Video Transcript: Prostate Cancer Diagnosis – What Would The Health Ranger Do?
Ty Bollinger: So, let me ask you this Mike. What would you do if you were diagnosed today with prostate cancer? What would be your protocol that you would… I’m not asking you to recommend this to anybody. We don’t do that. What would you do personally if your doctor said that you’ve got prostate cancer?
Mike Adams: Well, first thing that I would do is to try to understand from where did this prostate cancer come from? A guy like me who eats very healthy foods and super foods and leads an anticancer lifestyle − this news would be a shock. The most likely culprit would be an environmental cause, probably a hormone disruption chemical.
So I would immediately start to think that maybe I’m being exposed to BPA, which is probably true. I’ m sure that I have some level of BPA in my blood. It’s almost impossible to get rid of.
Ty Bollinger: Real quickly, what is BPA?
Mike Adams: Bisphenol-A. Hormone mimicker.
Ty Bollinger: It’s a hormone mimicker that’s in what?
Mike Adams: It’s a plasticizer. It’s in receipts. See this is the thing. When I take a receipt from a place of purchase, I’m touching that receipt, and I’m getting BPA from that receipt.
Ty Bollinger: Because it stops the ink from dissolving over time.
Mike Adams: So, I try not to maintain high contact with the receipts. But I don’t want to be the guy who runs around wearing latex lab gloves everywhere. That would be weird.
Ty Bollinger: I typically ask the clerk to throw it away for me.
Mike Adams: That’s a good idea.
Ty Bollinger: I don’t even want the receipt; just throw it away please.
Mike Adams: Good idea. So, we’d figure BPA, so then in that case you’d want to get hormone sensitive super foods or super foods that interact with that metabolic pathway, which would be for example, I3C, indole 3-carbinole. Which is one of the medicinal phytonutrients constituents of broccoli. The cruciferous vegetables, so I would immediately start doing that.
If it were prostate cancer, I would also really up my dosage of resveratrol and zinc. Both of those things are very useful for prostate-cancer prevention. You can get zinc in pumpkin seeds. So I would probably increase my intake of pumpkin seeds. There are also pumpkin seed proteins out there that maintain many of the phytonutrients of the pumpkin seed. So, I would start to become a pumpkin-seed-protein smoothie guy with a lot of resveratrol. I would also eat red grapes with their seeds. I would specifically chew on the seeds to release the many beneficial nutrients.
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I would also ask whether it is genetics. If your father, uncle, and grandfather had cancer, you are in a high risk of getting it. Does taking zinc supplements prevent breast cancer?
From what I understand, even if you have the gene, you still need an environmental trigger. Knowing if you have the gene can help you avoid certain triggers and do other things to compensate for that gene.
I’ve heard: genetics loads the gun, lifestyle and environment pull the trigger.
I’d just like to point out that Ty’s suggestion to just ask the clerk to toss the receipt would in most cases be very impractical. There are many instances where you need the receipts from things you buy. At the grocery store, I like to check over the receipt before I leave the store to make sure I was not incorrectly charged for something (sometimes it’s too hard to keep track of everything as it’s getting scanned through). But more importantly than that, you need to keep the receipts for various reasons: (1) in case you need to return something, you’ll need the receipt; (2) if you use a debit or credit card, you need to keep it until the item shows up on your account; (3) if you’re buying anything that involves a warranty or will need proof of purchase for some other reason; (4) if you’re purchasing things or incurring expenses for, say, a business, you’ll need to keep or submit the receipts. So rejecting the receipts in the store is usually just not practical or possible. Instead, I hope there is an effort being made to remove this substance from the retail system.
This is a dilemma. I only save receipts I think I will need. Otherwise I have them put it in the bag, and them empty it into the trash without touching it after I’m home. If I need to save it I try to touch it as briefly as possible and then save it in an envelope (I have one envelope that is full of receipts; after a few months it goes in the trash). Since I am not running a business I usually don’t need it, but it’s there if I need to return something. Many businesses will accept returns but will give store credit if you don’t have the receipt. My grocery store will take returns without a receipt, especially if it’s produce that was inedible. I have only seen one or two small businesses here doing BPA-free receipts. I don’t think there is much incentive for this to change; it probably costs the business more as well since it is not the norm.
One option is to have a printer than can make a copy of the receipt. They do tend to fade with time so would be useless anyway.
I did that with one Costco product. I stapled the receipt itself to the copy. It was about a year later and it was pretty much gone while the copy was clear. Now that warranty has expired so ditch it.
Take a photo of the receipt on your phone.
Where can i get red grapes with their seeds ,so sad people happy of eating grapes with no seeds, how come there is no seeds in grapes that scary .
Organic grapes with seeds are hard to find. Whole Foods will carry them for a couple weeks during peak grape season and perhaps other health food stores might as well. I have seen conventional grapes with seeds more frequently, but I only do organic produce. So a few years ago I bought 2 grape vines. They took a couple years to get established and I had to provide trellises, but now I have wonderful deep purple “wine” grapes with seeds. This fall I have been filling my VitaMix pitcher to the brim with these lightly rinsed grapes (to keep the outer powdery coating in tact) and whizzing them into a nice puree, seeds and all. It’s fabulous to add a couple tablespoons of this to my daily fresh pressed veggie juice or some raw yogurt. I also froze some since I had a TON of them, hoping this doesn’t diminish the nutrients too much.
Look for local vineyards or farms that raise grapes, or buy one or two vines and grow your own. When you harvest the grapes you can puree them with the seeds and freeze for later, or freeze the whole grapes.
Dear Ty,
Thank you for your efforts to raise concern for prostate cancer, through presenting this valuable information. Hopefully, one day soon, prostate cancer will be deemed as worthy of concern as breast cancer is deemed now. Many health writers have devoted far more attention to breast cancer than they have to prostate cancer, so it’s encouraging to see one well-known author being asked to expand on that issue.
in light of the fact that the present political administration now seeks to entirely eliminate funding for prostate cancer in the CDC budget, this information is now invaluable. Thank you again
The CDC is not our friend. That may help people find more useful and accurate sources.
Many new cases are mobile devices in your front pockets!!!
This is the “New Generation” of many cancers, which is microwave technology!!!!
For far too long prostate cancer has been considered not worthy of consideration; after all, it’s a disease of old men that are merely ‘inconvenienced’ by it until they die of something else, right? Wrong. The number of prostate cancer victims in their 40s has been steadily increasing, and the cancers can be aggressive. I’ve been battling prostate cancer since my late 40s. Early this year I nearly died from Stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer that had invaded my bones. In addition, a huge tumor blocked my ureters which resulted in kidney failure and severe hypertension. If I hadn’t been at the hospital for a different issue (labs before double-hernia surgery), doctors told me I surely would have died of a stroke at home. Those doctors saved my life and I’m grateful, however I wasn’t out of woods by any means. My body was still very ill.
Concerning environmental issues, in my younger days I was exposed to a number of toxins such as heavy metals, plastics, and X-rays. No one thought they were dangerous back then. In the early 1970s I was an X-ray technician in the US Navy who took full-mouth series (18 exposures per patient) and panoramic X-rays on entire classes of Midshipmen as well as other Naval personnel. We’re talking hundreds of X-rays, five days a week, over about three years. I wore an exposure badge and despite always standing behind a screen, it always had X-ray exposure from backscatter radiation. The exposure was deemed “safe” by Navy standards back then, but all ionizing radiation has a cumulative effect. Cell mutations occur that can and do create cancers.
Since the January crisis I have completely changed my life and my chances of survival continue to improve because of what I’ve learned from TTAC. I have hope, and my medical ‘numbers’ attest to enjoying a continued hope. Thank you, Ty! But there is so much much educating that needs to be done because too many men continue to die needlessly.
Tried to leave a comment on Mike Adam’s website on a crazy Hillary Clinton article, but it was never posted, censored last I checked. MIke knows nutrition, but he’s a little nuts on the political side.
no joke!
I have just been diagnosed with prostate cancer last week. When Mike says he would up his dosage of resveratrol & zinc; I already take both so how much should I up it? What dosages are we talking about here? I need details!
I would think one of the first things you would do is to determine what stage of cancer you have. My husband had a Gleason score of 7 & they removed the prostate, about 10 yrs ago. After about 2yrs the PSA started to go up & it has risen for the last 8yrs. However, taking MK7, Healthy Prostate & Ovary, from Nutricology and Beta 1 3D glucan have slowed the progression of the rise of the PSA considerably. He is 78 yrs old & still works in home repair.
We should all reduce our exposure to toxins as much as possible. That said, the BPA on receipts is not that big a deal. If I was a checkout clerk, I would certainly wear gloves, but your exposure to toxins from eating non-organically grown vegetables, or breathing the air in a city, or a number of other things, is going to be far worse than briefly touching a receipt a few times a week.
Hello Beloved Kelcey; Some people believe that we are the triggers to everything, we try to say that it is our environment but maybe it is our inner-vironment where the trigger is. The feelings and emotions that we have buried that are coming to the surface for us to heal, maybe this is true too. Just saying..other options. With all Love, Honour and respect. Yourself called alan. A saying from Jesus. ” be in the world but not of it”
Ty and Mike,
Perhaps a more generalized answer would be most helpful for your readers who are new to the prostate cancer issue. First I would emphasize that this form of cancer is a hormone imbalance issue at root, coupled with a depressed immune system and a long term inflammatory process existing in the prostate tissue.
First, avoid biopsies! European doctors use PCA3 tests with ultrasound and MRI to diagnose cancer. (HCG test from Dr Navarro is also an inexpensive test for both detecting cancer, and monitoring your progress in treating it. About $55).
Then evaluate your hormonal status with a full panel of all male hormones (ZRT Labs offers a good saliva based testing service). Most PCa is the result of estrogen dominance–read John R Lee Hormone Balance for Men booklet for full understanding of how to re-balance your testosterone to estrogen (E2–estradiol) ratio. Note that vit D3 levels(>50 (with most cancer patients in the 20’s and low 30’s)) in your blood are essential (and protective) of the prostate hormone inter-reactions.
Then check out why your immune system is suppressed–this will require extensive research and professional guidance is necessary. Many (>90%) cancer patients are infected with parasites (see Dr d’Angelo Parawellness Reseach for testing.) which bog down the immune function with toxins excreted by the parasites and fungus. Check your adrenal and thyroid functions–Immune system can’t work right if these are exhausted or working at low levels. Check you GI tract for leaky gut, as undigested protein slipping through the gut wall will tie up your immune system while it should be free to be removing cancer cells. Check for environmental toxicities in your tissue–this test will reveal the extent that you are toxic with a lifetime accumulation of toxic chemicals. Then figure out a plan to remove these toxins.
Then look at your history of STDs, and other infectious episodes and vaccination schedule from childhood on. Have you ever had prostatitis? BPH (enlargement of the prostate)? Look into viral and bacterial treatments (not anti-biotics) for hidden pathogens hanging out in prostate tissues. Does your ultrasound of the prostate reveal calcification–which is God’s design to encapsulate toxic residue of past infections? If so, it means you probable still have some infection going on, and you still have some cleaning out to do. Prostate massage, tissue stimulation either by microcurrent (Tennant Biomodulator) or acoustic (Vitafon should be used. (Rife, and a transurethral hyperthermia process using an Oncotherm instrument (available in Germany, Spain, perhaps Mexico).
My own journey with PCa after three years has led me to understand what a wonderful and incredibly complicated and powerful body God designed, that is capable of healing itself, if we will acknowledge and then understand the effects of the fall on both the environment, the food supply, the proliferation of the number and the exposure to over 86,000 chemical compounds that make “life easier and better.” It will take all of us (not just the cancer diagnosed) some work to do to get God’s human body system back to within its original design parameters if you live in the first world.
I have noted that those that have persisted in their efforts to right the wrongs have been rewarded with a better quality of life, if not even a longer life, than those who take no responsibility for their health and give it all over to the doctors. Best wishes and my prayers to all who embark on this journey to overcome their cancers and the restoration of true health to their bodies.
Harry, thanks for the testing info. My uro only looks at the standard PSA test, and I’ll be having a follow-up blood draw for it this Wednesday. You mentioned thyroid and adrenal exhaustion. I had adrenal exhaustion for years when I lived in the city (noise, crime, pollution), but my doc didn’t do anything about it. I don’t know if I had or currently have thyroid problems; I’ve never been tested, however since I’ve lost weight, I feel cold more than I used to. Physical activity improves it, but I didn’t wear shorts all summer. At least I’m in far better shape now than I was last January when I was near death.
The link you provided for Vitafon is in foreign language and I don’t understand any of it.Any help?
Beautifully said. Thank you in the name of all in need for your great advices.
Bravo Harry! I was wondering what tests help me reverse prostate cancer. You gave me & others the information we need to do that. Thank you!
Many thanks to you and Harry for the advice on prostate cancer. My PSA’s rose dramatically in my annual blood test from last year’s so my family doc immediately turned me over to a urologist. Not knowing any better I had 12 biopsies taken and that was when I was diagnosed with a cancer. My prostate was not swollen. I am 67 years old. I was taking a testosterone supplement which I was told to stop. That was bad news because when I started that treatment my libido and energy levels returned and my life was better. Is there such a thing as natural testosterone which might not have the side effects? There are some kind and knowledgeable people here and I’m grateful. Thank you all.
Chad, unfortunately prostate cancer thrives in the presence of testosterone, which is the reason many urologists prescribe androgen-blocking drugs. It’s a form of chemical castration, which is preferable to the surgical kind. Prostate tumors shrink when they don’t have testosterone, even cancer cells that have migrated to other parts of the body. My own situation is a case in point. Last January my PSA was >2600 and I had advanced cancer with metastasis into my bones. I was put on Firmagon (a monthly IM shot in the butt), then IM Lupron which is good for three months. My most recent PSA was in June — 11.4 — so I’ve come a long way. Next week I’ll have a follow up with my uro and if my PSA is in the very low single digits, I may enjoy a “hormone holiday” with no shot needed. Trust me, I’m familiar with all the manifestations of no testosterone, but my wife still loves me.
This was not the answer you were looking for, but it’s the reality of the situation as I understand it.
as to the above, Morganthaler research disproved the testosterone/cancer connection.
Chad: Here are three nutrients taken in supplemental form that will help “free” your testosterone as well as reduce possible Estrogen dominance. Stinging Nettle, Avena Sativa, and the Sulforaphane derivative Diindolylmethane (DIM). It is very important to take a Zinc supplement away from high fiber foods to allow proper absorption.
Also, to up your natural Glutathione & energy levels take a supplement of Selenium + Broad Spectrum Vit-E + Ubiquinol or CoQ10, this combo will prevent and kill many cancers once you get these levels build up in your body and if necessary continue increasing mg’s of the CoQ10.
Well I wasn’t looking for a good answer as much as a truth. Thank you for sharing.
My husband is 51 and has been taking testosterone shot for over a year prior to that he did the androgel. His psa levels are now 3.9 and the Dr said that doesn’t mean you have cancer that it’s common for me who take testosterone to get an enlarged prostate but testosterone doesn’t cause cancer if that was so there would be lots of 20 year olds with prostate cancer since you have high testestone levels when younger. My husband also takes Anaesteral which stops testosterone turning into estrogen. His estrogen levels have stayed normal. Dr ran a different blood test can’t remember what he said it was so get results next week. He is going to see a urologist but I don’t want him having a biopsie since I’ve heard that can spread if he has cancer but when I said that to Dr he said no it doesn’t when that has happened is when they do biopsies into kidneys I believe he said and then it has spread but not using Mri assisted biopsies of prostate. When I asked Dr if there was other test that can verify weather or not he has cancer and he said there was nothing but biopsies. So is there other things we can have done other than biopsies to determine if he has cancer?
Well, I think what’s important to note here is that it is in the receipts, and now you can be more conscious of handling them less often. You can simply keep them in an envelope, ask them to throw out the ones you don’t need, etc. Of course, we all need to keep them once in a while, so again, toss in an envelope (which would be the easiest to carry, if you had to,) or a file folder, etc. I think what’s more important to note for those IN RETAIL business, especially men, is that they can avoid it more by wear a latex or non-latex glove to handle them to lessen exposure.
Cancer is not a genetic disease. This has been proven already. Unfortunately most of the “traditional” medical community has been misled.
My Doctor told me that I should start using Testosterone replacement supplement, & it is a hormone ! Would it raise my odd’s of getting cancer ??
My prostate biopsy showed a Gleason scores of 6 & 7 from 2/12 samples recently.
A few years ago I had a sizable lipoma removed from underneath my arm.
Can’t help but wonder if it was possibly from my almost 30-year old night
guard the periodontist prescribed since I was grinding my teeth.
I should probably get a new night guard made…
Roy, my 77 year old friend, was diagnosed with stage 2 prostate cancer 5 years ago. A change in lifestyle and eating habits slowed the cancer but it wasn’t until he did a regiment of daily suppositories containing cannabis infused in coconut oil for three months, that the cancer fully disappeared. The oncologist who gave Roy his report showing zero cancer, was flabbergasted but gave him a grin just the same! When Roy told his first oncologist that he was refusing Chemo and Radiation, the doctor walked out on him in the middle of an appointment. Today Roy is enjoying life Cancer free!
Wow that is amazing Catherine! Thank you for sharing your friend’s story with us. This story is filled with hope. Thank you!
I am interested in the Cannabis Suppository formula. Would you share the proportions/ratio/recipe for the suppositories ? I have Prostate Cancer and am trying all sorts of natural therapies. I have had no Biopsies and will Not have one.
Tank You very much.
Why is there not any talk about fat in diets, how the process in prostate cancer different than other cancers? Also the veto diet information does not cover the role of fat in the diet and how it is different for prostate. Critical issue.
Hi Berna, we recommend reading these articles that go into more depth about prostate cancer: & and the role of healthy fats and supplements. We hope this helps!
Cancer is not genetic it’s metabolic. That was told in the truth about cancer series that they posted not too long ago there’s nine episodes. We all have cancer cells but what makes them to go crazy and multiplying and causing an actual tumor it’s not really hard to understand if you bother to look into it. Wish I would have known that when my soon-to-be husband was diagnosed with it and then died 2 years later cuz they made him a guinea pig using estrogen to block the testosterone and it just made him sicker. Shame on MD’s for practicing medicine and not actually curing anybody.