Millions of tons of Roundup are sprayed on industrial food crops every year, especially GMO crops. Is there a correlation between…
Cancer Causes
In the fight against cancer, knowledge is both our shield and our weapon. More than 17 million people will be diagnosed with cancer this year, a number that is expected to rise. It’s imperative that we understand the root causes of cancer so that we can protect ourselves against this horrible disease.
The vast majority of these cancer causes are man-made, something that the medical, agricultural, and tech industries don’t want you to know. At TTAC, our mission is to bring you this “secret” information so that you can understand exactly what causes cancer and how to avoid it.
We’ve put together a wealth of information about our food, medicine, technology, and more to help you avoid these man-made, cancer-causing threats.
They say that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” but what if there was a way to cut your cancer risk IN HALF?! Experts estimate that over 50% of cancer cases are preventable with simple lifestyle changes. This means that the right knowledge about the root causes of cancer could save millions of lives each year!
What Causes Cancer?
In the articles below, you’ll learn about the top 10 cancer-causing foods, how to avoid dangerous chemicals lurking in everyday household products, and how to fight back against mega-corporations that are poisoning our planet. Not only will you learn what to avoid, you’ll also learn how cancerous foods, chemicals, and emotions affect the human body.
Did you know that roughly 80% of your immune system is located in the upper gastrointestinal tract? But processed foods, pesticides, skin care products and even cell phone radiation can destroy gut health and lead to immune disorders and cancer. From antibiotics to pet food, you can protect your health by making the right lifestyle choices.
The causes of cancer are primarily man-made, but the companies profiting from these products don’t want you to learn the truth. Check out our collection of articles below to make sure that you’re equipped to stop cancer dead in its tracks!
Is Cancer a Genetic Disease? The True Origin of Cancer...
Do you know the true origin of cancer? Is cancer really a genetic disease? Dr. Thomas Seyfried shares compelling evidence AGAINST…
Lowe’s Pulls Products With Cancerous Chemicals
Home improvement giant Lowe’s recently announced it’s pulling products containing cancer-causing methylene chloride…
Can Keeping Your Baby Too Clean Lead to Leukemia?
New research shows overzealous housecleaning and vaccines that suppress the immune system can make kids more susceptible to a form…
Can Heavy Metals Make You Feel Good? Cadmium and...
Is your coffee secretly poisoning you? Find out the real reason why you feel energized from coffee. It all starts with a heavy…
New Research Confirms Carcinogenic Side Effects of Cell...
If you’re never without your smart phone in hand, two new studies showing cell phone radiation effects might change your habits…
Understanding the Dangers of Glyphosate (& How to...
Roundup is marketed as a safe way to control persistent weeds. Find out what the real glyphosate dangers are and why it is not as…
Is the Immune System Key in Minimizing Age-Related...
There’s a gland in your body that shrinks in half every 16 years. Discover new research on how this impacts your risk for age…
The 4 Root Causes of Cancer (video)
Did you know that there are basically four underlying factors of the root of almost every cancer? KC & Monica Craichy introduce…
How the Right Diet Leads to a Better Life For Pets...
In this clip from TTAC Live, veterinarian Marlene Seigel shares what to avoid if you want the right diet for your pets that will…