A recent study has found that glyphosate and its derivatives are widespread in the urine of cats and dogs, while juries award…

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The Latest Cancer Fighting News
In the fight against cancer, knowledge is both our shield and our weapon. More than 17 million people will be diagnosed with cancer this year, a number that is expected to rise. It’s imperative that we understand the root causes of cancer so that we can protect ourselves against this horrible disease.
The vast majority of these cancer causes are man-made, something that the medical, agricultural, and tech industries don’t want you to know. At TTAC, our mission is to bring you this “secret” information so that you can understand exactly what causes cancer and how to avoid it.
We’ve put together a wealth of information about our food, medicine, technology, and more to help you avoid these man-made, cancer-causing threats.
They say that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” but what if there was a way to cut your cancer risk IN HALF?! Experts estimate that over 50% of cancer cases are preventable with simple lifestyle changes. This means that the right knowledge about the root causes of cancer could save millions of lives each year!
In the articles below, you’ll learn about the top 10 cancer-causing foods, how to avoid dangerous chemicals lurking in everyday household products, and how to fight back against mega-corporations that are poisoning our planet. Not only will you learn what to avoid, you’ll also learn how cancerous foods, chemicals, and emotions affect the human body.
Did you know that roughly 80% of your immune system is located in the upper gastrointestinal tract? But processed foods, pesticides, skin care products and even cell phone radiation can destroy gut health and lead to immune disorders and cancer. From antibiotics to pet food, you can protect your health by making the right lifestyle choices.
The causes of cancer are primarily man-made, but the companies profiting from these products don’t want you to learn the truth. Check out our collection of articles below to make sure that you’re equipped to stop cancer dead in its tracks!
A recent study has found that glyphosate and its derivatives are widespread in the urine of cats and dogs, while juries award…
3,878 Facebook Shares
This week, a congressional investigation discovered that several major baby food brands contained “dangerous levels” of toxic…
Did you know that sugar is a leading cause of cancer growth? In this clip, Dr. Jockers explains how sugar is the fuel that helps…
31 Facebook Shares
In this clip from TTAC LIVE! 2019, Dr. Terry Harmon explains how a healthy nervous system leads to whole-body health…
120 Facebook Shares
In this clip from TTAC Live 2019 KC and Monica Craichy walk us through what they call the 4 Pillars of Disease… and how to…
229 Facebook Shares
Did you know that your emotions & spirituality can either help heal you or help disease grow? Learn more about it here, on TTAC…
Does plastic cause cancer? Discover which types of plastic containers are relatively safe and which are the cancer causing…
Major pharmaceutical companies have been putting profits before patients for far too long. Now, they’re finally being held…
More than 250,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. Could bras be partly to blame?…
Since its inception, vaping has been a point of contention. But the new lung disease caused by vaping is very real… and very…
Let’s end the cancer pandemic once and for all! Every single day, tens of thousands of people, just like you, are curing cancer (and/or preventing it) from destroying their bodies.
It’s time to take matters into our own hands and educate ourselves on real prevention and treatments. It could save your life or someone you love. Doctors, researchers, experts and survivors show you exactly “how-to” prevent and treat cancer in “The Truth About Cancer®: A Global Quest.”
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PO Box 530 Portland, TN 37148
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The Truth About Cancer® and The Quest For The Cures™ are registered Trademarks of TTAC Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: The content of this website is based on research conducted by TTAC Publishing, LLC, unless otherwise noted. The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical or psychological condition, nor to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Therefore, this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. TTAC Publishing encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your judgment and research in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.
If you purchase anything through this website, you should assume that we have an affiliate relationship with the company providing the product or service that you purchase, and that we will be paid in some way. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.