They’re a popular finger food for toddlers, and countless kids (and adults) chow down on a bowl of them every morning. But is Cheerios cereal really a healthy food to be feeding your children or even yourself? Let’s take a look at the Cheerios nutrition information.
Cheerios boast that they are made from heart healthy whole grains. There aren’t any added food dyes and the enriched vitamins and minerals are supposed to be good for you and your family. Therefore it would be easy to assume that Cheerios are a safe, nutritious choice for breakfast − especially since whole grains are part of the USDA’s recommended dietary guidelines.
Unfortunately, what is NOT being listed, or listed accurately on the Cheerios nutrition label, is of bigger concern than what’s shown on the label. For instance:
- Acrylamide
- Sugar sources
- Emulsifiers
- Flavor enhancers
- Inorganic salts
- Tocopherols
These can all be found in Cheerios and all merit a closer investigation. Let’s take a look at what these Cheerios ingredients and additives can do to your health…
What is Acrylamide?
Acrylamide is a carcinogen that is formed when foods containing carbohydrates and sugar are cooked at high temperatures or for an extended period of time. This would include; frying, baking, boiling (process for canned products), and microwaving. The process of making plastic bags and containers also produce significant amounts of acrylamide making them unsafe for packaging food products.
So, the process of toasting the otherwise healthy wholegrain oats produces high levels of the toxic acrylamide. Storing them in a plastic bag inside the box adds even more toxicity. Cancers linked to acrylamide poisoning include: breast, prostate, ovarian, testicular, and thyroid.
The risks are high enough to attract attention from a private watchdog group. Researchers from the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) have documented multiple problems with America’s favorite cereals and snacks as related to acrylamide formation during cooking. Claims of cancer and neurological damage are worth reporting. Consumers need to know that what they are eating is affecting them adversely − the more we know the better we can protect ourselves.
So, what can you do to overcome the toxic overdose? The “master antioxidant” glutathione has shown to be an effective detoxifier against acrylamide. Consumption of uncooked vegetables rich in this antioxidant adds to the metabolic reserves that deactivate and flush out the poison.
Foods rich in glutathione include: fresh garlic, kale, green onions, broccoli, arugula (rocket), red peppers, and cauliflower. It is their naturally occurring sulfur-rich content that effectively deactivates the toxins.
It’s also good practice to avoid products that are fried, baked at temperatures above 250 F for hours, or foods prepared or heated in a microwave. Canned foods (not to be confused with the canning of fruits and vegetables that you do at home) should also be avoided for the same reason.
You’ve Heard it Before: Avoid Refined Sugar
The message is finally getting out that refined sugar has negative effects on the entire body. Sugar turns to fat which causes obesity, mood swings, inability to concentrate, and diabetes. Worse than that sugar feeds diseases (including cancer), causing the body to become acidic which increases the proliferation of bad bacteria in the body. It also compromises the immune system and taxes the endocrine system, which is responsible for digestion and metabolism. There is nothing good about refined sugar except its taste, and too many of us are drawn to consume unhealthy foods because of our addiction to sugar.
Sugar is definitely not part of a healthy breakfast. Even worse yet, the “eye candy” factor of using a cute little bee on the packaging for Honey Nut Cheerios with the heart gives the impression that this product is all natural and sweetened with honey. What a scam! But that’s how “Big Food” operates.
Monoglycerides Extend Shelf Life
Monoglycerides and diglycerides go hand in hand. These ingredients are used as cheap emulsifiers and for extending the shelf-life of a product. They are actually hydrogenated oils made up of fatty acids similar to triglycerides (aka trans fats). These additives are found in virtually every name brand food on the market. They are also responsible for causing low-fat ice cream to be both tastier and not melt as it should. (As a side note, there are some interesting videos on YouTube of so-called “ice cream” that never melts!)
Processed food companies are able to hide trans fats through mono and diglyceride labels because they are classified as emulsifiers. This is how manufacturers disguise dangerous trans fats. Their products can be marketed as having zero trans fats when in fact they contain more than the allotted amount for being labeled as such.
This unhealthy duo (mono and diglycerides) are harmful for your health in that they can cause cancer, autoimmune disease, diabetes, strokes, and heart disease according to Dr. Dewey, author of Hydrogenated Oils-Silent Killers. They are also inflammatory, raise bad cholesterol levels, and are responsible for obesity in our children leading to chronic illness.
Cheerios is another big industry brand claiming to be heart healthy and helpful for lowering cholesterol, but don’t be fooled. Any food with a label that you read containing mono and diglycerides, no matter what the marketing jingle claims, is in fact going to be the complete opposite. It will very likely wreak havoc on your child’s health.
Here’s the clue: if it says emulsifiers, Monoglycerides, or Diglycerides then you know it contains trans and hydrogenated fats that should be avoided like the plague.
What Exactly is “Calcium Carbonate?”
This is another one of those mysterious ingredients found in the majority of packaged foods that no one seems to know what it is. People don’t tend to question it because it starts with the word “calcium,” which is supposed to be good for you, right? So what could be the issue with this Cheerios nutrition label ingredient?
Calcium carbonate is a synthetically isolated form of calcium derived from bones, stones, and mollusks. It’s commonly used in supplements and in most packaged foods as an inorganic salt. This is a problem because if it’s found in the majority of commercial products on supermarket shelves and in restaurants, it’s likely that you are at risk of getting too much synthetic calcium − especially since it’s cumulative.
Calcium overdose leads to a long list of chronic illnesses including: breast cancer, bone cancer, calcification of the arteries, heart attacks, ovarian cysts, gallstones, kidney stones, and colon cancer. This may account for why so many children in America are being diagnosed with diseases associated with old age.
We should be getting our calcium from organic, unprocessed, plant-based foods. Some of those foods include: leafy greens, spirulina, chlorella, whole untoasted sesame seeds, and many more. So play it safe and eat whole, unaltered food.
Are Vitamin E Tocopherols in Cereals Genetically Modified?
Vitamin E is contained in plants, nuts, and grains but is affected by the processing of those sources when used as a preservative. Some companies use synthetic, petroleum-based Tocopherols to preserve their products. These are not well absorbed by the body so they become useless as a nutrient.
Even though General Mills does not specify what type of Vitamin E Tocopherols are used as a preservative, it is likely going to be soy, corn, or cottonseed oil. The majority of these oils are made from genetically-modified crops so it may still be possible you are getting a GMO product even though General Mills is now stating that their original Cheerios are GMO-free.
It is better to ingest cereals in their natural whole grain state as much as possible, or eat nuts and seeds with fresh fruit instead. Buckwheat is a good alternative to wheat because it is more of a seed than a grain and it’s gluten free.
Other sources of vitamin E, a necessary nutrient for nerve health and energy, include: avocado, untoasted nuts, unprocessed olives, extra virgin cold pressed olive oil, and coconut oil. Flaxseed is also a good source and maintains its integrity during baking.
It is so disheartening to discover the many deceptive practices of “Big Food” companies. Profits definitely take precedence in packaged foods. I know, you just want to buy something healthy for your family to eat that isn’t going to take a lot of time. There are alternatives. “We the people” are starting to taking a stand against the polluters of our environment and body so the real healthy options are becoming more numerous and more affordable.
Finally, how many people consume Cheerios without milk? Most people have a lot of milk with their cereal because once again, milk is deemed to be healthy and very necessary. But the truth is milk is not necessary once you have been weaned from your mother’s breast and today commercial cow’s milk is contaminated with dangerous substances.
The Scary Facts About Conventional Dairy Milk
Most people eat cereal along with milk. I know it’s hard to fathom, but cow’s milk is no longer safe to drink unless you know the source is organic grass-fed. You also want to be sure the cows are not being given hormones to increase milk production or antibiotics to counter the adverse effects of the hormones.
Commercial cow’s milk can be tainted with toxic metals, growth hormone, antibiotics, pus from mastitis, GMOs from animal feed, and many more contaminants unfit for human consumption. These contaminants are carcinogenic, and can contribute to an increased risk of a number of types of cancer. They also affect the gastrointestinal tract causing leaky gut and other digestive disorders.
Milk is also mucous-producing and inflammatory which further compromises the immune system. All these problems don’t add up to a healthy protein or calcium source. You’re far better off using nut milks instead.
In Conclusion
I know it may be sad to hear all this bad news about one of your favorite cereal brands, but it is better to be informed than sick. I really wish we could trust the FDA and food companies, but the facts make it crystal clear that they care more about their profit margin than how many people are becoming obese, chronically ill, and even dying from over consumption of processed foods.
Nevertheless, I hope I have given you enough information to make better food choices for you and your family. Remember, if you don’t know how to pronounce an ingredient on the label it’s likely the product is better left on the shelf. Choose organic whole foods to get the most nutrients for your body and whenever possible consume them in their natural organic state.
Are you shocked by Cheerios nutrition profile? Please share the article with your friends and family and tell us your thoughts in the Comments section below the article.
Article Summary
Cheerios boast that they are made from heart healthy whole grains with no added dyes. Therefore it would be easy to assume that Cheerios are a safe, nutritious choice for breakfast − but are they?
Unfortunately, what’s NOT listed or listed accurately on the Cheerios nutrition label is of bigger concern than what’s shown on the label:
- Acrylamide
- Sugar sources
- Emulsifiers
- Flavor enhancers
- Inorganic salts
- Tocopherols
The process of toasting the otherwise healthy wholegrain oats produces high levels of the toxic acrylamide. Acrylamide is a carcinogen that is formed when foods containing carbohydrates and sugar are cooked at high temperatures or for an extended period of time.
Monoglycerides and diglycerides are used as cheap emulsifiers and for extending the shelf-life of a product. They are hydrogenated oils made up of fatty acids similar to triglycerides (aka trans fats).
Most people eat cereal along with milk. Unfortunately, unless it’s organic milk from grass-fed cows, commercial cow’s milk can be tainted with toxic metals, growth hormone, antibiotics, pus from mastitis, GMOs from animal feed, and many more contaminants unfit for human consumption. You’re far better off using nut milks instead.
If you don’t know how to pronounce an ingredient on the label it’s likely the product is better left on the shelf. Choose organic whole foods to get the most nutrients for your body and consume them in their natural organic state whenever posible.
Cereal killer
Seems that almost all commercial cereals fit into this descriptive category. However, Americans are still consuming them!
Yeah it;s hard I grew up eating cereal as my main breakfast food and would often come home and eat a few bowls after school as well. It was one of my main staples for my early childhood through my teenage years and I even ate a ton as an adult as well. I still think Lucky Charms is one of the most delicious things on the planet LOL, and even in my 40’s I was chowing down on it, I stopped when I started reading more, but am at a loss as to what actually is safe to eat, I feel like there is nothing left out there that the food companies haven’t altered and destroyed. Even plant foods have been genetically altered or full of pesticides or are grown in earth that no longer contains the necessary nutrients to keep us healthy… Seriously don’t know what to eat anymore. And to make things worse I’m also a picky eater. I love pasta, pizza, and all things now deemed bad for me LOL.
Was glyphosate included in this test? If not, why not?
Your article is not based on hard factual information. It is largely based on assumption and opinion alone, evidenced by your frequent use of words such as, “likely”.
In Jeffrey Smith’s recent Healing From GMOs & Roundup summit, one of his guests said that both oats and Cheerios have extremely high contamination with glyphosate. The guest does tests of both foods and urine samples to determine glyphosate content.
Don’t cheerios also have high glyphosate levels as well?
Isn’t trisodium phosphate in fact TSP….that we use to clean our walls and such before we paint ?
Thank you so much for your untiring efforts of disseminating informations and articles regarding Cancer and its prevention. May GOD Bless you and your staff in TTAC.
Thank you for the good information.
I saw an article that US oats have the highest level of glyphosate of any grain. WAY too high.
That means Cheerios with oats will also contain glyphosate even though not listed.
True! The reason is very sneaky. Oats are not a GMO grain. BUT! All farmers except organic ones use shitloads of Roundup (glyphosates) just before harvesting as a “desiccant” Only buy Organic Oates!
You are CORRECT. I was unknowingly feeding my son who has autism and food sensitivities Cheerios twice a day most days. .03 parts per billion is considered “safe.” Cheerios has 1,125.03ppb!! After switching to organic only, within a day and a half his behaviors lessened immensely and he stopped saying his stomach hurt and was hungry again! I feed him all organic and non GMO and he has healed so much!
That’s why I’m using organic cereals.
Remember: Anything from the box and cans or man-altered food are unhealthy. Whatever is natural and God-made food are healthy and compatible with our body. God bless…
Thanks for your lovely comment Marlyn!
This is terrible it’s like nothing safe hardly anymore it’s Discusting
Terrible can’t trust anything
nothing packaged anyway.
Check labels comes close to helping you know what you are eating. If there’s anything listed that you have ever heard before or can’t pronounce; THROW IT DOWN!🤪😝😤
SoTrue! Thanks for all you’re doing.
Do organic oats (rolled or steel cut) contain glyphosates?
Well it shouldn’t, that’s the whole point of organic…
They shouldn’t; glyphosate is the chemical that comprises popular weed killers like Round-up. It does not occur naturally, nor does it occur unnaturally (i.e. by cooking/processing) unless introduced to the food supply. That being said, glyphosate residues often persist in both the environment and in food processing plants, and numerous studies have found organic, non-GMO products to contain higher-than-acceptable levels, because neither companies nor the government test for the chemical if they don’t use it to grow the product. But hey, you could just stop eating, move to a remote part of the earth that doesn’t receive any pollution, and live in a bubble!
Wow very ecucational i appreciate the info!!!
Hello, Madie!
Thank you for the nice feedback! If you know of friends and family members that can benefit from the information, please share the article using the options on top of the post. Have a great day 🙂
Can you tell me please which kind of ceareal can a diabetic person can take as well if we got heart attack colestrol and a stroke as well .im stuck
Check out “How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease” by Caldwell Esselstyn. His 200 patient clinical trial had over a %90 success rate and preventing further cardiac events or reversing blockages in the arteries and reversing heart disease. The same principles can reverse type 2 diabetes (check out Neal Barnard and Joel Fuhrman).
You could also consider watching Forks Over Knives and What the Health, both on Netflix.
Check those things out, you are not stuck.
I may be able to help. Email me at Just put “Help” in the subject line and I will get back to you asap
What is a healthy alternative for breakfast that is simple for parents to prepare?
I’m interested as well, like Rosemary, can you recommend what kind of cereal is good to eat then?
My Dad is prediabetic and has had a minor stroke as well as his arteries are starting to clog up.
Thank you…….
I stopped eating the original Cheerios years ago- when I learned they had added sugar to it. All through my youth I ate Cheerios. Our foods today are so tainted with toxic chemicals that it has become dangerous and unhealthy to eat anything not made at home. Even the basic ingredients, from which we make our own meals, are questionable. How many of us older folks have ailments possibly due to what we have consumed from boxes and cans? It isn’t a pleasure to eat any longer when one has to scrutinize every morsel. More and more people have autoimmune diseases. Perhaps that really is due to our diets. It’s very concerning- and sad!!
So true Joan. It constantly blows me away how many people are still ignorant or disbelieving to physical illnesses being linked to their diet!! It is so blatantly obvious yet as it requires a bit of effort to make some changes so people just ignore the facts. It’s a sad thing really. I know people are becoming more aware thanks to people like Ty who are getting the info out there – but he’s up against sooooo many skeptics!! We can atleast make our own choices with the info we have…and choose a healthy life that feels good 😊
This is scary! I thought Cheerios was basic and healthy. I reckon it’s not always about ingredients but how the food is produced as well.
Your sources and references don’t give us the information to ascertain whether or not they are valid. You just give the name of articles, but who wrote them? Are they scientifically valid? Until such time as I know the source of this information I will ignore it.
Hi Helen,
The sources and references tab has links to articles. If you would like to know the authors of the sources please click on the article name.
Its not that milk itself is bad but any Dairy product that is homogenized should be avoided im not a big milk drinker but my Husband likes it occasionally so i only by full fat milk with the cream on top and the label has to say non homogenized or i wont buy it same with cheese and yogurts homogenized dairy products apparently are being connected with Arterial damage good enough reason to stay away from these products.
This is very sad that Cheerios is so unhealthy to consume! Doctor’s tell mothers to give their toddlers and children Cheerios as finger foods/breakfast food and it’s horribly hurting our children’s health! So much of our food is toxic and most families cannot afford organic foods on a daily basis. It’s very sad that the food we consume is actually killing us. Thank you so very much for all the healthy information, I admire your dedication!
Great article! How can I contact Deborah Oke?
Hi Christine,
Please send a message to our customer success team here:
Have a great day!
I once had a DR. that called me disustingly healthy . If he could 0nly see me now Thyroid, dibeaties, heart problems, R/A immune defichancy more than likely from diet and lord knows what my children will go through as they age, and I did grow my own veggies and can them an fruit cooked good suppers ext. you trust that they ate making safe food for you bet it all really comes down to the all mighty dollor in the end
How can ‘Cheerios’ get away with not putting all those ‘other’ ingredients in the label?
Thanks for the info, I don’t know how the food companies get away with FAKE NEWS , re their foods.
“Calcium carbonate is a synthetically isolated form of calcium derived from bones, stones, and mollusks.”
What a crock! Calcium carbonate is the most abundant form of natural calcium in soil and dissolved in natural water. It IS eggshell, coral, and limestone.
Thank you… I am with P.E.T.A. and this is very misleading and sick! I wondered if Cherrios were as healthy as they are promoted to be.
They changed their ingredients a while ago, going gluten free and non gmo. This article is using a old picture of the cereal. I would like to see it updated with up to date information.
Thanks for the feedback Jeremy! For more information you can follow the sources and references tab at the end of the article.
WHAT an eye-opener! This information is very hard to swallow (no pun intended) . So many people are so very uninformed because real info is allowed to be re-worded or omitted from labels. Thank you for the information.
I didn’t know that just using a plastic bag for storing food was dangerous. Even for everyday quick storage of a sandwich, or fruit or transporting food..? I’m so disappointed in learning this today. The big food companies have marketed their products well—to make their profits. So very very shameful.
Great information we can all use. Thirty five years ago I was telling people these foods were not good for us, but I didn’t have the science to back up my claim. With your help we now have that science. In regards to the nutmilks, I can,t find a healthy one. They are either made with city water or canned with BPA lined containers. Do you have a suggestion?
I have been a caregiver for both my mother, and step-mother over the past four years. My father died at age 92, my mother at age 91 and my step-mother is going strong at age 94. All my life I have noticed how much more energy they had compared to me. My life has been a continual experience of fatigue and every kind of malady under the sun. I wondered why until it finally dawned on me. My folks grew up eating REAL food; I was raised on Cheerios and all types of other prepared foods. Even seeing their bodies, free of spider veins, cellulite, etc. in advanced age has been a shocker compared to my own body. I am convinced that the difference is in starting life out with real food containing real nutrition. Thanks for your excellent article.
I suppose the blueberries, bananas, and strawberries I put in my Cheerios are killing me as well?
I have eaten Cheerios for breakfast ever since it first hit the market. I am currently 81 years old and in good health. No serious effects from eating Cheerios.
That’s great news Richard!
Here we go again, lets roll back times to the 70’s when they claimed even breast milk could cause cancer.
Why are you discussing sugar as a hazard in cheerios when there is only one gram? It is hard to find any food item with less.
Calcium carbonate DOES harden arteries! Our bodies NEED Calcium CITRATE! This is the calcium we ingest!