From the beginning, we have been big Trump supporters, as we believe that he truly loves our country and has not been “bought” like many politicians.
He has the courage to say things that most politicians won’t say, and he has a business background, rather than being a “lifetime politician” who has never had a “real” job.
But like everyone, he makes mistakes and isn’t all-knowing. We have seen him go to bat for America and have witnessed first hand the persecution that comes with going against the mainstream flow of ideas and big corporations, world powers, and leaders. We, too, have been lied about and persecuted as a result of going to bat for you. We even have leaders within our own industry that are against us as a result of standing for truth that they don’t understand. We have also made our fair share of mistakes and have made appropriate changes in the light of new truth that has been revealed to us along the way.
With that said, we believe President Trump is on the wrong side of the GMO issue.
Executive Order Promotes GMOs
Earlier today, President Trump signed an executive order directing federal agencies like the USDA, FDA, and EPA to expedite the review process for agricultural biotechnology, including GMOs. The order also calls for a propaganda campaign, directing the agencies to “develop awareness and education programs to gain acceptance of new technologies by consumers and global trading partners.”
The Biotechnology Innovation Organization, which represents agricultural behemoths like Bayer, Merck, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson, rejoiced. In a digital statement, President and CEO Jim Greenwood stated:
BIO applauds the Trump administration for taking this important step forward to ensure government policy does not hinder 21st-century biotechnology from addressing the many global challenges… facing society today.”
And there is further evidence suggesting that the U.S. is actively moving to dismantle GMO regulations and oversight.
We encourage everyone reading this to flood the White House and President Trump with the science, documentaries, books, studies, and everything that you can to help him see the truth about GMOs. There is a firewall around him that you can penetrate with your phone calls and letters.
USDA Rolls Back GMO Oversight
In a proposal filed over the weekend with the World Trade Organization, the U.S. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) outlined a plan to stimulate the development of GMOs. APHIS is an agency of the USDA.
According to the filing:
This…would provide a clear, predictable, and efficient regulatory pathway for innovators, facilitating the development of new and novel genetically engineered organisms that are unlikely to pose plant pest risks.”
Reuter’s reported that the new APHIS proposals to reduce GMO regulations follow statements made last year by Sonny Perdue, the current U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. Just over a year ago, Perdue released a statement on behalf of the USDA regarding GMO regulation. And although he insisted the USDA takes its role in regulatory oversight “very seriously,” he also made statements that seemed to show a different sentiment.
While these crops do not require regulatory oversight, we do have an important role to play in protecting plant health by evaluating products developed using modern biotechnology… Plant breeding innovation holds enormous promise for helping protect crops against drought and diseases while increasing nutritional value and eliminating allergens. Using this science, farmers can continue to meet consumer expectations for healthful, affordable food produced in a manner that consumes fewer natural resources. This new innovation will help farmers do what we aspire to do at USDA: do right and feed everyone.”
But when it comes to ensuring that Americans have access to “healthful, affordable food,” the USDA has failed miserably. This could be due to incompetence, but the culprit is likely a much older and more formidable opponent: greed. And concerns about the conflicts of interest in the USDA stem right from the top.
A Culture of Greed
As the head of the USDA since 2017, Sonny Perdue has some disturbing ties to an industry he’s meant to regulate. Before his appointment, Perdue was a veterinarian, fertilizer salesman, and Governor of Georgia. Having developed many contacts in the agricultural profession, Perdue has received hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign donations from the industry. He’s since introduced a roster of severely underqualified candidates to influential positions within the government’s agricultural oversight department.
At the beginning of this year, the USDA introduced the first guidelines for labeling GMOs. And while many were excited at the news, consumers and corporations alike shuddered when they discovered how inadequate the new rules were. Even Nestlé, worth over $302 billion at the time of publishing, had an issue with the labels:
The standards fall short of consumer expectations and the practices of leading food companies, particularly when it comes to how we are already disclosing highly-refined ingredients and the threshold for disclosure.”
GMO Health Risks
GMOs are living organisms – like fruits and vegetables – that have been artificially manipulated through genetic engineering. The technology was developed primarily to make crops resistant to toxic herbicides and pesticides but is now used to create crops that are bigger, brighter, and brown-resistant. There are many issues with GMOs.
#1. Toxic Chemicals Leading to Disease
First, the level of toxic chemicals from the overuse of herbicides and pesticides is tremendous in GMO crops, many of which are specifically engineered to be resistant to these chemicals. Bt toxins, used in GMO crops to kill insects, have been linked to inflammation and immune problems – especially those stemming from gut health. According to GMO expert Jeffrey Smith, these toxins can poke holes in human cells, leading to leaky gut. Leaky gut is associated with autism, autoimmune disease, inflammation, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, allergies, and cancer.
#2. Decreased Nutritional Value
Second, GMOs have a severe impact on the environment. The increased use of pesticides and other harsh chemicals has been shown to contribute to colony collapse disorder in bees. GMO seeds spread and cross-pollinate with real crops, becoming part of the gene pool. They hurt organic farmers, who simply can’t compete with the sheer scale of GMO farms. Perhaps most devastating, GMO farms strip the soil of essential nutrients, leading to a massive reduction in the nutritional value of our food today.
#3. NO Independent Safety Studies!
Finally, the FDA doesn’t require safety studies on GMOs, and instead relies on companies like Monsanto to regulate GMO safety themselves. Because biotech firms claim that their GMOs are proprietary, independent research regarding their safety is virtually non-existent. This means that every study evaluating the safety or possible collateral damage stemming from the use of GMOs is conducted by the companies who manufacture them in the first place!
This is especially troublesome when it comes to regulation. Perdue has made it clear that the “USDA does not regulate or have any plans to regulate plants that could otherwise have been developed through traditional breeding techniques.” But guess who determines whether or not a GMO crop is identical to a real crop? You guess it. The manufacturers.
GMO development is already the wild west of the food world, with very few rules, misleading labeling requirements, and virtually no reliable safety studies. Now, Sonny Perdue and the USDA are taking further steps to assist their friends in the agricultural industry. And with millions of dollars being spent on campaign donations, gifts, and lobbying efforts, companies like Bayer/Monsanto, DuPont, BASF, and Dow Chemical Company aren’t likely to be held in check any time soon.
How to Fight Back
Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself as these companies continue to operate without any real oversight. The first is to shop, grow, and eat organic whenever possible. This means carefully checking labels, supporting local farmers, and growing your own natural garden. GMOs are significantly less expensive in the short run, but organic, non-GMO food will protect your health and longevity for years to come.
Grow Your Own Organic Garden
When growing food, it’s important to plant food that is appropriate for the region and maintain healthy biodiversity. Eating with the seasons and favoring foods native to your environment will go a long way in preserving the nutrient content of your soil and ensuring the most nutritious foods possible.
Stay Informed
Second, it’s important that you stay informed. One excellent tool is the Non-GMO project, which provides a massive library of research and tools to help you avoid GMOs and fight back against new, pro-GMO legislation. They even have an app that will allow you to scan barcodes and make sure the food you’re buying is truly free of GMOs.
You can also stay in touch with your representatives. Sonny Perdue’s nomination was approved by a senate committee 19-1. This means that all of the following U.S. representatives were perfectly happy to let someone with significant financial ties to the agricultural industry lead the effort to regulate it:
- Pat Roberts, Kansas
- Mitch McConnell, Kentucky
- John Boozman, Ankansas
- Debbie Stabenow, Michigan
- Thad Cochran, Mississippi
- Patrick Leahy, Vermont
- John Hoeven, North Dakota
- Sherrod Brown, Ohio
- Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota
- Joni Ernst, Iowa
- John Thune, South Dakota
- Michael Bennet, Colorado
- Joe Donnelly, Indiana
- Chuck Grassley, Iowa
- Steve Daines, Montana
- Heidi Heitkamp, North Dakota
- Bob Casey, Pennsylvania
- Tina Smith, Minnesota
- Deb Fischer, Nebraska
You can find their email addresses and phone numbers here.
Being informed matters. Making our voices heard matters.
The best way to get money out of our regulatory bodies is to send a message to Washington that this kind of behavior won’t be tolerated. Your representatives work for YOU. If they don’t protect your interests, they don’t deserve your votes.
Start a Regular Natural Detox Regimen
Finally, it’s extremely important that you maintain a regular detoxification regimen. Despite our best efforts, GMOs and their byproducts are becoming harder and harder to avoid. Loopholes in the current labeling requirements allow companies to market their food as organic, even if it contains GMO products. Chemicals like glyphosate are being found in groundwater, soil, and even crops that weren’t directly sprayed with the chemical.
And GMOs are just one of the many ways that harmful toxins invade our lives. Pollution, drugs, hygiene and cleaning products, and even negative emotions all contribute to toxic overload. Our bodies have natural detoxification pathways that help eliminate these dangerous toxins, but we live in a world where the toxic burden is simply too much for our bodies to handle alone.
You can help support your body by giving it a detoxifying boost. Avoiding toxins is a start, but methods like cleansing, fasting, or juicing can go a long way to repairing vital organs that may become damaged.
Article Summary
We believe President Trump is on the wrong side of the GMO issue.
The U.S. is actively moving to dismantle GMO regulations and oversight.
The U.S. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) recently outlined a plan to stimulate the development of GMOs.
Sonny Perdue, the current U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, has some disturbing ties to an industry he’s meant to regulate.
GMO Health Risks:
- Toxic chemicals leading to disease
- Decreased nutritional value
- NO independent safety studies!
Action Steps to Become GMO Free:
- Grow your own organic garden
- Stay informed
- Start a natural detox regimen
I completely agree. I think that President Trump is being misled by big Ag and he believes he’s really doing the best for the country. So we need to pray and ask the Lord for a way to put good information in our presidents hands so that he could come to the understanding that these things are dangerous and harmful to the American people. He needs better advisers.
“From the beginning, we have been big Trump supporters, as we believe that he truly loves our country and has not been “bought” like many politicians.
He has the courage to say things that most politicians won’t say, and he has a business background, rather than being a “lifetime politician” who has never had a “real” job.”
Really??? – Time to start production of “The Truth About Trump”. Maybe in your research for the film you will learn that as a quintessential example of narcissistic personality disorder, he only loves himself, not his country – and proves it every day with his policies and rhetoric (kids in cages??? – hello?). You will learn of his consistent failures in business where his standard business model is fraud – the evidence is available for anyone to see. He does not know what a “real” job is, even as President, where he spends most of his time watching FOX News, playing golf, tweeting falsehoods & insults, glorifying himself at rallies, and distorting the truth (10,000x verified and counting) – all at taxpayers expense. Indeed – a “Truth About Trump” production will be quite a public service. I heartily recommend it – a veritable cancer on our country and the world it seems, as most of the rest of the world already knows.
I agree with Malcolm’s every word. What a disappointment. I will be unsubscribing from this website.
Malcolm: I totally agree! I’m amazed that people still stand by him.
Is there a link where we can send to the President our deep concerns over GMO? Yup! He’s doing good in many ways but here we need to speak up!
He is the best president we have ever had. All the previouspresidents talked about not letting South Korea get the bomb. He put sanctions on them and hopefully he’ll be successful. The Chinese have been treating America like a fool – Only Trump stands up to them.The Chinese have the audacity to steal our corporate secrets and make a stealth bomber which is almost an exact copy of the one we spent billions in devoloping. Obam Bam did nothing. Trump is not willing to have America taken for a fool. God help us from people like you and let us pray that after he finishes his 8 years there will be another one like him to lead us out of the situation which the past 8 presidents have put us into. Leting our enemies arm and steal our technological secrets with impunity – ignoring all copyright laws … I remember in university being given a soft cover book printed in CHina wich was a pirated copy of the one put out by Prentice Hall. We need someone who will stand up for our rights.
I do disagree with him about GMO’s though
Its a very sad day when people disparage any Pres. I was not a fan of the last one but hoped he would be a successful Pres. Who in there right mind would not want their Pres to be successful. Operative term: in their right mind.
Agree. It is more than a sad day when many liberals want their pres to commit a crime, and if He doesn’t, charge Him with the same crime He did not commit. They also tried to make AG Barr commit a crime by releasing classified confidential information.
First of all, you are not or never have been a Trump supporter so please don’t try to bait anyone with your propaganda. Learn your facts…..btw Obama had the kids in the Cages. Now I do not agree with Trumps GMO policies and will fight against this policy if true. The Democrats lead the way in Big Pharma and poisoning us. I usually don’t reply to people but the misinformation like your spreading needs to stop…………………
Let be straight… no one is perfect, even Trump. But your obvious hatred is blinding you to things he is doing and fighting upstream every inch. Please, at least watch alternative news to balance that hatred out. It’s is very unhealthy.
The trolls have landed. Please take your Trump-hating lies elsewhere.
Thank heavens at least Sonny Purdue did not actually work for Monsanto like Obama’s appointee did. I have been anti glysophate for years. Have there been any actual FACTS about him promoting glysophate? None are ion this article. I educate everyone about glysophate. I do not condemn & smear people for their ignorance. Educate. Sent scientific articles to the Secretary & FDA. Find solutions.
I love you guys, but putting any faith in that Phony, Trump, is setting you up for betrayal. Like now. Please tell me what he has ever actually done to make you think he gives a damn about anyone besides himself.
1. Not taking a salary from White House
2. Telling Mexico he will tariff them if they don’t stop illegals flooding into our country, which finally led to hundreds of arrests
3. Best economy in decades with job situation best it’s been for blacks, women, Hispanics
4. Killing horrible Iran deal
5. Making the dossiers transparent so that we can see who was REALLY colluding with the Russians
6. Allowing the democrat fascist investigation (which OUR TAXES paid for btw) access to his lawyer for hours of testimony and many others because he has nothing to hide
Read Mark Levin’s unfreedom of the press. If you are getting your “news” from major media outlets with tanking ratings, you’re sorely misinformed.
It’s scary times we live in with lies masquerading as truth.
How can you support this President who has done more to take away the safeguards for health, human welfare and our planet.
If you truly want better health for people, especially to stop and find a cure or a healthy way to treat and medicate Cancer it is beyond my understanding that you are backing this regime!
You say contact This President so he can read the truth about GMO’s he does not read anything , he rarely
Studies Facts he believes he already knows it All!
I am shocked that you can believe he has anyone’s back except his own and could care less about Health Care
For Americans.
For All the Good You Advocate this Really Changes
My Opinion on how you can refuse to see what
Trump is Doing !
This has nothing to do with a Political Party Choice and Everything to do with Integrity , Humility and the Legacy
A Person in the Highest Office makes Choices About.
Since you mention the Ores doesn’t study facts how about referencing the facts you are quoting. Hopefully there not borrowed opinions from CNN.
Since you seem to be more informed than our Pres could you please offer the references of ALL your FACTS so we can be more informed. Thanks
This sort of action does not bode well for Canada as well. One could chat about trade or health care and inter- gov. talks on agriculture and joint health initiatives. Canada at some point tries to follow the USA. Personally there is no win win in this for both countries. Those whom are good at this kind of work in talking to those in leadership should get there boots on, and we need to find ways to support them in getting the truth out in a formal well put together way.
Spreading falsehoods. Trump has NO such policy as “kids in cages”. How does one incarcerate a lawbreakerparent with his child?
You can’t. You have to put the child somewhere else, like juvenile detention.
We need to concentrate on getting LESS GMO. Not moreď
I love you guys and have always appreciated how informative you are by being able to provide your research and put the information out there in an unbiased way but rather a “here’s valuable info, do as you wish with it”, take, which is really refreshing when we live in a world of do this/don’t do that, rhetoric.
And while I appreciate the awareness brought by way of this post, I gotta say, its really disappointing you open it with your personal outlooks and feelings of Trump and his politics, showing clear bias. I just feel it has no place here and in your mission to your supporters to be so vocal about your position, politically. It sadly starts to make your mission/efforts come from a sided place and I’ve never felt like that from TTAC until now.
Jill, thank you for taking the time to reach out to us about this. The way you feel is important to us, we greatly appreciate your honest feedback, and we will certainly be passing your feedback onward! Thank you for your support of our mission.
I couldn’t agree more. You comments are on point Jill. Highly disappointing and will be praying about continuing to receive these emails. To all supporters of Trump. Be advised, God allowed Trump to become president for His purpose which is NOT to be confused His endorsement.
absolutely agree. i never click on anything from ttac to hear what anyone believes about politics or politicians. the only thing i look forward to reading and learning about is how to fight cancer. so disappointed in ttac.
I find their honesty refreshing. Even though they like Trump ,they don’t let that stand in the way of reporting some very sad news , which will make it harder to stay healthy and they know that . Hence their honest revealing statements. This isn’t about politics, it is about the daily fight to be allowed to be informed and eat healthy foods. Thank you Ty and Charlene, May God bless you and your family.
Thank you for your continued support. We are truth seekers. Keeping others up-to-date on issues that matter most. We love humanity and want everyone to be healthy and happy.
No, this is the 2nd thing u did that lost my faith in you. You promoted the pebble mine in Alaska and now this. Hope you will fix thix.
I always followed your cause, but now that I found out your fell for Trump’s baloney, I am so disappointed. I think you should have kept that private; it will hurt your mission. It will make people question your evaluative skills. There is plenty of evidence out there on video showing that Trump can’t even READ. And I don’t understand why you would support his vile comments against women that came out before the election. Very disturbing.
I agree with Rhonda.
This is shocking and Extremely disappointing, to say the least.
We already have countries who won’t buy our GMO food. So, this will hurt trade, too.
Actually if you do a little research you may find those countries don’t import any agricultural products from the US because of toxic chemicals used for growing them. So no loss of trade. Thats what happens when governments care about the health of their people.
I think you are addressing this the wrong way. We do not want more government regulation. We want less government regulation. We should be free to pursue whatever cancer cure that we want. We should be able to say NO to immunizations. The drug companies own the medical industry, because of the power granted to them through the government (by lobbying). We need freedom. We need to tell the Government to stay out of our lives. We need to tell the drug companies to stay out of our lives. Let the power of plants and foods heal us of all illnesses.
Hear, hear. Individual Liberty. Where there’s risk, there must be choice. Protect #informedconsent. #vaxwoke. Vote republican. Save America.
Little tidbit of into: where there is democrat majority, there is less individual liberty and push for onerous vaccine mandates.
Wow! You lost me in the first sentence when you said you supported Trump.
As always we believe that the King is good. He just doesn’t know… maybe it is so at this time.
And – never stop trying to make your voice heard!
I was really taken aback – actually overwhelmed! – to learn that Ty&Charlene are Trump supporters. The formidable work that you’ve done so far goes really against Big Pharma and biotech giants’ stream, and I’m afraid your president is no saint at all, like Malcolm Clark says in his comment…I’m really sorry for all American citizens, you’d better wake up from that nightmare and push back those demons before it’s too late…best regards and keep on shedding the Light
So so sad to hear your Trump supporters.. Trump has been ruining our environment, consumer protection, human rights, etc etc. etc. since he entered the Oval Office. Just look at his executive orders.
You post about Monsanto…why do you think that pesticide is still being used, when it should be banned.
I pray for him every day that he would realize and correct the hatred he fuels and undue the damage he is doing to us, the people. It’s sad to say, he is not for the people.
Unfortunately, I had to unsubscribe.
I love you guys and what you stand for. Thanks for sharing about Trump. I’ve been a supporter from the beginning and all the comments you have received above are from the sad people of the country that want the US to stay down and in a slump with LibTards running this country so we are semi-socialistic and people running it like the former president that got us into the mess we’re in now with their “above the law” antics. Stay healthy and with Trump in office, Stay Wealthy too!!
Thank you for a very informative blog. We have to act urgently and continuously to get GMOs under our control and out of our food supply. I love and respect you regardless of who you vote for, and we should not get bogged down with everyone’s strong feelings along party lines. This issue is way too important to be sidetracked by political polemics. The power holders always want to divide and conquer us, so we don’t get to act with exponentially greater power — as we would if we focused on the issues that matter and joined forces to enforce our rights. This is about the integrity of our food and water supply, our health, our children’s future. Eating clean, nontoxic food is everyone’s right. And maybe President Trump really needs to hear from the people — if we can get through the firewall.
The Big(insert word here, Big Pharma, Big Medicine. Big Government, Big Insurance, Big Long-Term Care, Big AG, ad nauseum) have us all in a closed-loop system. Big AG feeds us garbage food, we get sick, Big Medicine gets rich diagnosing us, Big Pharma pushes pills down our throat, Big Long-Term care takes at least $10,000/month, and Big Insurance tells us what they will pay. And, Big Government says it’s all OK. I am looking at my family. Great-Grand parents that lived, in good health, until their mid-80″s. Grandparents that made it to their early 70’s, Parents that barely made it to their late 60’s. Wait, isn’t this going in the wrong direction? Yes, it is, thanks to Big AG, and Big Government, who operate unchecked. There is a reason that countries like the EU & Mexico, won’t allow our garbage GMO crap into their countries. Remember when we were kids? Finding a caterpillar was an everyday joyous event. How long has it been since you or your kids have found one? Mother Nature is going to win this battle. If she can’t flood or shake, or blow us off the face of the Earth that we are abusing to death, she will stave us off it. Think it can’t happen? Think again. There are few from Ireland who don’t remember the “Irish Potato Famine” that drove many to immigrate to the USA.
Sorry to see you’re deleting comments that aren’t so favorable. That’s a shame. Maybe the comments are a message . More work to be done?
You are in my prayers . Many Thanks for the work you did do, but lots more is needed.
Thank you Ty and Charlene for your courage to support our courageous President, while pointing out that in the case of GMO’s he is incorrect. Sadly, many who commented above are indoctrinated by the propaganda and a they have been spoon-fed by the so-called mainstream media. I am also guessing they are lost. Wisdom and discernment are missing in their lives as a result. Please keep speaking out on the truth and do not hesitate to support the greatest President of the people of all time. Thank you!
Thank you, Sherri, we will continue to search for the truth and speak it!
Thank you for taking a stand. I support and believe in our president too. Like you, I also think that GMO restriction lifting is not a good thing. Trump is deregulating so much to release the restraints of the government, which is a good thing, but this is one area that needs to be regulated. I’m not a believer in the government agencies that are suppose to keep us safe. Praying that private sector will show how unsustainable GMOs truly are!
Thank you for taking a stand with us!
Yes, I looked past your need to talk about your religious views, but now you have said you support Trump & I really can’t believe anything you say now, if that’s your judgement on Trump. I was a big supporter of you, but now I’m going to get my info elsewhere.
TTAC— I am so glad you are openly supporting Trump— we need more Christians voicing this Truth!
I believe Trump was put in office by God & it is not Trump’s agenda , this is God’s agenda. But like any human-being, he makes mistakes and isn’t all-knowing. The only medication he takes is a Statin drug , which is totally useless & is causing more harm to his body. I think that President Trump is being misled by some of his advisors and he believes he’s really doing the best for the country. So we need to pray and ask the Lord for a way to put good information in our presidents hands so that he could come to the understanding that these things are dangerous and harmful to the American people. According to Mark Taylor’s Trump Prophecy website—The Spirit of God states He has appointed Trump to carry out His Agenda! So thank you so much for supporting Trump! We need more warriors for God out there fighting this war against the dark evil systems that are within our government!
As a Trump supporter I agree in general with your sentimen’s towards the President. However I have to agree that proclaiming your admiration for the President was counter-productive as I’m unaware of his support for any natural and/or alternative solutions to our “sickness” crisis.
Specifically, what has he done that supports your mission?
I’m failing to think of a time Trump DIDN’T fall in line with the wishes of big Corporations. This Executive Order isn’t surprising, but it’s definitely terrifying. GMOs are going to get so cheap and so attractive they’ll be like high fructose corn syrup times 1,000 — damn near impossible to avoid. And we have NO IDEA where this experiment will lead. 🙁 Sad.
How about President Trump trying to secure the border to keep cheap labor illegal aliens from coming into the country which big corporations love to hire. How about threatening big Auto if they send jobs out of the country. That’s two right off the top of my head. You must be liberal.
You are so Right!
Here’s the crucial facts about why it’s more Godly to support President Trump and why evangelicals believe God has put Trump in and kept Hillary Trump out.
Everyone dies. Regardless of what you eat, you die. Why? Because no man is good (Rom. 3:10),, all sin (Rom. 3:23), and so God has pronounce the death sentence on all of humanity; “The wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23).
This is not to say we should take care of our food supply, but is just about the support of President Trump.
Having said that, the issue that is of first importance is eternity. God has given us His Word that He has provided a Savior in the person and Godhead figure of Jesus Christ that all need to not suffer perfect justice for their sins for all of eternity. (If sin is wrong now, it’s wrong for all of eternity, thus eternal justice is necessary.). The power to save a person from this justice comes through the preaching of the Gospel: the suffering death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Rom. 1:16). Gospel means “Good News”.
Hillary Clinton wants to squelch the preaching of the ‘Good News’. The phrase she consistently uses is ‘freedom FOR religion’, NOT freedom OF religion! Do you know her college background and the Marxists she followed? Marxist hate the Truth; Marxists hate the freedom -giving Gospel; Marxists hate God. And they’re even brazen to say it.
President Trump, though there is no fruit to evidence him having been born -again by the miracle of God (and actually be a Christian (yet),
he stands up and supports religious freedom to worship as we please. And that includes Christianity, the basis of the founding principles of our country and the one true faith. Jesus Christ is the only one that declared/claimed, “I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life.” If we want to save freedom and more importantly our souls, we MUST support the leaders that will not hamper the proclamation of the Gospel. It’s very simply understood that even a child can understand, yet, it requires a miracle from God. When you come as He says…humble and contrite broken heart over your sin (lied, stolen, looked w/ lust, dishonored parents,,coveted…even once), coupled w/ truth in the Savior, God will reveal Himself to you as Lord. No man talks you into that, so no man can talk you out.
There you are in Rev. 13, among the Beast’s adoring idolaters. Authentically Christian myself, baptized in the water of penitential tears and the unquenchable fire of the Spirit, both bestowed on me by the will and initiative of the One God of Truth, I am horror-struck at the demon-possessed delusional state in which you claim to be “Christian,” while you blasphemously invest your filthy idol with divine anointment.
Look at the sins you name, which a true Christian has repented of: “lied, stolen, looked w/ lust, dishonored parents,,coveted …” — the very brandmarks seared indelibly on your Trump incapable of repentance! What hope does prophecy hold out for your repentance and healing from your fatal delusion?
There you are again among the deluded of 2 Thes. 2:8-12. I look at your Lawless One seducing you with promises of benefit, exactly as Jesus did in Mt. 4:8-11 (and cf. Gen.3), and in the power of Christ order him, “GET AWAY FROM ME SATAN!”
I am sorry, but, your analogies are some of the most ridiculous that I have ever heard! Bottom line is we ARE GOD’S TEMPLE AND ARE TO TREAT IT AS GOD’S TEMPLE. Putting known harmful products into our “”Temple” is a sin. Your death statements spread doom and gloom and God commands us to live joyful lives!! Trump is NOT God! I voted for him, but, he has made a HUGE mistake with this Executive Order…..IT IS SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN THAT GMO’S HARM OUR HEALTH, WHICH IN TURN HARM GOD’S TEMPLE! PERIOD!
Great informative article! As for mentioning Trump, who cares? I like transparency and if they backed Trump, at least they have the courage to say when they think he’s in the wrong. Also, on a side note, it kills me when people say “he’s a narcissistic”. please tell me a President who isn’t. What’s he done you say? How about record lows in unemployment for African Americans and Hispanics, record highs in the stock market, removing the Iran deal, turning inner cities around with Ben Carson, and giving us back more religious freedom. I’m sure that’s all done because he’s such a self centered person who really hates our country. Oh yeah… those kids in cages you spoke about, that was on Barak Obama’s watch, not Trumps. The monster you think he is, is really the President we had before Trump. It’s so strange to me when people attack someone for their personality and don’t see the things that have been done to improve our Country. Stop watching so much CNN kids!
Whew! Lol. Anyway, whatever our opinions I think TTAC really helps a lot of people so let’s not take them to task if our politics don’t line up just right.
Thank you for your continued support of our mission, Will!
Sonny Perdue is not the only fox guarding the henhouse. Interior secretary David Bernhardt was an oil lobbyist, EPA head Andrew Wheeler was a lobbyist for the coal industry. Clean air regulations have already been rolled back and there are current efforts going on to stop the regulation of mercury levels in fish. We can’t just avoid the government with healthy choices. You can’t take a forest bath when the forests are on fire and the only proposal from the administration is to “rake the forests.” Protecting our health and the well being of future generations does indeed require citizen response, not just by contacting legislators who have already shown they will sacrifice the greater good for profit, but at the ballot box.
So sad to see that several commenters have been so gullible to believe the lies main stream media has spread and continues to spread about President Trump. The “children in cages” was initiated by Obama, without objections from anyone. For two and 1/2 years they spread lies about “Russia collusion” when there never was any evidence of it and now it has been thoroughly debunked as a hoax. Pres. Obama and corrupt FBI officials, some of whom have already been indicted for lying to Congress and for other crimes, spied on Pres. Trump and committed other crimes that are now under investigation by the Justice Department. President Trump loves our Country and our Constitution. Most people in the U.S. are not aware of the dangers of GMOs because of the lies of Monsanto and Pres. Obama’s appointment of Mark Taylor, a Monsanto vice president, as FDA director at the time GMOs were being evaluated by the FDA. Despite the objections of the majority of FDA scientists, Mark Taylor approved GMOs as safe. I know that if President Trump knew the truth about GMOs, this current executive order would never have happened. I know he cares about the happiness and freedom of all U.S. citizens. The vicious lies and character assassination spewed 24/7 by CNN, MSNBC and other main stream media against President Trump and his family is unconscionable. We just need to make sure he is thoroughly educated about the dangers of GMOs and then we will have veritable warrior on our side..
Thank you for telling us about this. The propaganda laws were removed during the Obama administration and it is now ok for our government to use propaganda against it’s own people. It is very disturbing propaganda would be used to get us to buy GMOs that aren’t tested for safety and have had safety issues in the past.
Why do people think it’s ok to tell other people they can’t like Trump and want to force everyone to believe the way they do? Anti-Trump people are as bad as religious people who try to force their religion on everyone. Do you guys want a dictatorship with only one political party? We need more options, not fewer. I’m tired of only having only two political parties. I’m not a Trump supporter, but I am so glad we didn’t end up with Hillary. Obama was just as awful, but I don’t remember anyone harassing the Obama supporters like this. You guys need to learn tolerance and acceptance for people who believe differently than you.
I’m sure you’ve wrestled with your beliefs and I’m glad you’ve found your way out the other side. Let’s leave political affiliation out of this debate and consider the facts. There is a huge difference between farm practices, regulations food quality and the food industry globally compared to North America. The current situation needs to improve on all levels but ultimately the consumer must be able to make informed decisions about their purchases. Allergies, sensitivities and diseases are increasing and diet is the first defense. I would feel better about having GMO products in stores IF they were accurately labeled giving me the opportunity to choose between GMO and non-GMO ingredients. I’m sick, need to be careful about what I eat and because of inaccurate labels I have eaten things that appear to be safe for me ACCORDING TO THE LABEL but were not. As a result I have not choice but to avoid everything processed and so everything I eat is fresh. This is a problem when I travel in Canada or the US, when I visit friends and family and am out socially because of what food I’m offered. I’m very sensitive to gluten and wheat by-products but sweeteners made from wheat are in products labeled non-GMO. Wheat is also made into Ascorbic Acid (Vit C) also found in “healthy” products but not properly labeled. If GMO products are safe why the secrecy and deception? Be honest with consumers. Let us choose, let us make informed decisions. Laws about freedom of speech and the right to protect ourselves are being violated. The optics are that big business is more important than the people and that governments are complicit with these industries and will even pass laws that give them all the latitude they need to control the country while creating a population plagued with disease and poor health. Why can chemicals, pharmaceuticals and food be allowed on the market without safety testing? Why does a generation have to become deathly sick to prove that these things are not safe? Did we not learn anything from the human experiment with tobacco? Do we have to repeat this process with every one on the 85,000+ chemicals on the market today? In theory food has the power to heal but not when it is riddled with chemicals that destroy our micro biome and our immune systems. On April 24, 2019 Blue Cross Blue Shield released a report titled “The Health of Millennials” which documents the decline of our health and the prevalence of many medical conditions between 2014 and 2017. Very interesting read . No one is immune but we should at least have a fighting chance. If nothing else is done we must have improved labeling. Government has a responsibility to its people to keep us safe. Current policy doesn’t even come close and in fact is deliberately causing disease and misery and financial ruin for millions of its citizens. Why are the food produced in N America banned from other countries? Their standards are higher and our products aren’t good enough. There are studies done in other countries that clearly show the problems and those countries have taken the position that their citizens deserve better. Don’t we deserve better too? In Jan and Feb of this year I couldn’t leave my bed. I’m single, unable to work and facing financial ruin, spending my retirement savings today because of my health which makes me a statistic. By not contributing to society I’m now a drain on our national resources. This isn’t a philosophical discussion for me.
The best antidote to the gmo food problem is healing music tones especially Love 528. Listen to these DNA healing tones for a few minutes daily. Many good ones on YouTube and other music streaming places, and the man who discovered these sacred tones Leonard Harowitz on Love 528 music can also be applied directly to wounds or cancer and even the gmo foods themselves, given the right speaker device.
Why should anyone be shocked at President Trump’s behavior regarding this issue? I do believe some of his actions have proven beneficial for our nation – but many have not. For instance, he’s staunchly promoting the USMCA – which is merely the trade pacts he supposedly opposed, on steroids. If anyone has ever read G. Edward Griffin’s book, CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND,, you would know our President is surrounded by, and controlled to a great extent by, the Deep State — the secretive, behind-the-scenes cabal leading us into a Godless world government under the auspices of the U.N.
After reading the aforementioned book, read Griffin’s book, WORLD WITHOUT CANCER, written back in the 70’s I believe.. You’ll get even madder. But your eyes will be opened as to why the wars continue, and supposedly “good Presidents” go wayward so very quickly. Personally, I don’t read or watch ANY standard or TV news, including FOX, preferring to read the truth at Putting one’s faith in ANY politician is SO very foolish. The American people have shunned their duty to keep their elected Representatives feet to the fire, as regards the U.S. Constitution, for generations. So why should they now sit in wonderment as to why they’re now being fed a diet which will most likely shorten their lives, and keep them dependent on Big Pharma’s drugs? Find out what percentage of time YOUR Congressman and Senators vote to support the Constitution, by clicking on the Freedom Index at and then contacting those whose records are under 90%!
I was surprised, and disappointed, to read that you have been big Trump supporters all this time—I couldn’t understand. I’m a New Yorker and grew up with Trump in the background forever. At the tender age of 15 I’ve concluded that you cannot trust this guy, he’s smarmy all around and the older he got the worse he is. Unfortunately, his followers refuse to see the truth.
You believe he “truly loves our country” – only because he finds ways of making money off it and to hell with the people btw. You believe he “has not been ‘bought’ like many politicians” – that’s because he was the one doing the buying! Don’t kid yourselves, he’s being bought, because, guess what, he is now a politician. When you start seeing Trump golf courses and resorts popping up after he leaves office, you’ll know he was bought.
You say “he has the courage to say things that most politicians won’t say” – that’s because what he says is vitriolic, insensitive, dangerous and downright stupid. When his own cabinet is afraid to tell him things for fear that he’ll blurt the information—that’s not courage. Thanks to his “courage” he has revived bigotry to astronomical levels, and he is totally clueless that this is wrong. “He has a business background,” sure he may know some tricks, but he’s running this country into the ground. Come on, 11 bankruptcies—that’s exactly how he’s running the country.
To say he’s “on the wrong side of the GMO issue” I agree. But he’s also on the wrong side of MANY things, primarily environmental, like climate warming, protecting national parks, protecting wildlife, etc. BTW, I believe he has some ties to Bayer. If I’m not mistaken, Trump allowed this merge to happen. Yep, he’s bought.
Thank you, Sandra. I am so out of here, after reading that so many TTAC followers are Trumpers. God save us from him and his ilk.
I agree wholeheartedly and being from the East Coast, Trump’s rhetoric has not changed and in fact was heightened when he unfortunately became President to represent our beautiful country. If he loved our country then why didn’t he serve in the Vietnam War and why does he continue to mock and degrade people who have like Senator McCain. He does not stand for the good of our country or its people. He stands for large corporations and lining his and their pockets at the expenses of hard working descent people. Here is a small representation of some of his “accomplishments” (as he views it) that he is quite proud of:
-Defies EPA & proposes new approval of glyphosate
-Approves merger of Bayer-Monsanto- Bayer the 2nd largest purveyor of pesticides development and use, Monsanto -largest GMO seed company
Trying to push GMO seeds to farmers and not give them a choice and increase pesticide use & pollution for all
-Supports the proposal to permit drilling in most US Continental -shelf waters including protected areas of the Arctic and the Atlantic which is opposed by Governors from NJ to Florida, over a dozen attorney’s general, more than 100 lawmakers and the Defense Dept.
-Nominating unqualified corporate executives to head up governmental departments to increase profits for large corporations. Such as Michael Dourson to head the EPAs Office of Chemical Safety & Pollution Prevention. Dourson is a long-time executive with a history of manipulating scientific research to benefit corporate interests. Fortunately Dourson withdrew his nomination due to Senate and public pressure.
Another such nominee, Sam Clovis, who also withdrew his nomination, was considered for Chief Scientist at the USDA , who is known for promoting profits over the protection of farmers, food safety and the environment.
And the list goes on and on…
SO- the GMO restrictions is only some more icing on the cake. People who truly ” love ” our country would not be trying to go backwards, but instead more forward for the good of the health and well being of our people and the environment and to make our country thrive in all aspects. To fully support a leader or any leader in the government who is trying to damage this is irresponsible and quite naive. But thank you for coming to the party opposing the
GMO restrictions.
How old are you again ? I voted for Trump, because Hillary was/is a joke.Everything you said, is on mark. Except I don’t believe he is running this country into the ground. Things have improved across the board with in terms of economy and unemployment. But, when it comes to the economy he is just to gung ho when it comes to large behemoth corporations. Giving them free reign to destroy the land and the sea and the air, will never be good for the population he was sworn to protect. That’s his claim to fame, big business.It’s to bad he is to ignorant to know which ones to support. Removing regulations from certain things goes against everything we’ve strived for over the years. And an executive order is made for one reason. To protect certain corporations. In this case Monsanto/Bayer. How dare he say he’s here for the people. I’ve been waiting for him to show his true colors. And he has. If there is such a thing as a conscious anymore, people need to learn to discern when they are being lied to and when someone is telling them to shut up and look at the whole issue. And this includes the Trump man.
Has Trump really not been “bought?” He has supported and put money in the pockets of all the big companies seeking to destroy this Earth for profit and greed. He has stripped protection of our sacred rights, our lands, waters, animals and national parks in the name of oil and money. If he really cared about the people, he would promote our wellness and the Earth’s wellness, sustainable means and resources. He would make deadly cancer-causing pesticides illegal. He would put energy into restoring what is out of balance because without an Earth there is no home for any of us, and without health in our bodies from clear air, clean food, and clean water, we are dead. His actions have furthered the imbalance on this Planet tremendously. He is destroying what little we have left, without a blink of an eye, because he is BOUGHT.
This makes me so, so very sad that STILL you support Trump after all the chaos he has already brought to this world and its people, plants and animals. My heart is broken, as I truly believed that you were people who fought for the LIFE and health and well-being of all living creatures, and who knew how important it is to take care of this Planet, in order to take care of its people also.
It may sound like a big conspiracy is my personal belief that this is one way to get the population down to the 500.000.000 as stated in the Georgia Guidestones. And whoever and survive the onslaught of the GMOs. They will try to get us into a nuclear war will China and Russia I and finish off the survivors the country is run by a bunch of lunatics at a cult figures. Not only this country but most all country. It is best advised to get to know our creator. Of the spirit Realm. They hope to accomplish their evil Deeds by the year 2030. If not before .
God bless you Charlene and your precious family and your wonderful team and all those that stand for the truth and support you in your work. God bless you ALL for standing for what is true and right! You may make some enemies and also lose some “fans” on the way but that means they were not really open to hear the TRUTH ABOUT “THINGS” anyway and our wonderful God always makes up for these kinds of “losses”. He doesn’t like lukewarm people, He likes people who stand for His TRUTH. Thank you for doing just that! Keep earning and casting crowns. Love you and admire you so much!
WOW!❤ Thank you so much for kind words and for lifting us up in the face of opposition. We love humanity and want everyone to be healthy and happy. Let’s continue to fight this good fight together. May God’s blessings shine upon you!✨
I supported Trump but not anymore.
Trump is a globalist, a Zionist and a liar, he is not a savior. He works for the swamp.
The White house is really the Jew House.
He was put in office to pacify the right
Thank you Ty and Charlene for these updates on GMO’s, and caring about humanity, health, wellness and our environment. I am grateful that you are willing to share your knowledge and experiences to help others. Blessings to you both.
Blessings to you as well, Mary! We appreciate your support!
I greatly appreciate all the wonderful information from TTAC, but I strongly suggest that you leave politics out of it. Both religion and politics are controversial subjects and when you introduce either one into the conversation, it is distracting and sends people off on a tangent. Regardless of whether you support Trump or not (I do not), the issue of GMOs in our food is a serious concern. Let’s keep the focus on the real issue and present facts solely related to that.
Hi Kim, thank you for your feedback. We have passed your feedback along for future writings. Please know our intentions were not to create political controversy but rather to be open and transparent. All the best!