In case you missed it – in a landmark ruling on August 10, a California jury determined that Monsanto’s weed killer Roundup had caused DeWayne Johnson, a groundskeeper, to develop a form of cancer known as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma – and that Monsanto had failed to sufficiently warn him of the health hazards of exposure.
Further, the jury found that Monsanto “acted with malice or oppression”.
They awarded the plaintiff the staggering sum of $289 million in damages. Although Johnson’s case had been fast-tracked to trial because of the severity of his disease, he’s unlikely to survive past 2020 and may never see a penny.
Still, this landmark ruling is a major development, because it’s the first trial judgment linking glyphosate to cancer. Naturally, Monsanto plans to appeal the ruling, meaning that it will likely take years before a final settlement is reached.
During the trial, evidence was presented to show that Monsanto repeatedly ignored warnings, doctored the science, and even fabricated data to hide the dangers of glyphosate.
Recently, Monsanto has been acquired by Bayer, a German multinational pharmaceutical and life sciences company, for $66 million including assets and liabilities.
Things have not gone well for Bayer.
A day after the landmark ruling in favor of Mr. Johnson, Bayer’s stock price fell by 12%, reducing their valuation by billions of dollars. Not only that, there are currently more than 8,000 U.S. Federal and state lawsuits moving through the courts against Monsanto asserting the cancer risks of glyphosate-based weed killers.
What is Roundup and What Does It Do?
Monsanto’s business model is both simple and ingenious. After selling their weed killer, they aggressively market their own seeds, which have been genetically engineered to be resistant to Roundup. Farmers growing Roundup-resistant crops spray their fields with the weed killer. The weeds die, but their crops don’t.
A business model in which a known toxic chemical is sprayed on food crops is both inhumane and unprecedented in the history of agricultural practice.
However, Monsanto still insists that Roundup is safe, pointing out that it is registered in 130 countries and approved for use on more than 100 crops They insist that it does not cause cancer.
This in spite of the fact that multiple studies have shown that glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup, is linked to kidney failure, problems with the immune system, DNA damage, and cancer.
To understand the full extent of glyphosate’s toxicity, check out this article.
Today, farmers in the U.S. use an estimated 300 million pounds of Roundup every year. Unfortunately, it has also become common practice to use glyphosate as a desiccant – to dry out non-GMO crops including wheat, barley, oats, and even sunflower seeds before harvesting.
Since glyphosate is also very likely still present on genetically engineered food crops such as corn, soy, sugar beets, canola, and alfalfa when they are harvested, most of us are consuming unknown amounts of this highly toxic substance, whether we like it or not.
What Can You Do to Minimize Your Exposure to Glyphosate?
Previously, we’ve discussed a few tips to minimize your exposure to glyphosate, including:
- Avoiding food products made with conventionally-grown wheat, barley, rye, and other crops in which glyphosate is used as a pre-harvest desiccant
- Avoiding GMO foods entirely
- Consuming certified-organic food crops (unfortunately, these may still contain small amounts of glyphosate) and if possible, certified glyphosate-free foods
- Avoiding specific vaccines and commercial gelatin
- Investing in an advanced water filtration system
- Undergoing regular chemical-free detoxes
- Speaking up for change
To help promote information about the dangers of glyphosate and Roundup, you can:
- Help local organizations such as Moms Across America and Beyond Pesticides to get Roundup and other toxins out of your neighborhood and community
- Reach out to your local council
- Learn about safe alternatives to glyphosate and educate others
- Create safer lawns and landscapes
- Sign the petition to get U.S. schools to stop using Roundup
- Take legal action if necessary
This comprehensive article has all the information you’ll need and more.
My nephew has non-hodgkins disease. He was spraying 300 gallons of round up at a Ranch where he was working.I told him what i had read about it. He asked a Bio-Tech. person at the ranch if it was safe and She said Yes it is. This was a lie for sure.
He takes care of his 104 year old Father and is in remission but who knows for “How Long??”6
He has had some surgery and radiation treatments.
We pray for him. He is a wonderful person. He is in his late 50’s and works in construction.
He should sue Monsanto. My brother worked there and died at 55 yrs Ma.
Hello, Lucille!
Thank you for sharing and being here with us.
Sending thoughts and prayers for hope and healing to your nephew.
To help him with his healing journey please share the links for our first two episodes of the A Global Quest docu-series with him. They are always available to watch for free.
Episode One:
Episode Two:
Have a blessed day.
As the world gets more polluted, resources are inefficiently used, Wastes is at an all time high. As society is programmed to believe, No clear way to readily blame / point fingers at the true cause/s. Everything is safe till the lawsuits kick in.
I would love to find DeWayne Johnson and get him in touch with Dr. Stan Burzynski who cured my stage 4 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma back in 1989. If any treatment could help Mr. Johnson, I believe it would be Antineoplastons. A few years ago I was tested for certain levels of glyphosate by a law firm looking to bring a class action suit against Monsanto. I did have that chemical in my blood but not at the levels needed to be included in their case. I was told that the glyphosate still could have caused or contributed to my cancer. I wonder if anyone from your organization has found Mr. Johnson.
And still the big box stores like Home Depot and Walmart have Roundup on their shelves.
Excellent information on the danger of glyphosate. Thank you Ty and Charlene.
Thanks for sharing with us the truth about MonSatan. So many people died out or lost their dearest ones from glyphosate!. I am wondering could you highlight the situation in the USA about chemtrails? I have found that this year, since Apr.17, the air spaying is prohibited in the USA. So you have no chemtarils anymore. Is this true? My family live in Canada and lots of air pollution blows from America to Southern Ontario as well. Last summer was especially horrible! it’s been so suffocating! I must say that our local authorities give a green light to bugs spraying over the cities (which was less this year) but Canada has no chemtarils. This summer somehow seems to be better! A lot of fresh air.
My husband, a wonderfully healthy 67-year old-on no meds-with no health issues other than a bad back because of a fall and a vertebrae issue, was diagnosed with Bladder Cancer about 2 months ago. The last “checkup” visit with is primary Dr. – the Dr. checks off the Medicare boxes: “you haven’t had a colonoscopy, you owe me 2 pneumonia vaccines etc.” Didn’t ask about the slight symptom that sent my husband to the Urologist and promptly sent a nurse in who gave him a pneumonia vaccine-while he had a cold, was taking an antibiotic and his immune system (we didn’t know it yet) was fighting Cancer!
We had watched the entire series (I even took notes) with Ty and The Truth About Cancer. Now, we needed the surgery to remove the tumors and do the biopsy but what they wanted to do was not quality of life. We researched so much and unfortunately, we don’t have money to go to Mexico for treatment or Germany. Our herbalist put him on Essiac tea and an ancient Chinese herb to heal internal wounds and recommended someone he had known of in Oregon. Now, he is on the protocol. We ate pretty clean compared to most American, whole foods, nothing fried, nothing processes, not over-weight but now we are 100% organic and he takes a lot of herbs, supplements and teas for the Cancer.
It’s impossible to even afford all of this. I can’t imagine paying for traditional western treatments. Also, all of the non-profits that help you pay some of your expenses are specifically for western treatments.
We are really in a bind. Not knowing how we will afford it if we have to move beyond this protocol. It’s very stressful but Tom is not sick and after detoxing, we are both eating the diet and praying it is healing him. We have added cyro therapy, far-infrared sauna treatments as well as oxygen hyperbaric treatments.
We need groups that will help people pay for these treatments. Organic everything is super expensive and his herbs/supplements/teas alone are several hundreds of dollars a month. The treatment facilities in Germany and Mexico are tens of thousands of dollars. Any suggestions are appreciated and we appreciate the work you are doing.
Hi Diane,
Your situation sounds so hard. If I got cancer I would be in the same position, with no money to do any treatments other than a few cheap things at home 🙁 I would imagine that Ty has the best overview and ideas about costs/what would be best to do when money is so limited.
I notice you have not had a reply from Ty, I imagine that he doesn’t have time to check all comments on posts like this so it is probably best to email him directly if you want some help (and it does sound like you really need it).
Good luck with everything, I really hope your husband manages to get better.
Diane, Turkey Tail Mushroom by Host Defense and the cancer web page by Chris Woollams and his two books heal your gut, heal your body and the rainbow diet is extremely important. Drinking kefer and a good probiotic by r-garden. Blessings,
Reply to Diane The most important check step…. your Ph Saliva or urine you should be in The 7.2 region if you’re in the 6s you are heading for acidosis, cancer will survive in that state of 6 or less,
if the expense is a problem, Bicarb of soda, (9 PH value) use as an underarm deodorant and in your coffee and on your breakfast of rolled oats etc etc, you need to oxygenate more, breath from the stomach in addition to Hyperbaric … I take food grade 3.5% Hydrogen peroxide. forget the rubbish about it being dangerous I’ve taken it HP for 12 years started 1 drop in water and built up to 24 drops, use it to suit yourself, if it upsets your tum, ease back and rub it on your skin. Colloidal silver every day and stay away from Needle injections
If you can get Grapefruit too, eat some every day. you could try ozonation with insufflation
( Truly Heal website ) and Pemf therapy. I do all these things myself. I am putting up my new website. a protocol for curing cancer via the body.. there is no cure for Cancer by Doctors or big pharma and remember to go to “Doctors are”
Hi, I live in Marietta Georgia & would like to get info on doctors in my area that participate in holistic treatments, such as the ones mentioned in the series, “The truth about cancer”. I have metal fillings in my teeth & had no clue it had mercury. Please let me know a safe dentist in this area that you recommend removing this safely.
Dr. John Hamel – Biologic Dentistry:
44 Old Hamilton Rd, Marietta, GA 30064 (across street from Avenue @ West Cobb)
phone: 770-651-0329
We’ve seen Dr. Hamel since 2006 and he is the dentist that successfully and properly removed all of our silver fillings (we did follow a pre & post removal protocol that involves activated charcoal and a vit. C flush so make certain to do the same, esp the vit.c post removal protocol). Any dentist will tell you they can remove silver fillings but it is ESSENTIAL that you only have them removed by a dentist who has the proper protocols in place in their office (for both their own health and yours!).
Stephanie B.
To find dentists globally that specialize in this area, go to:
Click on “Patients” tab, then scroll down to the bottom of the menu that pops up and you’ll see a tab labelled “Search For An IAOMT Dentist / Physician”. Click on that tab and then choose your state (USA), your province (CANADA), or your country of choice.
IAOMT: The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
IAOMT is a trusted academy of professionals providing scientific resources to support new levels of safety in healthcare. Mercury & fluoride free dentistry.
The big companies have placed their buddies in the F D A to approve all the poison that they are putting in our food ,water, houses and air. .We are all doomed by this corruption going on with many of our so called elected politicians who are being paid off to keep their mouth shut or thrown out office.
This is more than that. I believe it is also linked to breast cancer since the original french study of rats fed monsanto corn treated with roundup caused numerous mammary tumors in rats.
Also the FDA found glycophosate in soybeans in 2011 but no testing done in 2017 , USDA in 2016 found it in corn at 6.5ppm with a legal limit of 5ppm. Trump has cut funding to the watchdog agencies that are not testing the food for this carcinogen. The entire US food supply is poisoned by over 40 years usage of Roundup. It should be illegal in the United States to use petrochemicals like Roundup. This is responsible for increased cancer rates in the United States. President Trump’s policies has also made it easier for the entire GMO industry to evade disclosure. Failure to provide disclosure resulted in the award against Monsanto. It’s what is on your cigarette boxes saying this product may be harmful to your health. Disclosure needs to be mandatory. The poisoning of the US food supply has to stop. We also need further testing of the food supply to document Monsanto glycophosate contamination in the US food supply to force the President to ban it and reinstate heirloom seeds and organic farming practices to restore the quality of the US food supply. This will cut down on cancer rates in the USA and protect your children from developing cancer that are eating the most contaminated food supply in the entire US history. I am tired of writing the Trump administration and being ignored. Kids growing up now are eating the most toxic food supply in the history of the United States. That means they will develop cancer at an earlier age. Cancer is the number 1 killer in the pediatric age group. In the adult age group cancer affects 1 out of 3 Americans and is currently progressing to 1 out of 2 Americans. Trump is not into food quality or healthcare. He lets his cabinet run these issues. Now the scientific articles are just starting to come out about glycophosate contamination of the food supply. It is being considered a carcinogen. Also the Trump administration has made it easier to avoid disclosure for the GMO companies and Monsanto proves why we must have MANDATORY DISCLOSURE for GMO companies. Not only that but our farmers are losing out to Russia for ag contracts since Russia has done the right thing by going organic. I also don’t like that Sonny Perdue Trump’s head of the USDA is pro big Ag and considers providing for the family farmer as socialism. You are much better off supporting the family farmer who depends on your repeat business than big Ag which is trying to get rid of USDA label and trying to include chemical pesticides as legal for the USDA label. This is going to have serious health consequences for Americans and nobody is doing anything about it.
Dear Ty, I’m hoping there has been a mistake in this article. You mentioned above that farmers were using glyphosate to dry out NON GMO grains??? Please tell me thats a typo!!!
God keep you and your family
Hi Rene,
I’m afraid that’s not a typo. I’ve read that before from other sources… 🙁
My understanding is that in major corn production areas that the farmers have to buy their seeds from Monsanto. We should be checking with information sources from Agricultural University’s.
Yes, Rene. Using Roundup as a dessicant (to kill and thereby dry the grain prematurely, including non-GM grains) has become fairly common in Canada. Likely beans too. A clever but, I believe, deadly, idea. To my eye the stubble that remains after harvesting has a sickly grey colour to it, unlike the golden stubble fields one used to see. The other scary thing is people buying straw for bedding for livestock, or mulching their nice organic crops with the straw from these poisoned crops. It’s not enough to just ask if something is non-GMO. And Mary Anne, the fact is Schools of Agriculture are funded generously by the chemical companies who want to train future farmers to believe in and buy their products. The same as with pharmaceutical companies funding medical faculties & writing the textbooks for them. Whoever pays the piper….
The more information I get about our food, the sadder I get about the state of our food supply. There seems to be nothing left for us to eat at this point since everything seems to have something unhealthy attached to it now. Even the grains, fruits and vegetables we once considered healthy to eat now all are poisonous. I hope they can get some traction with fixing this quickly or we are all pretty much doomed.
A friend used Roundup on his driveway without realizing the poison was seeping into his well located downstream from the driveway. He was drinking Roundup poisoned water. He died of cancer after years of struggle. Go to your local garden supply store or hardware store and there it is, in abundance on the shelves: Roundup. Promoted heavily too. When I pointed out the cancer-causing effect of Roundup to the store manager he dismissed my concerns. “It’s known to be safe,” he told me. This is how effective Monsanto has been in promoting the stuff. Scary. Those people pointing out that the Trump administration have given a green light to everything the chemical companies produce are correct. Trump’s approach is to leave companies alone, let them do what they want, and this will result in greater profits. It’s all about the profits, not the safety of the products. The Trump administration is anti-science and opposed to any industry regulation. American voters: Wake up!
The article mentions Bayer buying Monsanto for $66 million.
But, from google, — In May 2016, Bayer made an unsolicited offer to buy Monsanto at $122 a share, or about $66 billion.
Why do you never speak about Dr. Zac Bush’s research and his product restore? It healed my gut!
Hi Barbara,
Thanks for letting us know about it. I will suggest that the team look into it.