This year, over 56,000 Americans will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.1 Doctors will recommend a course of chemotherapy and radiation, which will further ravage their immune systems and leave them with a poor quality of life.
Approximately 4 out of 5 of them will die from either the cancer or the “treatments.” 2
But what if I told you that there was another way to combat pancreatic cancer? A protocol that has no side effects and relies entirely on nature and the body’s natural immune system to combat disease? I’m talking about pancreatic enzymes, which have been used for years as part of a tailored diet to fight cancer.

The pancreas is a gland that produces digestive enzymes and insulin. It’s an essential organ for maintaining healthy digestion and regulating blood sugar. Those with pancreatic cancer begin to lose their ability to produce these enzymes, which makes it nearly impossible to digest important fats and proteins or absorb nutrients.
This is called pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI), and can cause a whole host of problems. What’s worse, conventional treatments like chemotherapy and invasive surgery only serve to exacerbate the problems. This can result in severe malnutrition, unhealthy weight loss, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
Many people combat these symptoms by taking pancreatic enzymes.3
For years, pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy, or PERT, has been used to treat PEI. PERT essentially uses supplemental enzymes to help aid in digestion. They come in capsule form and are derived from the pancreatic glands of pigs. The supplements contain lipase, which is the pancreatic enzyme associated with breaking down fats into fatty acids.4
A healthy adult pancreas will release over 700,000 units of lipase during the course of a meal. The supplements are taken with every meal to assist with digestion and nutrient absorption. But even with capsules containing 25,000 units of lipase, patients can wind up taking several pills with every meal. At an average retail price of around $4 per capsule, this can cost thousands of dollars each month.
There’s a long history behind the use of pancreatic enzymes, so here’s a quick rundown:
1958 – Dr. Max Gerson publishes A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases, in which he describes a new protocol which is now known as the Gerson Therapy. This therapy is still used today and utilizes a specialized diet designed to remove toxins from the body and reduce inflammation. It also focuses on pancreatic enzyme deficiency as a root cause of tumor development.
In the 1960s, an orthodontist named Dr. William Kelley developed a metabolic therapy based on the same idea that all cancers are caused by specific enzyme deficiencies. He utilized a strict diet, coffee enemas, laetrile, and pancreatic enzymes to treat cancer patients. Kelley developed his therapy after being diagnosed with “terminal” pancreatic cancer. The cancer was eventually eliminated from his body.
1987 – Nicholas Gonzalez, a doctor and medical journalist, continues to build on the work of his mentor, Dr. Kelley. Armed with the belief that cancer is the result of poor diet and environmental toxins, he went on to develop the Gonzalez Protocol. This protocol relies heavily on pancreatic enzymes, which Dr. Gonzalez believed to be the body’s main defense against cancer.
On my recent journey through Asia, I spoke with Dr. Jaime Dy-Liacco, who has been using pancreatic enzymes and nutrition to heal his patients. He shared how doctor Kelley helped cure him of prostate cancer using his naturopathic therapy.
He explained that cancer cells have an animal protein coating that makes them invisible to the immune system. By increasing the level of enzymes that help break down these proteins, he explained, we can allow the immune system to target and destroy these cells.
But Dr. Dy-Liacco practices in the Philippines, which is an impoverished nation. Dr. Kelley’s protocol calls for over 100 capsules a day to increase enzymes and other nutrient intake, a price most Philippine people cannot afford. In order to make the therapy accessible to everyone, Dr. Dy-Liacco prescribes 2 tablespoons of raw pork pancreas several times a day. The enzymes this provides help to break down the coating of the cancerous cells and have helped many of his patients heal their cancer.
The body is an amazing creation capable of handling almost any illness or disease. It’s often our own poor diet and lifestyle, combined with environmental toxins, that lead to suppression of the immune system. Pancreatic enzymes have been shown to help with a host of health problems.5
Most oncologists recommend the same standard methods of chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation to treat cancer, but many doctors believe there is a better, more natural way. Pancreatic enzymes, in both supplemental and raw form, can help the body return to a healthy state and has shown great promise as an effective way to combat cancer. Always be sure to consult with a holistic nutritionist before making major changes to your diet.
As always, we believe that your treatment is entirely your choice. We’re here to provide information so that you can make an informed decision, whatever that decision may be. For those with religious restrictions on pork products, here’s an excerpt from
Currently, all enzyme replacement products are produced from pork derived ingredients and no alternatives are available. However, pancreatic enzymes have been approved for use by Jewish patients by the Chief Rabbi. For Muslim patients, Dr. Abdul Hamid Mohamed, London Central Mosque Trust, has advised the following: “If, and only if, no other medicines than the ones containing prohibited substances are suitable to cure the illness or disease in the opinion of the physician, then the medicine containing the prohibited substance should be prescribed and taken by the patient.” 6
Article Summary
In 2019, over 56,000 Americans will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
Approximately 4 out of 5 of them will die from either the cancer or the “treatments.”
For years, pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy, or PERT, has been used to treat pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI).
A healthy adult pancreas will release over 700,000 units of lipase during the course of a meal.
Just to offer that I hope Ty and Charlene keep going with their good work. (I think the book Cancer Step outside the Box is an amazingly detailed work).
Stay brave and keep fighting tyranny. Many are with you. We are the ones that are AWAKE!
Curious if pancreatic enzymes would benefit my son with Type 1 diabetes. Is there a reputable brand you recommend?
You can purchase the pancreatic enzymes Dr. Nick Gonzalez formulated and used for treating diabetes as well as cancer on Nutricology’s website here
I was diagnosed with PEI and was perscribed CREON which consists of Lipase, Protease and Amylase. when I called the pharmacist to find out the cost it was over $3,500 for a 27 day supply, I told them not to even order it. Big Pharma. I went to check the supplement company that I use, to see if they carried pancreatic enzymes and they do, and it contains just the same three enzymes that Creon has but half the amount in each capsule that my doctor wanted me to take with each meal so I just double the dose and the cost comes out to about $50.00 per month.
Pure Encapsulations is the name of the company.
Ty & Charlene are brave warriors for us in the battle against the medical mafia. Profound thanks to both of you.
My name is Thomas and our daughter was just diagnosed with Pancreas Cancer. My question is, Do you know of a good holistic doctor near Columbus Ohio that we can get in contact with. I have read your information about Pancreas Enzyme therapy and would like to get help with our daughter’s fight against this disease.
Thanks You and God Bless
Thomas .
America’s front line doctors is a good place to find a doctor. Dr. Tenpenny has a clinic in the Cleveland area and use natural modalities. I have a friend who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, stage 4, given 6 months to live and pressured him to start chemo and radiation right away. He had heard about CHIPSA hospital in Mexico and decided to go and see what they offered for treatment. That was 6 years ago and he is still cancer free today. You have choices that will most likely work. Most of what the USA has to offer cancer patients is “Cut, Burn and Poison”. Other countries are free to use natural because they don’t have the FDA, CDC, WHO to deal with. Hope this helps.
I would add THE ENZYME TREATMENT OF CANCER AND ITS SCIENTIFIC BASIS John Beard, 1911 if you want more history.
This is good info here
Also check out Chris Beat Cancer! A great Cancer Coach
Also HerbDoc. Com- he has all ready to go detox formulas for organs.
Add something Spiritual! Read Joel Goldsmith- his teaching is pure!
The Spiritual modality to connect is Wisdom Healing Qigong with Master Mintong Gu- has healing retreat in Santa Fe
Also like Chunyi Lin of Spring Forest Qigong -check out his five minute one of Yin & Yang on You Tube & do right away!!
Divine Spark resides in all!
Asking for another: do you have any recommendations for ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease? Approx 40 y.o. male recently diagnosed. Thank you. Such a great work you’re doing.