On March 6th the lymphedema community will celebrate the 22nd annual Lymphedema Awareness Day, otherwise known as Lymphedema D-Day. But despite all these years of awareness, lymphedema is still not curable and remains “an unfortunate side effect” of conventional treatment for cancer. It’s time for the medical community to acknowledge that lymphedema is often avoidable and linked to lymph node removal.
It’s common practice for oncologists to recommend lymph node removal after cancer diagnosis. Removal of lymph nodes occurs with many cancers – breast cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, melanoma, ovarian cancer, and others too.
The conventional medical view is that lymph nodes contain cancer cells and therefore must be removed. At the same time, cancer is a systemic disease, so removing parts of the body doesn’t provide a real solution. In other words, the swollen lymph nodes aren’t the problem and neither is the tumor, which is often also surgically removed. The tumor and/or the swollen lymph nodes are a result of the problem.
Surgery doesn’t address the underlying cause of why someone got cancer in the first place, and neither does chemotherapy or radiation! This is an important concept to grasp.
Moreover, when lymph nodes capture cancer cells, might they just be doing their job? And if so, is this really metastasis, which is what is commonly believed?
Lymph Node Removal in Breast Cancer Patients
Monica Morrow, MD, a well-known clinical researcher and conventional medical doctor, has been studying tissue from breast cancer survivors who have small numbers of cancer cells called micro-metastases in their lymph nodes. Currently, even small findings of cancer cells such as these are considered deadly by the allopathic community.
But Dr. Morrow’s findings show that these small numbers of cancer cells do not affect survival rates. Other medical professionals are just beginning to question the common practice of lymph node removal. Surgical removal of lymph nodes, as a way of reducing metastasis, may actually be causing more harm than good because of the potential lifelong complications of lymphedema.
A European study in 1981 evaluated 716 women with breast cancer and found no difference in survival when extra lymph nodes were removed.
Yes, that’s right, this study was done in 1981. And yet, how many times in recent years have you heard someone with cancer having surgery to have their lymph nodes removed? I have heard it dozens of times. However, one must ask of this accepted practice, “Has the correct outcome been looked at to justify surgical removal of lymph nodes?”
The key issue that is not being discussed is… what is the most important outcome when the lymphatic system is harmed, either by surgery or radiation?
Studies into Lymph Node Removal Needed
Beginning in the late 1800s massive surgeries were performed for breast cancer. This universal surgery, called the Halstead Radical (after its originator), removed the entire breast, muscle, axillary area (underarm) and more, in an effort to cure breast cancer.
Almost 70 years later European surgeons began offering lumpectomy, a less aggressive partial breast removal surgery, and found that survival rates were similar. In addition, a large clinical trial from the United States proved the same thing with a report on a 10-year follow up in 1985. This study actually compared mastectomy to lumpectomy with and without radiation and over time has continued to show similar survivals for each segment of the trial.
The one area that unfortunately has NOT been re-examined is axillary lymph node dissection. For this reason, lymph node removal during surgery continues to be part of the procedure even though in some, fewer nodes are being removed.
What has not been concluded from any clinical trials is whether or not removal of lymph nodes directly impacts survival. Especially enough to warrant the potential complications that could arise any time in an individual’s life afterwards.
Prior studies have not been able to show a survival benefit from lymph node removal. In fact, a 2003 paper stated: “No published randomized controlled trial exists that demonstrates improved overall survival for patients with cancer of any type undergoing surgery of the regional lymphatics. We believe the presence of tumour in the regional lymphatics indicates the presence of systemic disease, and therapeutic interventions should be directed accordingly.”
So are those people with lymph node involvement already dealing with more advanced disease that current medical technology doesn’t know how to detect?
Imagine, then, if complementary or alternative therapies were incorporated in an effort to improve survival, instead of going solely to radiation and/or surgery.
After invasive treatments such as surgery and/or radiation, there is often damage, including pain, that lasts for the rest of an individual’s life. A damaged lymphatic system means that a person is much more susceptible to illness and injury as the lymphatic system ordinarily helps the body to heal faster and better. Very few, if any, studies in any type of cancers have examined the long-time results of node removal/lymph system damage with these harms in mind.
In a review published in May 2015, Cochrane researchers found that overall survival for participants with melanoma who underwent sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) had no improvement in overall survival. However, recurrence of the melanoma at a distant site occurred more frequently in those participants in the SLNB group.
Lymphedema is Not Just an “Unfortunate Side Effect” of Lymph Node Removal
Imagine a skin burn where ordinarily the lymph cells rush to the area. In a sluggish lymphatic system − one that has sustained damage − there is no “rush” involved. The clogged or swollen area does not easily allow the appropriate immune cells to reach the affected area, and healing can take much longer.
People with leg or lower body lymphedema may find walking difficult or painful. Some people may not be able to pick up their children or grandchildren due to weakness and swelling in their arms. Over time, sensations in the areas may be reduced. Anyone who has had lymph nodes removed is at much higher risk of serious infections like cellulitis, which can lead to sepsis.
And lymphedema can occur at any time. There is no time limitation on the development of lymphedema (the swelling and visible sign of damage to the lymphatic system). And current treatments are only variations on temporary reduction in swelling.
If you have cancer, surgical removal of lymph nodes is a critical subject to discuss with your doctor. Many doctors do things because it’s common practice or standard of care, without examining further. But you are a unique individual and every cancer is different – you have to weigh your own risks and benefits.
Make sure you involve an alternative practitioner who specializes in cancer to find out what other options are available to you. Sometimes, it’s a good idea to take a step back and not rush into a decision. As an informed patient, it’s important that do your own research and be proactive in all your health care choices.
Article Summary
March 6, 2016, is the 22nd annual Lymphedema Awareness Day. But despite all these years of awareness, lymphedema is still not curable and remains “an unfortunate side effect” of conventional treatment for cancer.
Removal of lymph nodes occurs with many cancers including breast, prostate, cervical, colon, melanoma, and ovarian cancer.
It’s important to understand that surgical removal of a tumor or lymph nodes doesn’t address the underlying cause of why someone got cancer in the first place, and neither does chemotherapy or radiation.
Surgical removal of lymph nodes may actually be causing more harm than good because of the potential lifelong complications of lymphedema. A damaged lymphatic system also means that a person is much more susceptible to illness.
No clinical trials have concluded whether removal of lymph nodes directly impacts survival − especially enough to warrant the potential complications that can arise any time afterwards.
There is no time limitation on the development of lymphedema (the swelling and visible sign of damage to the lymphatic system). Current treatments only provide temporary reduction in swelling.
If you have cancer, surgical removal of lymph nodes is a critical subject to discuss with your doctor. Many doctors may do things because it’s common practice without examining further. Be your own advocate and find out what options are available to you.
Two things to think about:
1. GLUTATHIONE: Raising Glutathione levels can give a huge boost to the immune system and detox harmful toxins and substances from the body. Glutathione is also responsible for removing free radicals from cells, the main procedure for eliminating cancer and tumours.
2. PHOTOTHERAPY patches. This technology has a Glutathione patch that will raise Glutathione levels far easier, safer than any other method known today – this is fact with extensive studies proving this. All this with Low cost and NO Harmful side effects! These patches are considered a MASTER ANTIOXIDENT.
As we age our Glutathione levels decrease (One of the factors making us age). When we are in a deteriorating health condition our Glutathione levels generally fall even lower.
Increasing the Glutathione in your body can reverse most of these problems!
Thanks so much for this….planning IV glutathione for a family member.
An article on ‘dealing with lymphedema’ will be helpful and most appreciated! Thanks.
For information on lymphedema check out lymphnet.org
Hi Ann , I read your blog and would love to have more information about the Chinese herbs that slowed down breast cancer tumor. I just recently had a lumpectomy with sentinol node biopsy only to wake up to find 1cmm left because it was at skin level. Can u please help, I am refusing chemo therapy and looking for a different aporoach. Pls email me at snreynolds50@gmail.com . Thank you
Please go to you tube “why I rejected chemo and radiation” by Christina Newman. I hope this will help you. Deb
Hi Sue, I will send you a private reply. The Chinese herbalist I worked with is in NYC. Most real herbalists make up a specific prescription for you. It may change over time and is based on your physical need an disease state. That said, it is possible to make lifestyle changes that improve your chances of recovery. I did that, and found all subsequent tumors (after the 1st) growing slower than normal cells. No need for chemo or radiation. Organic whenever possible (make it possible). Consider coQ10, resveratrol, probiotics, fish oil. Eat garlic and onions, cook with them too. Eat small meals, take a walk or be physically active daily. RELAX and enjoy the now. It is what we have, just like everyone else. Stay well.
The LE&RN website has good information about lymphedema.
I had uterine cancer this past year, I had a complete hysterectomy, which I didn’t really want, but it caused so much distress to my family, that I felt I had to do the surgery, but told them all I would do the surgery but I was not doing chemo or radiation, they all agreed. The doctor removed 20 lymph nodes too, which I really didn’t want them to do, but did not know how to stop that with family standing around saying the doctor knows more than you. Lymphedemma in my legs was my greatest fear, I knew if I ended up with it my life I now have would be over. I ended up having stage three cancer, because cancer was out side the uterus, but all 20 lymph nodes were checked and not one had cancer. Of course the doctor recommended chemo and radiation even so. Still my greatest fear was ending up with lymphedema. So I said no (‘which was easy for me, but hard on my family, which I had to say to my family if you come in support I can beat this, but if you come against me I can’t so, if your not for me don’t come around you cause me too much distress). the radiation doctor and the chemo doctor spent over 2 1/2 hours each trying to convince me, but the radiation doctor said to me as I walked out the door, I would probably choose what your choosing, And your life expectancy is the the same do nothing make it five more years, do the treatments make it five more years.
I’m not doing nothing, I’m doing everything I can, and I’m living like really living! So far it has been in big invigorating challenge I’ve never felt so good as I have this past year, and every day is a blessing.
Thx for sharing your touching story, Janet. Seek out a Naturopath — there may very well be supplements or homeopathic aides that would bring more peace to your Family & yourself. A reputable Rheumatologist gave me the ‘advice’ to immediately begin methotrexate for both inflammatory arthritis in my hands + osteo-A in all major joints. I did P.T. for 1 yr, chose a Naturopath also schooled in Indian & Chinese medicine, did some accupuncture, consulted with an Ortho Surgeon who told me to wear knee pads when gardening. in 2+ yrs, the N.D. has me on supplements to give me relief from pain + reduce whole body inflammation thru diet & exercise. Had I gone the methotrexate route, I would have risked liver & kidney issues due to long term use. I’m now 61 … journey began @ 58. Too young to be on lifelong drugs!!
To ms janet Foss I had a complete hysterectomy did radiation five treatment went for every follow up had a cat scan they found 2 large lymph nodes Dr want me 2 do chemotherapy I am getting a,second opinion first they remove lymph node when they did my surgery 2014 there was nothing there now two years later look I am in no stage if no treatment it can travel this is very scare keep your faith
Great info! I’m glad I didn’t have my lymph node removed when diagnosed with lymphoma, although my MD did say that was not recommended for my type of cancer (Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma).
What are your thoughts about IPT for breast cancer mets?
Hi Jo, check out bestanswerforcancer.org – a patient-friendly site for this technique. Run by Annie Brandt a breast cancer patient/survivor who was diagnosed stage IV. I am sure she will be helpful.
My daughter had breast cancer and the surgery to remove it plus lymph & radiation.
She has lymphedema. That is a life sentence.
Was the removal necessary or were the lymph nodes doing their job?
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle – eating a plant-based diet as much as possible, staying physically-active (jump a small trampoline for 8 minutes daily or every other day, live in the moment, find happiness. This helps all of us live well. All the best to you and your daughter. I wore an arm sleeve for 20 years, but now not for the last 3. NO real difference in my LE (lymphedema). All is well. And it will be for your daughter if she works this way.
What to do about the lymphodema once you have it? Most effective ways of keeping the limbs from swelling any more? I had all my lymph nodes removed in my groin due to melanoma, they said they were only going to remove seven! The woman at the lymphedema clinic where I live was so detrimental to my healing I became fearful of returning and stopped going.
Hi Tracy, You can gently jump a small trampoline every other day – eight minutes at a time is enough. Otherwise the only ‘known’ treatment is the massage and/or wrapping. But worrying is a real drag, so please try to believe you will be well. All the best.
What is the Ph diet? My lymphadema is minimal however some days it gets painful but not sure why?
Sorry Lana for late reply. A food diary may help you see if your pain IS related to what you eat. Lower salt use may help, plant-based diet helps balance the PH and keep your health on track. You do not have to be a vegetarian or vegan but eat less meat and more fresh (organic whenever possible) fruits/veggies. Or you may be overdoing physical activity some days. Doing too much with arm that has LE may cause a problem.
Good article, basic Natural Hygiene principles. Remove the cause, don’t treat the symptom. There are no useless parts in the body.
Interesting article but I was disappointed that the issue of what the lymph cells do exactly and if they do contain cancer cells, doesn’t it make it easier for them to travel through the lymph system to other areas of the body which I think is the medical reasoning for removal.thanks
Lymph cells normally move the lymphatic fluid, a heavyish gel-like substance that contains immune cells that are brought to areas that get harmed, like a burn, bruise, a bang, etc. The question of whether they bring cancer cells to ‘other’ areas of the body is exactly what I am questioning. I think that needs MUCH MORE study. I believe removing the axillary nodes is counter-productive as the lymphatic system is VERY important to overall and lifetime health.
I had emergency surgery when my ovary ruptured – Stage 3 uterine cancer was found. Unconscious, I had a radical hysterectomy and several lymph nodes were biopsied. No cancer was found in my lymph nodes.
I left the hospital with no information on my cancer and none on lymphedema. Since then, I’ve battled swelling in my genital, groin and pubic areas, which eventually moved down my leg to my calf, ankle and foot. This is a problem I will have for the rest of my life, making exercise difficult, disfiguring my body and making it difficult to find clothes that fit.
I wasn’t given an educated choice but am disfigured for life. My cancer is long gone but lymphedema lives on.
My insurance won’t pay for adequate physical therapy and once I’m old enough for Medicare the compression garments I need won’t be covered, even though NOT wearing them could lead to expensive hospitalizations. I belong to 2 lymphedema support groups and know I’m not alone – up to 80% of women with uterine cancer will suffer from lymphedema and the crest are at risk.
There has got to be a better way.
So far no one really has had a better idea. You could check lymphnet.org The National Lymphedema website for any ideas they may have. They also host a conference (not sure if annual or not) and it brings ‘experts’ together. You could raise questions there.
What is horse chestnut
It’s been more than two years that I had mastectomy and chemotherapy for stage3 cancer…I suffered from severe cellulitis and lymphedema…up to now I am still in pain due to my lymphedema,what will I do to ease the pain on my shoulders especially in the joints….thank you?.
Healthy lifestyle does reduce the risk of cellulitis. I only had it once – 21 years after surgery. I used colloidal silver, IV vit C, acupuncture and topical oregano oil to heal in just a few days. Take probiotics daily starting immediately. They help support the good bacteria in the gut, may help with a lot of issues. All the best.
Hi Ann, Really good article! Since having stage 2 breast cancer (diagnosed Nov 2013) they did a unilateral mastectomy, removed a few lymph nodes for testing, administered 4 rounds of chemo and over 5 reconstructive surgeries later, the breast developed cellulitis… No wonder after all that crazy abuse haha! Actually as of today, i am dealing with round 3 of cellulitis witin a 1 year timeframe which we are treating with heavy antibiotics. I was glad to read your comment on how you treated cellulitis. I have also been upping probitics, citrus fruits for vit C and taking colloidial silver internally as well as walking to move lymphatic sytem. Eventually i may get this silicone gel implant removed too. Any thoughts or ideas you have would be welcomed.
Many of us (I am chemically-sensitive) have problems with silicone. I think time will show it depresses the immune system (but that is just a guess). Sounds like you are a path to better health. It takes dedication clearly, but stay with it. All good wishes.
I have friends who had breast cancer, went to the conventional treatments and now following the science of nutritional immunology for prevention purposes. I would love to share their stories with you. Best of health.
You can reach me through Facebook or our website http://www.annieappleseedproject.org
I liken removing the lymph nodes (that are doing their job of preventing the cancer cells from spreading), to being like throwing out the mesh strainer in your kitchen sink because it has food scraps filling it up. It is doing it’s job.
I had a lady who came up to me after a talk I gave and showed me her arm that was swollen from the fingertips to under her armpits. She asked me if there was anything she could do. I invited her to follow me home where I gave her a glass of water and activated charcoal powder, as well as I did a charcoal compress under her armpit. I had her repeat this twice a day and within a couple of days her swelling was gone.
Wow, good to know.
Will try this.
Isn’t charcoal cancerogenic? Or am I getting it confused with the charcoal cooking with meats and burnt meats and toast?
Thanks for this Ann Fonfa. I knew someone that suffered from this in her arm. No one could advise her about it and it was something she had to live with and I knew it affected her in more ways than one.
Oh PS: I did speak to a doctor in Australia about ten years ago now about this very topic, though not knowing much about it. He did say that it’s not common practice to remove the lymph nodes anymore. Maybe that’s only in Australia.
Hi Tom, charcoal is not carcinogen by itself. Activated charcoal is a specific type. I am fairly sure that is what the poster meant. But also if not burned, no fumes,etc. I never heard of using charcoal for healing, but am open to learning.
My husband pasted away from melanoma in 2013. 4 years prior he had followed his dr.’s recommendation to remove his lymph nodes in his neck and shoulder. I was against it but it wasn’t my decision. I just had a dreadful feeling that they just removed his 1st line of defense.
I am a strong supporter of the concept of Many paths to wellness. It is always good if you find that which works for you.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage massages are supposed to help with local pain. It can be helpful or not. Eating a healthier plant-based diet, avoiding a lot of salt or a lot of red meat, jumping a small trampoline and other ideas mentioned in the article may help with pain of lymphedema. Time also helps as it did for me. After 20 years I ceased wearing a (pressure) sleeve and there has been no real change. When I got cellulitis (once in March 2014), I used a combination of acupuncture, topical oregano oil, colloidal silver (1 drop for every 10 pounds of body weight) on day day 1. By day 2 better but also had IV vit C, with gluthatione, B vitamins, and magnesium. On day 3 I had another acupuncture treatment and used the colloidal silver and oregano oil all along. It was cured by then. Managed to see 3 doctors for various reasons and all agreed I had a short bout and did well (allergic to antibiotics so it was lucky this combo was SO effective).
Ann, what does the B vitamins do? My husband is recovering from lung cancer, and taking him for IV Vit C, glutathione next week, which I understand, but they also recommended the B vitamins….how do they help fight cancer and rebuild the immune system?
What about having your tonsils removed? Whenever I have a toxic reaction it seems my head hurts right in the center where my tonsils and adenoids use to be. Every time I try to detox I get a headache also. It seems like I’m doomed to keep my toxic brain! I read an article by Deitrick Klinharht that said when you have a scar from a tonsillectomy you have a hard time detoxing. What are your thoughts?
I don’t really know anything about this particular surgery BUT all surgery leaves scars of one kind or another. It is now considered a less necessary surgery than when I was growing up. Lots of kids had it done back then.A detox headache is a common detox issue. Can you work through it for a while? How about acupuncture? They can do some amazing things.
Sorry for your loss Genette.
I would like your opinion on mammograms. I feel they can cause more damage than good and have not had one in many years. I inquired about a thermogram (?) and it is not covered by insurance due to the fact they refuse to use a wellness code to submit it. Ive had what appears to be enlarged lymphs in my arms from elbow to arm pit and have intermittent mild pain from arm pit to breast. Not sure what to do other than dry brush to help the lymphatic system work better. Any advice would be appreciated!
Have you researched Iodine? Best Wishes.
Check breastcancerchoices.org a patient group.
Thermography has gotten better but still not accepted. It may be able to indicate cancer a while ahead. You may be able to get a sonogram instead. Also make sure what you eat is organic whenever possible. Avoid sugar and junk food. Plant-based. Maybe jump a trampoline. Good luck. Don’t do nothing please.
My favorite part of your article is where you stress, “Surgery doesn’t address the underlying cause of why someone got cancer in the first place, and neither does chemotherapy or radiation! This is an important concept to grasp.” That is why, as a psychologist and energy therapist I know that people only heal when the root causes of the problem are addressed.
I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Lung Cancer 5 weeks ago. I refused chemo and radiation and will heal myself with alternative methods that support my immune system, are loving towards my body, and which address the root emotional and spiritual issues that gifted me with cancer.
Dear Annette I wish you much success in your journey, my husband has Stage 3B lung cancer diagnosed in Dec 2015, I wish he had gone the natural way, but I am seeing him gradually deteriorate with the chemotherapy which is not working to shrink the tumor, also it is pushing on an artery. He has always been a bad eater (very little fruit and vegetables) high sugar (coke, sugar in coffee etc.). He has a type A personality and I have gently suggested diet changes etc. to no avail. My new daughter in-law lost her mother to breast/bone cancer late 2015 same thing she went the conventional way, so much suffering. Take care, hugs JoyK from WA (Aust.)
God Bless I send my love with all sincerity
Thanks for your intelligent comments. I am also a 23 yr survivor, no chemo, no radiation.
That is so awesome Ann. I had DCIS in 2008. And felt pressured to go for radiation. I wish I knew then what i know now. I feel great and pray I have no effects from that. I eat a plant based diet, exercise and try to do all good things. You inspire me Ann and I wish you the best.
Thank you for this important comment. My nonprofit Annie Appleseed Project has lots of studies and articles we post on our website, our Facebook page and in our monthly e-newsletter that may help you make the most informed decisions. I wish you the best.
Hi Linda, some of he issues with mammography are that it does give off ionizing radiation, a known cancer cause; it has false positives and false negatives; squashes the breast and can be uncomfortable – no studies have looked at whether actual harm occurs from this. But of course there are so many machines in use. I call this ‘we have expensive equipment and we have to use it’. Mainstream/conventional docs are taught that thermograms are not good enough – but no reference is made to current research. So a person could have a thermogram done but the conventional doc will not accept the results and would want to order mammos, MRI or ultrasound tests.
Thanks for sharing this helpful article. I want to know if there are some herbs that can drain off cancer cells from lymph nodes swollen.
Some people feel that horse chestnuts may help. Working with a homeopath or herbalist.
I am currently at the Best Answer for Cancer conference on IT and more. Lots to offer. Worth a consult. Docs all over the country offer it.
Balance is necessary, so really taking supplements requires being aware. B vitamins in part, affect nerves and nerve endings and more. I use Brewers yeast in addition to a multi.
I appreciate the comments and certainly you are on the right track as I believe.
I also had Malenoma and they suggested taking all the lymph nodes in the groin. I only agreed to just surface nodes. They didn’t take all but I’m still nervous about swelling of the leg. ! node did have cancer. The other 11 they took had none. I wanted them to only take the 1 but they said that wasn’t possible. Don’t know yet if keeping the deep ones if that will keep the swelling away. I do not trust the oncologist, but have to go to him in May to find out what treatment they want to follow up with. I had malenoma 4 years ago in the same spot and never had follow up treatment. I would like to know of a guaranteed way of not getting it again without immunal therapy. Also is there foods or exercises to keep the leg from swelling. I hope all works for you Tracy. It is scaring knowing if you are doing the right thing. Also the none trust in the oncologist is sad because they should know what they’re doing but I think they are out of date on this.
Hi Velina, you ask a great many questions I cannot answer. I am a strong supporter in healthy lifestyles – eating NO sugar, NO soda, NO junk (including deep-fried foods), eating organic whenever possible. More antioxidants in the blood should reduce risk of all skin cancer including melanoma. As to lymphedema, anyone who has lymph nodes removed IS at risk, sorry to say. You can get the Massage therapy called MLD from time to time to reduce that risk but also don’t overdo walking/running – use of lower limbs. Work on reducing stress and focus on the joy of living. All the best.
Dear Mary,
Tell your daughter to embrace her arm, massage it and to wear a well fitted compression sleeve. Lymphedema is NOT a life sentence! It may be a reminder that she should take care of herself, eat well, exercise and enjoy her cancer free life.
Emily Iker, M.D. I am lymphoma free since mid 70 and live with leg lymphedema for over 3 decades. I embrace and cherish every good day, work full time and more and loving it.)
Hi Emily, I am not sure what you mean about not a life sentence. In fact it is, in that almost always it lasts one’s entire life. If you mean it doesn’t have to limit you, that’s mostly true. One cannot take a 2 mile walk with leg lymphedema as it truly may cause more swelling. One can do slow, steady exercises and gain strength, mobility and energy along the way. Glad you are free of cancer.
Thanks Ingrid, sorry to hear about all the complications of surgery. I really cannot suggest you remove an implant, but there are many women who believe that silicone gel can cause harms. I never tried it at all as I am chemically sensitive. The vitamin C I mentioned, was administered as an IV. That’s quite different from a food source or dietary supplement. Raising one’s immune system is a slow process but acupuncture may help. I wish you good luck. Cellulitis is a touch illness and repeated bouts do mess with our systems. Consider the IV method since that way of delivering vit C is absolutely KNOWN to give a boost where needed. All the best.
Hi , I am a reflexologist and a practitioner of RLD ( reflexology lymphatic draining in the UK). There are studies going on at the moment with RLD being given under MRI control so that it’s effectiveness can be proven. The lady who masterminded RLD is Sally Kay BSc. I use her method on countless clients often seeing a dramatic reduction in oedema in the affected limbs. I know that there are practitioners in the UK and now Sally has trained reflexologists in the US. it may be worth anyone suffering to try to find a local practitioner.
I am convinced my wife’s lymph node removal is what caused her breast cancer to fungate. It was a week after her surgery that things really started to go wrong.
I am 2 years ahead of you and I had 4B metastatic uterine cancer with blood clots in both legs and both lungs and 19 liters of fluid, ascites, in my chest/abdomen, given 1-2 years to live. I had 3 lymph nodes removed and 2 tested positive for cancer. I refused additional chemo and no radiation at all. My sister had put me on a diet and my cancer was gone in 3 1/2 months. 5 months after surgery, my surgeon lied to me and told me I had a cancerous tumor. I got myself a new oncologist and 2 months later had a PET Scan and no cancer. The best way to turn this all around is your diet and removing as many toxins out of your daily life, so your immune system can do what it suppose to do, kill cancer. I am 61 and in great shape. It has been almost 3 years since I started spiraling out of control.
could you please share the details of the diet that you are utilizing to help with the cancer thank you
Hi Ann, Bowenwork (Bowen Therapy) can also work well for lymphedema. You can find a practitioner at americanbowen.academy.com.
I appreciate your information, but that link did not work. I am currently traveling in Australia and a search brought up the Australian branch of this movement. However a SEARCH of their website for lymphedema brought up 0 responses.
I have a breast cancer.I found a huge lump in my breast in August 2015. I will never let any conventional doctor to touch it . And definitely I will not have removed my underarm lymphatic glands or a breast. I am fighting it my way – building my immune system to be strong to do what’s it’s suppose to do., eat and live healthy, get rid of all suppressed mental issues, do yoga and meditate. Big help was reading the book by Anita Moorjani “Dying to be me”, especially part three. If it’s my time to go and I will not make it, I want to go happy and healthy and not be destroyed by chemo etc.
I am glad you are doing well, but I wonder what therapies other than healthy lifestyle and mental clarity to are using. I hope you can explore some of the many protocols discussed in The Truth About Cancer series, as I have been examining these for over 20 years and sharing information via my nonprofit website Annie Appleseed Project. So many things in the natural world DO work to help us survive cancer. All good wishes.
My all immune system was in very bad stage. Our priority is to build my immune system to do what it is suppose to do. That’s why I am filling better. I am having intensive treatment with acupuncture, vitamin drips, anticancer drips, Biotron, Laser… every 2 months. I am taking vitamins C,A,K, selenium, zink, magnezium, Coenzym Q10, Hemp oil, Black cumin oil, Collodial silver, juicing fruits and veggies. We did a lot of research on the web and I will check your link too. Thank you so much for your article and help. All the best to all of us.
I am very interested in this also. I could not see a rely
What is it you seek? I founded nonprofit http://www.annieappleseedproject.org and publish a lot via monthly e-newsletters and Facebook. Do you seek more possibilities for cancer therapies? There are many options. The video series laid out many.
Dear Lynda, There is absolutely no single path for wellness. I agree that staying away from sugar and being physically active is important for all humans. But raw is a choice. And Jesus is another choice. Please do not force others to follow your path. Your wrote in capital letters which is considered a SHOUT.
I have breast cancer and now the oncologist is trying to persuade me to have radiation. I had one breast removed and 2 lymph nodes in April of 2016. The lymph nodes and the breast except for the nipple area (where I detected the cancer) were clear and indicated I had 8 per cent of having the cancer re-occur. I do not have any pain and have a body and bone scan and no cancer cells appear anywhere at this time. I know that this does not mean cancer won’t return. However, I am on Frankincense essential oil and drinking a glass of water with lemon and honey each day, plus a glass of water with 4 drops of wild orange essential oil each day. The oils are from doTERRA I also have given up sugar and am using fresh vegetables and eating lots of fresh fruit. I am not going to have radiation nor chemo nor am not taking a hormonal drug “letrozole”. I decided not to take the hormonal drug after looking up all the side effects including bone problems. I am 80 years old and have not had any broken bones, and able to exercise, take care of my home and garden. I would like comments on what I am doing. Thanks
As you know I am a Patient Advocate, and NOT a medical doctor. Doctors have to recommend the therapies that are mainstream. They don’t KNOW if you need it or not. They also never take into account what else you/we do. Thus you are making changes and adding beneficial protocols so most likely you will be fine. Radiation ONLY reduces the chances of local recurrence – that’s not the killing part of cancer. Mets spread to organs cause the most harms (but even that can be reduced or fully healed).
Of course no one can say. I do tend toward the belief (as yet unproven) that our lymph nodes are ‘cancer catchers’ and ought to stay in place. I had 18 removed in Jan 1993 without my express or informed consent and I do remain bitter about it. I hope your wife has seen some natural practitioners – either naturopath, acupuncturist, homeopath, etc. How is she now?
my neck lymph nodes is swelling dr suggest me to remove lymph nodes through biospy .i still nervous what to do plz guide me
Hi Sharry, The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Hi Sharry and Ann, the lymph nodes in the neck are usually from a blockage in the axilla from antiperspirants or Crystal style deodorants. We have also seen on thermography scans in many subjects that mixed metal earrings(piercings) could contain toxic heavy metals that are absorbed inside the lymph system developing inflammation in the subclavian lymph nodes. This blockage can be linked to a reduction of lymph fluids that can be exhibited in the neck region. If your not sweating into the axilla can be one of the first signs of lymphatic blockage. What one needs to find is the source, removing the lymph node does not solve the problem but will effect the future of your lymphatics to remove the waste matrix.
Hi Mike, I appreciate your response but wonder what you base your statement re deodorant on. I know the theory. Throat/neck node swelling is often infection. I have used tea tree oil, colloidal silver and probiotics for swelling there. Seeing an acupuncturist is my go to medical person. Good luck Sharry.a
Hi Ann, I was able to reverse engineer a antiperspirant back in 2004 called Detox cleansing deodorant that creates a osmotic effect to absorb alum salts and allows greater flow thru the axilla. This product was tested by Dr. Chris Exley(Europe) for the ability to absorb aluminum via artificial skin. We know from conversations and conferences with hundreds of people who changed out their antiperspirants/crystal style deodorants particular physiological signs can take place. The newer antiperspirants can generate swelling in the neck even breakouts along the neck. We have seen many of these swollen nodes in people that work around exhaust fumes such as truck driver, airport workers, shipyard. They test very high in cadimium. If you have access to a thermography unit have the underarm and side of face scanned on a couple of people who regularly use these commercial deodorants, you can usually see visible inflammation along the lymph pathways. Headaches are also one of the other signs from swollen node(s) along the neck. You also have to determine if the person has stopped sweating in the underarm(s). We personally funded and sponsored a clinical study using thermography on women with Fibrocystic breast which generated unexpected data, such as mixed metal earrings and their effects and other valuable information that would take too long to discuss in this forum.
I would suggest another product than what your using for better access to open the congested lymph node because you need to topically dilate the the hypertension in the lymph node to flush out the waste and the exit is the axilla. This is called skin purging.
Terrific. Needs to be more widely known.
thank you for sharing this I have swelling in my neck and breakouts on my neck and I’ve been using crystal deodorant for years thinking it was better than deodorants with aluminum in them
I wish they would have let me die
I hate living…I hate living post melanoma with being railroaded into lymphnode removal…I wish I were dead…I hate this body…I want to cross over…nothing left for me here except slavery answer illness…I hate earth…I wish I were deaf
Dear Doherty,
Time to look at some brighter aspects of life. I am not able to help you except to say that you may be able to be in a position to help others. Think about where you can volunteer your help. There are many in need. Lymph removal does not have to mean life is over. Are you dealing with many infections? There are some simple ways to help – see my post re colloidal silver, topical oregano oil, IV vit C drips etc. Call on friends, join groups, stay alive please.
Tom, in fact a smaller surgery called Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy is what is being used. Generally this is supposed to mean that only 1-3 lymph nodes are removed for examination (although it completely depends on surgeons’ technique – some take 6). My article is pointing to a completely NEW concept – one in which NO lymph nodes are removed at all. This is in recognition of the importance of the lymphatic system for lifelong help. There is really no clear evidence that removing lymph nodes is beneficial at all. No one has even bothered to look at potential harms.
Thank you all for all the information found in these replies.
I agree with all you say. That’s what I do no,sugar read and do research in the right places, it’s hard to do raw foods for me but it a huge testimony following from people and most importantly YES YES JESUS and prayer will give you the positivity anyone needs to survive any outcome. Look out Goliath. Who are you lynda
Hi Pauli….I too had a mastectomy and lymph nodes removed rt side in April 2016 and had no chemo or radiation like you but I also read horrible stories about letrozole but I did trust my oncologist and in June started on the program and I honestly am so far feeling great ! It helps me sleep at night but other than feeling tired at times no other side effects ….I am a vegan and exercise regularly and am 71 yr young. Wishing you the best ! ps this is probably the first positive story about letrozole !!!
Pat-this is Eddie F–Melanoma was established by surgical ten inch incision at the left
mid leg close to tibia–couldn’t get the right margins due to closure limits. Surgery is
necessary to enhance margin protocols. Scared to death of unnecessary lymphectomy
w/risk of lymphedema–need your advice re alternative to risk of excising healthy nodes
resulting in a swollen leg-am 80 & in great health due to lifelong athletics/marathon/long
distance racing–should I see an oncologist & agree to other thx?
I meant Ann-sorry!
hi ….I have bladder cancer and its also in my lymph nodes and my left leg swells up during the day and goes down at nite. What i would like to know is what is the best vitamins and supplements should i be taking for this?
Elevating leg when not standing is good. Support hose when walking or flying. There’s a type of massage called MLD manual lympharic drainage that helps temporarily. Some say horse chestnut. Keep steady weight, more plat-based, low to no added sugar (I don’t mean fruit).
Good luck.
B for blood count-anemia and more. Nerves too.
Pls watch out with those Thermograms. I had a breast lump and got a Thermogram that said I was low risk. I repeated the thermogram three mos. later and got same low risk response from group of about 26 Thermogram doctors. Eventually and actually not safely later, an ultrasound showed that I had cancer. For me, thermograms are no better than mammograms. They can give false hope and they are very expensive. I wanted to believe the thermogram statement of low risk, but it just made me waste time getting any treatment. Now I am exhausted trying to navigate the medical world and not get hurt. ha! Everything medical is painful and destructive and the prescriptions just offer you another condition for the one you want to heal. I dread lymphedema and I know the surgeon will set me up for it big time with removal of beloved lymph glands.
This just in from a recent LARGE trial: “Results of Z 11
• 27% of patients with one or two positive sentinel lymph nodes demonstrated additional positive nodes on axillary lymph node dissection
• 14% demonstrated four or more involved nodes on axillary lymph node dissection
• After 8 years, no difference in survival or recurrence rates was observed in patients who received sentinel lymph node biopsy alone and those who underwent sentinel lymph node biopsy + axillary lymph node dissection
• In further follow-up after a median of 9.25 years, no difference in local or regional recurrences was observed”
SHARE with your doctor as a way to AVOID axillary node dissection. http://www.practiceupdate.com/content/axillary-lymph-node-dissection-can-largely-be-avoided-in-breast-cancernbsp/44544/16/1/2
The studies I read regarding thermography stated it gives a surface reading so if the tumor is deeper it misses it.
I went with 3d mamogram. My sister had hers a week later finding a deep tumor that was agrees I’ve but small.
The studies I read regarding thermography stated it gives a surface reading so if the tumor is deeper it misses it.
I went with 3d mamogram. My sister had hers a week later finding a deep tumor that was agressive but small.
Thank you. I was diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma bulky disease. I have visited the oncologists and surgeons, they said the best way is to go through Chemo. But i rejected chemo . I havent swollen lymph nodes symptoms like fever, night sweats, weight loss, toothache, or sore throat. But for the past 8 months I’ve been suffering from swelling and light pain after biopsy. Really don’t know what can i do.
Hopefully you have protocols you do follow. What I learned when avoiding chemo and radiation, is that it is CRITICAL to do a whole bunch of other therapies. You must get a Naturopath, Acupuncturist or other medical person who understands cancer. Create your personalized protocol. Good wishes.
I was dx with stage 3 b inflammatory bc I’m 2012,..I researched natural cures couldn’t find none. So I went in for 4 chemo rounds, doctor told me cancer in breast had shrunk now time for surgery..I refused surgery, no more chemo no radiation…3 years later I got cancer back in same breast but in area where biopsy was done,.. I have during this time been eating fresh veggies, vitamins excersise and I now no left breast it has shrunk to a size of a small baseball, my lymph node under arm has cancer, I have lymphedema in that arm, swelling everyday,..range of motion sucks..my entire chest is red, my back is covered with inflammation, my neck has swollen lump nodes, my right breast is now effected…I’m stage 4 here postivr..but I don’t care, I have eaten everything out there that fights cancer, God has been in my life for a long time…I feel like giving up all the time..I feel like a monster .my doctor refuses surgery because she told me I don’t listen to her and take the chemo or radiation..I would rather die with all my body parts…I’m now taking baking doda, frankensensr,myrrh, grape seed oil,.turmeric,.activated charcoal..fresh veggies vitamins..chorella, spirella,.getting sunshine..I feel I’m doing everything I can but I can not stop the advancement of the inflammation down my body..I’m taking red cayenne pepper with drinking cinnamon..have cranked moringua and essiac tea are blood and star fruit…..my blood work is excellent…tumor markers is at 35, pet scan did not light up in orginal cancer area but it did show over in 22nd breast and neck and throat..I tool 1 bottle of ibrance with metronome to passify my doctor in july, she thinks this is the reason the cancer didn’t light up.
I disagree…is there anything I can do to stop the spreading of redness in my skin..I drank carrot juice for 6 months, used Apple cidar vinegar..im healthy other than cancer in my second breadt,..I’m scared my right arm will be going the way of the left..then I will went to die…
No need to give up as it sounds like you are working hard to get some relief from cancer. I had 25 tumors, 14 after left mastectomy. Recurrence in same place (2 other tumors in same spot). CHANGE doctors. How dare she be so judgemental and WRONG. It is her work to help people in need, not to be critical and take any of your choices personally. What a creep. Your skin is showing signs of advanced cancer. Perhaps you can take some photos to see if/when it reduces. Supplement with vit D as well as sunshine as we usually cannot get enough. There are simple massage techniques to help with lymphedema (also jumping on trampoline helps). Start a massage at neck level and under non-affected arm to stimulate existing healthy lymph nodes. Then up arm starting at elbow, then after ten gentle rubs upward on each of the 4 sides of your arm, rub from wrist up all the way, then do hand up all the way to over shoulder. All good wishes.
I do use a rebounder, I just started back with hot and cold water therapy with massages, thanks for the advice
I asked a naturopath about help to reduce lymphnodes swelling and diagnosed with cancer. She said using a trampoline and even walking on it milks the nodes and reduces them. I don’t want chemo or radiation or surgery. Let’s do this. Nancy
Thanks for this valuable information and the reminder. We need to share this widely.
Really, same here but I’ve been told it’s reoccurring even after heavy chemo. I wish I knew an attorney in the medical field. I had sarcoid the whole time .
I was just diagnosed with grade 2 ovarian cancer, the cancer was in my right ovary which was removed. I had a CT scan of my whole body and it was clear. My doctor phoned me and wanted to remove lymph nodes to check for cancer.
I am not sure if I should have the surgery because of the side effects Lymphodemia. I need help I’m not sure what to do.
Surgery will be on November 20th .
Hi Annette,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Hi Annette, one thing you need to ask yourself, is what would you do differently if you get lymph nodes removed and one or more are impacted. Stage II is a very unusual diagnosis as most women are found to have stage III or higher. Was it an accidental finding of some kind? What other therapy has been recommended? I hope since you are on this website, that you have already made lifestyle changes, are taking dietary supplements and under a holistic doctor’s care. I founded a cancer nonprofit providing information on complementary and alternative therapies. We don’t sell anything and just offer information. Annie Appleseed Project
Happy to help. Ann F.
It is an herbal remedy – usual capsules. Some people have gotten a benefit. Others not. Varies.
Ann how do you feel about ultrasound or MRI testing? Insurance covers both and yet I hear little about them for diagnosis
Lymph nodes are rarely studies using either of those two methods. If you can persuade your doctor, it may be covered. I really do not know. As to using either or both for discover in the breast, they are used but generally most docs want a mammogram. Not that it is a better method but they feel comfortable. Mammograms do not ‘see’ lobular carcinomas. Ultrasounds are better for dense breasts.
Sorry, Ann, but what does ” IV vit C ” exactly mean? I only get you’re talking about Vit C, but what does the “IV” in front of the Vit C mean? Thanks for Änderung.
I was just diagnosed with endometrium cancer Stage 3C. Had hysterectomy on April 30th 2018. Think I had lymph nodes taken out.(may 12) do not have report in my hands yet. They want me to have chemo and radiation. Not sure what my question is. Any ideas.
Hi Cheryl,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Best wishes!
Guess my question is: Did they do the right thing with removing lymph nodes??
Hello Ann,
I am a cancer survivor stage 2. I had a lumpectomy with 6 lymph nodes removed back in March of 2018. I said no to chemo and radiation. I have been having slight swelling in my hand and arm. Do you think I have developed lymphedema?
Hi Rachel,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Best wishes!
thanks for sharing 🙂
I was diagnosed with Melanoma in 2012 and they rushed the dye test after removal of melanoma site and then looked for sentinel node for spread of melanoma which traced to my armpits(the rushed radioactive dye test)…they removed all lymph nodes in both my armpits and I have battled lymphedema ever since…not much help for it either-you are left hanging. German excercises help and they reluctantly do compression sleeves, gloves etc.(Very expensive) Which I do not use. I found a supplement with Shilajit really helps me overall more(along with other more natural means)-biggest regret was the double lymphectomies 🙁 I highly recommend against their removal! I am a male also and find mostly females helpful in dealing with lymphedema (as most are from breast cancer diagnosis)
My name is Deborah McCain. I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer 2 and 1/2 years ago. I had a mastectomy but didn’t do radiation and chemo. Tumor makers have been good since them. I do take armidex but causes me not to feel well and is destroying my bones. Could you suggest any better treatment for me. Thanks.
Hi Deborah,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Very nice and interesting. thank you for sharing.
Hi ramuanmujar ab,
Thank you for your comment!
Hello Ann Mam,
My father was recently diagnosed with Stomach Cancer and the Oncologist advised us to take 4 Chemo cycles followed by a Subtota Gastrectomy. We followed the advised treatment. Post 4 cycles of Chemothereapy and Subtotal Gastrectomy surgery, we got the report and saw that 22 Lymph nodes were also removed and examined and found to be tumour free.
Also the Stage as declared in the report is ypT1a/N0/Mx which is Stage IA.
Now after reading this article I am feeling scared as the doctor has removed the Lymph Nodes which a/c to him were suspicious,kindly advise if any precautions we must take for my father’s well being.
Hi Dibaspati,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Best wishes!
Hi l found out this year after months of waiting l have a rare form of cancer called interdigiting deneric cell Sarcoma, l had a swollen lymph node in my groin area removed in early June this year this was just a biopsy but the surgeon managed to remove most of the lymph node but left traces of the outer lymph node that were seen on the MRI scan , l was then told in November l had to go back and have a axillary dissection of the area taking most of my lymph nodes out even the scar that the lymph gland came out . Very worried about getting surgery as well as lymphedemaas l have felt well throughout this process 2018
Hi Sharon,
We are so sorry to hear what you are going through. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
I visit everyday a few web sites and sites to read content,
but this webpage presents quality based articles.
Thanks for your comment Claribel!
lifestyle factors like diet can affect when symptoms occur and how intense they are, the condition itself is not caused – or cured – by diet or lifestyle choices alone, Dubinksy points out. That’s why it’s important to seek medical treatment; even if patients feel OK for a stretch, their colons can still be severely inflamed. “It’s important for patients to understand the purpose of their maintenance therapy (to prevent relapse) so they stay on it,” Rubin say.
I had skin cancer carcinoma on my temple about 2 inches round and 6 lympnoids out of 20 had cancer. After the surgery and labs taken the temple area was negative and 6 out of 20 noids were cancer. I have the cancer removed from the temple and all of the noids were removed by surgery. Now the question is do i do radiation without chemo. the surgeon said in the begining twice i did not need chemo. I am in good health at 64. Any suggestions.
Hi John,
Thanks for sharing part of your journey with us. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Just reaching out for a friend that has had the left lymph node removed due to diagnoses Melanoma Cancer. Now going through many side effects. Very tired ALWAYS, no energy, joint pain, lethargic, Moody, and just doesn’t feel right.
Any suggestions with diet or medication.
They have him putting testosterone on his back in a topical.
Please advise of successful past natural remedies.
Thank you for you anticipated direction.
Hi Jeff,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
It has been almost ten years since I had uterin cancer. I told the oncologist that I wanted to keep my lymph nodes. I had been advised to refuse removal unless they looked bruised or swollen. She said she had never left them before. After surgery she said the paratenial fluid around my organs was positive with cancer cells. I bought some modified citrus pectin. (Look it up) It is a white tasteless powder you can mix with coffee, tea, or juice. You can’t taste it, but it lubricates the blood vessels so that cancer cells can’t cling to them. That is how cancer spreads from organ to organ. I just want people to know this because it’s cheap, tasteless, and can’t hurt.
It has been almost ten years since I had uterin cancer. I told the oncologist that I wanted to keep my lymph nodes. I had been advised to refuse removal unless they looked bruised or swollen. She said she had never left them before. After surgery she said the paratenial fluid around my organs was positive with cancer cells. I bought some modified citrus pectin. (Look it up) It is a white tasteless powder you can mix with coffee, tea, or juice. You can’t taste it, but it lubricates the blood vessels so that cancer cells can’t cling to them. That is how cancer spreads from organ to organ. I just want people to know this because it’s cheap, tasteless, and can’t hurt.
HI. My mom is 83years old and had a melamona cut out of her leg. They then first did a radiation test and it went to one of her lymph nodes in her groin. They then operated and took out the growth in her leg and 1 lymph node. They then called my mom in and told her that she has cancer in all the lymph nodes and must have them removed. He said if she doesn’t this could spread all along her groin and eventually she will have to remove her leg. The after effects are not nice for this procedure either. I personally don’t think she should have the op, in fact I didn’t want them to cut the first time, but they did. I feel at 83years old she is going to live her last part of life in pain and a possibility they she will always have swelling and discomfort? Just need an outside opinion
Hi Sue –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
I’m so sorry to hear about your mother – I’ll be sure to pray for her.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area: https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to: http://www.healingstrong.org/groups, and like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/healingstrong.
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
My dad is advised to remove white small patch in his mouth due to high risk of oral cancer.
Oncologist have conducted two biopsies & result of both is not showing 100% presence of cancer. So he suggested to remove white patch & do frozen section test during surgery.
If frozen section test comes positive then as per him, removal of neck lymph node is necessary.
I visited one more oncologist for second opinion, & as per him its important to remove that white patch in mouth but no need of neck dissection & removal of lymph node from neck. Instead he told us to do ultrasound of neck part which we did and it is normal.
Please help me to understand how risky is to not remove lymph nodes & anyone has any idea about alternative medicines for oral cancer.
Hi Nik –
Thank you so much for sharing this with us and for reaching out to us with your questions.
I’m sorry to hear about your father’s diagnosis – I’ll be sure to pray for him.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice.
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global Quest series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area: https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Along with this, we also have comprised a list of health experts and doctors we’ve interviewed in our Eastern Medicine: Journey to Asia documentary. Ty and the team are still working on collecting the contact information for the rest of these doctors and experts. Please note that this link will be updated with more doctor’s contact info as they share it with us.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to http://www.healingstrong.org/groups, and like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/healingstrong.
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life-saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer-killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
Conventional medicine’s reasoning for removing lymph nodes is to diagnose the stage of cancer and guide treatment, not necessarily because the lymph nodes have cancer. Removing lymph nodes has NO medical benefit to the patient.