Did you know that there are basically four underlying factors of the root of almost every cancer? KC & Monica Craichy introduce…
Top News - Page 89
Virotherapy: A New Era in Cancer Treatment?
Could a virus be used to alter the way cancer grows and spreads? Discover the field of virotherapy and an incredible cancer…
Cancer Survivor Story: Sue Bell (Stomach Cancer)
Jeff Bell tells the story of his wife’s battle with stomach cancer. Find out how Sue Bell’s life changed after 6 months of…
Can Toxins Lead to Heart Disease and Cancer? (video)
Is there a common link between heart disease and cancer? Can preventing one also prevent the other? Dr. Wolfson explains in this…
Canine Cancer: Are We Barking Up the Wrong Tree?
The status quo isn’t working when it comes to cancer in people or pets. Vet Peter Dobias shares his approach to canine cancer…
Cancer Survivor Story: Kathleen Bobak (Breast Cancer)
When Kathleen Bobak was diagnosed with cancer, she wasn’t happy with traditional treatment. Instead, she used unique alternatives…
How the Right Diet Leads to a Better Life For Pets...
In this clip from TTAC Live, veterinarian Marlene Seigel shares what to avoid if you want the right diet for your pets that will…
Cancer Survivor Story: Eric Vincelette (Stage 3...
When Eric Vincelette was diagnosed with Stage 3 multiple myeloma, he chose an alternative to traditional treatment. Find out how…
How Stress & Inflammation Affect Our Pets (&...
If you have a stressed dog or cat, that can lead to inflammation, which leads to serious disease. Vet Marlene Siegel shares her…
Are Toxins in Your Pet’s Flea and Tick Treatments...
Flea and tick medicines contain the same dangerous, toxic chemicals found in commercial agriculture. Here are 5 safer ways to…