Video Transcript: GMOs, Roundup, and Cancer
Ty Bollinger: Have you heard of Roundup? It’s sold in many garden stores as a weed killer. Millions of tons of Roundup is also sprayed on industrial food crops every year – especially GMO crops. The problem is that this poison does not just kill insects; it kills beneficial bacteria in the soil. It strips the soil of essential nutrients like zinc and copper that your body needs.
Charlene Bollinger: In this video you’ll hear from GMO expert Jeffrey Smith about the health consequences of this toxic pesticide and the shopping step you must take to have the safest food possible.
Jeffrey Smith: And so, when we think about GMOs and cancer, there are three areas that we like to talk about. One is the process of genetic engineering itself. It can create carcinogens and other things. The other is the BT toxin produced in mostly corn and cotton. And the third, which I want to focus more on, is Roundup.
Six major GMO crops are Roundup ready, engineered not to die when sprayed with Roundup herbicide. Soy, corn, cotton, canola, sugar beets, and alfalfa. All but alfalfa are more than 90% of the crops in the United States in those categories sprayed with Roundup. Because Roundup is used more and more, the weeds outsmart Monsanto and the farmers need more to kill the weeds. These herbicide-resistant weeds are driving up the use of herbicides by over half a billion pounds in the first 16 years of GMOs.
But it’s not just GMOs that are sprayed with Roundup. It turns out there are dozens of other crops, food crops, that are sprayed with Roundup just before harvest to dry it down as a desiccant. And this is why, this is one reason why, non-GMO is not good enough. Because if you have a loaf of bread, wheat is not genetically engineered, but it’s sprayed with Roundup just before harvest. As are lentils and barley and oats and so many cereals and pulses and fruits and vegetables. So, it’s now time to go fully organic.
Let’s just focus on the cancer for a moment, because this is the venue for that. The World Health Organization, in March 2015, declared glyphosate, the active ingredient of Roundup, as a class 2A carcinogen. They said it causes cancer in animals; it causes mutations in human DNA, which can lead to cancer. Where it’s used in high concentrations in farm areas, there’s an increase in cancer. But there’s not enough human trials to say it’s definitely a cancer causer, so we’ll call it a “probable human carcinogen.”
Now the California Prop 65 people said “Okay.” This year they said “Okay, we’re going to call Roundup and glyphosate cancer causing.” The EU, which was planned to slam dunk its re-approval of Roundup and glyphosate, they are in flux right now. France has just announced this week that in 2022 they’re going to ban Roundup altogether. Let’s hear it for France. Viva la France!
Now if we’re having so much Roundup poured in our food. It’s found in air samples, it’s found in rain samples, it’s in drinking water. Are we seeing an impact of Roundup on cancer? Well, if you plot the acreage of Roundup that has been sprayed, the amount of Roundup sprayed on the acreage that’s genetically modified, soy and corn, or you just look at the acreage of soy and corn, you see this is liver and bile duct incidence. You can see the green line, which is the pre-1990 trend line for those cancers, and then all of a sudden GMOs introduced in the late 1990s, that took off and so did this cancer.
This is correlation. It is not a guarantee that one causes the other. But we’ll see this, the context of this is very important, which we’ll see in a minute.
Let’s take a look at glyphosate, which is an interesting molecule, and figure out why it is so potent. The World Health Organization says it damages the DNA. That can lead to cancer. It’s also an antibiotic. According to The Journal of the American Medical Association, there’s a high correlation between antibiotic use and breast cancer use.
One reason why antibiotics are dangerous for cancer, you can find it on The Truth About Cancer website, is the microbiome.
Everyone’s talking about the microbiome. It’s the new tofu; everyone’s talking about it. It’s good for the immune system, it fights inflammation, it’s detoxification, it protects the barrier, and it can be damaged by antibiotics. And there’s many different research studies which explain how and why, and that it’s true. The inflammation can cause the cancer, even the metabolites, the things produced by those microorganisms, can be cancerous.
Ty Bollinger: Great information, thank you Jeffrey smith, about Roundup and about GMOs.
Charlene Bollinger: Wow. Jeffrey Smith just continued to wow me with his zeal for truth doing his research diligently and then bringing that research to us. Roundup is very dangerous, so thank you Jeffrey Smith for leading the path to freedom for truth and life. And until next time, thanks for joining us. God Bless.
As a small farmer in Iowa for most of my 66 years of life, I have produced corn, soybeans, cattle, hogs, and vegetables before “GMO’s” and I have also used GMO varieties for many years. Your article is full of false information and misleading information!!! There are many GMO traits that reduce the use of chemicals and save our souls and improve water quality. The use of Roundup is only one trait and it does NOT kill insects as you misstated. Other traits are to resist insects, root worms, and become more drought tolerant. The use of chemicals is not going up as you stated too. This is very false!! Before GMO crops, we used much more and stronger chemicals for everything. Now because we can use “weaker” , not as dangerous chemicals for just certain problems, the situation is much safer for producers and consumers!! You also were promoting “ organic”. This is a joke!! Organic certification requirements profit the use of certain synthetic products but there are other harmful and unregulated products used in organically that are harmful. Also organic farming requires a lot of tillage which can lead to more soil erosion and water quality problems. I am very thankful for beneficial GMO traits that help me to produce healthier products and also which are better for our environment!!!
Dear Jeffrey,
Most recently Monsanto has been the
company who was producing the
pesticide called Roundup. However the
Bayer company has recently purchased Monsanto.
The Bayer company, to my knowledge is
a reputable company and it should prove
interesting what direction they go in having
purchased Monsanto and how they plan on
merging the two companies for the good
of people and the environment
I am retired now but i was an environmental technician and this man is telling the truth.There are so many preservatives in our food that cause cancer that it is no wonder that i have prostate cancer.Pax vobiscum and God Bless you and your Family Robert F Swart
As a nurse I have dealt with many kinds of people. There are those who does not think about anything environmental nor about others lives except how much he can make in his business. I agree that mankind is very self destructive. We formulate toxic stuff to “kill” and NOT harmonize with the environment. Hence we are paying that price with Cancer!!!