Contrary to what mainstream medicine would have you believe, there are many natural and alternative cancer protocols which can help to beat cancer. More importantly, alternative therapies are usually much more effective and safe than mainstream cancer treatments − which actually cause cancer and cause it to spread.
Such alternatives are also usually only a fraction of the cost of conventional cancer treatment. However, alternative treatments are not covered by insurance, and when these treatments involve a lot of supplements (especially pricey ones), the costs can add up to a daunting expense for people whose budgets are limited.
The good news is… if you’re looking for how to beat cancer with limited funds, there are plenty of very effective things you can do without spending a lot of money. Here are a few tips that cover many of the bases for eliminating existing cancer and keeping it at bay:
5 Keys for Beating Cancer
- Eliminating toxins – by far the primary root cause of cancer − from your body and environment
- Making your body as inhospitable to cancer as possible
- Eating and living as healthy of an anti-cancer diet and lifestyle as possible
- Building and maintaining a healthy immune system − your natural first line of defense against cancer and other illness
- Taking strong anti-cancer and immune boosting herbs and other supplements
After reading this article, we recommend checking out 30+ Natural Alternatives to Consider Before Chemotherapy (# 6 May Surprise You!)
How to Beat Cancer on the Cheap
- Eat the flaxseed oil/cottage cheese combo which is an integral part of the highly successful Budwig Diet protocol. Note: be sure to use small curd cottage cheese to come closer to the original quark cheese Johanna Budwig used. If you are a bit of a do-it-yourself type, you can also make your own healthy quark cheese at home with a bit of effort.
- Eat lots of raw minced garlic and lots of hot peppers − either cayenne or habanero.
- Eat a mostly raw, mostly vegetable diet, and be sure to include lots of cancer-fighting cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage.
- Consume much of your vegetables in juiced form. Juiced vegetables are key components of many successful natural cancer protocols, most notably the Gerson protocol.
- Avoid sugar, artificial sweeteners, white bread/bleached flour, fast foods, junk foods, microwaved foods, processed meat products, and processed foods in general. (For more information on a good diet for fighting cancer, see: The Best Cancer Fighting and Immune Boosting Food Choices)
- Take lots of the inexpensive spice turmeric, which contains the cancer-fighting adaptogen curcumin (turmeric). Curcumin is also a very good natural anti-inflammatory. Note: turmeric is not absorbed very well, but you can increase absorption by also taking coconut milk and/or black pepper along with it.
- One must-take supplement is milk thistle, which is essential for maintaining good liver health. This is needed to handle an increased toxic load on the liver due to cancer cell die-off. The late great alternative cancer pioneer Max Gerson observed that he never observed a single cancer patient who did not also have an impaired liver.
- Cleanse your liver and bowels prior to starting any anti-cancer protocol and continue to do so regularly. Do this at least once every few weeks thereafter to make sure your liver is cleansed and better able to process toxins and pass them out of the body.
- Do coffee enemas once or more each day. Coffee enemas help open up the bile ducts so that toxins can be eliminated more efficiently. They also greatly increase glutathione production and help relieve pain.
- Parsley, chlorella, cilantro, dandelion root, and apple pectin all help bind and eliminate toxins, especially heavy metals.
- In addition to regular direct sun exposure to the skin, try to get plenty of indirect sunlight into the eyes daily. In the summer of 1959, fifteen cancer patients at Bellevue Medical Center were instructed to stay outdoors as much as possible without wearing glasses or sunglasses. By autumn, the tumors in 14 of 15 had not grown, and some patients had gotten better. The one patient that didn’t have good results had not fully understood the instructions and had continued to wear tinted prescription glasses.
- Oleander extract is a very powerful cancer-fighter and immune modulator, especially when combined with an overall anti-cancer lifestyle and other key cancer fighting and immune boosting items.
- Get regular exercise or other physical activity.
- Drink plenty of pure water.
- Meditate, practice the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), or take other measures to control stress.
- Other than milk thistle, if you can afford a handful of supplements, some of the most important ones to consider are colloidal silver, N-acetyl cysteine, iodine, selenium (methylselenocysteine is the best form for fighting cancer), and trace minerals.
Finally, a good positive attitude can go a long, long way. Believe that you can beat cancer and your chances of beating it become greater!
Article Summary
Alternative cancer therapies are usually much more effective and safe than conventional cancer treatments (i.e. chemotherapy and radiation) which actually cause cancer and cause it to spread.
There are plenty of very effective alternative treatments you can do to beat cancer without spending a lot of money.
5 Keys to Beating Cancer:
- Eliminating toxins from your body and environment
- Making your body as inhospitable to cancer as possible
- Eating and living as healthy of an anti-cancer diet and lifestyle as possible
- Building and maintaining a healthy immune system
- Taking strong anti-cancer and immune boosting herbs and other supplements
Maintain a good positive attitude. Believe that you can beat cancer!
Cancer maybe due to Celiac. Tests may not work to diagnose Celiac. Gluten may make antibodies to the thyroid/pitiuitary/liver/hormones and affect other glands. Gluten may hurt the gut lining so less nutrients absorb…then cells are not made righth to work right to burn oxygen and pH is better. Celiac may not allow the body to detox right as it affects the liver so heavy metals etc may build up in a person.
No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO and vitamins/good oils, LDN and detoxing help me. Vit D3 5000IU, zinc 50mg if detoxing, 2000mg fish oil , 20000mg evening primrose oil. 2000 mg lecithin, Phosphatidylserine/DMAE, krill oil, CLA, Coenzyme Q10, Rhodiola, Mg citrate 400mg, Vit C, 5000mcg of biotin, Nature’s Plus- Source of life multiple, HCl and enzymes with meals, dairy free probiotic, Vit B12 methylcobalamin shot/spray/under the tongue kind/intrinsic factor kind, MTHF folate, coenyzme Q10, rhodiola, may help brain/body/thyroid/depression/immune system and more. Gluten is wheat/barley/rye..oats may act like gluten with avenin. GMO corn/soy/canola oil may hurt. Amour thyroid maybe needed since gluten may made antibodies to the thyroid. Coenzymated B vitamins far from synthetic kind make make me calm.
Sunlight (helps the immune system and helps to heal the gut lining),exercise, organic food, good water..not tap water, cooking by scratch pure food….. no food in a box/bag/premade/label/restaurant which may help avoid hidden gluten. Certified gluten free food may have 20ppm of gluten…too much. Nuts not sold in the shell/meat basting/some spices may have hidden gluten and lotion/make up etc. One restaurant cooks special for me…rice/veg/tea/extra mushrooms (no meat since the woks may have MSG/gluten in them).
EDTA/DMPS IV chelations from an Alternative doctor, 600mg of cilantro, organic sulfur, Now brand- Detox support, Far Infrared Sauna and more may help detox. Hair tests show good minerals and heavy metals. Heavy metals can block thyroid and other chemical reactions in the body/brain.
LDN may help block hidden gluten/heal the gut lining and help the immune system, but the Celiac diet is still needed. 100% no hidden or microscopic gluten may help. Cutting back on gluten or cheating by eating gluten hurts the immune system. It may take 1 1/2 months to heal the gut lining after getting hidden gluten.
Amour thyroid has some T3 and Calcitonin. Synthroid is only T4..may not convert to T3. Zn/Se/enough iron/strong probiotic may help convert T4 to T3 for thyroid.
Alternative doctors/chiropractors/acupuncturists and more may help with health/vitamins etc.
Longer version:
Colloidal silver hurt me…blocked my thyroid and other chemical reactions and made precancer/24 hour panic attacks/sagging eye lid/lost sugar digestion. My liver could not detox it so it built up in my body. Only EDTA/DMPS IV chelations could remove it. Oral detoxing did not help remove the silver and other heavy metals in me. Best wishes.
Thank you for sharing. Very informative.
The RIGHT colloidal Silver is important. IF you get Sovereign Silver, it’s unique small particle size (.8nm) prevents it from becoming toxic. BE CAREFUL WHAT Silver you purchase as it CAN be toxic but won’t be if you take this.
My wife has cancer some other medical problem extremely important I communicate with someone not sure we’re I’m sending this Gary
Hi Gary, I would suggest that you speak with one of the experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest series. Here is a link to find their information:
MTHFR – This is a critical gene that is very common, at almost 50%. Depending on the whether one is heterozygous or homozygous, the ability to detoxify could be impacted up to something like 80%! After many years of feeling sick and doctors unable to do anything, even one firing me for not taking chemo or steroids for my autoimmunity at 30 years old, I started researching within the realms of functional medicine. Not too long after I learned that MTHFR gene mutations and high candida (which is toxic) are frequently overlooked even in the FM field. It is important to get a 23andme and and extrapolate that data into one of the many interpretative sites that can translate all that data into english. If there are gene mutations it’s imperative to find someone who knows how to deal with them. Check out Dr. Lynch if MTHFR is a concern, or check the experts in this panel to see who might have experience there. I wish you and your wife the best. The body wants to heal, remember that!
Talk to an Alternative doctor in your area or chiropractor who helps with diet/supplements etc. Celiac help may help cancer as it helps the immune system/oxygen/pH/rebuilds cells. Tests may not work to diagnose Celiac. Talk to a health food store for recommendations of people to help. See my link has cancer information and Celiac help which may help cancer. Best wishes.
Gary, Check out/ go on to the Facebook page Curing Cancer Naturally. Which was started up after, and I believe because of The Truth About Cancer series. Many many people explaining how they cured themselves of cancer. You can search by typing in the bar in the top right hand corner the type of cancer that your wife has, to see if there are already any helpful comments. You can also ask the group questions. It is an amazing group so very much help and support, mainly from cancer survivors. But always double check what you read. I will be checking out some of what Shasha mentions in her replies above, as I have not heard some of these facts this before. There are a few that I can’t understand. There could be Facebook groups for the other illnesses that your wife has. I was amazed to find so many different Facebook groups Just type the name of the illness or whatever in the Facebook bar where you would normally type the name of a person you are looking for. As I said further up PLEASE check & double check what you read, it is a sad fact that some people just post for the sake of posting. Some do not check out what they say before posting. Check out Essential Oils, as I have read a great deal about their beneficial effect on curing cancer .Also Essaic Tea, Black Salve, and lots lots more. You will also find some people who write negative comments about some of these natural cures, here again some have ulterior motives. The Moderator keeps the site as free advertising as he can, but occasionally the odd advert manages to post, as I said check & double check all information. Keep strong, cancer is not a death sentence these days, be positive, take care and God Bless you all
I used a myriad of self treatments for cancer from December 2007 until June 2015. While I somewhat controlled and slowed its advance, I eventually needed TURP surgery due to a urinary blockage (December 2014). At that time, it was noted that my prostate cancer had spread to my bladder and the abdominal lymph nodes. Knowing that I had to be more proactive, I contacted Dr. Gonzalez in June 2015 and became a patient. On his protocol, over the last 10 months, I have reduced my cancer mass by approximately 40% ( a constant 3-4% reduction per month); my toxin levels (metals etc.) have been reduced to mere traces; my general health and energy has improved radically.
Sadly in July of 2015, Dr. Gonzalez passed away (rather suspiciously I might add). This incredible doctor with his associate successfully treated more than 10,000 patients over 30+ years.
Call Dr. Linda Isaacs, MD in NYC. Website:
She’s Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez’ protege.
I’ve recently heard your body needs to more alkaline? Which is it? Acid or alkaline?
Certainly you do not want to have an acidic pH. Contrary to popular misconception, most people are at or near normal blood pH levels (7.35 – 7.45) when they first get cancer. The cancer process itself – where normal respiration using oxygen is replaced by glucose (sugar) produces acidic by-products and the body typically becomes increasingly acidic as the cancer progresses. Eating an alkaline diet can be very helpful. Trying to make your body more alkaline with alkalizing products or baking soda can be tricky and even dangerous if you overdo it.
I thought oleanders were poisonous. We were always taught to wear gloves when handling oleanders and avoid the fumes if they’re burning.
Indeed. They are poisonous. There are many, many safe cancer treatments. No need to take poisonous plants.
The body is like our house, where dirt and garbage constantly accumulates and must be routinely cleaned and tossed. If we choose appropriate in house activities and handle our house cleaning chores sensibly, and on a routine and steady basis, we need not become overwhelmed by the job.
Do we speak about such housework as “FIGHT” against dirt & garbage in our house? – No, not unless perhaps we write advertising copy for toxic household cleaning products.
The more our lifestyle embraces dirt and garbage accumulation activities in our house, soon the dirt starts arriving at faster rates and in larger amounts. Often nastier kinds of dirt and greater volumes “stuff” arrives, and we may find our normal routines have become inadequate for handling this more intense level of incoming dirt flow and material accumulation, The flow within our gets clogged and messy.
Dirt transforms into GRUNGE – sticky conglomerations appear, which resists even our better efforts toward cleaning them. Our basic level of house cleaning and organizing may break down at handling these grunge items, like tar blobs on the floor, or brown calcium deposits in the toilet bottom. and we end up procrastinating on handling our over accumulation of stuff like big or heavy boxes of old possessions we refuse to toss, but lack the space for storing them efficiently.
Then maybe our vacuum cleaner starts failing and barely sucks at all. We get discouraged and become sporadic with out efforts to clean and organize. Our house steadily becomes dirtier and more clogged with desired, but really unneeded stuff. Maybe our bathroom exhaust fan breaks and enough excess moisture accumulates inside to trigger mold to visibly appear and spread and on the walls.
As I end this analogy, my point is that we need to launch a new paradigm model for cancer that has us CLEANING it from our bodies instead of FIGHTING it. The word fight implies cancer has some imagined power to prevent it from being CLEANED out of our bodies. NO, not really
Let’s have a focus that visualizes cancer as merely dirt/stuff that throughout our lives, will always be appearing in the house of our bodies, and then soon after be cleaned out of our bodies, by the built in cleaning processes that our body innately possesses for handling this chore
We need a cognitive and neuro-linguistic paradigm shift in our language, regarding cancer, where we concentrate more on a path takes us back to good health by leading us toward upgrading and restoring the functions of our body’s “cancer cleaning” tools and routines, and toward revising our standards for what things we choose to allow to enter our bodies — NOT A FIGHT,. There are no fights or battles along this path if the steps taken are properly planned, paced, and pointed in the right direction.
This article and this entire TTAC website is all about that. So lets all start being fully responsible for reworking and maintaining our lifestyles in ways that will ensure our natural internal cancer CLEANING systems reach and remain at peak operating efficiency for restored and long lasting health the rest of our lives.
I would add drinking at least 3-4 glasses of organic green tea a day, especially Matcha Green Tea from Japan. It is not that expensive. Cold steep your tea instead of boiling it will greatly enhance the cancer fighting antioxidants in the tea. Enjoy and live healthier.
Thank you for this information. I am on a very low income.
I know in the docu-series you all speak alot about essential oils where is the best source to get them from.
hi Kenneth,
how are you?
You want alkaline which raises oxygen in cells…….more minerals in the diet due to being gluten free which may help intestines heal and absorb more minerals.
Raw oleander is indeed poisonous; however, when it is properly prepared it is something magical! And I might add that two different versions of oleander extract have successfully passed FDA Phase I safety trials. Thousands of people around the world have safely and successfully taken oleander extract.
Yes,But where can you find it?
I would like readers to be aware of the facts and the hype one sees about acidic pH and low oxygen causing cancer – often accompanied by misconstruing the Nobel Prize winning work of Otto Warburg. Alkaline pH and increased cellular oxygen are great, but contrary to a lot of hype (usually used to promote products, books or treatments) Dr. Warburg DID NOT find that cancer was caused by low oxygen or acidic pH – Warburg merely found that low oxygen and acidic pH were characteristic of cancer cells, Though low oxygen and acidic pH can contribute to cancer and other disease, when it comes to cancer low oxygen and acidic pH are primarily caused by the cancer process itself and not vice-versa. A byproduct of the primitive respiration used by cancer cells is lactic acid. Thus the more cancer cells one has, the more acidic their blood pH becomes. As the cancer process progresses the body becomes increasingly acidic. Also, since cancer cells stop taking in oxygen, they naturally develop the characteristic of having low oxygen levels.
Celiac …gluten lowers minerals absorbed…lowers pH and then cells are not made right to work right to burn oxygen. To me most cancer is due to Celiac and chemicals etc add to it. I have a low pH…my intestines are still not absorbing well. Low pH my bones maybe donating minerals to help keep my pH ok. I can’t handle baking soda etc and to me people need minerals..not backing soda. It is not the pH as much as missing minerals to make the cells work right.
The juice of one lemon in a pint of spring or purified water will alkalize you effectively.
Yes…a lemon is great help for electrolytes/pH/detoxing etc.
Okay. Lemon juice is acidic. How does eating an acidic substance raise one’s pH? Alkalize = raise pH, Acidify = lower pH
It is the minerals that make the pH more neutral and the stomach is acid, but food is neutralized when it goes into the small intestines. If a person is low in buffering that is not good. Some people soak in a bath of baking soda/Epsom salt to help detox.
This might get you your answer:
A food’s acid or alkaline-forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food itself. Lemons, limes, and grapefruits are all chemically acidic, however, tests show that when they are metabolized in the body they actually have an alkalizing effect that can be beneficial. On the other hand, meat will test alkaline before digestion but it leaves very acidic residues in the body.
I would be very cautious about sourcing tea from Japan. Certain areas of Japan are highly radioactive Do research about plant origins and
adequate testing to receive a clean product.
No matter what treatments, herbs, spices or other alternatives may be suggested I would still be looking at raising Glutathione levels. Find out all you can about the benefits and methods of raising Glutathione levels. Not often thought of as while the benefits are positive there are issues in the way the level is raised and the possible side effects. ALL these obstacles are now overcome with PhotoTherapy patches and they can also raise the level far more efficiently than any other known method.
I like doTERRA and am a Wellness Advocate for them. I use their products for everything; health, cleaning, personal care. I even use them for my grandchildren and my little Yorkie.
great help for those friends of our who don’t see the video series or read the book that goes along with it and are on a limited budget. Thanks for much. I already have 2 silver editions of your quest. Becky Stille- MN
There has always been other alternatives to treat all kinds of cancer in all four stages, but oncologists just do not want to do it. They rely on Big Pharma which do not patent natural remedies and alternative therapies.
taking garlic capsules and grapeseed extract is a good way to reduce bad cholesterol if having raw garlic is not the first choice. i had gallstones for a few years not knowing it as my blood tests had high levels of bilirubin but doctors overlooked the results. even though i had been to emergency for chest/stomach pains few times, there were no evident reason found and have even been criticised for wasting their time. it seems that looking for alternative medicine is the best way to solve health problems when conventional does not work for a time. now my bilirubin levels are lowered due to taking supplements and eating a better diet with more plant base foods and less meat/dairy.
What happened to Webster Kehr? His website cancer tutor was full of cancer fighting dirt-cheap protocols that now have disappeared in favor of expensive cures nobody can afford. He also had a wealth of knowledge and suggestions for other chronic diseases that are related to cancer. Why was everything taken off the website when he retired? Where is all that wonderful knowledge?