A report published over the weekend found that over 750 dietary supplements contained potentially harmful drugs that were not listed on the label. The study analyzed warnings by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) between 2007 and 2016.
The primary culprits were supplements marketed for:
#1: Weight loss
#2: Muscle building
#3: Sexual enhancement
The supplements, many branded as “natural”, contained unapproved pharmaceuticals, including Sibutramine for weight loss, synthetic steroids for muscle building, and Sildenafil for sexual enhancement.
Despite their status as over-the-counter dietary supplements, over 20% of these products contained multiple unapproved ingredients. These ingredients can be extremely harmful – especially if you don’t know what you’re taking.
According to a 2015 study, more than 20,000 people went to the emergency room for issues associated with dietary supplements.
What’s worse, some products were reported to contain new unapproved drugs after receiving FDA warnings. This means that drug companies, after being exposed for adulterating their supplements, simply switched out one dangerous drug for another.
This is a major concern for consumers, thousands of whom may be unwittingly consuming dangerous pharmaceuticals without knowing it. Sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra, was found in 21.3% of the offending drugs. It has been known to cause headaches, sudden loss of hearing, impaired vision, congestion, and even heart attacks.
So how can we protect ourselves from these potentially dangerous drugs hidden in dietary supplements? Big Pharma has shown time and time again that profits are more important than people. One can simply look at the vaccine industry to see how safety and research are put aside for massive profits from a coerced market.
Not only does Big Pharma control most medical schools, it also censors information about natural, homeopathic healing. Given that pharmaceutical companies spend far more on marketing than actual research, it’s no wonder that they’re threatened by affordable, natural methods for treating disease.
Or the cancer industry, where doctors profit from prescribing chemotherapy even though chemotherapy can actually cause cancer! Meanwhile, promising cures have continually been covered up and shut down by both the government and Big Pharma.
The answer is to stick with organic, natural products. According to David Fabricant, CEO and President of the Natural Products Association,
If it sounds too good to be true, it is too good to be true. If it’s promising great weight loss gains, or great strength gains or it says it’s comparable to Viagra, that’s a red flag.”
There are a plethora of God-given, natural, organic herbs and minerals that keep our bodies healthy without all the nasty side effects. For example, apple cider vinegar can help with weight loss, immune support, and stabilization of blood sugar. Black pepper essential oil supports the muscles in numerous ways, and cholesterol is the primary building block of testosterone, which is essential for men’s health and libido.
Nutrition is the most important, and absolute best way to keep your body healthy and vibrant. Unfortunately, fruits and vegetables are so depleted of nutritional value, that even the right diet may not be enough to keep your body healthy. The truth is, you likely have no idea what’s in your food. From GMOs to soil depletion, healthy, whole foods simply don’t pack the same punch they once did.
Synthesized dietary supplements aren’t as beneficial as supplements based on whole foods. To protect your body from dangerous, potentially harmful, hidden pharmaceuticals, be sure to stick to organic, natural, whole foods.
LOVE the info!!
What info. I clicked because I thought it said to avoid “these three supplements.” Nothing was said specifically. Extremely disappointed. Clickbait. Unethical from these people. sorry to disappoint.
Respectfully disagree, Jojo. It said “…types of supplements…” not “these supplement” or “brands” then went on to describe the potential problems and what to look out for.
I thought it was informative without being hysterical or litigious.
Click ‘report’ near the top,
the three areas of supplements discussed in the report are sexual enhancement, weight loss and body building. Hurray for me
It was great info!! You did not read it closely. Here’s what it said, “The primary culprits were supplements marketed for:
#1: Weight loss
#2: Muscle building
#3: Sexual enhancement”
The entire article was good. Very informative!!
I agree Jojo. I am tired of onsells. Success stories abound if you look around enough. It hurts more when God is used for onselling. I have no doubt about the good intent and better advice provided compared to big pharma. Sadly, copy script is also a waste of precious time. There are millions of ways to die, and we all will. Our bodies are supposed to be treated as the Temple of the Holy Spirit, but there is nothing to say we need be afraid of death if we enjoy the goodness of God and His miraculous ever-presence and actions that surround us. I wish to leave a legacy for my family, but not in the sense of making a name for myself. Should God chose to make a name of me I will rejoice. Should He chose to humble me that I wash the feet of others or clean toilets if I be able, that too will be a joy for me to serve others in His name. So, as to empty onsells I choose the promises, provisions and protection of God in the name of Jesus and ask that God give me wisdom by His Holy Spirit to live a life that boasts not of wealth or health, but wisdom to live a life that glorifies Him by humble service and prayerfully without undiscerning judgment in which I be caught out as one who does not practice what he preaches. That I take to be the message of ‘The Letter of James’ and the intent of the letters of John that we prosper in our souls as we do in our bodies. No matter our health, how blest we are-and I dare not talk myself out of God supplementing me with either a further manifestation of His miraculous glory, nor of any benefit of a health supplement. However I am overwhelmed by empty promises and wordy sales pitches. So I choose to bless those who have time, money and energy to so benefit from them, and pray that we all learn to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice, that we have the humility to rejoice with those who refuse to deny their faith that God is always good at all times, in all situations and circumstances no matter what they go for. May the God of lights enlighten us all with wisdom and joy to cut through all bars that would deceive us to believe that we are less than what God has created us in His Image, and deceive us by the dark clouds of chaos that distort His Word and prey on those in pain.
I sadly have a person using scripture to deny the inevitability of death via Jesus’ words that those who believe in Him will not deny by have Eternal Life. This passage is used to claim that we can overcome dying in this life to live on ignoring the clear teachings of scripture associated with it about our already living one foot in heaven, and that we will live on past death, either asleep in Christ or that the resurrection from the dead has already taken place as we await its fullness and the creation of the New World Order that Christ establishes as opposed to and UN, post-war reconstructionism of a NWO in which Christ is replaced with a syncretistic belief and person who will bring about a deceptive Nephashian
JoJo, it is a great thing to be able to read but of an even greater benefit to be able to understand what is read. All the information that I have read from Ty has always been simple, concise, to the point and helpful. Sometimes, we have to look deep inside of ourselves what we want.
Agreed. Couldn’t find the 3 specifically listed. I’m tired of teaser emails. I just went ahead and UNSUBSCRIBED from all of their emails. I don’t like being teased for click throughs.
Hi Brenda,
We did list the three types of supplements in the article. They aren’t specific brands of supplements, but they are types of supplements. Hope this clears up any confusion!
I’m with you JoJo. Here is EXACTLY what my email SUBJECT line shows in order to get me to click in to read the report.
“New Year’s Resolution: Never take these 3 supplements”
Those are the words in the subject line for the email to gain attention. Technically everyone else’s response is understandable for the body and verbiage within the email BUT the subject line specifically states “New Year’s Resolution: Never take these 3 supplements” which is misleading and frustrating to spend time reading through the email with an expectation to see which of “……..Never take these 3 supplements” would be mentioned to find that only types of supplements are mentioned not a specific 3.
I TOTALLY Agree JOJO !!! We got ” Click-Bait” SUCKERED !
Nothing to say, really, but wanted you to know i have seen and heard your name many times before and have listened to you on coast to coast am, and hope you are on again soon!
Just saying
Finished ‘TTAC:Global Quest” last night. Purchased the entire series today. I found TTAC by accident and am so glad I did. I have had two incidents of cancer: tongue and breast. Also have had squamous and basal cell skin cancers multiple times. I will soon be starting an adventure to rid myself of the harmful affects of radiation.
Thank you Ty and Charlene for making this your life’s calling.
Joy Griffin
We are so glad you found us E.Joy!!! Thanks for being with us.
I have bought Organixx Multi-Vita-Maxx (previously Epigenetic Labs Fulvimax) – my finances are very limited. I wonder if I should order MultiVitaMaxx again – since you are no longer affiliated w/that company in any way.
Thanks to you and Charlene for putting forth such great Cancer information !
Interested in your answer to this question also.
What are you going to do to get the radiation out of your body?
stay out of light ! actually find a place in the universe that is radiation free , its the only way ! radiation is always entering your body , you cant escape it !
I’m going though a 4 month homeopathic treatment consisting of getting shots of graduated doses of fermented European mistletoe. I also do colon hydrotherapy. Started taking B17, CBD pills and juicing as preventative measures.
Good luck honey xx
As I read your inquiry, my mind goes back to articles I’ve read in the past ……. I’m pretty sure that IODINE can detox the body of radiation !! Please research. I hope this helps.
Can you provide specifics of what you plan to do. I am seven weeks out from 30 days of radiation for sinus cancer and having lots of trouble eating almost all the food that I know is good for me
Try the bec 5. For Basel cell carsinoma, it worked for the little wound like sore on my right side I had for about 6 years…….it got a little bit bigger which was to be expected according to the little book they send, so I expected that, but it also was painful on my open little wound, but I endured by taking some mild opiates for the pain, then I stopped putting the Creme on and used straight aloe Vera to heal the area, and to my surprise I have very little of my wound left, the size of the happy face on our iPad here…….so now I know bec 5 really does work and it prevented me from going.in and having surgery which I was scheduled for this month, Jan/19. Hope this has helped someone!!!
I used to always worry about any vitamins or nutrients that were made in China. And then my worst fears were realized last August when I got a call from my pharmacy telling me that the Valsartan I got from them was being recalled. Yes, some of them contained a carcinogen that was introduced during the manufacturing process. I had been taking Valsartan for at least 6 years, made by different manufacturers, and a urologist had extracted a one inch tumor from my bladder about 6 months prior to August, subsequent to a few bloody urine episodes going back 2 years. Makes you wonder who is testing all these foreign and domestic concoctions we all consume now a days. Is there anybody really out there ? Has there ever really been anyone out there, testing all this stuff we consume ? If we thought so, perhaps we have been living in a fantasy land built on blind trust and stupidity.
Yes, I have the same question: WHO Is the unbiased 3rd party testing these supplements for carcinogens? I have called one popular multivitamin drug company to find out WHO and they replied, “, our in-house quality controller”!!!d WHAT?????!!!!!!😱😭😫😱
I don’t know what the standards are in the USA, but I live in Canada and all the supplements I take have a “Natural Product Number” which means that the product has been tested and approved by Health Canada. Many of the companies also have been third party tested by Isura as well. These are the only products I will use, and pretty much all of them are made in Canada (I’ve got a few made in the USA, like Host Defense or Garden of Life) but as I’ve been in the natural health industry for a long time, I’ve learned how to choose supplements that are safe, approved and do not contain anything other than what is on the label. I won’t even touch Jamieson, Kirkland or any drug store brand. They may have some active ingredients, but they are very poor quality and contain fillers etc.
I’m in Canada too. What line of supplements do you purchase? It’s a confusing market. I asked Organx about their turmeric but they “can’t” reveal details.
Do you have any empirical evidence or third party independent proof validating that Jamieson and/or Kirkland products are of “very poor quality” or are you just making this up, or getting your information on some fake news.com. website? Can you please respond with your proof? I suspect we will never hear from you on the matter again.
Alysia, what brands do you buy? i would be very curious to know what you use. I also live in Canada and am often mystified as to what I should be taking.
so, to sum up this article
“The primary culprits were supplements marketed for weight loss, muscle building, or sexual enhancement. The supplements, many branded as “natural”, contained unapproved pharmaceuticals, including Sibutramine for weight loss, synthetic steroids for muscle building, and Sildenafil for sexual enhancement.”
ok, those kind usually take people who are BIOMASS, unaware bio robots. and the name of this article is very much for those kind of people, attention getting based on fear.
I am 85. I grow my own veggies in my back yard. I grow easy non fail things like cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, and zuchinni. I buy beets, carrots, and brussells sprouts from my neighborhood gardner who is more smart and more active than i am. i put apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and minced garlic on my raw and or steamed veggies. I take no meds nor supplements.I eat a whole egg every day, and I drink a quart of whole milk from healthy pasture fed cows every day. I eat a lot of cream and some butter.I eat a lot of 100% whole grain carbs. i eat no processed foods, cereals, cereal bars,smoothies, nor “nutritional drinks, nor “sports’ drinks. I eat no bakery items. I make my own delicious goodies such as oatmeal rasin walnut cookies, and pumpkin pecan cake.Everybody should eat only real true pure food and drink only pure clean water like Evian.Nobody should eat white sugar , white flour, hard candies, nor any other non foods. Nobody should drink sodas.
rattlerjake – Sure you can eat refined sugar and flour in “moderation” , But you’re certainly not doing your body a favor!
interesting comments since cancer tumors are white sugar hogs.
Did you read his comment? He said people he knows are living very healthy lives.
wish you lived closer to me, same life style and age> would have a lot to share this time in our lives. Jan B
That was an unnecessarily aggressive response to an innocent (and informative) post. You are the asshole.
Awesome. Congrats on your healthy lifestyle choice. 85 years old is a living testimony of health and vigor.
I love your post. Where do you buy your seeds to ensure they are organic, and not GMO.
You are encouraging organic, natural, whole food diet, but one paragraph above you are saying that unfortunately the truth is, you likely have no idea what’s in your food. From GMOs to soil depletion, healthy, whole foods simply don’t pack the same punch they once did… So it is confusing regarding what the solution is…and how to avoid pesticides and all of that…
Also, I did not see what those 3 dangerous supplements we should never take…
When food is certified organic it should not have any GMO’s, herbicides or insecticides. Youngevity products are excellent, certified organic. Company was started by Joel Wallach, a homeopathic doctor who started out as a veterinarian. You can pull him up on YouTube.
Not all organic certifications look at the quality of the irrigation water or worse bio-sludge; Organic by a grower you know is best but for most people that is only partially if at all possible.
AMEN TO WHAT YOU JUST POSTED!!Wow, can I come and visit with you!! sounds Like you think like I do and I am 70 years old! No meds, but do take supplements. I eat very healthy and I will be growing my own foods shortly after I get my raised garden beds made. I love life! I love great health and I am thankful to God for my good health and stamina. thank you To Ty and his crew for getting the truth out there. By the way ty, anytime coming to San Diego? I sure would like to meet you and your crew. Take care and keep up the good work.
I appreciate this information. I continue to share this with my family and friends. Forever Vegan.
The lead to your link says “Never eat these three types of supplements”. But your article didn’t list them.
It was in the second paragraph…kind of hidden; bullet points could be better used.
The primary culprits were supplements marketed for weight loss, muscle building, or sexual enhancement. The supplements, many branded as “natural”, contained unapproved pharmaceuticals, including Sibutramine for weight loss, synthetic steroids for muscle building, and Sildenafil for sexual enhancement.
beware of any that preach great weight loss, great strength gain or great sexual performance. often including Sibutramine the active ingredient in Vigra or many steroids..
Agree with Barbara. I don’t like the bait and switch!!
I know!!!! I hate it when that happens. 🙁
I think what they meant was that the three types were supplements for:
weight loss
muscle building
sexual enhancement.
Very good article, but the supplements are not mentioned which might be nice.
What are the 3 supplements you were going to warn us against? I was very disappointed that once I clicked on the link to find out that info, it was nowhere to be found (at least I couldn’t find it!)
Ah – I think this must be it. I was expecting 3 specific supplements. I think it means 3 categories: “The primary culprits were supplements marketed for weight loss, muscle building, or sexual enhancement. The supplements, many branded as “natural”, contained unapproved pharmaceuticals, including Sibutramine for weight loss, synthetic steroids for muscle building, and Sildenafil for sexual enhancement.”
Nobody mentions the fact that every human being on planet earth has as individual DNA-which well react differently to the same “allergen”. One size does NOT fit all-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!….v152(vinny152@yahoo.com)
The three supplements are in the second paragraph…supplements marketed for weight loss, muscle building, or sexual enhancement.
Thank you Ty for all the great information. I always look forward to reading these articles.
After purchasing the video series about The Truth About Cancer, A Global Quest, my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He wouldn’t listen to what I had learned, but did understand that sugar feeds cancer cells. When I cut sugar and carbohydrates from our diet, his margins have been clear with every test since. I also saw the benefit, because I had been detected with possible signs of breast cancer and wanted me to come back in six months for another breast ultrasound. When I went back, after stopping the sugar and carb’s, the technician could see no sign of abnormal cells. I am a firm believer in what you have shared Ty. Thank you for your hard work and efforts in getting this out to the public.
Hi Ty, and happy new year to you and yours. And thank you for remaining in the forefront of warning us of the perils that lie in those containers we are so encouraged to indulge in!! And did everybody read the same article I did? He specifically said he was directing us to libido enhancers, weight loss supplements, and dietary aides!! That looks to be 3 to me!! Keep up your good work, I recommend so many folks to go check out that series on You Tube!! It’s “The Truth About Cancer” for those of you who don’t know!
Series is so informative and how can anyone doubt the benefits of such natural whole organic food to feed, heal and nourish our bodies.
what are the supplements ?
Ty listed the three categories. It is virtually impossible to actually list all the specific supplements, unless you wanted a very long article and even then he might have left out a few.
What has happened to reading comprehension and critical thinking skills?!
The 3 categories listed and the reasons for their listing should give most people the information to be able to make informed decisions.
Quite agree with you. If you know you use supplements under those three categories then you have your answer.
whats the answer?
im a bit peeved ,I subscribed to the 9 episode truth about cancer documentary but once I saw the first one it closed up saying to see the other 8 I needed to pay up …. not knocking ttac but it feels a bit like you are taking advantage of folk with cancer issues… ?
Hi Vince,
First, thanks so much for watching and being with us, and I hope you’ve found our series useful.
Please understand we are not big pharma with deep pockets and unlimited budgets. We are a small company with caring individuals working hard every day to serve as many people as possible, and we depend on the support of our loyal viewers by offering the DVDs and transcripts of our series for sale.
Any business or charity requires money to keep it going, and the sales of our products help fund our administrative and operational and travel expenses for our film crew to interview doctors and specialists worldwide, plus customer service, marketing, advertising, legal, compliance, and many other expenses to keep it sustainable.
Still, we do everything we can to find a balance between broadcasting this information to the public for free, and offering it for sale, so that we can reach as many people as possible. Thank you for your continued support.
So sad. A Christian click-bait site. I’ll be unsubscribing!
David Kintz, please reread the article. This is no bait and switch. The answer is in the article, plain as can be. Plus please read the previous comments made here because others have tried to clarify that the 3 types of supplements are indeed there in the article and have listed the 3 types. Happy reading!
Everyone please read the whole article which clearly states types of supplements before you comment in a negative manner.
When you have real faith-you LOOK FOR that which proves what is being offered. Defending the truth takes work and so for all those who missed the message- you have not looked well enough. Respectfully submitted.
A.Scott Rudolph Thank you Ty.
I’ll not be unsubscribing. I can see nothing wrong with making a living from doing good. There is certainly plenty making much much more from doing bad. Thank you Tye and everyone for all the wonderful information yous share. Oh and a happy new year to all. X
I have had to learn much in life with regards to pain and suffering, needless pain and suffering mostly. So much to pass on and time goes by so fast. I have overcome crippling injuries and re injuries. Coming from an all military family ( both sides of family ) i have always been extremely active although have had some bad vices to overcome. I have worked all my life since the age of 8, soon to be 55 and still going. Need to take all i have learned to a whole new level. So glad to be here to learn and pass on what i have already learned. Thank you so much for putting up such a wonderful site full of so much truth. I currently consume super foods and try to stay as active as possible, currently facing some health issues that i feel confident i will overcome because of people who take the time to pass on such wonderful information. I will always be grateful and look forward to a long prosperous relationship.
What supplements are best for brain disease?
Hi Julian –
Thank you for reaching out to us about this.
Unfortunately, we don’t have any info on this. But we do have some articles that may be helpful to you.
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in our Global Quest series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area: https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/
Hope this is helpful to you.
Wishing you endless love, blessings, and healing!
What do you consider the best oils on the market?
Can you name the company? I love essential oils and have started to us them. Frankensence being a favourite. That said they cleared up my eczema, a cold sore, and helped with pain almost instantly.
Life saver for my husbands gout pain when traveling. As a cancer survivor, I do look for ways to stay healthy and have switched my house to toxic free products for cleaning and personal use and we stay away from food with gluten, I don’t eat meat or chicken. Love to hear what you think about oils and what brands you have found the purest.
Hi Jacquie –
Thanks for your note.
Unfortunately, we don’t have a specific brand recommendation for supplements at this time. But I would be happy to pass along this question/request on your behalf.
In the mean time, you could start with doing some research on USDA certified organic supplements available in a local shop or an online store. 🙂
If you have any further questions/concerns, please let us know as we are happy to help.
Wishing you and your family blessings and love!