You know how important food is for maintaining your daily health. The vitamins and minerals found in food are crucial for the proper functioning of your body and every system it contains.
It has been proven time and again that what food you consume has a direct impact on your total body health. Adding the right fuel to other healthy lifestyle choices – such as regular exercise and plenty of water – will increase your chances of living longer and stronger years.
Your Food as Medicine
New studies focused on the benefits of using food as medicine have made fascinating discoveries in the last decade. The results from prestigious labs all over the world show us that not only can you improve your general health to prevent disease… you can actively fight disease… with food.
In fact, there are specific cancer-fighting foods that you can start adding to your diet today!
You read that right. There are natural foods available in your local market that target and destroy cancer cells and cancer-causing cells.

Top 7 Cancer-Fighting Foods
- Raw Garlic
- Cruciferous Vegetables
- Green Tea
- Berries
- Leafy Greens
- Cooked Tomatoes
- Carrots
#1. Raw Garlic
Along with the other relatives in the allium family – such as onions, leeks, and shallots – garlic contains powerful antioxidants like allicin, proven to remove free radicals from your body. It also boosts immunity, is nutrient dense, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels, improves brain function, and is a natural detoxifier. Chop or crush garlic, allow to rest, then use it raw or in your favorite recipes.
#2. Broccoli
Known as a cruciferous vegetable – related to kale, cauliflower, and cabbage – broccoli is high in phytochemicals and the antioxidants glucoraphanin and indole-3-carbinol, which have been proven to reduce the risk of cervical, breast, gastric, and prostate cancers. Naturally anti-inflammatory, good for your bones and heart, and nutrient dense (without the calories), broccoli is a great addition to a healthy eating plan. Since phytochemicals are heat-sensitive enzymes, the benefits of broccoli are best raw or blanched.
#3. Green Tea
The catechins found in green tea have made it a superstar in the cancer-fighting food research. They are believed to be more powerful than vitamin C in fighting free radical damage. In multiple lab studies, this delicious beverage has been shown to shrink existing tumors and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Many experts suggest green tea daily as a natural cancer preventative. As an added benefit, it also reduces your risk of heart disease and lowers your blood pressure.
#4. Strawberries
Always delicious, there are now more reasons for you to eat these delicate fruits. Researchers found that strawberries slow down the growth of cancer cells, protect your body from heart disease, lower inflammation, prevent memory loss, and help you burn your body’s fat stores. Strawberries and other dark-colored berries – such as black raspberries, blueberries, boysenberries, and, goji berries – are packed with flavor so you won’t even notice how healthy they are.
#5. Spinach
Though this leafy green is low in calories, it offers incredible health benefits with vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids that your body needs to stay strong (just like Popeye). It contains bio-chemicals called flavonoids – at least thirteen discovered so far – that soak up damaging free radicals and flushes them out. Particularly rich in folate and fiber – two elements that doctors believe are essential to cancer prevention – make spinach one of our favorite cancer-fighting foods.
#6. Tomatoes
It’s all about the lycopene – the antioxidant that causes the red color of tomatoes – a powerful antioxidant known for preventing the formation of certain cancers. They also lower your risk of heart disease and are naturally anti-inflammatory. The secret to getting the full benefits of tomatoes lies in the preparation. Lycopene is released when tomatoes are cooked. Be sure to get these fresh and organic!
#7. Carrots
This well-loved vegetable is a wonderful source of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that aids in preventing cell damage and may slow the growth of cancer cells. They contain falcarinol and falcarindiol – natural pesticides in the vegetable that scientists believe are the reason for their cancer-fighting abilities. Of course, they’re good for your vision, skin, and as a natural detoxifier as well.
There are many cancer-fighting foods that we explore in more detail but these seven foods are a great place to start. Available year-round, inexpensive, and easy to find at your local store, these foods can help start you on the road to a better diet. And remember… always buy organic!
Eating right doesn’t have to be horrible. You won’t regret taking this step in the right direction.
Tomato-the Love apple was a forbidden fruit. It is palatable and attractive. It contains antioxidants, lycopene and some water soluble vitamin. But it is the member of solanacea family. It has inflammatory effects like other members like potato, bringal, withania and belladonna. Tomato contains oxalate that may form nucleus for deposits and growth in blood vessel, kidney and liver combining with calcium. it is not good for stone formers. It may also increase the carbon dioxide level.
….but besides all that…..haha
How might it increase carbon dioxide levels? And where?
Not everyone can purchase organic. It makes me angry when this is mentioned .
The can hardly afford any food.
And Non-GMO
are seperate entities
Organics are usually GMO
Thats why no pesticides r needed
In order to be classified as organic, the food must be non-gmo, If it is organic, that means it is non-gmo as well as additional benefits like no pesticides. Do your own research, just because someone posts something does not mean it is necessarily true.
That’s not correct. Certified Organic is superior to non-GMO. Non-GMO only means the food hasn’t been genetically altered in a lab but it can still be sprayed with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, artificial fertilizers, irradiated, and contain sewage sludge. Certified Organic means no genetic modification or editing is allowed AND the use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, artificial fertilizers, irradiation, and sewage sludge are also prohibited. Actually crops that are genetically engineered or edited have tons of pesticides on them even more so than conventional non-GMO crops.
You are absolutely correct Ty. The internet is dangerous, because people can speak with authority with no expertise at all. Certified Organic is grown with non genetically modified (non GMO) seeds and adheres to a higher standard of farming, using nontoxic methods to promote better health for the eco system and humans.
Joanne: they mention it because it’s the healthiest produce to get. That shouldn’t make you angry. They say that to help people not hurt them. Yeah, organic is more expensive usually but you have to think about what you’re getting when you spend that extra 20 cents or so for that organic squash vs the conventionally grown one. Conventionally grown fruit and vegetables are doused with sometimes hundreds of chemical pesticides ! And many are genetically modified. You have to think about what that does to our health. If you’re trying to rid your body of toxins and chemicals to prevent or cure cancer, adding more toxins to your body through pesticides all over your veggies is not going to help you much but may even contribute to it. What you spend on food shows up in your health eventually. So if you invest more in better food, you won’t have to invest as much in doctors. It’s a trade off. It’s a total mind shift you have to make. We couldn’t afford organic until we compromised elsewhere and now all we buy is organic because we stopped buying so much pre packaged foods and junk food. It is possible if you shift your thinking and it’s worth it.
Rob: They are separate in some aspects but id look into that more. I believe you are incorrect.
Organic means no chemical pesticides or certain pesticides are used and organic also means not genetically modified.
Non GMO is just not genetically modified but not organic.
How about your information to support that claim?
Buying fresh if you cannot afford organic is best.
I feel the same way. It’s always presented as if buying organic is an easy option. I have to drive two and half hours to shop for three or four organic vegetables. Thank you for speaking up on this. I know it is well meaning but the stress it causes is worse than eating what you are able to buy. And please don’t suggest I grow my own food. I do as much as I can with big pots, but that amounts to about a fifth of what I need.
It is not because you can’t afford it, that it is not good. Don”t be abgry for someone telling the truth. That oesn’t help you to get more money so can afford it. I wish you the bestso you can afford healthy food.
Not many food stores have organic it seems it is limited to a few things.
Kader Kochi, tomatoes also have lectins, which slow down weight loss. I try to keep tomatoes at a minimum.
Confused too… lectins in tomatoes which can cause leaky gut or cancer free with cooked tomatoes????????? which is correct.
God bless you Ty. I was going through my second round of chemo when I saw your series. You have changed my life. Am changing my lifestyle, diet and am on the road to healthy living. I have shared your truth with everyone that will listen. For now I am cancer free (bladder and breast) and thanks to you, I’m sure I will stay that way. Again, bless you and thank-you for being bold enough to get the word out to all of us.
Amy Mackey….I read your comment and saw “bladder” as one of your cancers. I am fighting bladder cancer and have recurring tumors. This has been going on for 5 years now. Would you mind sending me a sample of your diet plan? I want something to work for me. Thank you so much. Debbie
Me too..
May i know your diet plan?
Thank you.
My sister in law is fight cancer in the colon and lung can you help me what are the best food for her
Hi Ana,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Hi Ana, if you live in america try to see dr.
Peter da’damo, blood type diet expert, or buy his book ” fight cancer with blood type diet ” , best weapon you can have
Read the book Killing Cancer Not People by Robert G Wright.
I found a nutritional supplement that fights cancer. Made right here in the US. Has helped countless people with all sorts of health issues. Find me on Facebook or call 319-310-4331.
I learned a lot from you and doing very good .Just if you can help me of what kind of test i can do to know if i still have papillary thyroid cancer i don’t want to do biopsy .doctors here in Canada saying there is no blood test for this cancer .only way is biopsy which i had it before and not going with it anymore .
Hi Sue
A friend of mine had been on iodine and she didn’t need a thyroid operation at all after they told her they suspected cancer there.
I have a niece who is in hospital with cancer and right now after several operations on her head she has become blind and they want to start her on chemotherapy I have benefitted much from your first episode video. How can I get her this natural treatment I don’t want to lose her. May the Lord bless you for the great revelation and the work you are doing to save God’s creation.
Hi Sinanzeni,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Chemotherapy is more aciding so will mulitly cancer and seed ik out. Alcalizing is the only answer. Chemotherapy is free will and not duty ! If you say no to that they have to answer it.
Hi another best resource you can find to help cure Cancer with food and vitamin is for you to buy Chris beat câncer protocol. Check his website and there you can find it. His website is
Can I replace the green tea by matcha and add some milk to weaken the difficult effects on the stomach, which green tea has? I have a multiple myelom, have been out of hospital since 3 years, but the pic monoclonal is builing up again and I would rather eat some food or drink beverages, which could slow down the development of the cells.
Can’t mix green tea or Matcha with milk or soy milk. Milk neutralizes the effects of the tea.
Dr. Greger has videos.
Lycopene is also available when the tomatoes are BLENDED, I learned it from a David Wolfe video.
So no need to destroy the tomatoes by cooking it.
Thank you!😊😊😊
Finally, allergies are being recognized as serious problems, All, that is, except one. There are a number of us unsung sufferers who are deathly allergy to garlic and its odor. I recognize that garlic is popular and high on the list of beneficial ingredients for some people. However, not everything is good for everyone because we are all different..
Unfortunately for us, the Garlic Council has done a tremendous job of promoting the product in all sorts of food, many times without it being listed in the ingredients. It is not a spice, it is a bulb in the onion family,and should be listed with all the other single ingredients. .
All you garlic lovers are fine using it for yourselves, but what is so frustrating is when garliclenthusiasts, including many health advocates/professionals, insist it is healthy for us. Many also insist upon putting anywhere from the kernels to the powder to the salt in food even
when told there is such a thing as an allergy and we need it to be garlic free.
Thanks for letting me vent on a serious subject for those of us with that specific allergy.
Yes I am allergic too!! Thank you for sharing this, I feel you pain. 🙁
Found supplements, that I absolutely love, been helped with many many things, my health is improved so much. You can always contact me through FB Dianne Vanderlist. God bless.
The list of the fab 7 is all of our favorite foods, we ate them regularity. I still developed cancer of the breast in 2013 and chose to take both routes, the usual chemo,,surgery and radiology with the benefit of finding an M.D. who designed a program of supplements for me to take along with the standard medical therapies. I’m 4-1/2 years into recovery and at the end of this year, the oncologist said ‘we’ll see about getting off some of the current meds you’re on. Those are a hormone blocker and Coumadin, blood thinner. When taking blood thinner, the diet of leafy greens is, as you know, greatly curtailed and sometimes forbidden. I eat them anyway now in moderation. I have been fighting to get a better quality of life for the time I have left, I’m 82 -1/2 years old now. I’d love to get rid of the neuropathy that still plagues me, but, with the diet we always had, and still I ‘got’ cancer….I’m wondering …why..?
We are glad to hear that you are doing much better Peggy! Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Dear Peggy…whilst diet is extremely important to maintain a healthy body and manage diseases such as cancer, it is not all about food! We are not just a physical body, so from a holistic point of view, we need to address ALL aspects of Self – MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT. The MIND is a powerful tool and we can create our reality with our mind-set – our thoughts, beliefs, and how we FEEL about ourselves, others, and the world around us, all of which have a huge impact on our over-all health and well-being. The BODY needs good nutrition and regular exercise. And finally, we can’t ignore the SPIRIT – doing what we love on a regular basis nurtures our soul – spending time in nature, having a balanced life of work, rest, and play, and spending quality time with family, friends and social activities that make us feel good. Also, feeling a connection to a Higher Power and applying meditations/prayer, especially when we give gratitude for all the things we have in our lives, is very healing too as it instills trust and faith in the miracles of life and the beauty around us.
I notice that Peggy Jaeger’s question went unanswered. Why, when she followed recommended dietary guidelines, did she nevertheless develop cancer?
This is something that she would need to speak to a trusted medical professional about.
Dr. Judy Mikovits (molecular biologist) discovered that ALL VACCINES and the BLOOD SUPPLY was contaminated (deliberately) with an AIDs-like virus that would result in a myriad of diseases, including cancer. When she alerted Dr. Tony Fauci, he had her kidnapped and put in jail! Also, in the 1960s the polio vaccine was contaminated with SV-40 (a monkey cancer virus.) Dr. Bernice Eddy whistleblew saying there would be an epidemic of soft-tissue cancers if they didn’t pull it off the market. They ignored her and shot up millions of children! So, millions are getting cancer and other diseases because the evil rulers who run this planet want us sick.
Do not mix up natural alcalizing with strong aciding expensive hemo because that’s the reason you still have cancer. Cancer is cellbehavior amd not an intruder.
Hi there Peggy,
I had endometrial cancer stage 1, total hysterectomy last Dec. I have tested for a Lynch Syndrome, right now Im waiting for the result. If it is positve, my 3 children will be tested for any uterus problem and the Doctor also said we should be doing colonoscopy to check for colon cancer.
What I understand is, even though we are earing a healthy diet, if cancer runs in the family then we can’t avoid it.
Peggy, if mankind could really eliminate all disease, then we wouldn’t die, right? But ,we all die in this system. doctors and health care professionals die, so how can they save us from dying? Yes, following an excellent diet has improved my eyesight, and greatly improved my emotional and physical health. I am off all medicine, not all people can do that. Only God is going to bring back perfect health to humans, like Adam and Eve had. Study the Bible in depth and get comfort from the fact that God is going to resurrect the “righteous and unrighteous” from the dead, mostly onto the earth. Gretchen
Peggy Jaeger, I got rid of a tumor rapidly by eliminating a very popular food…dairy. If you avoid eating foods that were not designed for mankind you would be healthy. People also fuel the growth of tumors by eating primarily processed foods that don’t belong in their mouths. They cause illness. Our Creator did not design people to eat unnatural foods that have no nutrient value. Pasteruization and high temperatures used in processing wipe out a food’s value; and only leave empty calories.
Hello, How about foods that can reverse Chronic Kidney Disease so to stop dialisys.
Thanks for the topic suggestion Manuel! I will suggest it to the team.
I read that baking soda is good for the kidneys and that our kidneys actually MAKE sodium bicarb… a.k.a. baking soda.
Hi, my wife Breast cancer came back after 5 years.
The cancer has now spread to lungs, liver and bones.
It’s terminal and doctors here in UK can’t cure her.
Any advice will be much appreciated.
Hi Mo,
We are so sorry to hear about what you and your wife are dealing with. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Sending healing vibes your way!
Maybe try also low dose naltrexone 4.5 my capsule compounded by pharmacists
My husband has stage 4 Lung cancer spread from head and neck. We are now on 4th round, He was in remission for almost a year but, it came back, He relies on the gym to keep his body good as well as his mind along with Native medicine…he is doing well.
, My sister has stage 4 breast cancer because it spread to hip and liver, We are Native American and my sister chose to only eat foods originally eaten by Native Americans…and has had great success with this. I wish you luck..stay positive there is hope! Mind Body Soul
Thank you for this information to which you are sharing to the people of the globe,Ty.You have doubtlessly opened my eyes and i could only have wished this information had been brought to me sooner rather than later,however,i’m still here to learn whatever else there is to learn from you about this appalling disease and,the many ways to help prevent it.I guess my only other wish would be a bigger wallet so as to purchase all your wonderful products but knowledge is what this is all about and,if i could do or say more than just a thank you Ty,i would,every day.
Thank you so much for being apart of this journey and mission with us Garnet!
Thanks for the feedback Paulette!
l have just read your post…..Any advice you can give regarding diet for colon cancer would be much appreciated…………
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
I believe diet changes can aid or prevent many diseases, as you say, but I’m surprised that you didn’t stress buying organic, non-GMO vegetables and fruit….strawberries have now been reported by EWG as the fruit with the worst pesticide residue, and spinach is the worst vegetable. Washing fruits and vegetables doesn’t totally eliminate pesticides; the only way to get “clean” items is to buy organic…and they taste better, too.
They did mention at the end to only buy organic.
Tomatoes are a mixed bag. Very acidic and canned have a lining in the can that is bad, plus there is less than 50% tomatoes, rest is juice. I buy tomato passata in glass bottles which is 100% tomatoes and much more economical.Green tea upsets my stomach. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma over 4 years ago. Had surgery, refused chemo (really ??) went on high keto diet. Sugar feeds cancer so NO fruit, grains, bread, sugar or carbs. Budwig protocol of cottage cheese and organic flaxseed oil, raw honey and turmeric, plenty of vegs and salads, high protein and good fats, liposomal Vit C. Is cancer free. Is not still on such a strict regime, has some home made bread and carbs,some fruit, Diet CAN kill cancer. I live in Australia. Bless you Ty.
Recently diagnosed with bladder cancer, not willing to accept standard treatment by doctors who think cut and burn the only solution. Confused which route to take. I’m trying a few suggestions from your 2016 series. Know I need to do something soon. Alice.
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Best wishes!
Please get me on board, this revelation is incredibly great and beneficial to people with clear destiny like me. This information has never and will never be released in most health institutions as a matter of prescription.
Please lower down if possible the prices of Apricot seeds for low income people to manage to buy; I eagerly want to be buying regularly.
Is there a good green tea you recommend? Is it better to drink green tea hot or cold? I am treating breast cancer naturally. Thank you.
I also want toknow that what kind of food suitable for breast cancer patients
Nice share! Which means that cells are no longer naturally resistant to becoming cancerous. Observations conducted by doctors have indicated that half of the human cancer cases involve mutated p53 genes. Moreover, p53 genes which aren’t functioning properly aid cancer to spread faster and be even more resistant to treatment.
At Integrated Health Systems, we offer a gene therapy programme. Specifically, we replace the mutated p53 genes in cancer cells with a healthy version. Subsequently, this rapidly improves the treatment of many forms of cancer.
Is there a terrific inexperienced tea you propose? Is it higher to drink inexperienced tea hot or bloodless? i’m treating breast most cancers naturally. thanks.
All the foods listed here are healthy and highly nutritious. I have been drinking green tea for the past 2 years and am astonished by the results I have got for weight loss. Also, I feel light after drinking green tea and it has helped me treat stomach bloating.
We must drink at least 2 cups of green tea every day to stay healthy and fit.
That is great to hear Vivek!
Ease Your Skin Cancer Treatment with these Foods
When undergoing skin cancer treatment, it is important to take special care of the diet you take. However, in most cases, it becomes very difficult to focus on eating the right type of foods when undergoing cancer treatments.
Dear all
This IS Krishna kumar from India. Doing a lot clinical trials on cancer with Natural food ingredients
Have a lot of good results mainly on pancreas, breast, cervical, lung and others.
There is no medication or full treatment for cancers.
The best is to change the food habits and improve ones immune system
First thing is to stop sugar intake both white n brown or food having them.
Second for 3 months no meat (red or white). Red meat one has to be stoped for life.
Third try avoiding products of baking soda
I have two products Which one takes and it should help reducing the metasis and activity on the tumors. One has to continue the docs medication
The products are Curcuma longa and piper nigem and the second is curcuma longs bacti.
Both these products base is High Curcumin Turmeric. (There are many curcumonides in turmeric which helps )
Curcuma Longa Bacti _ contains high curcumin turmeric , neem and basil both concentrated
There are people who tumors have shrunk completely and most of them have improved between 62/83 percent.
I am in Papua New Guinea which is an under developed nation.We have many cervical cancer among our women.Many do not go for medical checks being ashamed.For this reason,you have mentioned 7 vegetables which can help prevent cancers.I want to know whether there are any of the 7 vegetables processed and made available for buying them for prevention or for cure of cervical cancers.I hope to hear from you.You may know who supplies such products for our women.
Help me through my email, I am 41yrs but with secretory phase endometrium in early stage. Can it heal naturally, in what portions should I consume
We are sorry to hear what you are going through. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
I am diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma..I undergo surgeon asked me to undergo chemotherapy but honestly I am not in favor with it..eversince..if possible I really don’t want to undergo any of chemotherapy and radiation..pls..I need your help to fight for cancer..
Hi Emlyn,
We are sorry to hear about your diagnosis. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
I treated my breast cancer with IV vitamin C and surgery. The results are that there was no need for chemotherapy.
Please, my daughter had the same. She had a lumpectomy and then refused the toxic secondary causing cancer “treatments”. We invested in a juicer, a water distiller, organic fruits and vegetables every week and a zip up in the front bra.
The Gerson Therapy [juicing and plant-based meals], Dr. Robert Morse [“The Great Lymphatic System”], and the vital information about mammography/chemo/radiation, and “The Truth About Cancer” on YouTube – helped us through.
She is now cancer free. She had the nipple sparing lumpectomy. And then after saying “no” to their barbaric treatments, she rid her body of the lymph node tumors.
She is getting ready for reconstructive surgery.
Also, please ask the breast cancer surgeons to use your natural curves [under the natural breast fold/curve, around the nipple or under the arm] so that you will not have another trauma to live with – of having a lifetime of disfigument
Please research
We sincerely wish you the best. Remember, it is your sovereign body. You need to research and learn to be secure in your personal choices. Print things out and bring the evidence-based research with you to support your decisions. It is YOUR life – not their$.
My best to you,
Can you text me please, I want to ask something?
Also, please research about cancer stem cells. Chemo will only shrink a tumor, yet, not remove the cancer stem cells. Cancer stem cells are resistant to chemo and radiation. Here is some research on cancer stem cells – that was funded by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Ionizing Radiation Induces Stemness in Cancer Cells [Harvard Medical School, 2012]. Unfortunately, even though Beth Israel Deaconess helped to fund the cancer stem cell research – they STILL endorse ionizing radiation to breast cancer patients.
Boston Medical Center still encourages women to go the chemo and ionizing radiation route as well, even when a patient tells them of the dangers.
Please, print out the evidence-based published information and bring the data to your Oncologist during each visit. You will have evidence-based science on your side.
Knowledge is power – and protection
Please do some research on B17 Vitamin on YouTube. I know a place in back home where they use it a lot from apricot seeds in their daily lives and cancer ratio is almost none amongst those people.
My father , aged 65, has been diagnosed with Lymphoma and doctors have suggested chemotherapy.
Is there any way to kill the cancer cells naturally? Please suggest. He is really not ready to undergo chemo. Pls pls help, anyone.
Hi AR,
We are sorry to hear about what your father is going through. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Nice article with lots of information about cancer.
Hello am Isaac Musamali my wife she is feeling a stitches on left side of the rib. which is painful ,tiredness on the back. I need your help.
Hi Musamali,
We are sorry to hear about what your wife is going through. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Wishing you and her all the best!
hi this is appunu while i spit the blood is mingle so i had suspect it may be a cancer so pls suggest some medicine and food items
Hi appunu,
We are sorry to hear what you are going through. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
My younger sister was diagnosed of cancer of the pallate in August 2017. We quickly contacted a survivor (of cancer of the uterus) who told us a number of things to do and we started off immediately. We also started using the internet.
Overtime I have seen the deadly disease progress to the left eye, and the left dentition is badly eaten off, The tumour on her nose is not shrinking but has gotten bigger. About two lymph nodes appeared under her chin and I suspect another one on her neck close to the adam’ s apple
I mean we have not relented, we are still juicing carrot, beet celery, parsley and her diet is carbohydrate free. We did some protocols like the juice fasting with intercellular detox.
She was not goid with appke cider and baking sida so we resorted to molasses and bsking soda , The pains have reduced and her PH is being monitored costantly for high alkalinity.
The problem is that for over a month she has been coughing profusely and her feet are swollen. I suspect her oxygen levels are low since her nose is blocked and she can only breathe through the mouth , A lot of impurities might have gone in there or the cancer must have spread to her lungs.
Pls where did we go wrong? she is too weak to undergo intercellular detoxification. What can we do to save her, she is very weak at the moment
Hi Lilian –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
I’m so sorry to hear about your sister – I’ll be sure to pray for her.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
I was just told that I colon cancer I refuse to do chemo or radition , it’s just me I have no family left alive
And I’m gonna do thie battlbattlr
this one on my terms
Hi James –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis – I’ll be sure to pray for you.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
Thank you so much for this info. It is so beneficial for us. I am going to share it on my social media accounts. My uncle was diagnosed with cancer in the left kidney last year. but now after the operation, he is completely cancer free. But he had to sacrifice his left kidney. After this, we are aware of cancer and we want to stay away from it. this article will help us to kick cancer. Thank you so much for this info.
Hi Avjit –
Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
We’ll be sure to keep your uncle in our prayers.
It’s absolutely our pleasure to share all that we learn.
Blessings and love!
Good Day,
I am 40yr old & recently found out i had ovarian cancer & i’m now being scheduled for surgery. I had no symtoms except for an abdominal destinsion which an ultrasound showed was ascites.
Any information you can provide to aid in my fighting this disease would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Kerry-Ann –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis – I’ll be sure to pray for you.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global Quest series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
I used fresh tomatoes and add them to my pizza and sauces. I do not use tin can of tomatoes anymore. The sauces and pizza taste much better with fresh tomatoes than from the can.
Make sure to have K2 foods, not just fruits and veggies (K1) only. K2 foods are grass fed, free-range and wild proteins and dairy.
Hello, I have long been a visitor and a regular reader of this website. Cancer is really close to my family members and maybe I’m just paranoid but I just want to prevent and most importantly avoid it as much as possible, no matter what type or kind any cancer is. Thanks for writing and sharing this post, I have gained and learned more valuable pieces of information about the topic/ I will gladly keep these in mind and save this in my phone!
Hi Bionaze,
We’re so glad that we’ve been able to help you in your journey to life and vibrant wellness! Keep up the good fight.
Blessings, Brianna