Video Transcript: How to Resist Chemotherapy: A Step of Faith (Part 1)
Ty Bollinger: Many of you may have heard Chris Wark’s story of overcoming Stage 3c colon cancer, but what you may not know is how deceptive the cycle of chemotherapy created by Big Pharma really is. Looking back on how cancer has affected our own family, we share the same view that Chris does. It just doesn’t make sense to cure cancer with poison.
Charlene Bollinger: So, how are we supposed to fight and speak up for what we really feel is right when conventional medicine has deemed chemotherapy as the preferred option. Join Chris as he reveals how he found the courage and strength to go against the current and resist chemotherapy.
Chris Wark: So, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer when I was 26. Most of you know this. I had pain, right? I had pain, and I ignored it. I thought I had an ulcer, thought it would heal. I’d never had any other problems in my life. But it got worse. And by the end of 2003, the pain had just gotten to the point where I was like “Oh, I guess I’ve got to go to a doctor and see what’s going on.” Right?
And I was misdiagnosed. They thought I had an ulcer. Eventually, I did a colonoscopy, and they found a golf-ball size tumor in my large intestine. And like many of you in the room, right, it’s like “What? Tumor? No. Cancer. This can’t be right. This cannot be my colon. Are you sure you’re looking at my colon? Are you sure you didn’t mix my colon up with the 80-year-old guy in the next little cubie or whatever?” No, it was my colon.
So, they rushed me into surgery. They basically told me what they tell everybody. “You’ve got cancer, and we’ve got to get you into surgery right away and cut this thing out before it spreads and kills you.” They use fear to motivate you to take immediate action. It’s always urgency, right? Urgency gets people on the chemo train, it gets them on the conventional train. And once you get on that train, it’s really hard to get off.
And the truth is, most cancer patients have plenty of time. Most of them don’t even feel sick when they’re diagnosed, okay? And yet, this cancer’s been growing in their body for many years, the doctors tell you…8 years…10 years. But now you’ve got to take immediate action because it’s urgent.
So, I was told that, and I believed it. I was like “Okay, I’ll do whatever you say.” And they got me into surgery, they cut out a third of my large intestine; they took out this tumor. They realized that it was worse than they thought, Stage 3C. It had spread to some lymph nodes. They took those out. And they said, “We got it all.” Anybody heard that one? Yeah? Right? “We got it all. But, you need 9-12 months of chemotherapy. But we got it all.”
The truth is, what we know now is that cancer is metastatic from almost the very first early stages of development. So, before it’s even big enough to detect, cells have left the primary tumor site, the primary lesion, and are already in other parts of your body. So, Stage 1 is really a misnomer, right? Stage 1 doesn’t really exist. You’re metastatic when cancer starts growing. Now your immune system is mopping those things up. Your immune system is designed to keep you well. And yet, you have this issue. You have a problem in your body if you have a tumor.
So, that’s why they told me to do chemotherapy, because they also probably knew, at that time, that colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. If surgery, chemo, radiation, oil pulling were curing colon cancer, it wouldn’t be the second leading cause of cancer death, would it? Okay? I didn’t know any of that stuff. But they told me I needed to do 9-12 months of chemotherapy.
But I was thinking about my life and my future, and the idea of poisoning my way back to health did not make sense to me. Right? I knew very little about chemotherapy. I never had anyone close to me go through cancer. But I had an instinctive resistance to something that was so toxic and poisonous that it makes you sick and your hair falls out.
I’d seen cancer patients in the world, right? I’d seen them at the mall or somewhere and thought, man, I just couldn’t even imagine what they were going through and what that was like. And it was scary, right? I was scared of the thought of me becoming what I had seen. And especially there was a man at church that I saw a few times, and he was in late stages, and he was emaciated, of course no hair, his skin was yellow, and he had to wear a mask in public because his immune system had been destroyed.
And it was like “Man, wow. Is that me? Is that my future?” And my wife and I prayed about it, and I was like “God, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do. This doesn’t feel right. This doesn’t make sense. I feel like it’s not the right thing for me, and I don’t know what else to do.” And so, I just prayed a simple prayer of desperation, right?
I just reached out. I’m a Christian. I’m a believer. So, it wasn’t weird for me to pray or anything. But I just reached out.
During that time, I—one of the first verses that came to mind was “God works all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose.” And I thought “Man, this is not a good thing. This ain’t good. But I’m going to believe that you’re going to work this for my good. I’m going to believe that. Like if your word is true, I’m going to believe it. I’ve got nothing else to believe in at this point. Like I’m going to believe that.”
And so, I prayed and asked for some guidance. Two days later, I got a book that arrived on my doorstep that was sent to me from a man in Alaska, who knew my dad. And my dad had told him I was diagnosed with cancer, and he was like “Well I need to send him this book.”
And he sent me a book that was called God’s Way to Ultimate Health, written by George Malkmus. And I started reading this book and I learned that George had had colon cancer and he was a pastor, and he’d seen a lot of church members and friends and his own mother suffer and die through cancer treatment.
And then he got a diagnosis, and he thought “Man, I’m not doing what they did.” Right? And he had a health nut buddy who said, “You need to get on a raw food diet.” He was a Texas guy, I think. Right? “You need to get on a raw food diet. Drink a bunch of carrot juice. That’s what you need to do.” And that’s what he did, and he got well. He didn’t have surgery, didn’t do chemo. And his body healed.
And I’m reading his story, and I mean tears are coming down my face. And I knew this was an answer to my prayer. It wasn’t the answer I expected, but I knew this was the answer for me. And I made a decision immediately overnight to change my whole life. It was just right there on the couch in my tiny little house, and I was like “I’m going to do it. I’m going to change my whole life.” I actually got excited about the idea that maybe cancer was my fault. That was actually good news to me. Do you understand what I mean?
That was good news. It wasn’t bad news. I was like “Wait a minute. Maybe this is my fault. And if this is my fault, if I contributed to this disease by the choices I’ve made, yes, I didn’t know any better. But if my diet and lifestyle choices, and my attitude and my emotions have contributed to me being sick, then what if I change everything? What could happen? Maybe my body can heal.”
Charlene Bollinger: We hope you learned a lot from this video. If you learned something new, please take a few seconds now to let us know in the comments section below.
For part 2 of Chris’ story, click here.
I have breast cancer & I have refused the surgery/chemo/radiation. the doctors are not interested in helping me on this journey & even my pcp of 15 yrs, in response to me stating that I wanted to heal naturally-conveyed to me that she felt that I was ‘doing nothing’ going this route. I can’t afford the $300 an hr up front for naturopaths who will treat cancer patients either. Even the teaching hospital University of Michigan refuses to see me if I am not going to do the surgery/chemo/rads. I have changed almost everything about my lifestyle in hopes of healing naturally-from diet, to exercise, essential oils, removing cleaners & toxins from my home, cbd oil. THANK YOU for these informative shows that reassure those of us struggling with this diagnosis.
You are doing the right thing. Be encouraged. If you watch the truth about cancer documentary, there is a woman who tells her story about breast cancer – back in the mid-seventies when she was diagnosed. She left her stressful occupation in the music industry and traveled in South America for 3 months. She ate differently, was outside walking everywhere, meeting new people, eating healthy food. When she came home, she had no cancer. Cancer is a wake up call and a chance to do life differently and YOU ARE!! You are already winning the battle. Press on sister!
Great part 1 article Chris,I had melanoma,went on Kemp 4 one year,a diff. dr,stopped it immediately.It was about to kill me.Had 3 or so surgeries.Full body pet scans,say I am clear for years.I love the truth about cancer and our family owns your package,we lend it out to others.
Have you gone to the Hoxsey BioMedical Center?
Search online for
Lance Jordan at Bonita Wellness interviewing cancer patients at the Hoxsey BioMedical Center videos.
Thanks for the testimony I had cancer of the breast the surgery had been done stage 2 but I refuse chemotherapy also I changed my diet and my lifestyle
I went through chemotherapy and radiation for throat and esophagus cancer and all it did was cause it to spread to my thyroid left ear and now they found out that I have a heart anurisom and why because of the chemotherapy and radiation
I’m sorry to hear your story. I had a nephew that went through basically the same thing. I just hope this information will help you heal. It’s never too late!
Hi sorry to hear that I refused chemo because I was afraid of the same result I am ok only did radiation I had throat cancer. Ray.
I really would have liked to hear the rest of Chris’ story. I’m so thankful for all the information you provide.
Stay tuned for part two Sharon!
Thank you for your encouraging videos, this one of Chris Wark is very apt right now.
2 weeks ago I was diagnosed with cancer in my liver, I have since had a PET scan and a biopsy, which shows it is actually a rare form of bile duct cancer stage 4.
It is inoperable as too dangerous to do and the only treatment they could offer would be chemo for symptom relief only. This is not an option, as I have always maintained that if I ever had cancer, there would be no chemo or radiation.
So, my desired direction has been placed in my hands as there is no alternative. I am already a borderline vegan, so a diet change is pretty simple for me. I’m already on carrot juices, green tea, predominantly raw veggies and various boosting supplements. Oils to come.and a positive attitude and exercise.
I’m letting you know now, because I’m looking forward to updating through my journey and will finally prove our point, that alternatives are the way to go.
I believe this is my mission in life, to be able to help others in their fight against cancer, once I have cured myself.
Check out the Hoxsey BioMedical Center?
Search online for Lance Jordan of Bonita Wellness interviewing cancer patients at Hoxsey BioMedical Center videos.
Check out Andreas Moritz “The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush”
Thanks for great work, sharing your
nourney of healing. I believe you wrote
that taking a blood thinner and adopting
a raw food diet may not correlate well, but can cause trouble. If so, what should those
of us on long-term use of such as Eliquis,
do? Thanks.
Get off of Eliquis and search for alternative natural blood thinners. There are many that work well without the chemical side effects of Eliquis.
Yes what you say is true.they scare you . Into taken radiotherpy my heart i didnt want to do it …i could go on and was a nighmare …thank you for sharing always beleive your Dr knew the best. .it like Botox your putting posion into your body .they never blame botox for your heart long as they are making money..they will tell you anything.
Hi i have breast cancer stage 2 2 years ego i did surgery and radiation but i didn’t do chemoterapy i stop eating sugar i was for 38 years vegetarian i am taking different kind of ayurvedic medicin and amino acid in the moment i am free from cancer
Always encouraged by Chris’s story. So many of my family members are going through cancer treatment. I’m happy to have resources to share!
Hi Ty and Charlene! My brother has been diagnosed with a cancer in the lining of his stomach called Peritoneal Mesothelioma and is going through chemotherapy. He has only had one round of chemotherapy so far and is due for a second round within a fortnight from now.
I wonder if you could let me know of any alternative way of treating this cancer because we’re not happy that he’s receiving chemotherapy since we believe what Chris Wark believed which is “how can anybody get better if they’re fed poison (chemo)”?
Do you think Vitamin B17 tablets (or capsules) can help to kill off these cancer cells?
Hi Gurmit,
We are sorry to hear of your brother’s diagnosis. We cannot provide medical advice, so the best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Have you searched online for
Lance Jordan of Bonita Wellness interviewing cancer patients at the Hoxsey BioMedical Center videos.
If I had cancer, I will be going to Hoxsey BioMedical Center to survive. Many informed people go here to survive some of the worst cancers, like stage 4 pancreatic cancer, stage 4 lung cancer, etc.
I would get your brother there quickly. But meanwhile take the B17 capsules 500 mg right away while packing your suitcase to go to Hoxsey to survive cancer.
I’m in my 80’s and was just recently diagnosed with multi-focal invasive carcinoma in my breast. I’m scheduled for surgery in 7 weeks. The oncologists tell me that they don’t think I will need chemo or radiation. About 30 years ago, my 2 best friends had breast cancer and I believe that they died from the chemo. I don’t want that. I’m a vegetarian and was a vegan, but when I became gluten intolerant, the choices seemed so limited, that I now am to some extent a lacto-ovo vegetarian. I’m going to start preparing Essiac tea tomorrow and will take it until 2 weeks before my surgery. And will resume as soon as possible after the surgery. Furthermore, when I was diagnosed, I determined to make major changes (for the better) in my diet. I have the Lord on my side.
As a result of the use of chemo-radiation therapy, people die. Chemo-radiation therapy kills the immune system, while
the cancer patient survival directly depends on the state of the immune system. The number of survivors after such treatment is negligible.
There are only a few modern clinics in the world curing cancer without surgery and chemo-radiation therapy.
Their treatment methods are:
– Regional Hiperthermia is performed instead of surgery, based on laser heating of the cancerous growth to temperatures above 40’C. Cancer cells die, the healthy cells do not suffer at all.
– Blood transfusions also contribute to the destruction of cancer cells. The blood withdrawn from the body is enriched with oxygen and reintroduced back to the patient.
The immune treatment programme provides the infusion of Laetrile (vitamin B-17), selenium, as well as other drugs, to relieve a person from oxidation of the body, the main cause of cancer.
You can learn more about cancer treatment and the treatment clinics on the website (Type in the search : “Beating cancer without surgery and chemotherapy”).
Chris Wark’s story is a great one! My husband has prostate cancer, had surgery (tumor had penetrated prostate) and radiation. After surgery started taking PectaSol -C. Within three months, prior to radiation, he had PET Scan in preparation for radiation. Scan was negative…no evidence of prostate cancer!!! Although we could have foregone radiation, because it was locally advanced, we decided to still do, upon recommendation of four drs. We believe it was PectaSol-C which inhibits the growth factor. He will take this supplement the rest of his life, together with a couple of natural treatments mentioned above.
Thx Chris for the lecture. My sis was diagnosed with cancer of Esophagus , she is now taking the 4th dose of chemo, she is on diet as well. The drugs are really so strong that she breaks down during treatment but gains strength shortly after. Am praying hard that she gets healed. She never knew the sickness was such serious until the system blocked to NO swallowing even a drop of saliver! She could cough n vomit endlessly before diagnosis!, but we thank God so much that now she started eating, no problem with swallowing any more. We are on diet with a professional nutritionist. We are doing for her all it takes, all the foods mentioned in above comments, we are in class. May God change her story into testimony. Get well soon my sis sarah Uganda.
We are so sorry to hear what your sister is currently going through Dorothy. We will keep her and your family in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
My brother lost his life to esophagus cancer,the treatment he got here in England was nothing short of so poor I still look at myself has his brother and think could I have done more.listening to the strength of you guys saying no to the old methods and educating me and millions more on there is other ways that are far more natural in this earth but governments don’t want us to know,thank you for your strength and strength will help you in your recovery,
Dear Ty and Charlene
Our 36 year old son has been fighting chronic myeloid leukemia for 8 years. He has received lots of chemo in order to get a bone marrow transplant in July. It did not work and doctors are not very hopeful he can beat this. We have been ordering your DVDs and some books but have a hard time trying to figure out how to find the right clinic for him to go to. Are there any close to Baltimore, MD?
Could you help us out with that? Thanks!
Hi Petra,
We cannot pick a specific location or doctor for you, but the best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Sending healing energy your way!
Yup, great testimony of not only a believer in God but a believer in food from God as written in Genesis 1:29…the fruits of the trees, the seeds of the plants be thy food, man.
Spreading out this good news video, Ty, Charlene. Grazie!
I just discovered your emails, I have big tumor in breast. Help! Decided no chemo for me. Where can I get book on raw food diet by Malkmus? What can I do. I am Christian and praying.