four of their workers at another location died from Covid. If anything I think the numbers are not inflated but the opposite.
Dear Charlene
It behooves me to post this article when u mentions that Wuhan started this pandemic
Pls contact Dr Rashid Buttar for more information. Quite sure u know him – his son is victim of vaccine (Autism). I see most of his support are official documents like the one I posted
Also you might like to contact Nathan Rich – his assertions tend to b officially documentally supported
Hi Choo!
Thank you for your contribution. Charlene is very good friends with Dr. Buttar and we’re glad to see that your enjoy his information.