Video Transcript: How to Resist Chemotherapy: A Step of Faith (Part 3)
Ty Bollinger: Hello everyone. We’re back again. Ty & Charlene here. Did you see Parts 1 & 2 from Chris Wark’s lecture at TTAC LIVE in Orlando? Well, here’s the 3rd and final part.
Charlene Bollinger: Many of us know that a big part of beating cancer is diet and nutrition but Chris is here to remind everyone of a third element that is often overlooked: faith. Keep watching for an uplifting ending to his story.
Chris Wark: So, I had two paths before me. I had the conventional path and I had this other path. And I was thinking about my situation, and the conventional path was the wide, paved road, brightly lit with everybody cheering me on. Right? And you go down that road and get on the chemo train, state of the art, high tech, reclining seats, so comfortable in there.
Those chairs are so comfy. You get a cup holder for your Diet Coke. They bring you little snacks and goodies, little treats. They go “You want a little ice cream sandwich with your chemo?” And as soon as that train starts, the suffering starts. Right? And who knows what happens at the end of the line? Are they going to drop you off better? Are they going to drop you off worse? Are they going to kick you off because they can’t do anything else and send you home to die? That’s kind of scary. It’s kind of scary, and that’s where everybody’s going. Everybody’s going that way.
And then the other path is the path into the jungle that I have to hack my way through alone. Right? Alone. Do not enter.
Everybody’s saying “Don’t go that way.” And I knew that that was the path I had to take. It was the path for me. And what I found is that when you step out into the unknown, when you step out in faith, miracles happen, okay?
Miracles happen. But fear will keep you from doing that. And let me tell you something. A lot of people have said to me over the years like “Wow, that was so brave,” and “That was so courageous. How were you able to be so courageous at that time?” And the answer is, courage feels exactly like fear. Nobody ever feels brave. Bravery is not a feeling. It’s not. Neither is courage. Fear is the feeling, right? Courage is the decision to move forward in spite of fear.
Fear is the opportunity for you to do something courageous, do something brave, to step out into the unknown and start your healing adventure. That’s what this is. If you have cancer right now, you don’t look at it like a curse, right, you don’t look at it like:
“Oh, this is the worst thing in the world to happen to me.” This is the best thing that’s happened to you, okay? It’s the best thing. It’s the best thing. Some of you are like “Oh, I don’t know about that. Okay, Chris. Yeah. No, I went to Disneyland. That was the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
But this was a blessing in disguise, because this is an opportunity for you to change your life. It’s a divine tap on the shoulder. The message is: “Hey, the way you’re living is killing you.” Right? It’s time to change your whole life. It’s time to start loving like you mean it. It’s time to forgive the people who’ve hurt you. It’s time to let go of the past.
I want to talk about one of the most important things that everyone in here can do right now, and I want to help you do something powerful, and I want you to leave having done something powerful. And that’s forgiveness. Because bitterness and resentment will poison you.
Bitterness and resentment and unforgiveness are emotions that raise your stress hormones in your body. They raise adrenaline and cortisol. Those hormones suppress your immune system. When your immune system is suppressed, guess what happens?
Cancer. Cancer happens.
And we all have people in our life who have hurt us. We all have those people. You’re thinking of them right now. Right? You’re thinking of them right now. The person—who’s the person in your life that’s hurt you the most? You’re thinking of that person right now. Holding on to that bitterness and resentment—I love the analogy that it’s like drinking poison and hoping it hurts someone else. And it won’t. It won’t hurt anybody else.
I was at a cancer clinic visiting patients, and I was there for a few days. And it was a small clinic, and I’d talked to all the patients there except for one. And she was really sick, and she had stomach cancer. And she had never come out of her room. But her husband was there. And I was talking with him on the couch outside her—near her room or whatever. And we were just talking.
Then a few minutes later, after we just, whatever, had finished talking, he went back to his room. And his wife was in bed, and she said, “Is Chris Wark outside our room?” And he said “How’d you know that?” He’s like “Yeah, he’s here.” And she said “I recognized his voice.”
And so, he came out and told me. And I turned around, she was in the room, she was in her bed, and she was looking at me. And I said, “Do you want to talk?”
And she’s like “Yeah.” So, I’m trying to get through this.
[audience applause]
Just cry on stage. Immediate applause.
So, she comes out and we start talking. And one of the first things I said to her—I just felt like I needed to ask her this. I said “Who do you need to forgive?” And she just burst into tears. I mean she was crying so hard, snot was just coming out of everywhere.
And it was a beautiful mess. It was a beautiful mess. And I said “Listen. Let’s (she didn’t even tell me who it was) forgive this person right now. Let’s just do this right now.” And I just prayed with her; just led her in a simple prayer of forgiveness. And she said, “Can I pray in Korean?” I said “Yeah, of course. Yes.” And we prayed together, and it was just really sweet.
And she went back to her room and was exhausted. Went back to bed. And when she—a few hours later that evening, her husband—and by the way, she was bent over, right? She was a young woman. She was bent over because of the pain. When she came out, she was just bent over. And her husband came out and he said, “Man, she just woke up and she got up and went to the bathroom. She stood straight up.”
She stood straight up.
[audience applause]
And he said she hasn’t done that in weeks. And I left the next morning. I didn’t get to see her again. And she sent me a message the next day on Facebook, and it was a long one. But the part of it I want to share with you was she said, “You taught me, you showed me how to release my pain.” Right? She released this pain, forgiving. And she stood up, right? It’s powerful.
So, I just have a little bit of time left. I want us all to do this together. We’re going to forgive together right now. How’s that sound? Good? We’re going to forgive.
Listen. There are people in your life, there’s someone in your life, you’ve got to—you need to forgive every person who’s ever hurt you. But we don’t have time for that. We’re going to pick the number one. And you can do the rest at home, or on the way home hopefully. But I just want you to do this. Will you close your eyes real quick? Just close your eyes. I just want you to put this person in your mind. I want you to think of this person who’s hurt you. I want to think of what they’ve done to hurt you, why they’ve hurt you. And I just want you to say, “I forgive you. I’m letting you go.” Alright? “I’m not going to hold this against you anymore.” Alright?
I’m a Christian. I just give it to God. I just say “God, it’s all yours. You can have them. I forgive them.” And you just let it go. You just say “God, it’s all yours.” Forgiveness is a decision. It’s not a feeling, it is a choice. And you just make this choice right now. Just say “I forgive them.” That’s all you have to do. “I forgive them.”
Now you can open your eyes. This choice, this decision that you’ve made to forgive, it’s a choice for life. Okay? It’s a choice you make for life. Forgiveness is like a healthy diet. If you eat healthy for breakfast and McDonald’s for lunch, what good did it do? It didn’t do any good.
A healthy diet only works if you stick with it, and forgiveness is the same way. You have to stick with it. Right? If you make a decision, you let it go, and you stay with it. Right? For life. Because I promise you, letting the weight of that bitterness and resentment and unforgiveness, let it off your shoulders, just drop it. Drop it. Because it’s holding you down. It’s pulling you down underwater, and it will drown you.
And that’s all you have to do. That’s all forgiveness is. It’s just a choice. And you know what happens? When you make that decision that you just did right now, God changes your heart. That’s what I see happening.
The most powerful thing you can do is after you make a decision to forgive, is just say “God—bless them. Bless this person. Bless their family, their business, their pets, whatever it is. Bless them.” When you pray for God to bless the people that have hurt you, I’m telling you, healing happens in your heart in a way that just doesn’t happen any other way. And it’s the most powerful thing you can do. And I can’t sell it to you. All I can do is give it to you. Right? It costs nothing, and it can change everything. That’s how powerful forgiveness is.
So, that’s what I want to leave you with today. Be quick to forgive. Forgive every person who’s hurt you by name. Be quick to forgive the people that hurt you in the future. Right? Just let it go. Let it go. It’s not worth it. It’s not worth being sick over. It’s not worth dying over. Right? I promise you, it’s not. And when you forgive, God heals your heart.
Charlene Bollinger: Wow! Thank you Chris for sharing about your faith in Jesus. We hope you learned from this video.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah we sure do. And if you did, please share it on your social media and let your friends and your family know about The Truth About Cancer. God bless.
Chris, this is so powerfull and true.
That was excellent Chris! Another component to forgiveness is forgiving ones self. When we carry guilt and shame in our life we are doing great harm to our bodies. Also, we have to ask forgiveness for those we have hurt as well. When we sincerely bring all of these things before the Lord, the word of God says “that He is faithful and just to forgive us of all our sins and to cleanse us.”
“Another component to forgiveness is forgiving ones self.” Well said and 100% true except at times it is easier said then done, at least for me.
Hi Chris,
Thank you for beautiful information posted to start the healing process from this devastating disease of cancer .
I was diagnosed with MM in 2013 & it has relapsed now 3 times.
I am refusing to go back on western medicine and after trying many alternatives, & haven’t had much success. My blood results are going up substantially higher every month. I know now chemo its a “band aid” and that chemo treats the symptoms but does not get to the root of the disease.
I saw your video with Mona and would like to communicate with her. How can I find her?
I bought your book & it is very inspiring!
Keep up the good work!
Thank you & hope you can help me.
Hi Gail,, I run a TCM natural health clinic in Auckland NZ and believe I can help u get back on track and repair your cells with simple natural procedures.. happy to advise ..much love
Dennis Hyde
Hi Dennis I would be interested to learn more about your simple natural procedures I am having chemo treatment now for CLL
Hi Chris,
my sisrer 54 is breast cancer patient & suffiring from aquite pancreatitis. now her cancer marker 19.9 result is 1495. now she is suffiring from seviour pain. now what can we do.Thank you & hope you can help me.
Excellent, perfect cure for any sickness. If we forgive, we get forgiven. Because unforgivingness is a sin.
“He had surgery, but instead of chemotherapy used nutrition and natural therapies to heal himself”
Has he published the medical documents to show that the surgery wasn’t successful? Sorry, but you haven’t published sources on this. Can you give me the list of peer reviewed sources that conclude that prayer is more effective than chemotherapy? My preference is clinical trials.
Please forgive me for butting in Tali but having had Cancer I know what fear feels like. Please look into the mass of current info to stay away from Chemotherapy and Radiology. I chose the latter and now seriously regret my decision, many ongoing issues. There are many alternatives so please investigate before your decision, please. Paul. (UK)
Research put out by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center revealed that chemo makes cancer grow faster. It does this by increasing fibrin production and fibrin is the mother’s milk of cancer and cancer metastasis.
I’d proved those findings to myself long before Hutchinson’s did. When I had Stage 4 cancer, I focused on melting the fibrin. My many visible lesions went away in four or five days. I stopped the recipe for a few days and four of the lesions tried to return. When I went back to melting them, the lesions went away again quickly.
That was 20 years ago. The lesions have never returned. So twice I proved that melting fibrin stops cancer in its tracks and reverses it. My results are akin to touching a hot stove twice. How many more times does one need to touch a hot stove to prove it’s hot?
Kelly, what do you mean when you say you melted it? What did you do, exactly? I’m very interested!
please provide a link to the recipe you used to address fibrin and any key protocol?
For those who require clinical trial evidence, how about a report from the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted – the China Study – by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell. Buy revised used at online book sellers.
Hi Chris
I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in sept-2018
What can I do to heal myself without doing the chemo,breast removal,and radiation
My doctors are all pressuring me to get this all done
I did not feel pulled that way
I told them so ,they told me I am going to die in 16 months
They all scared me
What are the first things I need to do I am walking on faith right now
I need to know what kind of diet I should be on
My cancer has matastisized to my lip nodes ,please help
Hi Lin,
We are sorry to hear about what you are going through. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Lin, today, while you are researching to find an expert on the link just above you can go to the chrisbeatcancer website and find info about the foods that Chris ate. Go to your grocery store and purchase organic whole plant based foods – nothing else – and eat only those foods. All plant based: no dairy, no cheese, no ice cream, nothing that walks, crawls, flies, swims, no eggs. Give away / get out of your house all foods that are not plant based for starters. Comprehend that the Dairy Association, Beef and Pork and Egg Produces, Confectioner and Soda Associations all have their own agendas: convincing you their products are needed and healthy – these marketing messages are not true.
An app for your phone to teach and keep you on track: The Daily Dozen by Dr. Geiger – a little checklist to help you shop and to stay honest to yourself. And lots and lots of water down the hatch every day.
I did the slash, poison, and burn routine in 2015 because when I asked my oncologist “Is there a healthy alternative to chemo and radiation?” You can guess what he said. Yep, he would have seen $500,000 walking right out his door. What did I know??? Nothing. But since that time I have found Chris and Ty and others (not MD’s), and I have found MD’s in my region who know how to get people to a state of health without pills.
What to eat? People who do elect chemo and radiation can help their bodies heal by eating plant based diets. Look at nutrition tab for 600+ recipes, borrow plant based cookbooks from your library first, then buy used any that you really like.
You must educate yourself. No one can do that for you. Just like you learned how to read and count: you educated yourself with the help of others. God’s blessings on you for this journey.
Hi Lin,
May God’s perfect love cast out all your fears. I too was diagnosed with triple neg stage 3 cancer including 5 lymph nodes in September 2016. Mayo said I would live 12-18 months if I did nothing. I chose surgery (radical mastectomy) on the one breast, no chemo or radiation. I changed my diet, added some daily walking after watching Chris’s videos and a whole lot of faith and trust in God’s love, promises and plan for my life, I also did a bunch of forgiving. I can happily and thankfully say that Im still here today. I’ve had blood panels and other test done since and Im still healthy. Mayo has me on their survivorship program.
How can you treat pancreas cancer it’s in the beginning stage
And what diet should he Be on
Please reply to this so I may help my son in law.. thank you and God bless you
Hi Candi,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Best wishes to you and your son-in-law.
Thank you so much for this. So many people I need to forgive. I mentioned them one by one and forgave them. I wouldn’t want to fall sick holding them to heart now would I?
I forgive them all.
Thank you Jesus.
Wonderful advice! Also, avoid anger, frustratio, and potential cortisol inducing bitterness by using our brains to avoid impossibly difficult situations. Never try to live with an addict no matter how much you love them. Kick them out and keep them out until they go through at least 6 months in a good rehab like teen Challenge. If you are forced into caring for a demented and or brain damaged person, seek and find day care for them and or at home help.As for chemo, i believe in some cases, we should refuse it and just radically change nutrition and exercise. Ommit all white sugar, all sodas and or other artificial drinks, all refined carbs, hard candies, and any other nutritionless and or toxic things from daily eating. drink a lot of very pure water such as evian, and eat at least one whole egg every day along with a lot of organic fruits, veggies, and berries. If chemo is just unavoidable, I do not have any ansdwers for that. Love to all!
Yes, I am also interested in communicating with Mona as my husband was diagnosed with MM and we want to learn how effective alternatives might be.
Thank you,
Thank you for this powerful reminder and for sharing your heart and for making the effort to reach out to others. We all need you!
Chris’ wonderful work fits in with my brand new book “Nope, Pain…Only Gain: How to Become A Thrillionaire.”
‘Thrillionaire’ presents a question. This question has made the aftermath of hurricane Michael here in Panama City feel like a vacation to me the best vacation ever, in fact.
When we feel limited or negative, it can be quite the challenge to shift to a positive thought because we have the evidence to justify the way we feel. We really were hurt. The other person really did do something harmful to us. My back and clavicle was broken by another person, for example, when I was just a year old. I was conned out of money by a slick con artist that put me in a bind.
How to we free ourselves from the ‘evidence’ then when our evidence convinces us to feel bad? By asking a question that puts us in a search mode to discover the answer. “Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find.”
Asking the right question shifts our thoughts and feelings to a neutral place. In that neutral place miracles start to shower down. I asked in the midst of tumbling down to a hard floor one time. The action became an adventure. The result was a 40% improvement in my back.
Thank you so much for all your hard work and research. My husband has aggressive stage 3 prostate cancer and I am the one doing all the research. I find it very informative and helpful.
Hi Mercia,
We are glad that you are finding our information so helpful! Best wishes to you and your husband.
This is so true. I haven’t got cancer (as far as I know and feel); still, having forgiven several people, who have hurt me, has been (still is!) immeasurably amazing and fantastic. It has released so much negative energy, and I rarely think of (among others) my childhood bullies any longer. Such a gift and such an immense relief. Plus, I am able to love my family and friends deeper after having released my negativity toward them by forgiving them for what I perceived as hurtful. I use Kris Carr’s forgiveness meditation practice, which–depending on the depth of the hurt, resentment, frustration, anger, etc; how long it went on for; and how long ago the person hurt me–has taken up to a couple of hours to release all negative feelings I associated with them and then forgive them. So worth it. So worth it. MAHALO NUI LOA (thank you very much), Chris Wark, for teaching me this vital lesson!!!
Thank you so so much Chris Wark. I am taking the path less traveled and this article was so inspirational and I am so thankful!!!’
Thank you for a beautiful message!
My perspective is that you have two choices; one, put yourself in the hands of others ie the convential system of doctors and hospitals, or you can take responsibility for your own health and wellbeing. Although sourcing others, when you decide and follow through with self responsibility, it empowers one and that empowering alone is freeing and healing.These are my thoughts. Allowing the usual system to take over your care often necessitates a passivity that I think leads toward a degree of despair. Love to all who try to male the world a better place.
Dear ty
My self raj mehta from India, i have read your book “the truth about cancer”
My mother had diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer with including liver (metastatic) in dec. 2017, in that case we have taken 12 chemotherapy and after that made surgery but unfortunately she has got tumour in brain and spinalcord after that she advised for 10 radiation, and we have done this also, now after reading your book i have a hope for my mother, can you advise me the best way to get healthy lifestyle for remain hope, and she is also positive mind for her recovery,
Hope for great advice