Video Transcript: Can These Common Medical Tests & Treatments Give You Cancer?
Ty Bollinger: So you hear all month this month, it’s breast cancer awareness month, about early detection. You’re saying they should be using thermography instead of mammography. It’s a better early detection technique. Why, in your opinion, are they not using it if it works so much better?
Dr. Ben Johnson: You know there are things that you just want to shoot yourself over that the medical—standard medicine does not do. I’m not much of a conspiracy theory type person. But I’ve come to believe that American medicine is not about helping people get well. It’s about managing disease, and selling drugs and, creating money through the paradigm of patient treatment.
So you can’t talk about cure. You can’t look at getting people well from cancer. They just want to treat them, and then watch them die. It’s really a pretty pathetic state of affairs. So, we are not interested in standard medicine and getting people well; just managing their disease until they die.
For instance, all of the drugs that you see, if you pick up the label, all of the chemo drugs says “causes cancer.” Think about it.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah.
Dr. Ben Johnson: We’re using a drug to treat cancer that causes cancer, a known carcinogen. How crazy is that! But that’s what we do every day in every institution across America. We use radiation. What do x-rays cause? Hello… cancer. And we are using that supposedly to treat it. So you know Stage 4 cancer in America, survival rate is about two percent. You know, that is horrific.
It can’t get any worse than two percent. So two percent success rate for Stage 4 cancers is beyond comprehension. Patients would live much longer and healthier if they did nothing. If they didn’t take the drugs. Because the drugs are hastening their death.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! And I’ve read studies…
Dr. Ben Johnson: Don’t get me started.
Ty Bollinger: I think you’re already started. I think you’re already going, which I’m enjoying because it’s good information. I’ve read studies, people saying the same thing. Doctors and scientists saying that you would live longer by doing nothing, than by doing the treatment. And, I can’t remember the medical doctor that I was just talking to recently said, that in all his years of treating cancer patients, that he’s never actually seen one that died from the cancer. That they always die from the treatment.
Dr. Ben Johnson: Primary tumors almost never kill anyone unless they’re in the brain. The primary tumor can kill you there. But if you give it long enough the metastases can eventually get you. But almost no one in America today dies of their cancer. They die of the side effects of the chemo. And I shouldn’t call those side effects − the direct effects of chemo. Because we call them side effects because they are unwanted. But they are direct effects of the chemo agent.
I bought all your series of DVD. My husband died of cancer last year ,,his lung tumour was completely reduced by Nivolumab ,,but it had already spread to lymph and liver so he did not have any lung ca when he died ,,,,sadly he should not have died at all.
Sorry to hear about your loss
You are a good woman Sue Baker
My tour director died of brain cancer in April 2015. She was doing six rounds of chemotherapy and the tumor began to shrink. Then, after six rounds of chemotherapy, the tumor more than doubled in size and she could not move nor walk in her own and she died on April 8 2015. She had T-cell lymphoma in the brain. In your opinion, what might had killed her the chemotherapy or the cancer itself? What natural treatment would had been the best for my tour director to get rid of her brain cancer completely and never come back? Give me some suggestions!
Read the book The Truth about Cancer. There are all your answers. Good Luck.
I am always so happy to read information about the endless dangers of allopathic medicine when it is written by allopathic physicians. They are few and far between, but since North Americans are indoctrinated to trust and to believe what their physicians tell them. I do sincerely hope that the public will start to read and listen to these brave challengers of the broken and disgraceful medical system that is destroying millions of lives a year through the use of pharmaceuticals, all of which come with long lists of “side” effects, often including death??? It is far beyond time to hold the Medical Faculties accountable for their failure to accurately educate physicians and to serve the giant Pharamaceutical Corporations instead of the Citizens!
Chaga is anti-cancer and if you don’t have cancer start taking it as it may be the best thing you can do at
They are treating and curing cancer in many parts of the world successfully without using Chemo!! If you get cancer, RUN, don’t walk to one of the nearest “natural” cancer treatment centers where they treat cancer using natural methods instead of Chemo. Sadly, you may have to leave the country to locate one, possibly in Mexico or Germany. Do your research and make sure you ask whether they use: Hyberbaric Chambers (Oxygen Infusion), Hyperthermia Chambers (Heat Treatment) and also specific enzymes which melt the coating on the cancer cells allowing the immune system to attack the cell. All of these treatments including building the immune system, will help cure you of cancer! Don’t become part of this horrific game the pharmaceuticals play for profit!! Thank you Ty Bollinger, you are a real hero on this exposure to the truth!!!
It is SO frightening! 🙁 I live in a small town and had to go to the second biggest city in Africa to be checked. I was so blessed that my breast cancer diagnosed 4 and a half years ago was sage one and NO lymph nodes involved.I refused the Tamoxafin. I did NOT want another mammagram but the loving Prof of radiography told me “It is only a little radiation.” I was unable to fight her. Because of the lumpectomy and reconstruction I am now told that the lumpy and tender breast is scar tissue and I need lymph drainage. I had 2 sessions before returning to my little coastal town. I am 79 and fell and broke my humerus a year ago. I think that I was trying to protect my damaged breast. Now the specialist says I need the drug Fosadvance. It is so dangerous that you take one pill a week on an empty stomach and you wait half an hour before you may sit down and eat anything. At my age do I need to do this? My husband and children do NOT support me….maybe my youngest does.
I agree that chemo is poison. The one thing that could’ve been emphasized more is the statement you made about the initial cancerous tumor is not typically the cause of death. Case in point, when folks take chemo and 3-5 years later it comes back with a vengeance – that can still be linked to further poisoning your already sick body with more toxins.