Video Transcript: Can Your Thoughts KILL Cancer? (video)
Ty Bollinger: There’s a lot of misunderstanding and fear surrounding skin cancer. In this video, with the incredible Ben Fuchs, you’ll discover the three types of cancer and the cause of long-term, chronic disease.
Charlene Bollinger: According to Ben, when we really understand what’s going on with the cell, we won’t need the medical model.
Ben Fuchs: There are three types of cancer, basal cell carcinoma, which accounts for the vast majority of cancers and it’s the most—it’s the easiest cancer to deal with, we’ll put it that way. The second type of cancer is called squamous cell carcinoma, and I’m going to explain these in a little bit. Squamous cell carcinoma, this is a little bit more deadly and it has a tendency to metastasize much more than basal cell carcinoma, and this is a great concern.
And then there is the worst cancer of all, which of course you guys probably know, and that’s melanoma.
One very important fact about skin cancers is rates are increasing, not decreasing, all over the world, and this is despite the fact that we’re all wearing sunscreens, and despite the fact that we’re all terrified of the sun. In fact, people are terrified of the dome light in their cars. People are terrified of anything the has light in it.
Despite all of the awareness and all of the so-called precautions that we take and all of the sunscreens that we use, cancer rates are still rising. So clearly there’s a misunderstanding what’s going on with it and how we deal with skin cancer.
In order to understand skin cancer, there’s three major points that we have to work with. Number one is the skin; we have to understand the skin, and the skin is a very misleading organ. I’m speaking to you now as somebody who’s made a lot of money selling skincare products, only topical products. There is a lot of misunderstanding about the skin.
And I see a lot of women in this room. You guys are being taken advantage of like you have no idea with so-called skin care products. Another story, go on YouTube, check out my skin videos. We don’t have time to talk about that now. But I just want to say that if we don’t understand the skin, we’re not going to be able to understand how to deal with skin cancer.
Second point that we have to address if we’re going to understand skin cancer is cancer. What exactly is cancer? How come, like with skin cancer, how come we have all of this awareness and all of these oncologists and all of these strategies yet cancer rates are still going through the roof? It’s still the second leading cause of death.
And we really haven’t done much to address these statistics over the last 50 or 60 years, despite all the research, despite all the wars that we fight on cancer, despite all the billions and trillions of dollars that we’re spending on it.
So, we have to understand cancer, we’ve got to understand skin, we’ve got to understand cancer, and then thirdly we’ve got to understand the nature of the cell. And this is really the key to understanding number one, how to be healthy and number two, why we’re not healthy, why the medical model cannot help us.
You see a cell is like a little being. It’s a little conscious entity. If you take a cell out of your gum or out your mouth and you put it in a little petri dish and then you go into another room and you think a lousy thought that cell will change.
Guy named Cleve Backster, actually he was a lie detector specialist and he actually— anybody hear of Cleve Backster?
Cleve Backster actually tested cells by putting lie detector electrodes on the cell and then having people do all kinds of things. To think about the cell, or think of bad thoughts or good thoughts, and literally the cell would change. And that’s a cell in a petri dish, you can imagine what the impact of thoughts and feelings and environmental stresses would have on the cell in our body.
Cells are little conscious beings and they respond. This is the key to understanding the nature of a cell – it’s intelligent, it is responsive, for better or worse. For better if you do good things you’re going to have a good healthy cell, if you do lousy things you’re going to have a lousy cell. Now if you go to the World Health Organization’s website, you’ll see 12,800 different disease classifications. But if you understand the cellular nature of disease, immediately those 12,800 disease categories become irrelevant because at the level of the cell there aren’t 12,800 different things that can go wrong.
There’s only three things that can go wrong, and when you understand this triad of breakdown that occurs at the level of the cell and you leverage the power that that understanding affords you, all disease will be gone and we won’t have any need for doctors or specialists. Because at the level of the cell—check this out now, this is very important. At the level of the cell, the medical model is impotent. It can do nothing at the level of the cell because the cell is not stupid. The cell will not take the medicine. In order for the medicine to get into the cell, the cell’s defenses have to be overwhelmed.
Now there are strategies that drug companies use, including dosages and manipulating the molecule in order to trick the cell, there are strategies that drug companies will use to get the cell to accept the medicine, but the cell will not accept the medicine on its own, which is why the medical model is reduced to killing a cell, radiating a cell, or poisoning a cell, or electrocuting a cell. That’s all the medical model can do. But that doesn’t really matter because when we understand what really is going wrong with the cell, we won’t need the medical model.
There are only three things that can go wrong with the cell, and I’m going to talk here generically about disease, but this also has to do with cancer, which is obviously a type of disease. The three things that go wrong with a cell:
#1. Starvation. A cell can be starved, at which point it will no longer be able to process energy correctly.
#2. Suffocation. A cell can be robbed of oxygen, again, leading to a difficult time for the cell to work with energy, to produce energy.
#3. A cell can become toxic. And sugar counts as a toxin after you have a certain level of sugar.
So, you’ve got starvation, suffocation, and toxification. These are the only three things that can go wrong with a cell. It can be starved, robbed of nutrients, it could be suffocated, robbed of oxygen, and it can become toxic. And sugar counts as a toxin and, ironically, prescription drugs and all drugs count as toxins.
So, the very treatments that we prescribe, and that we deify almost, that we honor in the medical model, are cytotoxic. They kill the cell, which is maybe going to hide your symptom or change your test score but it isn’t going to do anything good for the cell, which is the core of life or the beginning of life.
So, starvation, suffocation, and toxification are the only three things that can happen to a cell. But it gets worse, because you see, when a cell is starved, when a cell is toxic, when a cell is suffocated and it can no longer do its business, it has a little program inside it that is a suicide program. Have you guys heard of cell suicide? It’s a phenomenon known by biochemists as apoptosis, if you’ve ever heard of that term. And when a cell is starved, suffocated, toxic, or any combination of those things, eventually it’s going to kill itself; it’s going to commit suicide, it’s going to die.
And when a cell dies, eventually its contents start to secrete or they get exploded all over the tissues, all over the areas, and the body will protect itself from those cellular toxins. It protects itself by building a wall around those cellular toxins. Does anybody know what that wall is called? It’s called inflammation. Now we all know about inflammation. When we get a black eye or we get a broken leg or we sprain our ankle, that’s called macro inflammation. But there is a microscopic cellular version of that inflammatory process, and because it’s microscopic we don’t even think about it, we don’t even know it’s occurring.
So, what happens is this is a protective response, just like when you get a black eye or broken ankle, that swelling-ness, that puffiness is a protective response. Likewise, it’s a protective response in the cell. So, the body will wall off that that damaged cell area, where all the acids and the enzymes have been spewed out as a protective response, and that’s a good thing.
But if you have chronic starvation, chronic suffocation, chronic toxification, you’ll get lots of cells that are exploding and lots of these inflammatory patches, micro-inflammatory patches.
Now the micro-inflammatory patches are functional, if it happens in the short term, if it happens once in a while, if it happens in a localized area, but when it happens chronically, eventually you have these walls of inflammation that were functional in the short term but in the long term they keep food from getting through, they keep oxygen from getting through, they keep toxicity from leaving. So now you have more cells that are going to starve and more cells that are going to suffocate and more cells that are going to become toxic.
So, the body says, “Okay we’ll protect those areas, we’ll protect the rest of the body from those areas with an inflammatory wall.” And this keeps happening, and of course, the more inflammatory walls you have the more cells can’t get food, they can’t get oxygen, and they can’t clean themselves out. Eventually you get this inflammatory downward spiral where starvation, suffocation, toxification leads to more—leads to inflammation which leads to more starvation, suffocation, toxification, leads to more inflammation on and on and on.
This can go on for months and years and decades, and this is the cause of all long term chronic progressive degenerative disease. The primary cause, all of it. Whether you’re talking autoimmunity, whether you’re talking cancer, whether you’re talking heart disease, whether you’re talking neurological issues. It’s all about the cell being starved, suffocated, toxic, then an inflammatory process leading to more starvation, suffocation, and toxification.
If you understand what I just said, you could leave now, and if you’re healthcare professional you can address any healthcare challenge without a magical protocol, without a magical formula, simply by feeding the system, that’s where the nutrients come in, oxygenating the system. There’s several ways to do that, deep breathing obviously is one of the best, and then eliminating toxicity, and that includes sugar.
Now when a cell breaks down, remember cells are little conscious beings and they do things—when a cell breaks down, it doesn’t do things. What is the cell’s job? What is it supposed to do? Largely, a cell’s job is to make stuff. A cell is a little extrusion machine. Do you guys remember those Play-Doh things where you put a little Play-Doh in the top and you squeeze it and out comes out a little whatever, star thing or some kind of thread? That’s called extrusion.
A cell is an extrusion machine. It’s constantly extruding substances. When a cell becomes broken down, when a cell becomes sick it does not extrude its substances correctly. Other cells are responsible for contracting and opening, contracting and relaxing. When a cell doesn’t have food, it doesn’t have oxygen, it doesn’t have toxicity, it’s accumulated toxicity, it won’t be able to contract and release as effectively. Long story short, when a cell doesn’t have the energy it needs, when a cell is not getting sustained the way it should, it isn’t going to be able to do what it needs to do. That’s when the disease process ensues.
In order to understand how cancer is related to this, we have to talk about something called primary effects versus secondary effects. Anybody hear this term, primary versus secondary? We’ve got lots of secondary effects—or secondary causes, I’m sorry. There’s lots of secondary causes. The sun is a secondary cause, poison is a second secondary cause, smoking is a secondary cause, emotional and mental issues, cortisol, insulin, there’s zillions of secondary causes, and we have a culture that’s obsessed with secondary causes.
But it’s not the secondary causes that are the problem. It’s the primary cause that the secondary cause leads to, and there’s only one primary cause of cancer as described by the brilliant biochemist, Dr. Otto Warburg, whom I’m sure many of you people have heard of. Dr. Otto Warburg, he’s the one who came up with this concept of primary versus secondary.
He noticed that all cancer cells have one thing in common. They have a problem with deriving energy from oxygen and they become sugar burners, and this is the primary cause of cancer, respiratory dysfunction.
Ty Bollinger: Wow, that’s some great information from Pharamacist Ben, our good friend. We hope you learned a lot from this video.
Charlene Bollinger: And if you did, we just ask that you share this on your social media and let your friends and family know about The Truth About Cancer. Thanks for joining and God bless!
Dear sir I’m frm Asia. name is vasugi n I’m 54yrs old.i h. Been to ur page n everydy I read ur articles.i feel like ur a good send to my diagnose WTH my left breast cncr in march.n after my biopsy results the dctr did not even tlk to me or ask my opinion abt doing chemos by right way told me she’s doing chemo on me.which I DNT ever wnt.i DNT wn any radiation to go into my bdy.n I sd nope I wna HV a second opinion WTH anthr dctr.right now m waiting for august28th to cm for tht appt.i knw lots abt cncr sir.n I found so mch of rieve readng ur articles abt those things which I HV the sme opinion abt cncr chemo n radiation.n ur wifes video tlk saying cncr patients DNT HV to die.i ws so happy to hear tht.ys exactly y shld a cncr patients life HV to b devastated by chemo n tht radio so far GD n heathy tkng vitamins like turmeric pills n Moringa WTH fine except my lump on my a fighter sir n I knw I’m going to b alright.i hope u cn reply me regrdng abt my vitamins is tht Al GD for me to tk?tq sir HV a GD dy ahead.
Hi Vasugi –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis – I’ll be sure to pray for you.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global Quest series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Along with this, we also have comprised a list of health experts and doctors we’ve interviewed in our Eastern Medicine: Journey to Asia documentary. Ty and the team are still working on collecting the contact information for the rest of these doctors and experts. Please note that this link will be updated with more doctor’s contact info as they share it with us.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life-saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer-killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
“He noticed that all cancer cells have one thing in common. They have a problem with deriving energy from oxygen and they become sugar burners, and this is the primary cause of cancer, respiratory dysfunction.”
So what do we do to keep this from. happening? I have had thyroid cancer at age 28, and melanoma at 40, I don’t want to live in fear anymore.
Hello, and thank you for your question. Are you in remission now? There is a wealth of information on our website, Facebook and Instagram on preventative measures you can take. There are also various alternative treatment options that we talk to various experts about that you can research. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which protocol you will choose. Thank you so much for reaching out.
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