Growing older is a part of life. It’s a reality that each and every one of us will one day have to face. Yet, while nobody can escape the aging process entirely, the good news is that we can avoid some of the worst effects by simply making the right lifestyle choices right now.
No matter how old you are, there are immense benefits to be had from properly maintaining your body. Even if you’re just now starting down the path to better health. Just like your car requires regular maintenance… your body requires regular detoxification for optimal health.
Why You Need to Detox Your Body
The human body is much like a car’s engine in that it tends to get “gunked up” from constant exposure to toxins. Cleaning chemicals, environmental pollution, pharmaceutical drugs, processed foods – all these and more place a constant burden on the body’s natural cleansing systems. While these systems are designed to capture and flush as many toxins out of the body as possible, they can (and do) become overwhelmed by the immense, constant toxic onslaught of our modern world.
This is why supplemental body detoxification is so important. In order to jumpstart your body’s flushing capacity to ensure that any and all toxic stragglers are removed as quickly and thoroughly as possible, it’s absolutely vital that you follow certain protocols on a routine basis.
Detoxification as a Way of Life
Detoxification is about a whole lot more than just a superficial notion of feeling “clean” as part of some trendy dieting fad. It’s about protecting your body against the very real and damaging effects of toxic buildup. Studies continue to show that harboring toxins inside your body can trigger a wide array of health conditions – including everything from chronic fatigue and muscle and joint pain to brain disease and cancer?
Chronic toxic exposure is also a leading cause of obesity, which now afflicts more than one-third of Americans. A 2012 study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives explains how so-called “obesogens” are a major contributor to the American obesity epidemic, which more often than not is erroneously blamed solely on people eating too much rather than walking around with polluted, poor-functioning bodies.
I don’t know about you, but this type of information is highly motivating to me. It makes me want to do everything possible to get these obesogens out of my body and avoid them at all costs – and I’m guessing you probably feel much the same way!
Why Body Detoxification Needs to Happen Before Weight Loss
The problem with trying to lose weight before detoxifying is that toxins tend to live inside fat tissue. This means that the minute you start burning off that spare tire, those toxins will immediately start flooding your system. Depending on your personal level of toxicity, this process might overwhelm your vital organs.
Many holistic practitioners recommend doing a series of detox cleanses before trying to actively lose weight. This isn’t to say that you should intentionally hold off trying to clean up your diet out of fear of toxic overload. Rather, you should do a few things first before embarking on a major dietary overhaul that could cause you to lose a lot of weight very quickly.
“By far, the majority of toxins are lipid-soluble molecules,” explains a 2002 report by Deanna J. Liska, PhD about the nature of toxins embedding themselves in fat tissue. The study continues:
While water-soluble molecules are excreted through the urine, lipid-soluble molecules cannot directly enter into the urine and are instead attracted to the lipid in cell membranes. This attraction allows them to be transported inside of cells with ease, where they can sequester and exert their toxic effects.”
How to Detox Your Body: The 7 Most Common Sources of Toxicity
I want to address the very first thing you need to do before you even think about starting a cleanse. This is to reduce your toxic exposure as much as possible. There’s no point in trying to rid your body of toxins if you’re just going to continue piling more of them on unwittingly. In order for your body to gain an upper hand in the detoxifying process, you’ll need to give your liver and intestines a break from having to process so many toxins at one time.
Here are 7 of the most common sources of toxicity you need to watch out for:
1 | Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
Both an environmental and dietary concern, EDCs include phthalates in plastics, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in electrical devices and fluorescent lightbulbs, bisphenol-A (BPA) in food can linings, synthetic steroids in conventional meat products, and estrogenic compounds in soy-based foods.
2 | Pesticides
The reason I’m constantly telling you to buy and consume organic and/or chemical-free produce and meat whenever possible is because many common food pesticides are highly toxic. Pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides are designed to destroy life. Is it any wonder they also accumulate in, and act to damage the human body?
3 | “Soft” and Heavy Metals
What makes metals like lead, aluminum, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and nickel so hazardous is that they’re highly pervasive in environment. Often, they don’t show immediate effects in the body due to their gradual accumulation over time. Sources of exposure include:
- Air pollution
- Non- stick cookware
- Cosmetics
- Vaccines
- Dental amalgam fillings
- Cigarette smoke
- Conventional household cleaning products
- Contaminated food products
For example, processed foods that contain high-fructose corn syrup are major mercury offenders, as is brown rice (and its various derivatives) grown in tainted soils.
4 | Fluoride
This brain- and bone-damaging poison is hard to avoid if you live in a community that adds artificial fluoride chemicals to the public water supply. But you can help minimize exposure to this noxious chemical – which has been shown to leach lead and other poisons from water pipes – by investing in a whole-house water purification system that uses reverse osmosis, bone char, activated alumina, and/or deionization filtration technology. You can also choose to consume only natural spring or reserve osmosis-filtered water to minimize fluoride exposure.
5 | Food Additives, Preservatives, and Growth Hormones
There’s a popular mantra that says if it’s advertised on television, you probably shouldn’t eat it! Many packaged and processed food products are loaded with chemical preservatives such as sodium benzoate, monosodium glutamate (MSG), refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, synthetic food colorings, and other synthetic non-foods that contribute to early aging and degenerative disease. Avoiding these and eating only pure, simple foods made from organically grown, non- irradiated components will go a long way towards minimizing your toxic exposure.
6 | Electronic Smog
Also known as Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) or Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), these are the invisible toxins that we can’t see and therefore most people don’t think
about. Yet mobile phones, Wi-Fi, smart meters, 5G cell towers, microwave ovens, laptops, and many more devices are emitting a constant stream of radiation into the environment around you. This causes damage at the cellular level and can even alter the genetic material of your cells.
For example, cell phone radiation exposure has been linked to a number of cancers including two types of brain cancer (gliomas and acoustic neuromas). Avoiding these radiation-emitting devices completely is difficult for most people, so limit your exposure as much as possible and look into some of the tools that have been developed to counter EMFs. Keeping your body strong and resilient through good food, sleep, and self-care practices such as a regular detox protocol is also highly beneficial.
7 | Pharmaceutical Drugs
Most of what mainstream society recognizes as medicine (especially with regards to anti-cancer treatments), the body sees as poison. Pharmaceuticals are among the worst toxic offenders in our modern world, with a strong lipophilic tendency to build up in fat and neurological tissue. Some pharmaceuticals also have a long half-life, meaning they don’t break down very quickly and can take months, or even years to disappear from the body.
I’m not saying to stop taking your prescriptions, but before accepting a prescription from your doctor, ask if there are any diet or lifestyle changes that might work instead. You’d be amazed at the number of conditions that can be improved, if not resolved outright, through a change in diet and improving other lifestyle factors such as stress levels and sleep quality.
The list above isn’t meant to frighten you. And the last thing we want you to do is throw up your arms and declare that it’s pointless to even try . The goal is progress, not perfection. Taking baby steps to rid (or at least decrease) your diet and lifestyle of as many toxins as possible is an important first step. Then it’s time to start cleansing!
Looking for ways to detox? Look no further! Here are 31 Easy Ways to Detoxify Every Day (Some May Surprise You!)
In the video below, watch Dr. Brian Clement describe how much of his 50+ year professional medical career has been spent helping detoxify and recover from the medicines they’ve been prescribed.
Article Summary
Regular body detoxification is a necessity for optimal health.
Detoxification is about protecting your body against real and damaging effects of toxic buildup.
Chronic toxic exposure is a leading cause of obesity.
If you try to lose weight before detoxifying, toxins can flood your system as they tend to live inside fat tissue.
The first thing you need to do before starting a cleanse is to reduce your toxic exposure as much as possible.
7 of the most common sources of toxicity:
- Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
- Pesticides
- “Soft” and heavy metals
- Fluoride
- Food additives, preservatives, and growth hormones
- Electronic smog
- Pharmaceutical drugs
Hello beloved Family; Just a thought about aging. Could it be that a program has been passed onto us like heiredity, aging according to what science tells us that the cells in my body as I write this are being renewed and are totally renewed in up to 7 years or sooner, so I can not be any more than 7 years young. The other thought of a program of the expression how OLD are you, I realized this when someone asked our grand child of 4 how OLd are you. We even count the years and add them up when it is the Anniversary of our birth. I have deceided to add my numbers together and now I am 8 years young. I have started my own program. Everything is a running program that runs inside us. And thoughts, feelings and emotions can be toxic too. Thank you Ty for all that you do and thank you all for being. Loving Blessings. alan.
It truly is the quality in our years. Realizing the immensity of toxic exposures and their negative impacts, intelligently support periodic cleansing and detoxification. It is preventive maintenance. It is honoring the power within and Grand Design of the human body. We all must acquire the skills to see the big picture, and mindfully walk each day empowered by applying the wisdom in accurate knowledge. Good health to you! Susanne
I totally love this reply! After a long road of self healing and now at 51 looking and feeling like twenty…
that is interesting alan. That means I am 15..hmmm! what do you do when there is a 0?
Same thing if I’m understanding the method. If someone is 20, they’d be 2 years young. Am I not right?
Hello Jackie Myself; The 0 added is when the body is new or 5+0=5. When we talk about age we are talking about the body, there is no age to the you who observes your life. Step away or back and look as if someone else is looking, you will find that it is not you who is the body. We are all running programming given to us. Eventually you get to deceide if there is a Santa or not. Love you. Yourself called alan.
Hello Jackie Myself; With the number nn15 that you are, the 1& the 5 can be added again like numerology and now you are 6. As always you decide what is right for you. Good, bad, right and wrong but please include your heart and your mind and with body dowsing, the inteligent body can help too. Gods inteligence is within all things, why not us too. Loving Blessings. Yourself called alan.
Taking your discourse and thinking into account…. are you not reflecting on past experiences when deciding what is right for you? Blessings and Peace from this savage country. yourself(?) Jackie
Lonnie – Hi, how often should a detox be done, and do you recommend a specific product?
I am interested in knowing more about “good water”. Ty speaks highly of RO water. I use it. Have been told though, that it is dead water because it takes out the good with the bad. There is a lot about the Kagen water system in the community.
I would love to hear about the positive and negatives of both RO water and Kagen water.
We use RO water but add Sea MD to our water to replenish the minerals that are removed in the process.
RO water is acidic. It’s the only water I drink but I usually squeeze some lime or lemon into it to change it to alkaline. You can also squeeze a few drops of trace minerals that can be found at most health food stores. I sauna detox daily so I need to replenish minerals. So you can easily put some life back into your RO water.
If toxins are stored in fat cells, then shouldn’t you continue to detox during weight loss? How can this be done?
Great article, really appreciate it! Just one remark about EMR… as an electrical engineer i can tell you that electromagnetic radiation is all around as just like air. Electronic devices do not produce it. They are just made to receive it, process it and send it out to other devices. Natural light is a form of EMR as well. The more damage i believe is caused by constant staring into the screens.
What would you recommend to counter the emf from devices and mobile phone ?
I want to know too!
Hi Robert and Anna!
For their phones and mobile devices, the Bollingers use a radiation mitigating device called an MRET. You can check it out here:
As usual I greatly appreciate this site. Wood smoke, forty times more toxic than tobacco smoke,still common in both Canada and many U,S states. Highly carcinogenic in any amount.
Why is that we have burned wood as our heat source for over 10 years .
Don’t forget coal smoke too.
I’ve been on the Optomox colon/lymphatic cleanse for two weeks now, I don’t feel any different, and I don’t see anything happening. I’ve never done a cleanse before so how do I know if this is doing me any good?
Tom Neal
Great info and would like to hear about general ideas/recommendations on ingredient combination and method/process for a great detox plan to do regularly to assist with cleansing the engine or oil change.
I appreciate it is a challenge as every body is at a different size, toxic level and functioning capacity and have a different requirement to work with, please could you or one of your team message me perhaps with something other than the lessening/stop of intake which people should do, with some suggestions that could be used to flush afterwards aka a good regular cleansing method/process for someone who has already limited most of these things?
Which stores in Ottawa, Canada can I purchase Echo water, because I hate having to purchase online because of all those scams? Which is the best filter to buy for water?
Silvia Logan there is a lot of pure springs around Algonquin park or Combermere Ontario where I live . It is the best water in the world . No toxic chemicals.
Could distilled.water be used to reduce fluoride consumption?
Dear fri/ends how can I best detox my lymphatic system. Urgent reply needed thank you
Jackie, check above on the right side “4 Ways to Keep Your Lymphatic System Healthy”.
Hello again Jackie; The Lymph system can also be cleansed by reflexology -Reiki and Bentonite and Clay water. Water is a interesting thing as water can contain information and will take on the energies that you give it. By placing your hands over the water and doing a Blessing on it as well as your intent as to what you want it to do can work for you and if you remember that your words contain power and that you can do it as Jesus said we can. Jesus said according to Thomas, ” It is not so much what goes into your mouth that Defiles you as to what comes out of your mouth that Defiles you” The Priest blesses things and so can we, Where there is not Love, put Love, As you sow so thall you reap. Loving Blessings alan.
The best water is steam distilled. We need minerals, but only plants can absorb inorganic minerals. We can get enough organic minerals when we eat fruits and vegetables. The next best is reverse osmosis water, as most of the inorganic minerals and toxins are removed. A unit that goes under the sink can be bought for less than $100 on ebay.
As usual Ty very informative, real and proven information. It is really up to us to take action now. Ty I line in Barbados market a water purifying system and I invite opinions from all on its value. Detailed information can be found at I would like your opinion also Ty.
I I am 82 years young and have only had steam- distilled water for 42 years, and raw vegetable juices for 55 years. The “dead water” myth is erroneous. Only plants can use inorganic minerals. Distilled water is the greatest cleanser of the body and is not acidic as some claim. It is PH neutral. I am a Doctor in natural health field.
Same here. I have been wondering the same thing.
Medical websites “detox’ is a myth used by alternative people to sell products. they say the body naturally detoxs all the time.
Hello Paula; Yes you are correct, you would be 2 yrs. Young. The Intelegent body temple hears everything you say and think. When you look in the mirror and think or say a thing that demeans your body as aging as something you dislike it feels that and since you are the deciding factor in your life and maybe your experience it may take the information and express that outwardly more. The intelegant body can work with a placebo effect when you think or say what it iss that you are injesting, it works as science always verifies in their testing. When you eat something that you have proclamed is bad, then the body works with what you have said. When you bless your food the body then knows it is eating something Holy or good. You proclaim the truth of what IS ! I have done this testing before and when we Bless a thing ( apple ) the result others have felt is a increase in its life energy, it is a tangable thing. When a test was done with a human watching the result was observed, when a camera was used no result was noticed by the observation. We are the difference, we are the deciding factor. Your declaration can be Powerful. In body building the admeration of the result is just as important and the workout. Your appreciation of the body has a noticeable affect on the result, be it positive or negative. We can change so much when we become Conscious of out thoughts, words and deeds, feelings and our emotions and everything hears your declaration of the Truth as you- we see it, what you see, is what you get,” as you sow, so shall yea reap”. Let Peace and harmony be a piece of your life, live life with joy, can you Forgive the unforgiveable as it festers toxins in your body, it hurts You. Just expressing my 71 years of experience or 8 years of experience. Your body is Intelegent and possibly Holy if you think that way. With All Love, Honour and Respect. Yourself called alan.
I really like what you said Susanne Morrone
I make an herbal detox blend. Search Lion’s Arrow and look at the ingredients in Toxin Tamer. You don’t have to buy mine, but that will give you an idea of the herbs to use or supplements to take.
Hello Again Jackie; Yes absolutly the past experiences do influence much of our choices but they also give us clues to our likes and dislikes and our choices, conscious and unconscious, our fears and feelings. Once someone hated the #4 and it had to do with a tramatic experience that happened at age 4. And the past experience to do with cancer, inspired Ty to find new ways. I use dowsing and body dowsing to ask all kinds of questions on health etc. Heredity can be a experience passed on through our parents, as abuse that our parents had that we have had that led to disease. In A Course on Miracles it is said that All Disease is caused by non Forgiveness and others agree on that, a casual Forgiveness does not work completely. The past is important, giving us clues to assist us in changing our future. The intelegent body will help us too with illness to get our attention or our pets will maybe get sick in their trying to carry our emotional garbage to get our attention. Thank you so much for recognizing how the past affects us. Love and Gratitude. Yourself called alan.
These are very interesting discussions and I have an intense feeling that they have the potential to play a signiicant role in healing if people would only give themselves permission to open themselves to the infinite possibilities beyond human understanding . Yourself Alan, please,,,,, never try and burden our emotional stress onto our beloved best friends(not the barking kind, rather. the gentle loving onesperhaps a raging predator when he gets wind of a mouse.. It raises an interesting thought process though… do our pets pick up an carry our emotonal burdens? From observing out cat Tom Kitten…..I think there is a strong case for this theory to be borne out…miaow! TK says it is exact reality.Blessings agape Yourself Jackie
Hello Jackie et all; My partners cat was helping her and it seems like the cat was going to kitty Heaven. I suggested that my partner do some Forgiveness for traums and the cat lived for 2 more years it was 21 yrs when it passed. Animail know when we are upset they are very wise. Everything can change when we do. Your are correct, there is more to all of this than facts and science. Loving Blessings. Yourself called alan.
Thank Greg, if ph is concern use.fresh squeezed lemon
Dear and blessed Alan, thank you fir your words of widom, long known and embedded in our souls, spirit and hearts but which have been sleeping too long…… to be resurrected only when the Spirit recognises we have our greatest need. And you, Alan , were the vessel God used. Let me express my gratitude Blessings Jackie
Frank you Ty for the interesat. Articolele and experiences you share with us. Interesați approaches about suc a diseară like că cer. Frank you so muchie!
Hi Ty
I hope you and your family are well and in good spirits. I personally think that you have hit the nail right on the head about detoxifying our bodies regularly. Although I think that it is nigh on impossible to live without consuming some form of harmful chemical in our food and drink today in this modern world that we live in.We would not need to detoxify if our food was natural.
During the second world war when food was scarce ” especially in Europe” as most of the food ships destined for Britain and allied countries were sunk by German Uboats in a bid to starve the people into submission and therefor for Hitler to win the war against the allies.
There was a ” Dig for Victory ” scheme that the government put into action to grow more food for the Nation.Nearly everyone had a spare piece of land or garden at the front or the back back of their house where they grew their own fruit and vegetables, as food was rationed in those days. Farmers were told to plough up any piece of spare land that they had and plant veg in it.” No harmful chemicals in those days” Just natural manure from the animals” Nothing went to waste. If food could not be eaten or was passed it’s “sell by date” it went back into the land again or the animals ate it if it was not to spoiled.People were skinny and hungry but healthy and the exercise in their garden kept you fit and healthy. You knew what was in your food ” no harmful chemicals. Natural fertilizers. If every town and city did the same thing today with a piece of spare land, and the local communities looked after them and sold their completely natural herbicide and chemical free produce to the local public we would all be healthier. And wealthier too. Kindest Regards John PS It’s an Idea that could catch on if our resources run out.
I was hoping for information on how to do a detox. I woke up this morning thinking that I should probably do a fast. Maybe three or four days. Is fasting the same thing as detoxifying? I suspect that the answer is no. I used to be athletic and in good physical shape. I have a lot of old injuries that over time have caught up with me and I have essentially turned into a couch potato.
I used to work in the entertainment business as a sculptor, where I used to build huge sets… but eventually, all of my old injuries started catching up with me, and I had to quit doing that type of work.
So for the last nine years or so, I have been sitting at a computer doing graphic art. Apparently, sitting for long periods of time is the new heart attack/new cancer. I have become obese… I am at least 45lbs over my natural weight. I’ve tried different types of exercises, but most of them end up leaving me in pain.
But, I have to believe that there must be some way for me to lose all the excess weight. I’ve even changed my diet and how much I eat when I sit down to eat. Portion control. But now I really want to detoxify my body.
I recently found out that I have a huge amount of styrene in my body. The nutritionist and the doctor that she consults with were both very shocked at the amount of styrene in my body. I am also really shocked, but, I also used to work with a LOT of styrene in the movie business. Styrene is literally how the movie business builds all of their environment sets… caves, rock walls, trees, burms, statues… you name it, everything is sculpted out of styrene in the business.
Funny thing is, I haven’t worked with or been around styrene in at least eight or nine years.
Anyway, this sort of news about the state of my body really makes me feel like I REALLY need to get my body healthy again.
Do you eat a lot of take-out food that comes in Styrofoam containers? Especially HOT food? How did they test for it? Blood test?
Activated Charcoal (everything except fluoride & petroleum)
Fulvic Acid
Greens, greens & more greens
Magnesium (fluoride)
Iodine (fluoride)
Raw gum spirit of turpentine (candida & parasites)
I can attest to the statement about meds being toxic. I am 66 & ate healthy for about 4 years- but couldn’t lose a single lb! 1 year ago I started carefully weaning myself off all my meds (7 different ones;9 pills a day.) I have lost 40 lbs (which I needed to lose) still eating the same healthy foods. I drink ACV in water every day. No changes in my food @ all! I feel about 35. You do have to wean off the meds very carefully tho; but I have not had any bad experience w/it & feel great now😀a year later. I just did 1 day on (meds). Skipped a day (off meds). Then took them again & skipped 2 days. Then continued like this; increasing the #of skipped days by 1 each time. Be careful; if you try this- any bad reaction -seek help. It worked for me but everyone is different. C.H.