You may be concerned about the “big names” of cancer − breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer. But another type is quickly making its way up the list of most common forms of cancer. According to a 2012 Center for Disease Control study, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the U.S for both men and women.
Who’s Most at Risk for Colorectal Cancer?
In 2012, there were approximately 135,000 people in the United States who were diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Just under 52,000 individuals died from the disease, with slightly more men succumbing than women.
The majority of people who are diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer are over the age of 50. However, this statistic may change in the future. This is because, while the number of older people diagnosed with this form of cancer is on the decline, the number of young people being diagnosed with colon and rectal cancer is skyrocketing.
According to a University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center study published in the 2015 edition of the JAMA Surgery journal, the number of 20 and 30-year-olds who will be diagnosed with colon cancer is set to increase by 90% by 2030. The number of rectal cancer cases could increase by a whopping 124%. For people 35-49, the incidence rates may increase 28% to 46% respectively.
The researchers point to rising obesity rates among young people as the major factor for their projections.
The Dangers of a Toxic Gut
While there is some evidence that genetic predisposition and family history play a part − as the dire predictions regarding young people point to − it is really bad lifestyle choices that cause the most threat. Many people eat a Standard American Diet (SAD) high in fats, sugars, and processed foods and do not have a regular protocol for keeping the colon clear of toxic build-up. Unfortunately, the result will be an internal environment that is ripe for cancer.
V.E. Irons spent years researching the link between toxins in the colon and disease. As part of his research, he identified over 20 toxic chemicals that can be produced in the colon as a result of a toxic build-up. For example, sepsin and methylguanidine are poisonous byproducts of protein putrefaction. In addition, phenols, indoles, amines, and ammonia are toxins that can develop in the colon and have been directly shown to have a harmful effect in animal and in vitro models.
Mr. Irons advocated detoxing the bowels on a regular basis in order to maintain overall health. This is because, while toxins can surely cause problems directly in the gut area, over time they can also be reabsorbed into the body.
In particular, toxins in the GI tract can lead to autoimmune disease, which has been directly linked to cancer. A 1998 study by researchers at Northwestern University reported that lupus patients had twice the risk of getting cancer than non-lupus patients. A later study sponsored by the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, drew the same results between autoimmune arthritis and breast cancer.
Let Food Be Your Medicine
Making healthy lifestyle choices that can let your body return to balance is the best way to fight cancer in all forms, including colon cancer.
The first thing you can do to ensure a healthy colon is to eat for your gut health. Eliminate processed sugar and high fructose corn syrup (which directly feed cancer) as well as GMO-foods, which can lead to intestinal damage.
In addition, stop eating commercially-processed meats. If you do eat meat, consider lowering the quantity per meal and eat only meat that is organic, grass-fed, and hormone and antibiotic-free. Consider eliminating pork completely, as it often carries the heaviest toxic load.
A recent study conducted by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) discovered that 69% of commercial pork, 55% of beef, 39% of chicken, and a whopping 81% of turkey tested positive for antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as campylobacter and Salmonella.
In addition, up your intake of water as well as green and cruciferous vegetables. Water helps you absorb nutrients from your food and flush out toxins through elimination. Leafy green and cruciferous veggies contain cancer-killing properties. Researchers in Australia have now connected T-bet genes found in cruciferous veggies to the production of immune system cells called lymphoids. These cells are designed to keep bad digestive bacteria at bay.
Here are some additional tips to help keep you colorectal cancer-free:
- Move Your Body: A recent study found that people who engage in vigorous exercise on a regular basis can cut their risk of colon cancer by half.
- If You Smoke, Stop: A Swedish study found that regular heavy smokers were three times more likely to get colorectal cancer than those who did not.
- Consider Healing Supplements and Probiotics: The best supplements to heal your gut are those that infuse the entire digestive system with healthy bacteria and those that starve bad bacteria. Consuming fermented foods like organic kimchee, cultured vegetables, or kombucha every day can strengthen the gut, improve digestion and improve immune function overall. A recent study found that higher levels of vitamin D in the blood may double colorectal cancer survival rates as well.
- Practice Safe Early Detection: Conventional methods of detecting polyps that could lead to cancer can be dangerous. A typical barium enema used to detect abnormalities in the intestines, for example, is the equivalent of 350 chest x-rays, according to European report written in 2000. Safer ways of detecting the cancerous conditions in the colon are being developed. Recent studies indicate that a simple stool sample, analyzed for certain bacterial populations in the gut microbiome, may be all that is needed to determine if cancer or precancerous conditions exists.
A healthy gut is the key to a healthy body. By living a healthy lifestyle that keeps your gut healthy, balanced, and strong, you strengthen your immune system and your body as a whole.
Please share this information with friends and family. It could save someone’s life!
Article Summary
According to the CDC, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the U.S for both men and women.
The majority of people who are diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer are over the age of 50. However, this statistic may change as the number of young people being diagnosed with colon and rectal cancer is skyrocketing. Researchers point to rising obesity rates among young people as the major factor.
Bad lifestyle choices are the biggest threat. Eating a Standard American Diet (SAD) high in fats, sugars, and processed foods and not having a regular protocol for keeping the colon clear of toxic build-up creates an internal environment that is ripe for cancer.
Making healthy lifestyle choices that can let your body return to balance is the best way to fight cancer in all forms − including colon cancer.
Eliminate processed sugar and high fructose corn syrup (which directly feed cancer), genetically modified foods, and commercially-processed meats which can lead to intestinal damage. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water and up your consumption of green and cruciferous vegetables.
Additional tips to help keep you colorectal cancer-free include:
- Regular Exercise
- Stop Smoking
- Consider Healing Supplements and Probiotics
- Practice Safe Early Detection
Hi, WHICH stool sample are you talking about ( there are many) and what bacteria etc are you looking for in the sample? Thanks.
Hello Family; Yes follow the tips here and a great book is by Dr. Bernard Jensen Tissue cleansing through Bowel Management. And through Forgiveness cleanse the sh-t from your past, it may have accumulated in your gut and bowel and become something you can’t ignore anymore, letting it go doesn’t work for trauma. I have a friend who was diagnosed with bowel cancer and so far they cant go there yet. Forgiveness is a cost free way to help your body to heal like meant it was designed to do by God. I Love you. Yourself called alan.
You are so right! I work with people and animals long distance, was born with gift of healing, helping people melt away the “crud” as you pointed out is not only in the physical body. BioMedical Empath; Kedzi Morgan
I drink a lot of water and drink a whole lemon juice from a freshly squeezed lemon a day and eat a lot of fruit to help me clean my intestines and rectum. Every morning before I get up, whenever I drink my lemon juice, my bowels start moving and I am able to poop all the food that I ate the day before, I try to avoid the Standard American diet and try to eat healthier foods like soup, salad, fish, and fruit.
Wonderful daily practice Silvia! I would love to tell you about something that would enhance what you already do, it is a Water you Activate in your own home, vital for Cellular Hydration, Detoxification and Nutritent delivery. I invite you to email me if you would like to learn more!
NAFLD aids colon cancer by not digesting the food properly….irritation and toxic build up contribute to cancer from indigestion…it starts in the gut…
Hi there- I have Lynch Stndrome, as my mother before me, which I’m sure you know is a genetic condition. I was not obese prior to or during my diagnosis and neither was my mother. I also took vitamin D and drank kombucha regularly. Do you have information about prevention of genetic cancers? I’m also susceptible to ovarian and uterine cancers.
Hello Myself Kari and all; Genetics is real and also what could be real is the passing on of the experiences from parent to child, the passing on of sexual abuse, the passing on of violence, etc. What experience did your grandmother have that your mother had and what experience did you have that the woman before you have, like wise the father. In the Bible it says that ” the sins of the father is passed on unto seven generations”, this also includes the mother. Trauma may be passed on and Trauma affects our health. “Physician heal thy self” Yes, Try adding Forgiveness with Unconditional Love as a healing modality. Use all the tools. The Forgiveness Ceremony can be found in The . I Love you.Yourself called alan.
The picture painted here is a bit incomplete. Most important to understand is that complete digestion of cooked animal proteins is rather challenging. Gut dysbiosis is caused by incomplete digestion of animal flesh in the small intestine. Undigested flesh entering the colon essentially rots, feeding bacteria that create toxic waste products. The best preventitive measure against colorectal cancer is a plant-based diet.
80 % Organic Plants in diet is awesome! As long as the animal products are clean! Hydrochloride Acid is vital for breaking up our proteins, the fiber from the Veggies will be superior to Intestinal Elimination. So many other simple things can help keep our plumbing humming!
Lets not forget the obvious culprit, Dairy…Rather raw or fresh from the cow or store bought. Avoid it !
I wonder which doctors from would be best to advise me on colon healing and most importantly detection and seeing if I have polyps. I have in the past, except the last colonoscopy. My mother died of colon cancer. I have been eating organic for over 4 months, eat organic cottage cheese and organic sauerkraut in the morning, using kraut for my probiotic. I’d like to see who I should go to in the Western Wisconsin area of LaCrosse. Any suggestions appreciated. I also drin organic apple cider vinegar with water at night, which should help.
Can you please tell me if we could cure or prevent further spreading of colorectal cancer which has already spread to many other parts including liver, uterus, lungs etc. There is no hope anywhere. Is there hope here? Can I cure my mom who is suffering from this.
Hello, Madhura!
We are sorry to hear about the diagnosis of your mother.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series. Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you. We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us. Sending thoughts for hope and healing.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage: