Video Transcript: Can the Ketogenic Diet Starve Cancer Cells?
Charlene Bollinger: In this video excerpt with Toni Bark, learn more about the ketogenic diet and how you can use being in ketosis to starve cancer cells.
Ty Bollinger: Make sure you watch all the way down to the end to discover how ketones can help you keep healthy inflammation levels.
Dr. Toni Bark: I’m going to talk about reversing disease processes and using ketosis. And I want to mention something, because a lot of people tell me that they are on a ketogenic diet, and a lot of people have different ideas of what that means. Ketosis is something that happens in you. It’s not the diet.
There are diets that promote the ketogenic process and ketosis, but the reference is “are you fat burning?” That’s really what we’re talking about. Are you fat burning? Have you lowered your glucose levels? Are you keeping your insulin levels low?
So, a lot of people come up to me and tell me, “Oh, you know, I’m eating a ketogenic diet and I can’t lose weight and my sugar levels are high. I have no ketones” on however they are measuring it. And we will talk about that. Then I find out that they are eating a lot of animal protein. You know, a ketogenic diet is not a high protein diet. It’s a very moderate protein diet. It’s very muscle sparing.
So, there is a big misconception. People think that as long as they don’t eat carbs, they are eating a ketogenic diet. That’s not true. I just want to clear that from the beginning because that is a common question.
I want to go back to the metabolic theory of cancer, and Dr. Seyfried will be talking about this in more depth, but Otto Warburg, who I think coined this in the 30s, he studied cancer cells and he noticed that they swallowed up huge amounts of glucose and produced lactic acid, even in the presence of oxygen and utilized oxygen.
They also could use it without the oxygen, but the bottom line is that cancer cells require about 19 times the amount of glucose for the same amount of ATP production. And ATP, which is a term that has been thrown out at you, is the way we make fuel in the cells.
Our cells have mitochondria and I’m going to talk about mitochondria a lot today. Our cells have mitochondria and they are the fuel cell of your cells. That’s the engine. Think about it, some people have hybrid cars, right? So, if you have a hybrid car, your car can run on electricity and it can run on gas. Well, your engines can run on glucose and they can run on fats. And the fats are in the form of fatty acids in muscles and in hearts and ketones in brain and heart.
So, depending on the form of fatty acids, your cells can utilize fats. Cancer cells can’t utilize fats. And cancer cells have such a high glucose demand, that shifting your fuel source to fats is a way to trick the cancer cells and put a lot of pressure on them so they start dying.
Okay, so there’s emerging evidence that we’ve always heard that cancer is genetic, that it’s all these genetic defects. So, the drug companies and the big institutions, make a lot of money on the theory that this is individual genetic differences for each cancer.
But the evidence is pretty clear now that really, genetic defects are a byproduct of poor respiration at the cellular level. There are numerous studies to point this out and show this, which I am not going to go into these studies right now. You’re going to have to take my word for it, but I’m sure Thomas will go into it.
But cancer cells arise because there are problems at the mitochondria. There’s problems with metabolism. And the way that one of my friends who is a cannabis researcher, and cannabis is related to this story and I’ll get into that, talks about it. He says that when there is too much fuel coming down a pipeline, the pipeline has to split open and start dividing.
Inflammatory Theory of Disease. So, we know that in order for cancers to spread and for cancer to be there, there has to be some inflammation. And one of the things that I love about being in ketosis, meaning my body is making ketones from my fatty acids now, whether I have ingested them or I have just been storing them, is that the presence of ketones alone, especially in the brain, but everywhere, is going to reduce inflammatory markers. Inflammation is reduced.
So, we know with kids with chronic microglial activation, which we see from vaccine injury, from Roundup, injury to pesticides, they get chronic activation of the inflammatory cells in the brain. So, those cells that also have other things that they need to be doing are just constantly in the inflammatory mode. When we put those children in ketosis, we see an improvement immediately because those cells can now do other things and help grow, make synapsis in language and learning and social abilities.
Here are some studies that I’m quoting, on different studies where people are talking about colon cancer and all different inflammatory processes that are at tumorigenesis, meaning the production of tumors, that these are all related to chronic inflammation.
So, with my patients I look to see C-reactive protein. I look at hemoglobin A1c. To me, that gives me a lot of information about my patients. C-reactive protein is an inflammatory marker that you can see respond pretty quickly to putting a patient in ketosis. It will come way down. My patients who are on ketogenic diets, their CRPs are all in the 0 levels. 0.02, 3 or 4. Very low levels.
In effects on mitochondria and inflammatory markers, we’ve got ketosis, which I’m going to talk about how to do that. But when you’re in a state of ketosis and you’re limiting your carbohydrates and you’re limiting calories to some degree, but more importantly, and the verdict’s not out completely, is really keeping your insulin levels low.
Charlene Bollinger: Wow, that was very informative. Thank you Toni Bark and thank you out there for listening.
Ty Bollinger: If you enjoyed what you just heard, please leave some comments below for us.
How about the liver and liver enzymes ? Mine went super high being on keto ( vegetarian version – and urine in full ketoacidosis ) Is that damaging to my liver ???
This was a tease that barely touched the surface of the subject. Would have liked to hear a LOT more from Dr. Bark.
I’m with Karen. More please, L’et’s get technical, technical ♪ lets get into technical, techincal ♪ let me hear Toni talk ♪
I would like a good reliable, truthful, and beneficial source for a Ketogenic diet. I am one of those who thought if you quit eating carbs and ate a lot of protein that you were practicing a Ketogenic diet. HELP! Thank you. is the most fantastic source of info for keto diets. Run by drs from around the world, full of research, interviews, stories, meal plans, menus, recipes, purchasing lists. Etc
’10 Critical Ketogenic Diet Tips’ by Dr. Jockers
I am interested to hear from you
Dr. Bark, is there a chart you recommend for accurate protein/fat/carb consumption? What about a healthier keto diet source?
It did seem like Dr Bark was going to enlighten us on monitoring, measuring and such…
and the keto edge f(x) rule on keto planning was to figure out your calorie needs, then deduct the 20% allowance for carbs, figure your protein grams needed to conserve muscle tissue and deduct 4x those grams next and then the remaining calories are for fats, so divide by 9 to get the grams of fat… seemed pretty solid as a definition of keto,
so yeah, i’d like to see Dr Bark’s rules on protein and calorie needs, not just monitoring… then the rest is simple… ttyl
Would like more on Keto without animal fats as you suggested
I would really appreciate more information like this, just one more reason to adopt the Keto eating plan. Thank you
I’m a vegetarian, can vegetarians do this kind of diet. I am a survivor of acute myeloid leukemia and did traditional chemo with a stem cell transplant. I’m not interested in having that phone call again in my life. What would be a good resource to learn more? Thank you in advance!
Where did you get information on stem cell replacement for myeloid leukemia? My daughter has HTLV, the precursor to AML. Want to be prepared just in case.
Thank you!
Dear Kerry
I’m from Belgium. My mum had Non hodgkin lymphoma and got AML due to a drug overdose (for stem cell transplantation) and chemotherapy. It was very aggressive and the doctors expected her to die soon. But we didn’t give up. With diet and alternative medicine the lymphoma became a lot less agressive and the blasts (AML) decreased from 80% (doctors had given her 2 more days to live at that moment) to 11%!!! Our oncologist couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw blood results and advised us to continue whatever we were doing since she didn’t get chemotherapy anymore. I was 5 months pregnant and my mum said she was so happy that she would most likely be able to meet Sam, our son. One day later she got a fever. I took her to the hospital for antibiotics and the doctor gave her antibiotics but he also told me he was going to give her some morphine. I didn’t understand why. She wasn’t in panic or in pain and she was allergic to morphine. I begged him not to do it, but he said he wanted her to be comfortable. I told him to check her medical file which would say she was allergic. He opened her file and said there was nothing in there (which later turned out to be a lie). He told me he would just give her a little bit, enough to make her comfortable. He wouldn’t listen, so I gave up. My mum fell asleep, woke up feeling very sick and confused a couple of times, too sick to answer our questions. The doctor told us she had a very serious infection and that she probably wouldn’t make it. I couldn’t believe it. The day before she told me she would see Sam’s birth. She weighed 80 kg, she still ate and drank. She was happy and a real fighter. The next day I went home to check on the boys, returned to the hospital 2 hours later and my mum was dead! I was devastated. Now, 2 years later, I’m still devastated. We found out that my mum only had a bladder infection, nothing serious at all. In the past she got sick of 5 mg of morphine. The doctor had given her 120 mg! She got poisoned and died? Why? Because the doctor doesn’t believe in alternative medicine. He saw her medical file, saw she wasn’t getting any treatment anymore and decided to end her life. We filed a lot of complaints, but the hospital covered for him. The police took our story seriously, but the investigating Judge allowed the doctor to add medical reports months after her death ,which suddenly told that my mum wanted morphine and that it had a great effect on her. We can prove that these are all lies and we have medical reports that prove the allergy, but they don’t want to investigate our case. What we’ve been through is unbelievable. I could write a book in the meantime. I’m sorry that I’ telling you all this. What I really wanted to tell you is what we did to control the cancer:
– ketogenic diet, no sugar at all, liquid vitamines, minerals and antioxidants (all natural and organic), artemisinin (actually artemether injections), budwig protocol (flaxseed + cottage cheese), seaweed extracts (supplements like fucoidan / chlorella / spirulina / …) and sea sucumber (supplement)
Some of these supplements (or all of them? ) must have worked since our oncologist had never seen blasts dropping from 80 to 11% and aggressive lymphoma grow so slowly.
I hope your daughter will be alright.
God bless you
Dear friends,
as to the cancer in general we are of the opinion that there is some kind of disposition to it. An unknown psychic disability is the root and it takes a long time to show a resulting cancer development, often hiding silently so that our immune system does not discover it.
What to do ?
Let the beginning of cancer getting known to the immune facility by ….?
Yes, by starving. The whole body will change and the immune system will prepare to find which cells are getting sacrificed first.
If you go on with starving all cancer nests are discovered and sacrificed completely.
Now there is another fact which almost all doctors enslaved by the pharam industry deny, it is the destructive force of fever. Cancer cells cannot stand fever and will get eliminated. Near Rome there lived very poor people suffering under malaria. Scientist found that no cancer deaths were reported (although obligatory), only a high amount of deaths caused by untreated malaria. No wonder because malaria is significant by its very high fever periods. Some years later malaria got eliminated and in the same time cancer reached its statistical level as everywhere.
So this is my opinion on the subject of cancer. Diets are not so much influencing the development and appearance of cancer. In the beginning there is the emotional conflict in the unconsciousness, an area to which we have no key to open this hidden dark area. Perhaps hypnosis will reveal the emotional conflict. Certainly a very optimistic and loving personality which laughs a lot, can prevent the appearance of cancer.
My husband was diagnosed with malaria while vacationing in Haiti in July 2017, he got treated because of the high fever. A month later we came to the US and, in October 2017 with a cat scan we find out that he had stomach cancer. What do you think Dr.
Biological Decoding and Hammer Medicine offer science-based keys to the core emotional root.
Thank you, Dr. Bark for your analysis on the keto diet. I am interested in your comment that cancer cells cannot utilize fat. Would you please elaborate? I understand this from the perspective of Warburg metabolism, but cancer cells can metabolically reprogram, and there are some cancers that do not display the Warburg phenotype. Thank you.
Please tell which cancers can metabolically reprogram to use fats? The info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ahead of time.
I prefer to read the information offered, so it would have been clearer if the sentences had been more coherent…..
Thanks for the feedback!
I thought she was going to “talk about” how to achieve ketosis?? This was really just a tease with very little useful information – ditto to Karen and Donna’s comments 🙁
Thanks for the feedback Patricia!
Do not agree with ketogenic diets
Where’s the rest? Seems like she just got to the good part at the end…
I really appreciate the clarification from Dr. Bark that simply eating a high protein diet does not make it a Ketogenic diet. That is actually Atkins. From my experience in working with clients on their gut health as well as my own healing from cancer, following extreme dietary changes are best done short term, in most cases, giving the body a chance to rest and reset. Seasonal juice cleanses, Keto cleanse week and diversifying foods is super beneficial for restoring inner health.
If you look at Dr David Jockers website ( he has a TON of information on the Keto Diet. And he can help you with it via his practice in suburban Atlanta.
I have heard that the ketogenic diet does not work for very thin people, like me, especially if we are 80 years old!
Richard, I have lost 16 pounds so far and I am 72.
I LOVE the Keto way if life!
Did whomever told you that, explain why we/you should believe that? Our blood glucose still works the same, we can even get an hbot chamber and boost that oxygen and stay young.. don’t you agree that you don’t have to be dried up prune thin at any age? like dr zach bush might tell you…
I was diagnosed with CML in 2006 and put on a regiment of Gleevec for 9 years. I developed a secondary cancer Melanoma in 2010 which in 2013 became stage 4. After surgery removing my parotid gland and thyroid, in 2014 the melanoma metastasized to my lower intestines and another surgery to remove it. I then went the Gerson Therapy for 2 years without any recurrence for almost 4 years. Early in 2018 a scan revealed another tumor in my spleen, which I had removed.
The pathology came back as non melanoma, but as a sarcoma. My Oncologist is completely baffled. Do you recommend this Keto diet in my case?
Scattered nuggets of valuable information in a shallow, disorganized interview. Sloppy use of language, overall poorly framed and developed argument for the ketogenic diet which actually has shown strong promise in arresting cancer. Misleading, confusing, cringeworthy assertions like “those cells can now…make synapsis (sic) in learning and language and social abilities.” What?? And the ludicrously simplistic metaphor of cancer’s genesis as being triggered by too much fuel coming down a pipeline so the pipeline has to spilit open and divide… And what happened to the promised discussion of cannabis for cancer? There is a body of good science and evidence based understanding of its efficacy in cancer treatment and I’ve seen one example up close. I have a personal friend who’s bladder cancer has been stopped in its tracks and whose overall health has been wonderfully revitalized by being in ketosis under supervision of his functional medicine doctor. Which doesn’t mean it’s for everyone, either. Find a good functional medicine MD or ND who specializes in oncology and is knowledgable about the application of the ketogenic diet in cancer treatment, and get an articulate, cohesive explanation of how ketosis works against cancers is my advice.
Any suggestions on how to find such help?
I agree. Very disappointing argument.
In April 2013 my 22-year old son was Dx with grade III anaplastic ganglioglioma; the tumor was bigger than a baked potato. There was no Standard of Care proscribed for this rare and aggressive brain cancer and he was not expected to live for very long. In June 2013, with the help of Miriam Kalamian (Dietary Therapies, Montana) and Dr. Thomas Seyfried (Boston), I put him on the Restricted (decreased calories) Ketogenic Diet. We went on a three day fast and never went back. We lost 160 pounds together in seven months, without exercise. He went from 270 down to 155 and never gained a pound back. In total he had three craniotomies, but when the tumor grew back the fourth time, it killed him. He was up and walking and LIVING LIFE (the community even gave him a bucket list trip to Europe, he didn’t have carbs for three weeks in Spain, France, and Italy, he knew what he could have and couldn’t have) up until a week before he died in my arms, three weeks shy of his 25th birthday, in September 2015. I’ve been on the KD (including intermittent fasting) now for over five years. It didn’t save my son’s life, but it gave him over two more years with us. It gave him his self-esteem and self-discipline. He was a blessing to us all and I miss him so very much. But second to his affirmation of peace, was the damnation of the Standard American Diet, called SAD because America is leading her children to slaughter. Don’t spend the billions on genomic research AFTER you get sick (“cancer for sale here”); we know it’s on the upswing. Fund research on the “why” and on preventative treatments and therapies. Thank you for all that you do.
Hello, Karen!
We are truly sorry for the loss of your son at such a young age and grateful that you shared his journey with us!
Thank you for supporting our mission and have a blessed day.
Granted it’s a tragedy that he wasn’t saved. but we are proud of him and his triumphant well-lived life. it certainly was inspiring.. too bad the keto people have not gotten together with the pauling orthomolecular C people, as keto opens the door to the power of the pauling C therapy… why? because when the blood glucose is held low, then the molecular pumps on each cell’s surface for glucose are able to switch from pumping glucose to pumping oxidized C, so by super dosing both C and E (to re-energize the oxidized C once it’s inside the cell), all that added C getting into the cell (added to the workings of the usual molecular pumps for C) reaches a likely amazing concentration of C which then induces apoptosis for high concentrations of C in cancer cells, and fine health in normal cells.. i wonder if there would be some expert in this sort of symphony of biochem that would be able to measure the concentrations achievable with oral C in ketosis…. Maybe Dr Steven Hickey and Dr Roberts with their explorations in their book Ascorbate…. it would be so easy to add sodium ascorbate by the tsp to your pint mug of bone broth, etc for around the clock empowerment… or maybe during the keto’s fasting… ttyl
Hi Karen
Thanks for sharing for story. You son is all arond us now, as bright as the day and no longer suffers. Lotsa love and light and to you
Very informative! Thank you.
As for some of the negative comments above – this was brief information on keto diet and cancer, etc. and if you wanted more detailed info you could have clicked on the highlighted subjects and found more articles and from those articles could have researched even more detailed info. So have you all become lazy? Want to know more about helping your own bodies? Get out there and research. It’s not all going to be handed to you in one little article that was presented as that kicker you need for more info!!!
I clicked on all the links and links within links (still some to go) and learned a few new things but because I do a lot of research, I had already read most of it. I don’t think that someone who writes a negative comment is necessarily lazy and they don’t necessarily expect everything to be handed to them “in one little article”. They could be providing feedback intended to be constructive.
Well said Adrienne. I did a ton of research once I was diagnosed with early stage bladder cancer. That was M<ay 11, 2013. I used several protocols at different times, especially raw juicing of five differnet veggies, a six week program away from all foods, but I did eat some regular meals, but none of the known bad things i.e. sugar, dairy, red meat. Now in July 2018 having had a test for carcinoma cells I am cancer free, and plan to do all to stay that way. A complete re-vamp of all foods.
Need your help now PLEASE
Hi Joe,
What can we help you with?
Not the usual quality I have come to expect from Ty, and not the usual complete information either. Please try again.
Thanks for your feedback Linda.
All data including this wonderful video point to one basic thing and it is Glutathione.
Glutathione, GSH, is a compound that is made inside our cells and mitochondria.
The big confusion is cause because most health experts, including the holistic ones, are not differentiate between Outer Cell Glutathione to Inner cell GSH/Glutathione.
Glutathione is the number one Reducer of information.
New technologies and breakthroughs can facilitate the Natural production of GSH to maximum levels and keep inflammation down to minimum.
This is only one role of GSH in the human body but this video was talking about how important to keep information down.
There is much more that people need to know and understand about GSH.
It is the key to best health, anti aging, reverse health challenges.
Did you mean “inflammation” rather than “information”?
You make an interesting point about glutathione, but what is your source for information on these “new technologies and facilitate max GSH production”?
?Glutathione is the number 1 reducer of information.”
Did you mean”inflammation”? Sheesh!
Ronen – was that “information” or “inflammation” – 3rd line from the bottom…?
Ronen, don’t you mean “INFLAMMATION” not “INFORMATION”? I believe that you do because Glutathione is an excellent ANTI-OXIDANT, ANTI-INFLAMMATORY and ANTI-ACID REDUCER in the human body. Plus it is CRITICAL for the optimal functioning of the Liver and that is extremely important for allowing the Liver to function efficiently for it’s Phase I and Phase II detoxification pathways. So you’re very accurate about Glutathione but you wrote the incorrect word when discussing it above.
To everyone out there reading this, I am a 65 year old woman, I got diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma when I was 63, I had a very large tumor on my back under my shoulder blade, after being sent to the experts in Colorado springs and then up to Denver(4 different Drs. with 3 different opinions) I decided to go to a medical marijuana Dr. acquired my license went to the medical side of the marijuana store and purchased “Colorado Cannabis tears” took the recommended amount and I got HOPE as my tumor appeared to have broken in half and became mushy, within a year it had totally dissolved and disappeared, you will need to be on maintenance for the rest of your life but it has so many benefits, like regulating your weight, you will be happy to take it. Must read on you tube “run from the cure” in every state this wonderful oil has a different name, it has since been changed here to dragon tears, Phoenix tears, Juanita oil, RSO, Rick Simpson oil, is what’s needed. Thankyou
Hello, Lillian!
Thank you for watching the video and sharing your inspiring healing journey with us!
There is always HOPE! If you have family and friends that can benefit from this life-saving information too, please share the video.
God bless.
This was a little above my “language level”, but I really appreciate the work TTA is doing to help educate us. Thanks very much. From Dorothy 💗
Hi Dorothy,
Thanks for being with us on this mission!
How can I see the rest of her presentation?
Would like me the rest of the story
I would also like the rest of the presentation..
Does this diet also work for neuroblastomas? Loved the info. Thank you
I need help I have multiple myeloma and have been on chemo for the past 3yrs. I am in Zimbabwe in Africa. It has caused paralysis, I had an operation to remove one of the spine bones that were pressing on the nerves.
Hi Sidney,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Best wishes!
Would like someone to comment on my situation. Four years ago I had a mastectomy, stage one cancer. No treatment. I am a vegetarian and had a high intake of sugar, simple carbs. diet. One week post op I started on the kaegan water (alkaline – 9.5), complex carb. no sugar/starch diet. Less than 6 months later I dropped from 110# to 90#. I My Only advice from my Dr.s was go back to my regular diet.I went to a dietician who instructed me to go back on my reg. diet. I did not follow their advice except to ad a small amt of starch now and then. I have a fear of the sugar and junk in most foods. i am 77, run a small ranch, work 6 – 7 hrs. a day as a nurse, perform heavy work, have lots of energy, eat big meals 3 – 4 times a day plus a big snak at bedtime. Only meds I take is thyroid and mega vits. Any hints on how to gain weight? Would the Ketosis program be good for me? Susan
Hi Susan,
Sounds like you are in better health than most people your age! I am also a vegetarian – most of my life, a former nurse, 66 years old, and trying to eat more and more healthy and even vegan. I grew up with an Italian mother and tons of pasta, have recently developed somewhat high blood sugar and have discovered one CAN eat a modified ketogenic diet using avocado (I am a huge avocado fan!), coconut and coconut oil, organic olive oil, whole seeds like pumpkin and sesame, raw nuts, etc. Organic eggs are okay too if you aren’t vegan, but NOT dairy milk or cheese (which is inflammatory) except maybe as an occasional condiment. I make cheese with cashews and nutritional yeast and thick unsweetened coconut milk and coconut oil. You will definitely get enough calories and it’s even very very easy to OVERDO the calories, so one must be careful. Eat tons of green and colorful vegetables of course, but berries and sweet fruits eat only at a meal that’s SEPARATE from most fat so that blood sugar is not spiked. Fat and sugar TOGETHER spike blood sugar. I don’t get any blood sugar spike by eating moderately of sweet fruit ( Tomatoes, cucumbers, lemons, etc can be eaten anytime.) in a separate meal with maybe a LITTLE coconut milk, or avocado in a smoothie – just enough to help assimilate my fat dependent vitamins and/or to hold me till the next meal – usually dinner. Diabetics and probably cancer patients should totally separate very limited sweet fruit and fat, though. Eating anything at bedtime is usually harmful and inflammatory. Check out re: eating at night, also his many other articles on low carb and ketogenic diets, the latter of which he advises should be intermittent. He even has advice on resistant starch that you might be interested in. I wouldn’t eat starch with fat though. l think you should be able to eat both for starving cancer and to get enough nutrition to maintain sufficient weight with all the healthy fatty vegetarian foods available. Hope this helps and good luck..
I heard a speech from a holistic Dr. That says being on the Keto diet can cause your body to become septic and you should get monthly blood tests to test for it. I had a friend who was on the Keto diet and her spleen nearly burst and she had to have it removed. Was it a coincidence? I was doing the Keto diet but stopped because of this. TTAC, do you have any information about this? Is it safe to be on a Keto diet without any kind of supervision?
That was a lot of great information!
Hello, I think your blog might be having browser compatibility issues.
When I look at your blog in Safari, it looks
fine but when opening in Internet Explorer, it has
some overlapping. I just wanted to give you a quick heads up!
Other then that, fantastic blog!
My mom was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive cancer undifferentiated anaplastic thyroid cancer and given 6 months to a year to live she is 78
And they want to operate again to cut it out plus intensive radiation and chemo
Does this diet help to starve the cancer
Hi Tammy –
I’m so sorry to hear about your mother – I’ll be sure to pray for her.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! If you have any further questions/concerns, please let us know as we are happy to help.
Wishing your mother endless blessings, love, and complete healing!
I’m so greatful you posted Dr Bark. I remember her from previous series. I have a friend recently diagnosed cancer. I was getting ready to review all my series from TTAC for her! See how God works, He is so awesome!! And so are you!