Video Transcript: The 2 Best Cancer Treatments of All?
Ty Bollinger: One of the things, Dr. Contreras, that you mentioned was laughter and music. It’s so ironic… the reason I’m able to interview you today is because of Dr. Patrick Quillin. He spoke to you earlier today and said, “You should go interview with Ty.”
Dr. Quillin, in “The Quest for the Cures” [docu-series] back in the spring, he mentioned two important facets of any cancer treatment are music and laughter.
Dr. Francisco Contreras: They are the most potent immunostimulating agents available. There’s no drug; there’s no vaccine that’s more potent to stimulate the immune system. There is a very interesting study that shows that for every minute of anger you will depress significantly and measurably, of course, the quality and quantity of your immune system.
One minute of anger is six hours of depression. One minute of laughter will boost significantly your immune system for 24 hours. That’s why children up to the age of five laugh around 400 times a day. Adults only about 40. The reason why children can eat dirt and be dirty all the time is because they’re laughing.
Ty Bollinger: Laughter is the best medicine.
Dr. Francisco Contreras: And so they’re protected.
At the Oasis of Hope we have laughter sessions every day. Every time we get together with them [cancer patients], no matter how serious the thing is, we try to put in several jokes for them. They don’t have to be good. We laugh. Sometimes we laugh at the people telling the joke − not because of the joke.
Ty Bollinger: Sometimes you laugh at how bad the jokes were.
Dr. Francisco Contreras: Exactly. It’s amazing how powerful things that cost nothing are. Meditation, colors… there are studies that show that the most immune-depressing colors are white and blue. The typical hospital colors, imagine that. We painted all our walls in mauve because there are studies that show it’s the most immune lifting color. We take into account all of those things… those little things sometimes count for a lot.
Ty Bollinger: Sure. The thing that strikes me about that, Dr. Contreras, is the difference between that approach and the traditional cancer approach today where you’re diagnosed, the doctor says…”You’re dead in three months.”
There’s no hope. There’s no joy. There’s no laughter. There’s nothing. What you just said about the fact that laughter stimulates the immune system and anger depresses it… what about the feeling of despair?
Article Summary
Two important facets of any cancer treatment are music and laughter as they both stimulate the immune system.
A study has shown that for every minute of anger you significantly and measurably reduce the quality of your immune system.
One minute of laughter will boost your immune system for 24 hours.
Meditation and color can also boost the immune system.
Many hospitals are painted with colors that depress the immune system − blue and white.
I know this is true but how does one get stressed family members to believe you and then play the game? From my experience it is not easy.
I don’t know if it works but I love this philosophy.
These are great articles – very informative and educational. It appears that there might be a formatting issue as some of the words and/or phrases are crossed out and I think maybe the intent is to underline those words and phrases. Thank you.
So Dr. Contrearas mentioned that the colors Blue and White in the hospital are immune depressors. So what colors are immune boosters?
Mauve, it’s also in the article
cats are a good help too
This is rather a long story but I will make it short. I was treated at Oasis of Hope Hospital in Nov-Dec 2004 for colon cancer. Praise be to Yahweh I have been blessed to see our five children grown (25 to 34 yrs old now). The 3 weeks at Oasis gave me rest and refreshing. And yes we did laugh and eat healthy. And we were reminded to live each day as our last (that included everybody there) because none of us knew when our last day would be. Sing, yes we sang too. I have a cd from Dr Contreras father singing. His father would sing to the people, I wish I had gotten to enjoy that. I have many times counted my blessings for being able to go to Oasis of Hope, I know it is part of me being alive today. Thanks Dr Contretas.
I hope that when you are speaking of alternative and conventional medicine that the conventional medicine is what has been around as long as we have eg herbs etc and alternative is the drugs that have only been around for the last 100 years or so. This is how we forget what is natural and conventional, by being brain washed to believe that conventional medicine is drugs and alternative is what has been with us as long as humanity has been around. In a couple of generations that will be the new believe that natural is alternative and we know that humanity will follow what is conventional in the the end. Please reeducate ourselves so we never loose what really counts natural medicine and please correct anyone that confuses the 2
This information about laughter being the best medicine has been born out down through the ages and is written about in God’s Holy Word, The Bible, where is states, “Laughter doeth good like a medicine.” and a merry heart lifts the spirit and a broken spirit drieth up the bones. Since Almighty God is “The Great Physician” and He is the only one capable of actually healing the mind and body I believe that GOD should know what works the best for us since He is our Creator and possesses all wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, I know He desires for us to be in health as our soul prospers. Consequently, I choose to accept His treatment of laughter as being a genuine remedy for my own physical and mental needs on a daily basis.
Hey guys, looks like you will need to change the website colors since blue and white depress the immune system. 😉
Now that’s funny 😉
Hahaha. Lol
The doctor said that the most immune boosting colour is mauve.
Hi Bette .. the answer Dr Contreras gives is “mauve” as in pale purple’s not in the written transcript but I heard him say that he walls of the Oasis of Hope are painted mauve because of its immune boosting qualities. Fascinating.
Lovely information!And so tru!!!