Breast Cancer Awareness month happens every October, which means the “Great Pink Push” is unleashed. The cancer industry will shift into overdrive, urging women everywhere to get their mammogram screenings as they beg for cash donations for breast cancer research. All the while providing little in the way of practical preventative tips and tools that women can use to avoid this common form of cancer.
As an informed, health-savvy individual, you probably want to know what signs of breast cancer to look out for in order to nip breast cancer in the bud instead of having to deal with the weight of a breast cancer diagnosis after it’s progressed. Of course, we hope this will never happen! We’ve compiled a list of seven early warning breast cancer signs, most of which are rarely talked about in the media.
Learn these breast cancer symptoms and signs as part of your preventative arsenal to stay ahead of the game. (You can also learn about the stages of cancer here.)
Early Signs of Breast Cancer in Women: Don’t Just Look for Breast Lumps
The most common way that conventional doctors look for the first signs of breast cancer in women is to identify lumps in the breast. They most often do this with mammogram x-rays. This offers physicians a basic roadmap for navigating the terrain of breast tissue, which they believe allows them to pinpoint any lumps, masses, or other warning signs of breast cancer that might point to a malignancy.
But mammograms can be a potential cause of cancer due to the ionizing radiation they send into breast tissue. They also aren’t accurate 100% of the time, despite what you may have been told. Lumps and masses in breast tissue can be either benign (harmless) or malignant (cancerous), and mammograms don’t differentiate between the two. This often leads to false diagnoses and unnecessary treatments with chemotherapy and radiation.
A better option, if you choose to undergo routine cancer screenings, is thermography. This unique screening method allows doctors to not only look for unusual lumps or growths, but look for other breast cancer symptoms in women. This can include identifying whether or not angiogenesis is taking place within the breast tissue, which is a much stronger and more accurate indicator that breast cancer may be present.
Angiogenesis is a fancy way of saying new blood vessel growth, which may reveal that a woman’s body is trying to build a new supply system for blood to be delivered to developing breast tumors. Doctors who specialize in examining thermography images will be able to identify whether or not angiogenesis is taking place, and suggest a proper course of action.
Other possible symptoms of breast cancer include:
- Swelling of all or part of a breast (even if no distinct lump is felt)
- Skin irritation or dimpling
- Breast or nipple pain
- Nipple retraction (turning inward)
- Redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin
- Nipple discharge (other than breast milk)
Your Hormones and Cellular Health
A lot of health experts like to talk about breast cancer as something that results from “bad genetics,” being passed down from mothers to their daughters. This implies that breast cancer can’t be avoided and occurs as an unfortunate “luck of the draw” type scenario. And depending on the type of breast cancer they’re talking about, there may be some merit to this popular theory.
But most types of breast cancer are a result of environment, diet, and lifestyle, all of which dictate how a woman’s endocrine system produces and balances hormones. In other words, hormone imbalance plays a much greater role in determining breast cancer risk than many people think. Thermography can help qualified physicians determine whether or not a woman has an elevated breast cancer risk due to this often overlooked early indicator.
Know the Breast Cancer Signs
Every woman’s body has a unique ebb and flow, and getting in tune with your own personal rhythm is invaluable for recognizing the signs that you have cancer. Paying close attention to any unusual changes that might be occurring, especially within breast tissue, is critical to avoiding breast cancer.
If you feel any unusual aches or pains in your breast, including occasional throbbing, pain, or even fluctuating discomfort, talk to your healthcare provider. Many women assume that only an isolated lump with localized pain suggests the presence of breast cancer. The truth is that breast cancer can manifest as “scattered, seed-like” tumors that, in some cases, spread like small tentacles throughout breast tissue.
Experts from MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston warn that breast cancer often shows up without the classic breast cancer warning signs of lumps or redness. As mentioned above, other breast cancer symptoms in females can include swelling and irritation, dimpling, nipple discharge beyond normal lactation, nipple inversion, and/or a thickening and reddening of skin around the nipple. These are all potential early breast cancer signs you need to pay attention to in your body.
There are breast cancers that present as half a lump or there may be no lump at all,” says Dr. Naoto Ueno, chief of Translational Breast Cancer Research at the Center, as quoted by CBS News. “It could just be a strange-looking skin appearance or skin being red or dimpled.”
Just be sure to look for patterns of change or any new and unusual symptoms that occur outside the norm. Occasional aches and pains may not be early symptoms of breast cancer, but persistent itching, for instance, could point to fluid buildup, poor lymph function, or your body trying to create new blood vessels for breast tumors.
Can Back Pain Indicate Breast Tumor Development?
Upper back pain that feels as though it’s coming from deep within the bones may be an early sign of breast cancer. But don’t assume that every occasional bout of soreness or back pain you notice means you’re becoming the next statistic! Chronic back pain that doesn’t relent with stretching, chiropractic, or other means may be a sign that breast cancer tumors are forming.
Sometimes when tumors are developing in a woman’s breast, they put pressure on the ribs and spine causing persistent pain. You need to be aware of any changes that occur in your spinal column, upper back, and even neck. Talk to your doctor if you feel as though the pain you’re experiencing is unusually pronounced and marked by pressure from a possible internal growth.
Nutrient Deficiency and Breast Cancer
If you’re not getting enough of the right nutrients in your diet, including vitamin D and iodine, your risk of developing breast cancer is already elevated. Nutrient deficiency is endemic in the West. Many people don’t realize that what they’re not eating is increasingly their likelihood of developing chronic health conditions such as breast cancer.
Nearly 75% of the adult “healthy” population is deficient in iodine, which has been shown to help ward off cancer cells in the breast and elsewhere throughout the body. Vitamin D deficiency is another one of the risk factors in breast cancer. A 2012 study published in the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism revealed that low vitamin D levels are a hallmark in women with breast cancer. Other studies show similar findings.
A good rule of thumb in today’s nutrient-depleted world is to supplement with these and other cancer-fighting nutrients such as selenium and zinc. You may also wish to consult with a trained naturopath or integrative doctor. They can help you identify any specific nutrient deficiencies you might have and help you optimize your unique biological “terrain” for the very best breast cancer prevention.
Editor’s note: This post was originally published in October 2015. It has been updated and republished in October 2019.
Article Summary
Conventional doctors typically look for breast cancer in women by identifying lumps in the breast using mammograms.
Mammograms also can’t distinguish between benign (harmless) or malignant (harmful) lumps and often lead to unnecessary treatments.
Mammograms can be a potential cause of cancer due to the ionizing radiation they send into breast tissue.
Know the rhythms of your body and look for patterns of change or any new and unusual symptoms that occur outside the norm.
Upper back pain that feels as though it’s coming from deep within the bones may be an early sign of breast cancer.
Most types of breast cancer are a result of environment, diet, and lifestyle, which are an often overlooked early indicator.
Of particular concern are deficiencies in Vitamin D and iodine, which can elevate your risk of developing breast cancer.
Like you said, one of the more common ways to look for cancer is by checking for lumps. However, that may not always work. I really like the idea of going for thermography. With that method, how does it check for the cancer?
I randomly chose a website that explains fairly clearly:
“Thermograms analyze the vascular changes in the breast. Increased blood into certain regions of the body increases the heat of that region. Areas of inflammation, cancer cell formation and active infection have elevated circulation. Thermal imaging has a great ability to detect subtle physiological changes that accompany pathology.
“The body should naturally have thermal symmetry. Areas of asymmetry can indicate problems and are analyzed specifically for underlying pathology. Cancer cells divide very rapidly and demand increased blood flow and nutrient delivery. The metabolic processes in the body cannot differentiate between cancer cells and healthy cells. This results in increased formation of blood cells around these active cancer cells.
“Thermography picks up this abnormal blood supply well before the cancer gets large enough to be noticed as a lump in a breast exam. It is estimated that thermography can detect cancer formation roughly 10 years before mammography can identify a tumor.
“The breasts do not normally generate much heat. In fact, healthy breasts appear purple during a thermographic exam. This indicates very low heat levels. Red, orange, or yellow spots that appear during a breast thermograph may indicate the presence of cancer and should be looked at more closely.”
I think it is very dangereous to spread information like this, and saying that mammograms can be a cause of cancer.
How dare you say these things
This is an insult to all the brave women around the world, who are fighting breastcancer and do the best they can to survive.
Scary website !!!!!!!!
Women please use your common sense.
This website isn’t the only source of this information. Educate yourself and understand that mainstream medicine doesn’t always have your best interest at heart and they don’t have all the answers!
Agreed. Educate yourself. The scientist who discovered cancer also discovered its root – which is the deprivation of oxygen from a cell for a period of time (45 minutes or something like that). Radiation goes beyond deprivation of oxygen to tissue composed of cells. Of course it could cause cancer.
Kongan water opens up the cells n lets oxygen pass through… N our body absorbs. Like 89 percent of the water as apposed to tap water which is like 23 or 27 percent that the body absorbs
Not all of the cancers are detected on mammograms and yes, too much mammography can lead to cancer.
Mammograms are carcinogenic. Period. Deny the truth if you want, defend your sacred cows but don’t spread your ignorance here.
I am a cancer patient myself, I was diagnosed with breastcancer two years ago. I found the lump myself and then had my first ever mammogram. I still believe it doesn´t matter that I did not have mammograms before, it wouldn´t have made any change. A friend of mine had mammograms on a regular basis and when she went to the emergency room with a lot of pain and was diagnosed with breascancer she had a mammogram three months earlier. People simply have to learn to read their own body and I strongly believe any sort of radiation is cancer causing and not preventing… So people do start listening to your own body and don´t always say I have no time, I am stressed the time is running etc… take your time for yourself…
Mamagrams can cause cancer.. fact!
Mammograms are radiation. Just as x-rays can cause cancer.
Mamagrans can cause cancer! Fact!
My breast cancer was detected by ultrasound after I had decided to have no more mammograms. Everyone wanted to talk me out of skipping my mammogram and getting the ultrasound. Mammography is big business! I had a mammogram every year and the invasive ductal carcinoma was not detected. After my double mastectomy my surgeon told me it had probably been growing there for 2 1/2 YEARS! Five more years of mammograms and I would have been dead! I wanted the ultrasound because I didn’t want the radiation that causes cancer anymore. I’m 54 and have had enough!
After the cancer was found I asked the radiologists, “What next?” And he said “A mammogram!” I felt defeated and got the mammogram. Since professionals THEN knew where to look for it, it showed up. The radiologist showed me the films of the mammograms for the last four years and nothing showed up on the three prior films. I’m glad I had the courage to deny the mammogram and request the ultrasound instead!
I have asked to have ultrasound instead of mammograms at my hospital but was told that it is not possible as that is not their practice! What do you do in that situation? You cannot have the treatment you desire.
You have to pay for thermography or ultrasound by yourself.
Not only does radiation cause cancer….if you do choose to get a mammogram, please ask for a thyroid shield to protect your thyroid. This should be used without asking “First do no harm”. However, I have found no x-ray techs that even have one?? Even a dentist protects your thyroid during x-rays. This is a gross abuse of women’s health by not properly protecting us from radiation damage.
I was sick for a year before breast cancer showed aggressive non estrogen type called triple negative.A very early sign was severe morning nausea.. unlike any nausea I’ve ever experienced..70% of your immune system is in your stomach..
Listen to Ty, everyone! I’m living proof. My diagnosis was 6 years ago. If I knew then what I know now I would have done things somewhat differently.
Years of mammograms, then I found the lump myself. Then was sent for yet another mammogram which DID NOT show the cancer. The next step of ultrasound and biopsy diagnosed the cancer.
Thank goodness I listened to my intuition and refused radiation from the doctors. Changed to a truly healthy lifestyle and now I’m completely cancer free according to sensitive tests outside of mainstream healthcare (mainstream doesn’t do enough to monitor for recurrence so I take that upon myself).
Hi Wendy, I too was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago, and like yourself refused chemo and radiation, choosing rather, a holistic and alternative treatment path! I am currently 2.5 years cancer free!!! We both rock, eh!!!
Yes you do both ROCK Wendy! Congrats for being cancer free! Please keep spreading the word and keep up the good work! This gives the rest of us the hope and courage to continue a holistic, alternative lifestyle and know we too can be cured. I was diagnosed with DCIS, stage 0, grade 3 in March. I had 2 opinions and both wanted to do a lumpectomy along with radiation and have me take tamoxifen for 5 years. REALLY…I think not! Just had my 2nd thermography done and almost 5 months later it hasn’t spread. I’m eating a healthy plant based organic diet with some fish and doing the Bob Beck protocol along with infared sauna and other methods. I intend to kill this cancer just like you two have! And yes mammograms are not a safe method because of the radiation! Thanks to TTAC for educating me and saving me from having surgery and from letting the doctors scare me into what I feel are some very radical means to “try” and cure my cancer!
Wendy, what holistic/alternative treatment path did you take?
Hi Wendy, I am going through all my options at the moment as a too was diagnosed with triple neg breast cancer 7 weeks ago. I’ve had surgery, all results are good and it hasn’t spread. What sensitive test can be done? What did you go through?
Thanks Cruzan
Look into the Oncoblot test. Best to you! My doctor at the FEM Center in Fort Worth Texas (I live in NC) specializes in natural hormone replacements and like this article states feels is the cause of many cancers in women. The Oncoblot test can pick up cancer in its earliest stages (0). It detects a protein that is present whenever malignant cells are present even before a mass is evident. It also pinpoints the type of cancer it is. This is a blood test. I’m so thankful I had the test. They found an early detection of colon cancer (my mom and grandmother both died from it) @ now they are helping me by making diet changes (modified paleo) @ hormone therapy along with supplements and compounded medication to fight the bad stuff and strengthen my immune system to fight it. I also am having an ablation to stop my hemorrhaging every month on my period. Out hormones have so much to do with diseases we could potentially get. I am leaning I hope early enough. Praying for you tonight for wisdom and direction for you.
In regards to your hemorrhaging every month make sure you have yiurbthyriid checked and have them specifically tested for Hashimotos. You need to know your antibody levels for your thyroid. I am a breast cancer survivor and had the very same symptoms you described. I had to have my uterus removed but the problem was my thyroid. In addition, you should really see a functional medicine doctor as they know how to read sub clinical thyroid blood tests. Functional medicine doctors get to the root cause of disease vs. symptom Management. Hope this helps.
Hello, did you have bc surgery? What were the 4 most significant foods in your meal planning? How much Sun time do you get in a week? Thanks
Hi, how much vitamin D is needed on daily basis ??? I suspect recommended dose is not enough .
Daantje….please educate yourself! This website is the truth!! Mammograms do NOT prevent cancer. Taking control of your health does! I have had cancer for 19 months. I get a thermogram done every month to monitor my progress! I have a very healthy body now that is breaking down the tumor. I had no chemo, radiation , mammograms, biopsies….everything has been natural & I am soooo very thankful! I have more energy now than I ever did before. I have learned sooo much & met some of the most wonderful natural doctors across the US & talked with others outside this country. God has been very good to me and through all of this….after Resting in Him and letting Him direct each step….I can truly say I am not scared, do not feel pressured by the doctors appointments and the unknown. I take each day and am soooo very thankful for life and all the many opportunities to share with others what I have done and how I am “still alive” 18 months after having NO conventional medical protocols. I am very blessed that I met the right people at the right time along this journey so that I did not do procedures that only made the cancer worse. It is not something to be scared of, but to respect and then learn what to feed to body to heal. God created our bodies and everything we need to heal and sustain us!! God Bless! Hope through Truth About Cancer you truly find the truth you are looking for….it is NOT in mainstream medical! I know from experience!! Lori
I’m GLAD I came across this. I am scheduled for a biopsy of my uterus on May 5 and after listening to the The Truth About Cancer, A Global Quest, I am hesitant to have the biopsy performed. I haven’t been able to find any information on alternative ways to find out whether it is cancer or not. I sure would appreciate ANY information you can provide so that I can do my HOMEWORK and make an intelligent, wise and God led decision. I’m not sure how to get back to this page as I totally came across it by accident.
Get a biomeridian test done and see what bacterias show up in your body. All cancer patients have bacterias…..Praise the Lord mine are all gone now after cleansing 🙂 Also iridology can see cancer in your eye. There are non invasive ways to find cancer!!
My breast cancer was found first in my stomach…thought it was gastritis or infection….mammogram never did show it…it was against the muscle wall…finally located it through pet scan and 2 highly sensitive ultrasounds and a very determined Dr….Estrogen fed type..I was taking HRT….did not know your body still produces estrogen even after a complete hysterectomy …and we even eat it in our foods…..with estrogen blockers I have been “clean” now for 10 months …and eating cleaner too ..Ty’s series has been very helpful to me to be aware and make changes!
The word is true, and it states the truth will make you free, big difference than set you free. Not saying this to undermine you in any way, just hope this perspective could help people even more if they truly understand the difference between Make and Set
Can you point me to an article/website which has some support of thermography, so I can use it to show others?. When I looked up thermography for here in Australia, the medical industry advises strongly against it and says it does not pick up cancers that can be detected by mammograms. It evens has a policy for doctors telling them they should not tell patients to use this method. Thanks
wow! that is not true! Thermography picks it up before mammograms!! With thermography there is not stressful waiting…you see the pictures on the computer screen. Look up they are wonderful with the newest cameras & might have info for them in another country. These cameras are from Sweden i think….but they take 30,000 mega pixel pictures of inflammation in your body head to toe. God Bless!
I was diagnosed April 2015 with breast cancer did not find a lump just a itch nipple mammogram showed up a small area they were concerned about was given Mira scan and a needle biopsa which showed cancer cells had a lump removed followed by radiotherapy they did check my lymp nods said it was clear. I live in Scotland and no doctor has mentioned thermography to me or any one else I know with breast cancer looks like I will have todo m own research
I’m really scared I found a lump a couple of weeks ago my nipple is discharging my breast have been very itchy and my nipples Skellie But the lump hurts hasn’t grown or moved am I over reacting
No, you are not over reacting! I think you should at least get a biopsy to see what you are dealing with.. Every cancer is different and different levels of treatment. Don’t wait ! I chose to have a mastectomy, with No radiation and NO chemo. or drugs, I was very fortunate that none of my lymph nodes were infected. 2 years and doing great so far!
Melissa…..if you have not already….I beg of you not to get the biopsy…. I dealt with breast cancer ALL natural, no surgery, no chemo, no radiation. It can be done….don’t be afraid, fear, causes stress & that is food for cancer. My lump went from a walnut size to grapefruit in 6 weeks….but I have healed my body & the tumor is almost gone!! Yes….Clean food, juicing, essiac tea, Rife treatments, organic coffee enemas, enzymes, fermented foods….it all works together 🙂 if you need personal help or want to know all the details of my protocol I am more than delighted to talk with you. 360-271-6173
Can you please share your journey with me via email if you like. I have a 7.4 cm mass in my right breast and looking for information alternatively. Thank you in advance. If calling you is better, please let me know
There is plenty of real proof out there that unfortunately, mammograms can cause tumors- I do not know how that insults people who are fighting it- my mom fought breast cancer- quite bravely -for 20 years and did not think that this info was an insult to her….like with everything, we need to educate ourselves and THEN make the best decision for us and our loved ones…I am so very thankful to Ty for his huge effort in bringing all of this amazing info that is not brought to us by others for many reason, to us, so that we have a more balanced way of informing ourselves :)- what we do with the info is up to us, anyway!!!!!
You are following the best site! Bookmark it or save to your desktop. Look for the “save as” option or button. Best wishes to you!
I for one will never be having another mammogram. Thank you Ty. You and your team have changed my life!
I am really frustrated. I choose to do thermograms. I do not want perpetuated radiation exposure, or to find something after the fact: a lump. My thermogram has been consistent, but the trained practitioner wants me to follow up with another means, just because there has been a consistent area- doesn’t show anything suspicious, but he wanted me to get it checked further. I want to do an ultrasound. Guess what, there are no imaging centers in my city, that will just do an ultrasound! They ALL want to do a mammogram, no matter. Why do they have to make us do the mammograms, which would be diagnostic, and cost, not preventive, and then they’d do an ultrasound if needed? Something is wrong with this system! I will have to see if maybe a different provider can do an ultrasound, and not even go the insurance route! URGH.
Hi there. I’m from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Does anyone know anything about Cancer survivor after care? I was 14 years old diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2003. I had all of the good stuff; chemotherapy and radiation. I go to the clinic once a year for a checkup and usually do a heart echo cardiogram and ECG but lately they have been pushing the “possible future breast cancer diagnosis”. They want me to be doing mammogram, ultrasound, and MRI rotating every 6 months. Does anyone find this excessive? I have had a breast ultrasound and MRI and results came back normal and now they are pushing the mammogram..My intuition is telling me this is wrong.. Also, due to the chemotherapy I now have premature ovarian failure/menopause, call it what you will, so they now want to do HRT so I don’t know if this affects the risk of breast cancer or if I should do it..It is just so overwhelming and the doctors are SOO pushy…Yikes. I am so lost with all of this stuff.. if there is anyone here that I can relate to, I’d like to talk to other survivors to see what they are doing…
Can you find a reliable thermographer up there? If not, I can recommend one in Spokane. That wouldn’t be repeated exposure to mammograms, and MRIs. There is also a chriopracter, cancer naturopath type doctor here: Dr. Michael Whitney…just trying to be helpful. is Dr. Whitney
Lori, you are right! Love your protocol.
I was diagnosed in Feb 2016, had lumpectomy,refused chemo/radiation. I totally changed my diet, but its triple neg,and the clinical stage was 1.I didn’t have lymph nodes removed. My upper back has been gradually hurting more and more,and my dr says go to an oncologist ( I won’t….they all want what I don’t!)
Can you update please?
Well you are lucky. I know people who did the same holistic thing and the Cancer made metastasis all over the body. Each people is different.
I have just been diagnosed with gastritis a few months ago. I have just had my yearly mammogram and a 7.4 cm mass found in my breast. Scheduled for a biopsy on October 19. I just had to reply your post with gastritis captured my attention.
Is it normal for one breast to be a little bigger than the other one? No links yet, but I feel pain. Pls comment
No lumps sorry
Have you ever seen a breast issue that presents itself as what looks similar to a spider bite?
Hello, I’m not too sure but I’ve had these little red lumps on my breaths that look like pimples for a while now but I’m not too sure what they are. Could this be a sign of ready cancer?
I started noticing a kind of itching right inside my breast, not that it is persistence but because i have heard of breast cancer and it’s symptoms, my question now is what do i do to know the cause and again the best test for such symptom.
I’m having clear discharge from both my breasts occasionally. M really worried now. I have been breastfeeding for more than a year n have never had any type of discharge.
I have notice that when I hug someone. I feel a lump inside that has slinters around it. and eveytime I go to hug someone I sometimes feel it and hurts that I have to pull back. they have found a cyst on my left breast and I have to go back for a 6 month mammogram because it was to small to really know what it was. has anyone felt this.
I have felt close to that. A sometimes sharp pain in my right breast. They did a mammogram and an ultrasound and found a 0.5 cm “probably benign” area and wanted to repeat in 6 months. My PCP wanted me to follow up with a breast surgeon just in case. 5 weeks later it tripled in size to 1.5 X 0.5. 3 weeks after that it has grown even more. Not sure of the size. To have a 3D mammogram in 2 days. I now have sometimes severe pain in my right breast and no longer just where the lump is but in a few areas. I am nauseated a lot now.
I did but they just said my Breast are just lumpy and that’s how some women’s are they said
I’m not sure if you’ll read this but ever since I had my daughter 6 months ago I got this nexplanon in… I’m getting it out Monday but I’ve been continuously unhealthy and just kind of chalked it up to the nexplanon making my hormones crazy, I was on my period for 2 months straight and started fainting and getting migraines and getting morning sickness again much like my pregnancy… ive been to the doctors more than I’ve been in my entire life. They never seem to believe me that something is wrong. A couple of days ago my left nipple inverted, thought it was weird and tried looking it up but couldn’t find anything so I just left it go because it is back to normal now and tonight I got undressed and my left breast has a red spot that is bumpy and itchy under the nipple and my breasts have been hurting for about a month now. In 2014 I found a benign cyst in my right breast. Haven’t had it checked since then… I’m not sure what to do. The spot on my breast is now not ready anymore but is still there… it had a ring around it when I took my bra off. I’m scared, tired of doctor visits (the military doctors here are terrible) and I just am at the end of my rope and chain and don’t know what to do. Did you have any other symptoms?? Headaches nausea, etc? How did they find your breast cancer?? Hopefully you read this.
ok, you need to get checked .hit to an ER if you don’t have an insurance coverage and explain to them this , in inverted nipple is a serious sign for a malignant , that doesn’t mean that it is , but I would go check it outtt like noww
Hi Jessica! This is a long shot, but what can I ask what ended up happening to you and ur situation!m? Are you ok now?
Great information, as always. 🙂
Do us a favor though? Cite your sources very clearly within your articles. Either by linking to the source within the text of your article, or by referring to the institution or study that gave the stat, or use numbered references (like Mercola). I’ve been doing online writing for the last two years, and I’ve been completely taken aback by the “valuable information” on the web. “Facts” are subject to interpretation, studies with iopposing results, unconsidered contributing factors, etc, etc, etc. Because of this, It is SO important that we cite where our numbers and claims come from. It’s also imperative that we understand that any information we share is subject to change or expansion (via new discoveries and a new perspective on the same study).
You have some really great articles here, but many people would judge your authority and credibility as you’re not actually doing lab work or cancer testing/treatment/insanity. This is why resources need to be so clear. Otherwise skeptics will be quick to pass you off. Even when they REALLY need your help.
Rant over. Blessings to you! 🙂
Hi ashstevens000Ash,
Thanks for the feedback! I will pass this onward for you.
My Dr advised against a mammogram. He said Europe was close to doing away with them,
Mammograms are very bad news, damage the breasts, causes cancer, and spreads cancer. Non invasive procedures are much better. Thermography, ultra sound, MRI, etc. is much better.
Do you have any thermograpy information to offer? nearest facility that provides these tests in or near Asheville are, North Carolina? I refuse to go along with the regular mammogram tests. other alternative is having an MRI with the dye contrast. These I do not wish to continue to be subjected to. any help provided would be very appreciative. Thank you.
Hi Ona,
We do not have a list of clinics that provide thermography tests, but we do have information about thermography on our website:
There is an amazing breast thermography resource in Charlotte, NC. I have been myself twice and couldn’t be happier with my care. Check out Gaye Walden with Holistic Breast Health – she has been trained by the best and is extremely knowledgeable!
please am a nursing mum i noticed my right hand breast became smaller a month ago and puckering in the nipple area. although my baby is not refusing to suck then the nipple ithchies when he sucks it. should i be woried ?
I am hoping you went to the doctor to have this looked at if you are concerned. The nipple area can change when nursing, but when things are not symmetrical and you are feeding equally on both sides it would be worth the piece of mind to know.
I have breast cancer and thought it was hormonal changes. Did not feel a lump so to speak. A ridge of tissue that was only on one side. It felt like when I get swelling before a period, but did not go away only on the one side.
My breasts have both been tender more so the left one. It’s constant throbbing and some times sharp or dull pains. My nipples are tender. It’s been 12 days straight it’s frustrating. I do go to the docs Tomorrow morning tho. My neck is killing me 80% of the time. My mom had breast cancer. I have more tissues then most they tell me so I’m nervous this may be more. On the other hand I’m not sure if I’m going through early menopause 😕 I’m 43 so idk. Any thoughts?
Hi Shannon,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Ηi i am kavin,itѕ my first time to commenting anywhere, when i
read this paaragraph i thought i could also create comment due to this sensible post.
I have a little pain in my left nipple from one year it comes and go will it be a sign of breast cancer
I have had lot of pain also Swelling in my left BREAST. Both breast swell. CANNOT lay on either Breast. The nipple will protrude. I also I want to inch. I have had so much hurting all over Body Back and in bones and muscle in my Body. My stomach swells, I have fluid all over. I have been diagnosis with Rematoid Arthritis and estemic colitis and Ulcers. I had 60% of my Colon removed in 2006. I have had trouble on and off since then. In. Year 16 17 I had to be put in Hospital because of so much infection around my Colon and intestines
THAT IS WHEN they diagnose me with the estemic colitis and Ulcers. Had to go back again and they diagnose, me with restriction where I was resectioned after being 0perated 0n from the Colon. I had to be on put on bowel regiment. When I am trying to get ready to do anything it is like some one poured a Bucket of water all over me. I am 74 years old always was so active and in to Exercising. I have nausea and I do have a hourness and I never smoked. I also get Cold like I am running fever.. My KNEES are Bone on Bone swelling so bad can’t hardly walk. Will not operate because of so many HEALTH PROBLEMS. I really feel like it might be Cancer all over me and in my Breast.I don’t have any good Doctors. I don’t have Apitite. I would Love to to go to. A Cancer center and let them run all kinds of test.
These Doctors want suggest anything. I Stay in so much Pain.I have insurance and would go if I did not have to have a REFERRAL.
Hello Shirley,
Our hearts go out to you! The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you. We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
Sending you thoughts and prayers for hope and healing.
I have had a thrilling pain in both breasts i did a mammogram and ultra scans it was normal no any other complaint am just worried could it be cancer or what?
Hi Juliet,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
We hope it isn’t cancer! Best wishes.
Im waiting for urgent mammogramme.. i have lump under my armpit and swelling on my collarbone area my arm is always painful and get pins and needles all in same arm as lump(left). Shoul i be worried my sister had breast cancer at 49 im 48??
Hi Bevp69,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
hello bev – how did your test go?
Check our for all the latest research, including all the backup research references about which whole plant foods fight cancer. Eating a whole plant food diet has been proven to reverse some cancers, including breast cancer. And of course a whole plant food diet will reverse high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis and a host of other diet and lifestyle caused diseases.
Woke up last night with pain in left breast. It bothered me most of night, when I got up, felt a swelling, hot and tender with redness..It is worse now at the end of the day. My question is does this sound more like a cyst would do..going to make an appointment, but not even sure what kind of dr to see…I am 55, so wondering if its hormonal…got to say I’m quite worried. My whole left chest area hurts…
Hi Barbara,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Ok i just valled made appt with dr im 64 and see my dr on e a month i have had tripple bypass. But this morning i took shower i only check breast once a week yoday was day i noticed both my nipples have a spot yhst is differant color im peterfied of camcer its in my family what do you think dr appt is monday
I have pin pains in both my breast, but not a particular area and some times all over my body please what could be?
Pls help, I had a miscarriage after that I kept having pains.on my later subside but the right breast is Stil painful, and discharge colorless fluid when squeezed.pls what is the cause of this.and i noticed I have back pain too, could these be signs of cancer
Hello Linda,
Our hearts go out to you!
We are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the A Global Quest series. Here’s the link to the expert list:
As well, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Sending you thoughts and prayers for hope and healing.
I am 39 years old, i had a hysterectomy keeping my ovaries, two years ago. I have sharp and dull pain all over in both breasts for three weeks now. I have a tiny zit like bump on my nipple that has thick white wax when i pop it, for a year now. I’m worried because it runs in my birth family, I was adopted. When I was a new born I had a lump removed. My breasts have always been tender for usally a week a month even after the hysterectomy. I’m worried because moving from California where there is great health insurance to the Missouri where there re no programs to help the poor. Seeing a doctor is very expensive when I don’t have health insurance. I haven’t had pain like this since my milk came in 14 years ago when I had my daughter.
Hi Rachel,
We are sorry to hear what you are going through at this time. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
I am 30 years and I have 3 lumps removed with 14 years. Everyday I check my breast for physical signs of cancer. But recently I started feeling sharp pains on my breast that comes and go and also pain at my upper back. Could this be a sign of cancer ?.
Hi Evelyn –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
My doctor ordered a mammogram aprox. 2 years ago (48 yrs, old) which the results was that my breast tissue is densed. Six weeks ago got a email from her asking me to schedule another one, which I did. Doctor’s office called me back to redo it because they saw a white spot ( I think that’s what they said) on my left breast. So I went back. They did a mammogram and ultra sound. After doing those two, he asked for another mammogram 30 minutes later. At the end he said that it was hard to see anything. They said that I will have to go back in 6 months again to do another one. I’ve been having light pain and a lot of itching on my left breast for about two months now. I was reading people’s comments and they mentioned pain and itching as sign of cancer. Should I be concerned?
Hi there –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series so they can do some tests with you.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
Hi, am Amara from Nigeria. Iv been having some pains in my left breast plate/chest and doctors think its an ulcer or GERD etc. Been on medications and even did an ecg but no relief. Now i still feel pains all around my left chest/ breast area including the back and its begining to feel so for the right chest/breast area. Am tired of taking medicines that aint helpful. Please what do you think or advice.
Hi Amara –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
We’ll be sure to keep you in our prayers!
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please let us know if you have any further questions and we’ll be happy to help.
Blessings and love!
Hi my name is shaylee. In 2017 i found a lump in my left breast so my doctor at the time ordered a ultrasound and a mammogram. On the ultrasound they seen something questionable so they did the mammogram. They told me the mammogram showed a possible lipoma and said to come back if it got bigger or started to cause pain. Then a month ago i was doing my self exam and noticed the lump got a lot bigger and my left breast on the inside and nipple area had bad pain that goes to my ribs. So i seen my doctor on 4/8/2019 because it was my 3 month follow up for my thyroid so i had him check it out. He said the same thing a possible lipoma. Could it be something more serious because i have been having nipple discharge since i found the lump in 2017 and also pain? Im only 29 years old so it worries me.
Hi Shaylee –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
I’m so sorry to hear about this – I’ll be sure to pray for you.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love
That is why that we should check our breasts carefully and go see our doctor when we find something different.
I tested positive for HSV-2 a few months ago. At first, yes, I was devastated thinking I have an incurable STD for life. After doing hours of research I quickly realized genital herpes is a filthy parasite that just likes to hide in your body. Yes, there’s no “medical cure” but that doesn’t mean your body can’t get rid of it. I literally flush it out of my system with the help of Dr ighodalo natural herbal medication which I ordered after doing some research. And now I’m HSV-2 Negative, I never believed it until my doctor finally gave me the test results and behold I was HSV free. I’m so glad that I found you Dr.ighodalo on YouTube. Thanks so much for your goodness I’m grateful. You can also get your help from him through his Whatsapp +2349029521721