For every 100 women who are diagnosed with breast cancer, one man will be diagnosed as well. Those may seem like pretty good odds. However, it still means that this year in the U.S. alone, about 2,600 cases of invasive breast cancer in men will be diagnosed, and approximately 440 men will die of the dis-ease.
What is most shocking is the incidence of male breast cancer has been rising significantly over the last four decades.
What’s the Reason for the Increase in Male Breast Cancer?
Little is known about breast cancer in men since research studies for the condition, still considered “rare” by conventional medical standards, are few and far between. According to information from a Lancet Seminars review, however, 90% of all male breast carcinomas are ER-positive.
Just like for ER-positive breast cancer in women, this means that cancer cells have receptors for estrogen and that estrogen can stimulate their growth. Also like female breast cancer, in the majority of cases, it is not the natural estrogens in a man’s body that are causing cancer… but the presence of harmful xenoestrogens.
Xenoestrogens are foreign “invaders” that mask themselves as estrogen. They form in the body in response to long-term exposure to toxins that can be found in:
- Commercial meat and dairy products
- Commercial vegetables that have been sprayed with pesticides
- Unfiltered tap water
- Sundry products such as shampoos and toothpastes that contain paraben or Phenoxyethanol (note that commercial skin care products do not pass through the liver for detoxification and so are ten times more harmful to the body)
- Plastic packing material treated with phthalates
- Plastic wrap, plastic containers, and Styrofoam that is heated in a microwave oven
- Foods that contain artificial food additives, such as artificial sweeteners, MSG, and substances such as Propyl gallate and 4-hexylresorcinol
- Canned foods that contain bisphenol-A (BPA) − (BPA is found in the lining of the can)
Xenoestrogens put everyone at risk for breast cancer. When it comes to lifestyle habits, however, studies show that men on average eat a worse diet, exercise less, and consume more alcohol than women do.
Toxins acquired through diet and lifestyle choices may definitely contribute to the rise in male breast cancer over the years. Another major factor is exposure to workplace toxins.
Men’s Workplaces Put Them at Risk for Breast Cancer
According to the United States Department of Labor Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), all employees in the U.S. “are entitled to a safe workplace” and “employer(s) must provide a workplace free of known health and safety hazards.” That being said, a study conducted by San Jose State University in California over 20 years ago estimated that in 1992 alone, there were 60,300 work-related deaths from disease.
There were also an estimated 862,200 job-related illnesses in the civilian American workforce. In the majority of industries where exposure to environmental hazards occurs − such as farming, maintenance, construction, and materials moving − men still make up at least 80% (and in some cases, up to 95%) of the workforce.
And what about regulation? The United States Environmental Protection Agency relies on standards established in 1976 (the Toxic Substances Control Act) to determine if a particular chemical is “safe” for the market. But when the TSCA was established, approximately 60,000 different kinds of chemicals were “grandfathered in.”
“Those sixty-two thousand or so chemicals were just accepted as being okay to be in commerce without any kind of EPA risk analysis,” says David Bennett, who led a major review of the issue conducted by the Government Accountability Office in 2005.
Breast Cancer is on the Rise in the Military for Both Women and Men
A similar phenomena is occurring in the armed forces. The number of both military women and men diagnosed with breast cancer has skyrocketed among military personnel, raising suspicions that chemical exposure may be to blame. Individuals in the military used to be amongst those least likely to get cancer. Now they are one of the highest when it comes to breast cancer.
Military women, for example, are said to be 20% to 40% more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer than civilian women. This is mostly because there is a higher percentage of military women that hold employment positions that are typically occupied by men − where exposure to industrial pollution is a concern.
According to former Rep. Leonard L Boswell (D-Iowa), breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer for military men and women. Boswell attempted to pass legislation in 2009 that would look into the specific causes of this trend. He also wanted to classify breast cancer as a “service-related disability,” opening up the possibility for those diagnosed with the disease to receive Veterans Administration benefits for treatment.
Even though the bill was stalled in committee, a 2009 study conducted by doctors at Walter Reed Army Medical Center supported Boswell’s concerns. And in 2012, President Obama passed the Honoring America’s Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act. This was in response to veterans and families exposed to contaminants at the North Carolina military base. Contaminated water was said to be responsible for dozens of cases of male breast cancer between 1957 –1987.
When Should a Man Practice Early Breast Cancer Detection?
According to a comprehensive study conducted by the National Institutes of Health in 2014, amongst the top three leading causes of male breast cancer is obesity. Men with the highest Body Mass Index (BMI) were 33% more likely to get breast cancer. In addition, the following factors will put you at risk not only for breast cancer, but other estrogen-responsive cancers, such as pancreatic, prostate, and lung cancer:
- If you eat the SAD diet (Standard American Diet, that consists of the food preparations mentioned above) and use commercial personal care products on a regular basis
- If you are an alcoholic and/or a smoker
- If your job (including military service) exposes you to radiation and/or hazardous materials on a regular basis
- If you have been exposed to high doses or chronic amounts of radiation in another way
- If you have a family history of BRCA gene (especially BRCA2) or you have Klinefelter’s
- Syndrome or gynecomastia (excess breast tissue)
With the exception of those in the military, men who are diagnosed with breast cancer usually do not discover it until later in life. It is typically found when they are in their late 60s or 70s, and most are diagnosed with stage III or IV. There are safe, effective avenues available for men to check for not only breast cancer but the presence of cancer cells in general as well. Screening would also help to detect other abnormalities in the upper chest area.
Thermography is used by thousands of women every year as a safe alternative to breast mammography, and men can use this modality too. In addition, I recommend the Greece and the Oncoblot tests, both of which can detect cancer years before a tumor can be felt as a lump or a bump.
Of course, the best courses of action are preventative: lifestyle and dietary changes you can enact NOW in order to prevent male breast cancer or any form of cancer from ever happening to you.
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Article Summary
About 2,600 cases of invasive breast cancer in men will be diagnosed this year in the U.S., and approximately 440 men will die of the dis-ease. What is most shocking is the incidence of male breast cancer has been rising significantly over the last four decades.
90% of all male breast carcinomas are ER-positive. Cancer cells have receptors for estrogen which can stimulate their growth. As with female breast cancer, it is often not natural estrogen causing cancer − but the presence of harmful xenoestrogen (foreign “invaders” that look like estrogen to the body).
Xenoestrogens form in the body in response to long-term exposure to toxins that can be found in:
- Commercial meat and dairy products
- Commercial vegetables that have been sprayed with pesticides
- Unfiltered tap water
- Products that contain paraben or Phenoxyethanol
- Plastic packing material treated with phthalates
- Plastic wrap, plastic containers, and Styrofoam that is heated in the microwave
- Foods that contain artificial food additives and sweeteners
- Canned foods that contain bisphenol-A (BPA)
Another major factor is exposure to workplace toxins. In the majority of industries where exposure to environmental hazards occurs − such as farming, maintenance, construction, and materials moving − men still make up at least 80% (and in some cases, up to 95%) of the workforce.
Breast cancer has skyrocketed among military personnel, raising suspicions that chemical exposure may be to blame. Military personnel used to be amongst those least likely to get cancer. Now they are one of the highest when it comes to breast cancer.
Men with the highest Body Mass Index (BMI) were 33% more likely to get breast cancer. The following factors put you at risk not only for breast cancer, but other estrogen-responsive cancers, such as pancreatic, prostate, and lung cancer:
- If you eat the Standard American Diet and use commercial personal care products on a regular basis
- If you are an alcoholic and/or a smoker
- If your job (including military service) exposes you to radiation and/or hazardous materials on a regular basis
- If you have been exposed to high doses or chronic amounts of radiation in another way
- If you have a family history of BRCA gene (especially BRCA2) or you have Klinefelter’s
- Syndrome or gynecomastia (excess breast tissue)
With the exception of military men, men with breast cancer are usually diagnosed in their 60s or 70s with stage III or IV. Recommended screening tests include thermography, the Greece and the Oncoblot tests.
It is a true fact that men can get breast cancer. Nobody is safe from getting breast cancer. It is not too surprising that men get breast cancer and breast cancer can hit very young women in their twenties with all those poisonous chemicals that we are exposed to and all the pesticides and herbicides that they spray on fruits and vegetables. They also put a lot of growth hormones on milk and milk products. I heard that tomography is better and safer at detecting breast cancer than mammograms are.
Vasectomies and low testosterone levels are linked. Studies made 20 years ago say there is no concern but recent clinical experience show otherwise. Contributing factors can offset normal hormone levels and are pertinent. The Vasectomy connection should be added to the list. Read
And what about cell phones tucked into breast pockets of shirts? There is another big dose of EMF radiation causing DNA damage to sensitive breast tissue!
We live in such a “scary” world ~ almost afraid to touch or eat anything. What we are told is safe today is not tomorrow. Just existing is becoming so complex.
Not mentioned in the article is Vasectomies and low testosterone levels. Though studies 20 years ago show no connection, recent clinical experience tell a different story. When adding other cancer causing factors discussed in this article that offset hormone balance, guys need to be aware of potential dangers linked to Vasectomies. See also
The key is to detoxify daily with organic food and whole food and watch for iodine deficiency.
I love reading all this great info and share it on face book always. It is so sad though that the majority of people are just not getting it or don’t believe it. Wish there were better ways to get this through to everyone. Thank you for opening my eyes and allowing me to change my life style. God bless
+Silvia Logan
” No one is safe from getting breast cancer “. That´s like saying cancer will make you sick för no reason at all – which is not true. There are always obvious reasons for sickness. People who choose to stay ignorant about cancer are precisely those who will end up getting it.
Also, those who have kept themselves ignorant are the ones that panic when diagnosed, making them swallow everything doctors say and suggest, Those people are the ones who die of the chemo and radiation or unnecessarily have their breasts removed because their doctor tells them there are no alternatives. Do you want to be owned by doctors? Of course not. And you shouldn´t be, because no doctor is responsible for your health – YOU ARE!!
I’m a little surprised that anti-perspirant use is not mentioned as a factor to consider. Years ago this was a concern since these inhibit lymph rel
My husband is a diabetic and eats a lot of junk food,
if you can call it food!!… I have been weaning him off junk food and replacing it with more nutrious foods for the very reason of breast cancer in men.
I have been drinking the plain bone broth to which I add turmeric, black pepper and Himalayan salt…I have breast cancer too……would bone broth help my husband as a preventative ? ….. it’s also good as a soup with scallions,peas and chopped raw celery added to it.
Can Ezekiel Bread be eaten on an organic raw veggie diet ?
Over 25 years ago one of my male neighbours died of breast cancer, he was so ashamed of what he was suffering with he swore another neighbour to secrecy and would only allow the news to be told after his funeral. that was the first time I`d ever heard of men getting breast cancer and now it is so shocking that a larger number of American men suffer.
I love the work you are doing Ty to get people to open up to understanding more about life, however, the truth of why we have illness and disease is because we don’t understand that we give our innate power of connection to our inner-heart and body which holds God’s particles. If we fight God’s particles eventually the body becomes ill and disharmonious with fighting. We have two different energies to choose from – God/our soul or our human spirit who ‘thinks’ it is God but is a separated aspect of our wholeness/soul/God connection. All the spirit wants to do is to keep its identity and so it does this with distraction away from truth and thereby fighting our body. Mainstream medicine is allopathic meaning fighting against. What are we fighting? We are fighting the innate intelligence of our body which gives us a fever if we have a bacterial infection for instance to ‘burn up the bugs’. But what do we do? We fight the fever instead of resting totally so the body can heal itself. Cancer is the last ditch effort of the body to rid itself of emotional energy (all illness comes from emotions) by bringing attention to an area of the body that is being ‘mistreated’ by us. Breast cancer is about not nurturing ourselves so it is no surprise that military personnel have high rates because their occupation is to be always on alert to fight. How can a body nurture itself when it is on constant alert? This is the start of beginning to understand truth that we have avoided for millennia and are now paying the price because it is time to come to our senses and listen to our body’s intelligence which is far greater than anything we may hear or learn from outside of ourselves.
You missed a biggie, Ty: Pueraria Mirifica!
I am a 54 year old woman, had breast cancer surgery in March. I said no to nodes being removed, no to chemo and no to radiation. The radiologist said that I have a 10-20% chance of having another tumor. I struggle everyday if the decisions I made are the right ones. my surgeon, oncologist, physician did not agree with me. I am taking supplements, minerals, etc. and Noni hoping that this might ward off future tumors. Mine was ER receptive and was a very slow growing tumor. If anyone has feedback that they would like to share I would welcome it. I am taking Letrozole to decrease estrogen . It is a hateful drug.
Thanks for any thoughts.
Linda, there is a doctor based in Florida, Al Sears, that I think could help you out with your Letrozole issue. He’s online. Good luck!
Good choices Linda– I want you to do well because I had a double mastectomy and wish I didn’t. I take anastrozole which doesn’t have side effects for me like the letrozole did. Keep researching– I don’t think the doctors research alternatives!
“I don’t think the doctors research alternatives”. I agree. Mainstream doctors have zero knowledge of natural remedies, so they reject and even ridicule life-saving alternative remedies and treatments. You should NEVER ask you mainstream doctor for advice regarding them, because he will almost certainly discourage you and tell you to stay away from them. Instead, do your own research and do controversial Google searches such as “alternative cures for diabetes/cancer/IBS/arthritis” etc.- ignoring mainstream doctor´s and big pharma websites.