Through the ages, many have attempted to explain both what cancer is and what causes cancer.
Explanations that are frequently given for what cancer is or is caused by include:
- a fungus, a bacterial infection, a virus or viruses, parasites
- low oxygen
- acidic pH and emotional stress, and/or unresolved emotional issues
While virtually all of those things may indeed contribute to cancer, none of them accurately describe what cancer actually is or what the primary cause of cancer is.
The True Primary Cause of Cancer
In order to understand what cancer is and what causes cancer, you must first recognize that cancer is largely a disease created by man. With the possible exception of stress and unresolved emotional conflicts, virtually every proposed cause of cancer has been around for thousands of years.
Viruses, funguses, bacteria, parasites… you name it and they have always been present. In many instances they were more prevalent in times past when there was a much lower incidence of cancer. I will grant you that life is more hectic in today’s developed world than it was in simpler times. However, I think that there was nevertheless considerable stress and emotional burdens during the past too.
So what is it that has changed from the time when the rate of cancer was almost non-existent to where it has grown at a steep and largely steady rate? And notably to the point that today one in every two men and one in every three women are expected to encounter cancer in their lifetime?
Some might point to the fact that our lifespans have gotten ever longer (at least until very recently), and certainly cancer strikes at increasing rates as we age. However, that doesn’t explain why cancer has increased across all age groups.
The ONLY answer that can explain the rise of cancer which correlates precisely with the increased incidence of cancer is toxins. This is especially so if you consider the various forms of radiation to be toxins.
Granted that correlation does not always equal causation, but it does more often than not, and in the instance of cancer it is simply the only thing that makes sense.
Certainly there are other contributing factors such as cancer-causing foods in our standard Western diet, but there is simply no other sensible explanation. And frankly I have a very difficult time seeing how anybody who looks objectively at the facts could think differently. I can only suppose that they have not taken the time to take a thorough objective look. Or maybe they have wedded themselves to an idea, possibly for their own profit, to the point that they refuse to consider more logical alternatives.
Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize for discovering that cancer cells typically had low levels of oxygen. His discovery has been misreported far and wide as being a discovery that low oxygen causes cancer. Sometimes it is reported that he found that acidic pH also caused cancer, an idea which also has plenty of proponents. Neither one is true, though the misrepresentation has helped sell no end of books, products, and services. All of this based in large part on the idea that you can beat cancer with oxygen or beat cancer by raising pH levels.
Cancer cells have low oxygen and people with cancer have acidic pH levels because of the cancer process itself. Cancer cells stop taking in oxygen for respiration and revert to a more primitive form of respiration which utilizes glucose. A by-product of glucose respiration is lactic acid. Thus cancer cells have low oxygen levels and as the cancer progresses the blood pH becomes increasingly acidic from increased acid production.
(For more information about what Otto Warburg actually discovered and the roles of oxygen and pH in cancer, see my TTAC article: What Otto Warburg Actually Discovered About Cancer.)
In less developed countries such as many of those in Africa, proposed cancer causes such as funguses, viruses, bacteria, and parasites are much more abundant than in the Western world. If any of those items were primary causes of cancer (as opposed to contributing causes), then the incidence of cancer should be greater. But it isn’t.
In fact, just the opposite is true and their cancer rates are much lower than ours. It is only when the “developed world’s” industry and diet are introduced that cancer rates begin to climb steeply − and the climb continues as more and more Western industry and Western diets are introduced. Once again, the only thing which explains that is toxins.
As the late, great French scientist Antoine Bechamp told us almost 150 years ago… cancer and most other illness is caused by a combination of toxins and poor cellular terrain. Poor cellular terrain can be described as cells which have not been properly nourished, hydrated, cleansed, and oxygenated.
What Cancer Actually Is
That brings us to what cancer really is. Cancer is a survival mechanism, as Andreas Moritz pointed out in his book Cancer is Not a Disease – It is a Survival Mechanism. Cells that are put under stress by exposure to toxins, inflammation, and cellular stress can cause changes in the cellular mitochondria. In this process RNA instructions change so that the cells under stress revert to a primitive form of ATP energy production (respiration) whereby the cells stop taking in oxygen and begin using glucose to produce energy.
The cells also refuse to die. They multiply, and create a protective layer which makes them harder to kill. Normally, when cells are taking in oxygen for respiration, oxidation from Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) helps the cells undergo programmed cellular death via apoptosis or autophagy. When oxygen is no longer being taken in, such death does not occur.
Author’s Note: I have spent literally thousands of hours researching cancer, including mentoring by people I consider giants in the field. I certainly don’t know it all – far from it, and I am learning more every day. However, I do know enough to know that, though many things can contribute to cancer, toxins are indeed the primary cause. I am also pretty confident that I have a good idea about what cancer really is. As an example of not knowing it all and learning more every day, I still shake my head wryly when I think about how I pooh-poohed Andreas Moritz proposing that cancer was a defense mechanism when I first heard about it. But he was absolutely spot on. Ah, you live and you learn…or try to. 🙂
Article Summary
Through the ages, many have attempted to explain both what cancer is and what causes cancer.
Explanations that are frequently given for what cancer is or is caused by include:
- a fungus, a bacterial infection, a virus or viruses, parasites
- low oxygen
- acidic pH and emotional stress, and/or unresolved emotional issues
While these things may indeed contribute to cancer, none of them accurately describe what cancer actually is or what the primary cause of cancer is.
Cancer is largely a disease created by man.
The ONLY answer that can explain the rise of cancer which correlates precisely with the increased incidence of cancer is toxins. This is especially so if you consider the various forms of radiation to be toxins.
Author Andreas Moritz points out in his book, Cancer is Not a Disease – It is a Survival Mechanism that cells that are put under stress by exposure to toxins, inflammation, and cellular stress can cause changes in the cellular mitochondria
The cells then refuse to die. They multiply, and create a protective layer which makes them harder to kill.
I have been desperately trying to reach Ty to let him know about a Nrf2 synergizer, which reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, and Nrf1 which regenerates and builds mitochondria in the body. I wish there was a way to get him to contact me! He and millions of people need to know about this scientific medical breakthrough! I feel frustrated that I can’t get a hold of him to share this with him…
Hi Cindi,
Our customer support team would be more than happy to forward a message to Ty for you. You can create a ticket in our support system and they can forward your message to Ty through there.
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Hi cindi,
I think you will find that quercetin, vitamins C and E, and green tea extract diluted in water are a better combo than your herbs and curcumin.
Cindi, NRF2 actually can cause cancer.
sublimated water soluble extract of Chaga mushroom- Biochaga helps to clean toxins and fight cancer
Excellent information! Antoine Bechamp had it right. Keep up the good work.
This is a good article. It is very difficult to know why some people get cancer the first place; others do not. Cancer is a very complex disease. It is true that toxins can cause people to have cancer. A cell mutation can cause cancer. A raw organic vegan and fruit diet, juicing, and certain vitamin supplements can eliminate toxins from your body and help with cancer, but I am not too sure that it would cure the disease completely. I do not know. I am not a medical doctor.
I am a survivor who chose mastectomy for stage2 Breast cancer and then did the Gerson Therapy protocol and supplametation and I am cancer free. It does work! My Oncologist has watched me heal but he has done nothing but blood work to prove my success.
Very interesting Glad I can protect my family with cell guards and the ih20 system as recommended on THAC
Wonderful, informative, clear, and easily understood by the layperson article. Thank-you!
Very well written. I knew that the cancer cells stop producing ATP from oxygen and use sugar for food and survival. Regarding the PH level, I did not ever read that an acidic diet caused cancer, but that it made the environment inside the body more conducive for cancer to develop. The cancer process, using glucose for fuel with the by product being lactic acid would definitely affect the PH level. but I also think that if someone has an acidic PH level before getting cancer, for example by having an acidic diet, would also be a contributing factor to the development of cancer.
After my oldest son died from cancer, I spent several years to understand what happened. This is my opinion.
I like my cancer cells. Yes, the ones I was born with. Cancer cells are just as natural as skin cells, brain cells, liver cells, etc. Cancer cells are designed to protect us from foreign organisms that do not belong in our blood. I feed my cancer cells with the nutrients they need so that they can grow quickly when needed and so that they can produce the toxins needed to kill foreign organisms. When the foreign cells are dead, they no longer produce the toxins that trigger growth of cancer cells which will mostly go away. It is when we are deficient in the iodine, magnesium, zinc, manganese, and other essential nutrients, that cancer cells can grow and multiply, yet fail to protect us. An example of one such unwelcome organism is Candida. It doesn’t matter whether it enters threw a cut in our skin, threw our lungs or threw a hole in our gut, Candida does not belong in our blood stream. A growing colony of Candida will release toxins that trigger a rapid growth of Cancer Cells that will, if healthy, produce a toxin specifically designed to kill the Candida. But if you are deficient in needed nutrients, you are unhealthy and both the cancer cells and Candida will grow in size and eventually deplete our body of the nutrients we need to survive. There are ways to help the cancer cells eliminate Candida. These include the addition of oxygen, heat, iodine, and a good fungicide. Of course Candida is not the only foreign substance that will trigger such a reaction. Some things cannot be cured. An example is whole body exposure to high level ionizing radiation. [Especially from nuclear waste.]
You are kinda right but very wrong. Cancer cells are body cells that are mutants, misfits. You are thinking of our immune system like white blood cells, T-cells, etc. Not cancer cells, sweetie. I am so sorry about your son! Arghhhh. Was he being treated by our oh so wonderful high tech medical treatments? That is probably what killed him…seriously. Our bodies when healthy are able to take care of these mutant cells and other not so healthy microorganisms, alien invaders. I am so very sorry…can’t imagine…
What I have learned is that cancer is in all of our bodies ALL OF THE TIME. Our immune system supposedly when healthy takes care of these very common cellular misfits called cancer. Cancer is NOT man made. That is just silly. When our immune systems are compromised by overall poor health issues (by toxicity, poor nutrition especially in this society and major stress…dealing with huge amounts of stimulus we just have not evolved to be equipped to deal with) then the cancer cells get out of control. Does this not make sense? Why haven’t we heard more about deaths by cancer until we started this high tech treatment by radiation and chemotherapy? Prostate cancer…virtually all men will have prostate cancer at some point. My daddy died because he finally ‘gave in’ and went on chemotherapy. Everything went wacko, his entire body became 90 years old within months and he was only 60 something with coal black hair that went white. He was killed by the therapy.
How many people died a century ago from cancer of any type? I am sure some did but the difference between TODAY and a century ago are the treatments! The other thing different is our food! Crap food with all kinds of weird non-food chemicals. A century ago all food was ‘organic’ or rather unadulterated, pure foods no GMO, no boxed, crappy foods canned, no fluoride and chlorine in our tap waters…people back then had great, healthy foods, great water, lots of exercise so their bodies were actually healthier. They also had less stress. Far less stimulation than we have now. We are biological and our technology, population explosion, media and communication are humongous stimulus sources which causes our not so evolved biological bodies that have not had enough time to adapt to be stressed and unhealthy and allow misfit cells to go nuts. This also causes our nerve endings to fire fire fire fire fire…the chemicals necessary for fighting stress and promoting optimism get ‘taken up’ (so they are unusable) at these nerve synapses reducing our levels of serotonin and our other mood stabilizing chemicals that are normally free to run around in our blood stream to be used in our brain! Thus the run on antidepressants to replace these normal body chemicals for serenity and optimism. To cure cancer, one needs to reduce their dependence on technology, reduce stress, learn to garden, get educated about our bodies and QUIT LOOKING FOR THE MAGIC ‘tonic’ and learn how to cook!! If our bodies are healthy our bodies take care of cancer, illnesses from bacteria, viruses (unless virulent microorganisms unknown to our immune system)…and yes, radiation man made and natural (from the sun, the universe) might be helped by iodine but if we lose our magnetic shield then there is nothing we can do. ‘Standing on the shoulders of Genius’ is our biggest dumb problem.
Just by reading someone else’s studies we think we can then go on and ‘improve’ on their studies without really knowing the entire picture. Earning the maturity with which to make man made changes! Changing the weather, hoping that dumping radiation and our crap into our oceans will just be diluted and worse changing our FOOD’s genome to include pesticides?? We are stupid and stupider. My goodness. The Bible tells us we are so special that we are allowed to screw with life that has taken longer to evolve and adapt with our world and climate than our brains can imagine… is a huge reason for our arrogance and lack of humility and just might cause us to go extinct. Nuclear weapons. I mean how stupid can a species be?!!
I agree with most of what you’ve said except for “people back then had great, healthy foods, great water”. A century ago sanitation was still fairly primitive with a lack of proper sewrage and, whilst water wasn’t full of chemicals like chlorine and fluoride it wasn’t necessarily pure and was often contaminated depending on where people lived. In addition for many populations around the world there was no piped water supply meaning water came mainly from rivers often polluted by human and animal excrement. Food certainly wasn’t adulterated the way it is now but the quality and quantity depended on whether people had enough money for good food. Poor people often ate a lot of bread and jam as staples and did not have access to good quality meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. Poverty is, and always was another major contributor to cancer and other diseases. Our bodies respond to stress in all forms – mental, emotional, physical and biochemical and an overload of any or all of these will contribute to cancer and other serious diseases.
I first heard, In the late 1990’s, from a Dr., who was selling “Ozone Machines”, that at one point the oxygen content in our atmosphere was thought to be over 30%, and now was down to about 19-20%. At 16% man could not survive. It was his firm belief that this drop in oxygen,is the primary cause of the prevalence of cancer today.
Fast forward to 6 months ago. I read an article about a Dr. from the 60’s(?) who stated ” A cell will turn cancerous whenever it’s deprived of 65% of its oxygen requirement”. Kind of go hand-in-hand.
I know of 2 different supplements that will increase ones blood oxygen levels. One is called “Vitamin O” from R-Garden and “Nutri O2” from Nutrifrontier Limited. But, do they work? I first started taking Vitamin O in 2006. In Dec of 2011(age 58) I went in for hip surgery. Due to my lung capacity and 98% blood oxygen saturation level, the nurse wanted to know if I was a free diver. (LOL) When I told her I get absolutely no aerobic exercise, and I was, than, a 2 pack a day cigarette smoker. she couldn’t believe it. I first ordered Nutri O2 a couple months ago. I only use once a day but, I’ve tried it on a couple cuts and it seems like they healed up pretty quick.
Yes, toxins may play a role in the growth of cancer cells,but my defense is having a well oxygenated body.
absolutly well said thankyou
Besides toxins increase in our modern times as a cause for cancer I would add the lack of nutrient in our food as been part of the cancer increase equation
Very informative and educational, Stormy. Thank you.
I find logical many arguments I read on this website for possible cancer reasons. Still I do not understand WHY my 5 months old son (born healthy) has been diagnosed with optic nerve tumor. How he (and other children) could develop a tumor in first months of his life? I’m healthy, we had genetic check for our family, the only thing doctors say bad luck. I’d like to find more information about childhood cancer and treatments.
I believe the toxins injected into our children through vaccines in a MAASIVE cause of cancer in children today……especially if the child has a weaker immune system for whatever reason. I am sorty about your precious angel :'(
Apologies for the spelling…..these touchscreen buttons are too small for me!
If lack of oxygen contributes to causing cancer I would assume people that live high in mountain areas such as the Rockies would have a higher rate of cancer.
Was he vaccinated? That explains a lot. If not, then there could be prenatal issues. I find these fairly often; sometimes in unvaccinated kids. We now have kids who come from second and third generation of vaccinated parents and it has an effect!
Yes, he had the same vaccine combination at 2,3, and 4 months. There was no problem with them, no reaction. Now when chemo treatment finished, we are supposed to have vaccines we missed. I was also thinking about vacination and whether I should allow to make them further.
Run away!!! Run far far away from any doctor that would recommend vaccinations after any chemo! Run far away from doctors who recommend chemo!!! If you gain nothing else from this article, understand that radiation and Chemotherapy are absolutely horrible on the immune system and have a low percentage of success. Things you can do that have much higher rates of success include 1. a mixture of apple cider vinegar, raw lemon juice and turmeric taken daily in about a shot glass worth. 2. black strap molasses and baking soda taken by the spoonful twice a day. 3. Rick Simpson Oil. 4. hyperbaric oxygen therapy combined with any of the above. You can also work with a nutritionist or homeopathic doctor that can recommend options that will increase heath rather than burn through the body.
Cancer originates in stem cells and is caused by damage to mitochondrial DNA. Antibiotics can cause many cancers because mitochondria are very much like bacterium. Radiation and toxins also damage mitochondrial DNA. The cure to cancer involves causing further damage to mitochondria by elevating ROS (oxidation) within the cancer cell. This triggers apoptosis. An alternate way to trigger apoptosis is to lower ATP in the cancer cell by inhibiting glycolysis. Cancer cells exhibit many metabolic abnormalities that can serve a selective targets. Cancer cells exhibit a dependence on the amino acid, methionine. A methionine restricted diet can be very effective in triggering apoptosis or greatly weakening cancer cells. Drugs are not the answer. Diet and natural chemotherapeutic agents work quite well in most cases.
cancer – caused by exposure to Agent Orange and other herbicides used during the Vietnam war all over SEA (not just in Vietnam) – affects the lives of tens of thousands of former service men and women (not to mention the horrible effects it has had on the citizens of Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos) – yet the VA routinely denies a large percentage of Vietnam era vets their rightful care and compensation benefits due to their service-related disability brought on by these toxins …