Sarcoma cancer and its prevention does not generally get a lot of publicity. It is not one of the more common forms of cancer, although sarcoma is one of the most prevalent types of childhood cancers. Yet this year alone, over 12,000 Americans will be diagnosed with sarcoma cancer and 5,000 will die from it. If you’re not familiar with sarcoma, this article will help to answer the question of: what is sarcoma cancer? And will also give you strategies for preventing sarcoma and other types of cancer.
Sarcoma cancers are often referred to as “soft tissue cancers” or rhabdomyosarcoma. Those soft tissues include the muscles, tendons, cartilage, and even soft tissues of organs that are primarily connecting tissues. Perhaps a more accurate description would be “soft and connecting tissue cancers,” since sarcoma often starts in skeletal muscles and then often easily spreads into the bones.
Diagnosis is considered trickier for sarcoma cancer than more common carcinoma cancers that have their tumors on actual active organs. Many obvious soft tissue lumps on the skin are merely encysted fats or lipid lumps. In addition, actual sarcomas are often not painful, making awareness more difficult. They become dangerous by infecting nearby lymph systems or are simply swept up by lymph, then circulate into other functioning organs in the body.
Symptoms of Sarcoma
Sarcoma is often first noticed on either side of the neck area where lymph gland swelling is observable. However those glands can swell for several reasons other than sarcoma, and many times they clear up when the infections are resolved. But when lumps and swelling persist it is advisable to have them checked by a qualified health practitioner.
A much less obvious form of sarcoma cancer is called GIST − gastrointestinal stromal tumors. The term stromal indicates a type of connecting tissue that holds together the stomach and large and small intestines. Similar to other forms of sarcoma, GIST is often difficult to detect because the connecting tissue is not directly involved with digestive organ function.
Even though sarcoma generally is more prevalent among children, and mainstream medicine embraces the idea that the main cause of sarcoma is genetic or hereditary, this is the same mistaken blame game that mainstream medicine plays with other forms of cancer.
What Causes Sarcoma?
As with other forms of cancer, sarcoma cancers are usually acquired. And, as with other cancers, the true causes of sarcomas are most often toxins in our food and our environment, as well as radiation exposure.
The late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez (who was featured in The Truth About Cancer’s docu-series), had this to say about sarcoma cancers in his newsletter: “Sixty percent appear first in the extremities and when localized, surgery can be curative. Once metastatic this cancer type − notoriously resistant to chemotherapy and radiation − usually proves fatal within a year.”
Of course Dr. Gonzalez was referring to conventional oncology. He used his enzymatic and dietary treatment on a woman whose initial sarcoma had metastasized to bone in the skull area after surgery. Dr. Gonzales reported that this patient had been cancer-free for over 13 years after starting on his treatment plan.
Steps to Prevent Cancer: An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure
Most mainstream oncologists don’t think added sugar or GMO-grown produce are harmful. Thus the standard American diet (SAD) of processed and junk foods, especially the ones offered as kids’ breakfast foods, are not even considered as potential causes of sarcoma. Many conventional oncologists think diet has little to nothing to do with cancer of any type.
But that’s the first step in prevention − getting away from the SAD way of eating and switching to real organic foods. It’s a taste that’s easily acquired once one breaks through the addiction to sugar, HFCS (high fructose corn syrup aka corn syrup), and the other common chemicals approved by the FDA, such as aspartame and MSG. Though people often complain about the higher cost of organic foods, such costs pale in comparison to the costs of treating cancer and other diseases that toxic, unhealthy diets can cause.
Stay Away From These Cancer-Causing Food Additives
Another critical step in cancer prevention is to educate yourself about all of the potential food additive carcinogens and become an avid label reader for packaged foods. This can become an interesting hobby in itself! The “natural” label on many packaged foods should be taken with more than a grain of salt. Buyer beware − there’s a lot of deceptive labeling going on!
Here are a few main ingredient items that should lead to putting packaged foods back on the shelf:
- MSG – this flavor enhancer has many other names to deceive consumers.
- Artificial Sweeteners (especially aspartame)
- Added sugar – many commercial fruit juices and foods that are not sweet contain added sugars.
- HFCS – high fructose corn syrup is a liver killer that’s often hidden by the term “corn syrup.”
- Partially hydrogenated oils – these also harm the liver and lead to DNA damage.
- Hydrogenated oils – margarine is one of them.
- Food dyes – Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6 are the most common carcinogens found in children’s foods.
Knowledgeable and intense label scrutiny is mainly necessary for packaged foods, especially snacks. You can bypass this effort by simply buying whole organic foods. Frozen organic works as well, but it is best to buy organic produce as fresh and local as possible.
Why You Need to Say “No” to GMO
The pesticides and herbicides used in conventional agriculture are usually carcinogenic, especially the ones used for spraying genetically modified crops. Most glyphosate weed-killing herbicides penetrate the soil and get drawn up into the edible plants as well as the intended weed targets. As a result, you are subjected to their carcinogenic toxins when you eat the GMO corn, soy, and other crops.
A recent study found that eating an organic diet for only one week eliminated up to 90% of the pesticides in the body. No doubt, eating organic would also eliminate a great amount of other toxins too. In addition, juicing with organic vegetables and fruits is a great way to eliminate toxins as well as nourish your body with cancer-fighting and immune-boosting nutrients.
Tips for Buying the Healthiest Foods
Genetically-modified corn, soy, and canola oil are very prevalent in processed or junk foods. In addition to the USDA Organic label which bans GMO technology and prohibits pesticide and herbicide use, there is the NON GMO Project Verified. This colorful seal ensures that the EU standard for labeling GMOs is not exceeded. These two labels should be all you need when shopping for packaged foods.
Organic produce is ideal, but if there are availability or budgetary issues you can consult the Environmental Working Group (EWG). They have a list of “Dirty Dozen” (the 12 most chemically-contaminated crops) and “Clean 15” (crops least sprayed) online to help you to determine which fruits and vegetables to avoid and which ones you might buy in lieu of organic.
When it comes to dairy, eggs, and meats, you should insist on organic dairy products from cows (or better still, goats) grazing on grass and not injected with hormones or antibiotics. Raw cow milk is a wonderful alternative to pasteurized milk and raw goat milk is best of all.
Meat sources should also be raised the same way. Grass fed meats can be ordered online and found in some health food stores. Avoid processed meats. Free range chickens, not merely cage free, should be the standard for egg sources.
Fish and other sea products demand even more scrutiny. Farmed fish and shrimp should be avoided completely. Ocean sources south of the equator, especially on the Atlantic side, and North Sea sources are usually trustworthy.
Other Important Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer
Speaking of water, don’t rely on bottled water unless it really does come from an actual spring with minerals intact and is bottled in glass or BPA (Bisphenol A) free plastics. Most have neither. Play detective and go online with various bottled water sources you see.
Tap water is almost always contaminated with chlorine, and many city water systems add carcinogenic fluoride to their water. Unless you’re blessed with having a spring or personal well, your best bet is to always filter your water. Good options include the Turapur water filters, and water filters and systems made by Berkey. There are also reverse osmosis / activated charcoal water filtering systems available in supermarkets and health foods stores at 25 to 50 cents a gallon.
Use your filtered water for drinking and cooking, but also be aware these processes may remove some minerals so it’s wise to add real sea salt or mineral salts sold for that purpose. Drinking pure, clean water for cancer prevention cannot be emphasized enough.
With our modern-day farming practices, even store-bought organic food sources may come from mineral depleted soil. As a result, using good quality supplements can be a wise health investment.
There are many commercial household items, such as laundry and dish detergents that contain carcinogens. Even without skin contact, they give off gas toxic fumes when used. Plastics and cosmetics with carcinogenic compounds should be thrown out. Fire preventative chemicals used on furniture and carpeting are also carcinogenic.
Get rid of your microwave. The extremely rapid high frequency alternating microwave pulses torque molecules and interfere with the DNA of items “nuked.” So what you eat is essentially genetically altered.
Finally, when it comes to preventing cancers as well as fighting cancers, regular periodic cleanses to flush the toxins out of your body are essential in this author’s opinion. Ideally, you should cleanse the entire body including the colon, lymphatic system, liver, and kidneys.
Successful Alternative Cures for Sarcoma Cancer Are Out There
Almost half of sarcomas originate in one of the body’s legs or arms. The usual first line of mainstream oncology treatment involves surgery. If the sarcoma is extreme enough in one limb, that limb may be amputated. This is a horrible way to treat cancer. Plus, it does nothing to eliminate the root causes of the cancer to prevent the return of cancer − even if the cancer is apparently “eliminated” by the surgery.
Chemotherapy is more complicated and hazardous with sarcoma cancers. As for often-used radiation therapy, wasn’t radiation mentioned earlier as a major cause of sarcoma cancer? It might be wise to turn toward alternative treatments, some of which can be performed at home.
Whether in home or at a clinic, an organic, mostly plant-based diet excluding all added sugar and refined white flour products (especially pastries and ice creams), should be the foundational platform for that treatment. Otherwise your diet will be fighting the healing.
Juicing with a slow speed masticating juicer is advisable. A few people have healed from cancer by juicing and consuming lots of carrot juice only, while others used raw beets as well. The Gerson Therapy uses lots of carrots with some apples juiced daily with organic salads.
The Gerson protocol also uses frequent coffee enemas for detoxing, so it wouldn’t hurt to add some sort of detox to whatever protocol you pick.
The Cancer Tutor site ( advises going with more than one herb or superfood in your pursuit of wellness since there can be variances in quality. If one doesn’t work well, then another might “pick up the slack.” Cancer Tutor also explains safe in-home therapies for sarcoma cancers in its section titled Sarcoma under “Protocols: How to Treat Sarcoma.”
In addition to “go it alone” self administered treatments, there are several clinics, mostly located in Mexico and Europe, that specialize in using alternative cancer treatments (several of these clinics have been shown in the Truth About Cancer docu-series). These healing methods are safer and much more effective with treating cancers of all types than the pharmaceutical/conventional medical model we’re usually offered.
Article Summary
Sarcoma cancer is not one of the more common forms of cancer, although it is one of the most prevalent types of childhood cancers. This year alone, over 12,000 Americans will be diagnosed with sarcoma cancer and 5,000 will die from it.
Sarcoma cancers are often referred to as “soft tissue cancers” or rhabdomyosarcoma. Those soft tissues include the muscles, tendons, cartilage, and even soft tissues of organs that are primarily connecting tissues.
Diagnosis is considered trickier for sarcoma cancer than more common carcinoma cancers that have their tumors on active organs.
Sarcoma is often first noticed on either side of the neck area where lymph gland swelling is observable. When lumps and swelling persist in this area it is advisable to have them checked by a qualified health practitioner.
Mainstream medicine embraces the idea that the main cause of sarcoma is genetic or hereditary. But sarcoma cancers are usually acquired. The true causes of sarcomas, as with other types of cancer, are most often toxins in our food and our environment, as well as radiation exposure.
Almost half of sarcomas originate in one of the legs or arms. The usual conventional treatment involves surgery, up to and including amputation, which does not eliminate the root causes of the cancer.
There are a number of steps you can take to greatly diminish your risk of all types of cancer. See the article for details.
This is a marvellously informative article thank you so much from Ukraine. The author recommends whole body cleanes with which I thoroughly agree but how to do this on very limited means? I am very serious . Thank you I need your help
sorry that should have read cleanses
For sourcing grass-fed meats, rather than buying online, I would suggest getting to know your local farmers. There are many smaller farmers that offer grass-finished beef and pastured pork, and if you buy in bulk, it is a lot cheaper than buying one piece at a time. All you need is a freezer. We buy our meat only once a year.
For fish, look into a community-supported fishery program that supports local fishermen and only harvests fish that are sustainable. We get delicious salmon, halibut, albacore tuna, shrimp, and ling cod from our fishermen, all wild-caught, and the fishermen are paid a living wage.
When I have told people that stage 4 cancer patients went to Mexico and were cured, nobody believed me. They said that it was all just bullshit and they probably did the conventional therapies to help heal their stage 4 cancer before trying alternative therapies in Mexico. Anyone can feel constant pain in the bones and muscles does not mean that they have osteosarcoma, but it should always be checked just the same.
A diagnosis of stage IV cancer almost always ends in death, unfortunately. A diagnosis would indicate that one has gone to an allopathic doctor for diagnosis and recommendation of what can be done. Further treatment involves great expense whether it be holistic or osteopathic doctor who practices homeostatic medicine (very few of us live on the border or will have access across the proposed border wall nor the economic resources to take on this task). Although there is great hope in holistic medicine, it is expensive and NEVER covered by our disappearing insurance or health care systems. Even if you have a Stage IV illness, there are many well known names that have tried holistic medicine with Stage IV cancers and died in spite of their significant economic status. Steve McQueen the actor and Steve Jobs, founder of APPLE computers to name just two. Yes, there are many who have been cured with holistic and homeostatic medical approaches. But far more deaths than remissions. The answer is education, money and if you have enough of it to gamble on your life.
Regarding Steve McQueen, I read an article years ago that talked about his non-compliance with the alternative healing program he was on. I can’t remember if it was a staff member or other patient who told the story, but they stated he would try to rally the other patients into ordering pizza and other junk food from outside the hospital. Could have something to do with his failure.
The mesentery has now been classified as an organ of the body. You should read up on your research and make the appropriate changes when talking about GIST as the mesentery or connective tissue in your body is a living organ that works with the major organs in trying to establish homeostasis. Diseases of the gut almost always involve the mesentery also.
All good advice, except steam distilled or reverse osmosis water is best. And if you have cancer, you had better not be eating animal foods, organically grown or not
I love the mighty mushroom Chaga . The best is at . I give 10 % of my Chaga to local Cancer patiences . Check it out
I am VERY interested in carrying out a lymphatic cleanse at home. Will someone PLEASE help me. Thank you Jackie
Go to a Nekter Juice Bar and buy a three day cleanse. It’s wonderful. You can have it delivered, but it’s expensive to ship.
Thanks for all of the great information! However, I would like to point out that water filtered by reverse osmosis is typically stripped of all minerals (which may or may not be added back in). That process also alters the pH of the water, making it acidic, essentially leaving you with dead water. I’m all for Kangen ionized, alkalized water, aka ERW (electrically reduced water). I recommend looking it up on, tons of peer reviewed studies on it.