Having secured a rich history in many ancient Asian healing practices, medicinal mushrooms have been prescribed and used for countless ailments for thousands of years. As modern medicine rediscovers these ancient superfoods, there is good evidence that mushrooms are among the most powerful functional foods in a growing cancer-fighting and cancer-prevention arsenal.
Modern research confirms what many traditional healers have known for centuries – that mushrooms contain some of the most potent, yet safest medicinal ingredients found in nature. What’s more, most of these ingredients cause very few side effects – if at all – even at very high doses.
It is first important to differentiate between the anti-cancer medicinal mushrooms and the countless other common varieties. A quick visit to the local supermarket will reveal culinary mushrooms such as oyster, portabella, and others. Although these have their health benefits, the focus of this article will be on four of the more specialized and not typically commercially grown reishi, maitake, agaricus blazei murill, and turkey tail mushrooms.
It’s clear now that mushrooms are legitimate treatments in their own right for many health conditions, including diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer.
Medicinal Mushrooms and Cancer
There are a few primary mechanisms that most of these functional, anti-cancer mushrooms share when assisting the body during cancer stages or in simple everyday prevention. First is their ability to enhance the body’s first line of defense against cancer − the immune system. When this system is weak or has failed, the mechanism for cancer has a better opportunity to manifest.
Next, some anti-cancer mushrooms exhibit direct antiviral and tumor shrinking abilities. As mentioned above, side effects are rare and mild but it is still important to talk with your healthcare provider before use.
It has been demonstrated that, in some cases, formulas containing multiple strains of different mushroom extracts often exhibit synergistic, complementary, and amplified effects. This is in stark contrast to many of the negative cumulative effects of chemotherapy drugs and radiation therapy methods commonly prescribed in hospitals today. As with research for many alternative treatments, the United States has been late to the party when it comes to medical research on the anti-cancer and overall health benefits of mushrooms.
#1. Reishi Mushroom Benefits: The Mushroom of Immortality
Used for over 2000 years by sages and shamans and known in China as the “spirit plant” – also known as Mannentake, Ling Zhi or Ling Chi – Reishi relaxes and fortifies both mind and body. This fungus holds a very important place in the traditional medical systems of China, Japan, and Korea.
Ganoderma lucidum, or better known by its common name, reishi, it is one of the most well-known medicinal mushroom in Asian healing arts. The mushroom’s bioactive molecules and polysaccharides have been shown to better activate natural killer (NK) cells reducing cancer metastasis. NK cells are lymphocytes that perform immunosurveillance within the body, constantly on the lookout for “immuno-alerters” signaling tumor presence.
Reishi also has been shown to assist in slowing the growth (angiogenesis) of tumors as well as triggering programmed cell death in malignant cells. Currently, there is data to support the potential use of reishi as, at the very least, an adjunct therapy for colorectal cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer.
Studies have shown that Reishi helps to:
- Counter free radicals and fight inflammation. Reishi has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, Reishi compares very favorably to the synthetic anti-inflammatory drug prednisone, without the side effects. Also, Reishi may be able to counter our susceptibility to many aging-associated diseases, thanks to its powerful ability to fight free radicals and reduce cellular damage associated with oxidative stress.
- Enhance immune system activity. Reishi enhances multiple aspects of the immune system in advanced stage cancer patients and lung cancer patients.
- Fight cancer. Reishi ingredients are toxic to multiple cancer cell lines in culture – including leukemia, breast, ovarian, cervical, and lung cancer cells, among others. Evidence suggests Ganoderic acid is a potential anti-metastatic agent. Metastasis is the migration of cancer cells from their place of origin to other areas of the body.
#2. Maitake Mushroom Benefits: The Dancing Mushroom
Maitake, like the reishi mushroom, also contains a broad-spectrum array of bioactive molecules. In studies, maitake has shown similar results as the reishi mushroom in stimulating NK cell activity in cancer patients. The mushroom also shows promise in blocking tumor growth and activating malignant cell death through its specific immune-enhancing methods. Maitake has clinically shown promise for individuals with breast cancer, lung cancer, and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS).
#3. Agaricus Blazei Murill: Tokyo’s Cancer Secret
This mushroom made perhaps the biggest splash when a study jointly conducted by the Medical Department of Tokyo University, The National Cancer Center Laboratory, and Tokyo College of Pharmacy showed a complete recovery in 90% of guinea pigs injected with cancer cells (180 sarcoma).
The pattern of other mushrooms was seen again as agaricus blazei murill activated macrophage and interferon immune activity leading to tumor shrinkage, a halt in metastasis, and reduction of future cancer occurrences. As an adjunct, agaricus blazei murill was shown to lessen the side effects in individuals undergoing chemotherapy for endometrial, cervical, and ovarian cancers.
#4. Turkey Tail: The Natural Japanese Cancer Drug
In 1976, a Japanese company patented certain extracts of this mushroom under the name PSK and later PSP. They have since become recognized cancer drugs in Japan. The anti-viral properties of the turkey tail mushroom offer a unique opportunity to target oncoviruses (tumor virus) such as hepatitis C leading to liver cancers, and others. For this mushroom, again studies are showing increased NK activity towards tumor detection and eradication.
It is important to note that drug companies cannot patent mushrooms. Due to this fact, funds typically won’t be allocated to study them unless they come from private institutions or government grants. However, this should be a positive as many studies only seek to isolate one part of a plant or mushroom to patent as a drug.
As mycologist (mushroom expert) Paul Stamets states,
Isolating one constituent from the others denatures and lessens the broad-spectrum potency of this natural, functional food.”
#5. Cordyceps: The Caterpillar Fungus
Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis) is also known as the Caterpillar Fungus and Dong Ching Xia Cao (Summer grass, winter worm), Cordyceps has long been a part of traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine. An extremely rare combination of a mummified caterpillar and a fungus, it is found at very high altitudes in the Himalayas, on the Tibetan plateau, and other high-altitude locations around the world.
Cordyceps – both the mummified caterpillar and the fungus – contain many potent bioactive compounds, including cordyceptin, cordycepic acid, polysaccharides, and sterols.
Studies have shown that Cordyceps helps to:
- Manage blood sugar levels in a healthy range. Emerging evidence indicates that the Cordyceps is likely to prove to useful in the management of diabetes.
- Improve transplant success rates. Cordyceps protects the heart and lowered the rate of cardiac rejection in an animal model of heart transplantation. When given after kidney transplants, Cordyceps also reduced the rejection rate, improved kidney and liver function, boosted red blood cell production, and lowered infection rates in patients.
- Strengthen the immune system. Cordyceps boosted production and activity of various components of the immune system in animal experiments.
- Enhance antioxidant ability. Cordyceps raised levels and activity of innate enzymatic antioxidant systems in animal models.
- Boost libido. Cordyceps boosts libido and sexual activity, along with restoring impaired reproductive function in animals as well as humans.
- Improve exercise performance. Cordyceps made international headlines by helping Chinese runners break two world records by huge margins at the Asian Games in 1993. Cordyceps likely improves stamina because it stimulates production of ATP, one of the main sources of energy in our body’s cells. Cordyceps has also been shown to dilate the aorta – the main artery in the body that supplies oxygenated blood to the entire circulatory system – by 40%, greatly increasing blood flow and enhancing endurance.
- Fight cancer. In laboratory experiments, Cordyceps was selectively toxic for cancer cells, without affecting normal, healthy cells. Bioactive ingredients in Cordyceps including cordyceptin attack and destroy mouth, bladder, prostate, breast, liver, lung, cervical, leukemia, and colorectal cancers as well as lymphoma, melanoma, and neuroblastoma in culture.
#6. Chaga: “The Mushroom of Immortality”
Chaga mushrooms are fungi that grow on the bark of various trees, such as birch. These mushrooms thrive in moderate climates and are often found in countries like Russia, Canada, Siberia, the northeastern USA, and Korea. Long used in folk medicine, Chaga contains massive amounts of the pigment melanin, which causes the exterior of the mushroom to turn a deep black when exposed to the sun.
In test tube studies, chaga extract has been shown to suppress the progression of cancer, including liver, lung, colon, prostate, and breast. In a study published in the journal of Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, researchers observed that obese and diabetic mice treated with chaga extract exhibited reduced insulin resistance as well as lower blood sugar levels.
Chaga is known by many names around the world. Most interestingly, it is called ‘kreftkjuke’ in Norway, which literally translates to “cancer fungus” due to its purported health properties.
Learn more about chaga here.
#7. Shiitake: “Miracle Mushroom”
Also known as “dongu” in China, shiitake mushrooms can be found growing wild in the forests of several East Asian countries. The word “shiitake” is actually derived from the Japanese words “shii” (type of tree where these mushrooms grow) and “také” (meaning ‘mushroom’). In other words, the name literally means “mushrooms of the shii tree.”
Some of the medicinal properties of shiitake mushroom are attributed to a potent anti-fungal sugar molecule named “lentinan.” In laboratory tests, lentinan does not kill cancer cells directly, but enhances a number of aspects of the immune system, which may aid in the slowing of tumor growth.
One study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine showed that oral administration of lentinan helped slow the development of small tumors and also helped inhibit the proliferation of leukemia cells. Another study found that the aqueous extracts of shiitake mushrooms contain compounds that are antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, protect the liver, and are also a potent antioxidant.
Famous for their meaty texture and earthy, smoky flavor, they’re the second most commonly cultivated edible mushrooms. However, when eaten raw, shiitake mushrooms can cause shiitake dermatitis, a skin eruption that resembles whiplash marks. If you’re planning to use shiitake mushrooms in your meals, be sure to cook them properly.
A final note on mushroom safety: there are many species of mushrooms that are highly poisonous to humans. It is strongly advised that individuals do not wild gather mushrooms for consumption unless you have done extensive research.
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in March 2016 and has been revised in July 2021.
Article Summary
Some anti-cancer mushrooms exhibit direct antiviral and tumor shrinking abilities.
There is data to support the potential use of reishi as an adjunct therapy for colorectal cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer.
Maitake mushroom has clinically shown promise for individuals with breast cancer, lung cancer, and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS).
Agaricus blazei murill mushroom made a big splash when a study showed a complete recovery in 90% of guinea pigs injected with cancer cells.
The anti-viral properties of the turkey tail mushroom target oncoviruses.
Studies have shown that Cordyceps helps to:
- Manage blood sugar levels in a healthy range
- Improve transplant success rates
- Strengthen the immune system
- Enhance antioxidant ability
- Boost libido
- Improve exercise performance
- Fight cancer
Mushrooms can be consumed raw, powdered, liquid, and infused into other products.
Watch Paul Stamets talk about ‘shrooms on TED. Fascinating! You’ll be amazed at the end.????
Paul Staments has several TED talks; his TED/MED talk had me stand up from my chair and walk around my computer say “Wow! What a great outcome!” The story he shared about his mother’s serious case and outcome with breast cancer using Turkey Tail mushroom to supplement her treatment was enough to say it all.
I also saw Paul Stamets video. I went to Swanson’s vitamins and purchased Paul Stamets personal recipe that he gave his mother which contains a large variety of mushrooms. My wife had been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer had a week to live and was told with chemo she could get a life extension of 6 months to 2 years – of pain and misery. My wife is still here a year later had no sickness and very little pain. The recipe I created to make sure she lived and did well was as follows:
3parts 100% maple syrup mixed with one part baking soda heated 120* to 130* stir and pray for 5 minutes. (used tablespoons no micro wave do not refrigerate.) Take one teaspoon 2 to 3 times a day. Always rest for 20 minutes after taking mix. Recommend one teaspoon be taken at bedtime then will be no movement. Baking soda kills cancer. Paul Stamets personal recipe in AM Turkey tail in evening and another one at noon these are to build up the immune system so your body can rid itself of the cancer. Liver Elixir from Swanson to detox the liver along with another milk weed thistle seed Which is main ingredient to detox the liver. Take a combo of these am noon and night. Only reason I mixed the capsules was to save money and get enough turkey tail and milk wed thistle seed to combat the monster in her body. I also gave her calcium supplements to help her bones, the cancer metastasized threw out her body. Her liver had 5 tumors largest being 6x6x6cm one in her breast 11/2cm. Cancer in every joint in her body, Lower backbone was the most painful where she had 6 spots. She also was told was in her brain, all that was in May 2015 when she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. As of this writing cancer seems to be gone. Liver back to normal no tumors cancer blood count has dropped from 1721 to 24.
I went to war against the evil monster in my wife and with prayer and an army from GOD I believe we won. will keep up this diet until October when a full body scan will be conducted.
Om to your heart, Gene! Prayers for continual healing to your resilient wife! And THANK YOU for sharing your healing method.
What an awesome testimony, Gene, and such a blessing for your wife and you! Thank you for sharing. Please come back and add a comment with the results of the full body scan when available.
Wow, thank you for your courage, honesty and strength! You and your wife are so inspirational!
Thanks again
That is amazing! You should write a book about her personal experience how she bit it. I am certain other would be very interested.
Very encouraging, Gene. Thanks for sharing! I, too, have breast cancer. Have “fought” it for 4 1/2 years with God’s help and strength. He is the One who still has me here; He sees the big picture and is so trustworthy. I’m alive to bring Him glory. “For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.”
Romans 14:8 ESV
How are you doing?? Thanks for sharing your story….Sending LOVE your way, Blessings~~
can you tell me where did you see Paul Stamets video, how can i get ir or see it? please? and what TED means? where can i see his? talks and videos? Thank you any help.
Gene, how is your wife doing with those natural treatments? Has her cancer in many parts of her body disappeared completely?
Hello Gene, Can you please give me the name of the Mushroom extract that you used?? My brother is fighting Leukemia at the age of 76 and going through chemo. We are devastated but hopeful that I will be able to extend or even cure his leukemia.
I am happy to hear that your wife is doing so well. Thank You for sharing her journey with this horrible disease and sharing the formula that has saved your beloved wife. Bless her!
Thank You!!
Did your wife go on a plant based diet? Did she add anything else to the recipe (protocol) you just shared?
Ya like wow..’m am going to try this
Isn’t true that cancer feeds on sugar? How does maple syrup which is full of sugar be used in her case? Thanks for sharing
I will answer this for you, Maple syrup is a NATURAL sugar, it is not an additive….However, I would use Manuka Honey MGO grade 1650+ or higher from Australia or New Zealand, not Walmart!
Hi dear Gene, Can you please share an update on your wifes status in 2020??
Gratitude and Peace Blessings
Impressed with your diligence. Your wife is a lucky lady. Would like to learn more about mushrooms.
Where does one get these products? The Natural Grocers we have in our county carries none of these.
Hello Emily, depending on the town, these products can be found at farmers markets or natural food grocery stores. Also, some can be found on Amazon. Thank you so much for reaching out.
Where can we purchase to grow or consume these 7 mushrooms?
Chaga is considered anti Cancer by the US Library of Medicine.
Hi Chad , thanks for that. I found the best tasting and comforting Chaga powder – and best price
with a high degree of trust – from Bulk Supplements.com, and have been taking a cup of “tea”
at night for several weeks, afterwhich I can fall asleep pretty quickly.
It’s good to know it helps in other ways, too.
Where to buy the best mushroom supplement and which kind to take to prevent cancer
What about shiitake mushrooms? I had stage one cancer 3 years ago. Since then I have eaten 2 or 3 shiitake mushrooms every day and have also taken a shiitake mushroom capsule every day. In February I had an amas test for cancer. The test came back normal. I was told after I had the small tumor removed that if I didn’t have chemo and radiation the cancer would come back and I would be dead in 1 to 2 years. The doctor also called my house to try to get me to take the chemo and radiation. I told her there was no way I would ever do that, Then the hospital wrote me a letter saying they didn’t want me coming there again since I wouldn’t do what they recommended. I am so glad I didn’t take there poison. Also I follow a very careful diet that I made for myself. I eat 3 fruits with hand made yogurt, 2-4oz servings of chichen or fish a combination of onions,shiitake mushrooms, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and curry every day also some pumpkin pudding made with pumpkin or sweet potatoes, eggs, almond milk, spices and a very small amount of molasses. I have eaten this for 3 years now and am afraid to stop. I don’t want the cancer to come back. Do you think I should change to a different type of mushrooms or add another type of mushrooms. The cancer I had was squamacell carcinoma. I hope I didn’t make too many spelling mistakes.
You may experiment slowly. Only diversity works, IMO.
Nancy. You did very welll in not taken eaither one. Try to get alto maitake and if you can find it turkey tail. I was in a Florida Health clinic where more that 50% of clients were breast cancer patience. 40% have had chemo and radiation, and all of them have recurrent cancer metastasize in most of them (I believe because the radiation they took) my oncologist doctor told me I should take radiation I said no, no way. She told me not to comeback, that’s is ok with me, until today, everything is ok.
Shiitake (Lentinan) only works well when injected, according to research. Taking it as a supplement is a waste of money.
Maitake and Turkey Tail are good extracts (make sure to get an extract!! not powder or tinctures!). Reishi is also good. Look for specifications on the label – i.p. the beta-glucans (= the main active compound in all mushrooms) when deciding what to buy. Unfortunately good products are expensive, so better spend that money wisely !
As for Paul Stamets – most people overlook that his mother was on chemo and used the Turkey Tail as an adjuvant to lower the side effects. The combination worked well, but don’t make the mistake to rely only on mushrooms when battling cancer.
My brother has cancer that has wrapped around his spinal cord and kidney. He did Chemo and it almost killed him. They had to take him off of it. They decided to do surgery and took 7 lbs. of a 10 lb. tumor out. They are now doing radiation. I gave him several essential oil such as Jazmyn, frankincense, copaiba and lavender but he refused to use them because his doctor told him they were snake oils. I told him I would any day take the snake oils over Chemo. I don’t know only a couple of people that have done Chemo and lived more than a few years. He thinks he can live for 2 years. He has suffered greatly from the treatments. It just sickens me that doctors could do this to people in the name of healing.
I have been taking 10 Mushroom Formula by Econugenics for years. A miracle for candida bloating pain. Sugar an enemy, I am glad for experience. No cancer for me I am thinking.
Both myself and my husband have cancer. I have CML (chronic myeloid leukaemia) diagnosed 2006 and also have the early stages of bowel cancer (adanoma carcenoma) diagnosed 2015. My husband is a stage 4 terminal NHL pancreatic lymphoma patient, diagnosed 2011. I take Dasatinib for the CML and for the bowel I’m having regular sigmoidoscopy’s and blood tests. Hubby has no treatment (he is on ‘watch and wait’). He had intensive chemotherapy then radiotherapy, after which he was put on 2 years of chemotherapy retuximab maintenance and is now has had no treatment at all for a further 2 years. He was only given a few weeks to live and then was blessed by Fr. Jimmy Collins (a local Catholic priest) who has also blessed other people cancer victims and our hospital oncologists cannot believe why such people are surviving (for my mind its by the Grace of God and his blessing). Me and my husband dont follow any special type of diet, we just eat what we fancy. Reading this interesting article though, I did not realise these particular mushrooms are good for cancer patients. I don’t know what would be best for us, well particularly for my husband as he is having no treatment at the moment. Could anyone advise? Thanks. (PS. We live in England, UK)
Hi Clare, you will find ALOT of information on Cancer protocols on The Truth About Cancer videos on You Tube. You can see Episode 1 and 2 at least. A very important thing is to reduce your inflammation in the body so ph levels are more alkaline. This is done by eating mainly fruits and vegetables. A good quality turmeric (curcumin) supplement seems to be helping ALOT of people as it is so anti inflammatory. Completely cut out sugar and salt. The Gerson protocol advocates the only oil to consume is flax seed oil. Then there are so many supplements and other foods that help. I believe it is treating the “whole self”. have studied health and nutrition for many years, am a yoga, laughter yoga, energy medicine and Chi Gung (Tai Chi) teacher, and see these practices helping with disease, as they work on the mind, emotional, body and spirit levels. Our will, faith and intention are very powerful, as you say “The Grace of God” and his blessing, I wholeheartedly agree it can really make a difference. I am not a qualified holistic practitioner, but I care about fellow beings and am passionate about HEALING. Please contact me if you feel you would like to….. Blessings to you and your husband. Sending thoughts of healing energy and love……Denise Davies
Pease, love and light to you Clare
Clare….you might want to check out this Ted Talk. (about 10 minutes) Paul Stamets is probably the most researched individual on the subject of Mushrooms and their benefits!! Make sure you watch it to the end as his mother (stage 4 cancer) is introduced!!!Enjoy!!
Hi Clare, i think you should contact qualifiednaturopath.com. they are from UK, England.
they make essiac tea which destroys cancer cells. contact them and talk to them they will help you.
best wishes: Roya
what about chaiga mushrooms. I have some and also have a dear friend with cancer. Don’t know if I should promote these.
any suggestion for St 4 Esophagel Cancer ? Spouse doing well . Has changed diet. using all organic foods. What mushroom should be introduced in his diet and is Swanson the company of choice for a supplement? Tuie.
A great product that uses Shiitake mushrooms is called AHCC (active hexose correlated compound). Noxylane4 is a version of this product. They activate tumor and virus killing NK cells, which are a type of immune cell in the innate immune system. For any cancer, take proteolytic enzymes. Either eat them in foods such as pineapple or papaya, or take a product such as Wobenzyme or Natto kinase. Also, eat lots of raw veggies and fruit and berries. Juicing is one of the best ways to get heavy amounts of these nutrients and you have to go full bore to whip cancer. There’s no half way with it. Detoxify…eliminate sugar, refined carbs such as grain products, and that means cookies, crackers, white bread, pizza etc. Eliminate pop and all processes foods from the grocery store. Basically you’ll be eating heavy on all different kinds of veggies, especially carrots, and cruciferous veggies. Do coffee enemas for liver detoxification if you want the best results…you’re liver needs help detoxifying all the poisons, lactic acid from cancer cells and dead tissue.
Great to see this article. My partner and I have been taking Reishi (powdered) for over 10 years. I’m 68, she’s 60. Recent checkups showed our internal organs in perfect health and likened to those of 20 year olds. Important to remember though, Reishi and the others merely assist the body to heal itself and normalize. Normal is healthy. I once heard the CEO of the company we buy from, say “Cancer won’t kill you. Fear kills you.” Looking forward to a long and healthy life, Chris Morris.
I do believe in the power of mushrooms but no one seems to be addressing Dr. Blaylock’s studies on mushrooms containing glutamate which,along with sugar is fuel for cancer cells.There seems to be more information on the pros of ingesting mushrooms,yet Dr. Blaylock says otherwise.Please offer some clarification .
This is an old thread but since I studied nutrition long ago I know that Glutamate is in many foods, even mothers’ milk. (not the same a MSG) Glutamate and Glutamine are both essential acids. (see link below) (my background includes legal and medical research, although I tend to do alternatie therapies)
I looked at the article and it states Glutamine not Glutamate. And he is talking about supplementation (as both as my link shows below are abundant in many foods). As well, the same article shows an opposite viewpoint. The article at the link goes on to mention other doctors the author reached out to to provide feed back (too much to mention here). But worth looking up. As he mentions exceptions (brain tumor but a certain type)
Glutamine supplementation: cancer concerns and benefits
February 26, 2016 By Trudy Scott 128 Comments
To quote from the link provided.
Dr. Blaylock, author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, has been saying this for years. His coverage of MSG and how harmful it is, is very powerful groud-breaking work but many practitioners disagree with his glutamine-feeding-cancer comments.
As a result of this recent interview I’ve been getting a lot of questions about glutamine because it’s something I use with most of my clients for blood sugar control, carbohydrate/sugar cravings and gut healing.
In order to reassure folks I started looking at the current research and getting feedback from trusted colleagues.
I have now gathered 20+ studies showing glutamine to be beneficial in cancer: it heals the gut, helps boost glutathione, helps with muscle wasting, helps when someone is going through chemotherapy and radiation, and is useful for bone marrow transplants. Studies as far back as 1990 state it has benefits and doesn’t promote tumor growth, with 5 of them published this year.
This 2010 paper Glutamine as indispensable nutrient in oncology: experimental and clinical evidence summarizes many of the benefits:
Within the last two decades, 36 (24 oral/enteral, 12 parenteral) clinical studies evaluating the tolerance, safety and effects of glutamine in various patient groups have been published. In the great majority of these clinical studies, glutamine supplementation in cancer patients improves host metabolism and clinical situation without increasing tumor growth.
Potential mechanisms of glutamine effects include maintenance of mucosal integrity, improved immune competence, inhibition of cell proliferation, increased apoptosis rate, increased synthesis of glutathione, induction of heat shock protein synthesis, and increased synthesis of glucagons-like peptides.
In various clinical situations, appropriate exogenous glutamine supply is safe and can beneficially contribute to diminish risks of high-dose chemotherapy and radiation. In addition, there is some evidence that adequate glutamine availability can beneficially affect outcome, especially in patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation.
With new research coming out all the time, a paper published in 2010 may seem very old and yet there are some more recent papers stating similar benefits, many of which were published this year and in 2014. Here are a few excerpts from some of these papers:
Oral administration of [glutamine] plus [elemental diet] may prevent chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis in esophageal cancer patients. Link to paper
This study suggests a beneficial role of oral [glutamine] use in prevention and/or delay of radiation-induced esophagitis, in terms of esophageal transit time and serum immunological parameters, as well as weight loss. Link to paper
It also appears that glutamine may significantly reduce the duration and severity of objective oral mucositis during radiotherapy. Link to paper
These results suggest that [glutamine] is an effective way to reduce radiation morbidity to breast cancer and is associated with the increased expression of a novel serum protein biomarker. Link to paper
A promising supplemental therapy agent in the field is glutamine. Glutamine (Gln) is an amino acid that is produced in physiological conditions in human cells. However, in pathological states, glutamine production is often insufficient. In the clinical setting, glutamine has been shown to decrease metabolic side effects resulting from cancer treatment and to improve patient outcome. Link to paper
Prophylactic oral glutamine could ameliorate the neoadjuvant chemotherapy-induced increase in intestinal permeability, but had no significant positive clinical effect on stomatitis and diarrhea and did not interfere with the antitumor effect of chemotherapy. Link to paper
Oral [glutamine] increased [glutathione] levels and lowered IGF-I and TGF-beta 1 in a range that is considered clinically significant. However, the effect of [glutamine] in maintaining normal gut [glutathione] production in the presence of DMBA was much more significant. Link to paper
“Although virtually every food will contain some amount of glutamate, there are some foods that are rich in glutamate and can easily be combined in your favorite recipes.”
“While they may seem to be the same, glutamate and glutamine actually come from two different types of classes of amino acids. One of the big differences between the two is that glutamate is a nonessential amino acid and glutamine is a conditional amino acid.”
“According to Medline Plus, nonessential amino acids such as glutamate are categorized as such because the human body normally makes enough. We don’t usually need to take up any more glutamate than what we consume in our food. Conditional amino acids such as glutamine are only essential in times of illness and stress.”
I was diagnosed with LMS in January 19.2016. The tumor wraps it self from my R side pushed all my organs over to the left sidetumor(bladder,vagina,colon )They asked if I had any pain from this and of course I did I thought I was having a UTI but it, urine test showed neg.So I figured it was lack of hormones.then the tumor went around back is pushing on my sacrum and coming around the back of me. Then I found out that chemo,radiation will to do nothing this tumor because its like the cancer is immuneto these treatments. So I said no to the treatment offeredbecause Why would you do that to your body for no results sooo here I am . By the way they can not operate because the tumor is too big. I was glad to find your articles as they have given me some hope. Big plus on my side Is that I come from a religious family have a lot of people praying. Beside its all in GODs hands no matter what and I am glad to hand this right over to God and have God tackle this.I have always felt I aGood luck for all of you
m going to walk away from this and that is the out come I am looking for but never lose hope or a scence of humor it really comes in handy!
I know a chinese lady who (said) got cured with a mushroom in US called Turkey Tail. I guess you can’t eaten them (cooked) but take them in teas according to her. Other people (3) wrote to me because they got cured, one had brain cancer and another lung ca. and the 3rd one pancreatic cancer according to them with cannaibis black oil. and I do belive them.
where is located the mushroom store we see in the picture? or can we get an address to get these mushrooms?
I love this article on medicinal mushrooms. It is very interesting. I have seen Shitake mushrooms available at supermarkets, but I am not sure about the other mushrooms. Which stores so they sell those medicinal mushrooms in Canada? If I buy Shitake mushrooms and I cook them,
are they going to prevent me from getting cancer in the future?
Where can I purchase these mushrooms?
I am a little confused because in your Quest for a Cure series, one of the doctors said that mushrooms contain glutamate which is an excitotoxin and therefore should be avoided. Please explain. Thank you.
can u do baking soda alone, a small amount. I don’t understand Gene’s recipe of 3 parts maple syrup and 1 part baking soda, do you heat in on the stove I don;’t use my microwave oven anymore. Please help, I have breast cancer and follow a natural diet and supplements and do juicing. Thanks so much.
I’ve seen a couple of powdered mushroom products at my local Sprouts store.
I’ve found a good extract at my local Health Food Store, called Host Defense, “My Community Extract” that contains all the mushrooms listed in the article. It was not terribly expensive, ($30) and I added it to my drinking water along with an “Cell Power” from Positive Power Nutritionals that balances your pH and increases oxygen at the cellular level. Both have lasted 90 days.
Like many of you, my Doctor fired me as I wouldn’t take chemo and radiation. So I don’t really have the lab work to tell me how I am doing, I have CLL – Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia, diagnosed in 2010. Has anyone else had this and what protocol are you following? I’ll be happy to share my entire protocol with you if you’d share what you are doing, Family and friends tell me I look great and so healthy, so I think what I am doing is at least holding things at bay and perhaps has cured me.
Hi! You might consider going to a chiropractor or a nutritionist who can order blood work. That’s what I do to keep track of my markers. All the best!
Hello Linda I would like to know your complete Protocol please.
Hi Linda! My Dad has CML,we didn’t do any chemo..just natural treatment,we follow high fat diet (almost ketogenic).I listen to Dr.Gonzalez and try to follow his recommendations.how can I get in touch with you?
Did you get chance to do your blood work?
Linda where can I buy the host defense and other thing you are talking about.
My cat was just diagnosed having a mass blocking his sinuses which makes his days numbered because he is having such difficulty breathing… Would mushrooms be safe for a cat?
Hi Laura, yes they must be safe for cats because there are mushroom supplements for pets such as Dr. Mercola’s Organic Mushroom Complex among others. Of course, every animal is different, but you could certainly try it to help your kitty. Can you locate a holistic vet to work with? Even if you don’t have any locally there are vets that work long distance; I’ve used a couple myself. Dr Charles Loops, DVM, is a homeopathic vet that specializes in cancer and works long distance. There are plenty of others and lots of different modalities utilizing nutrition, supplements, herbs, acupuncture, energy healing, etc.. Sorry to hear about your cat and best wishes to you both.
This is off the mushroom subject, but sounds like you could actually use Black Salve or Cansema cream on your kitty’s nose, it will become yucky at first but the cancer usually comes right out, roots n all after 6-21 days an then heals right up. Use very sparingly as it will cause your kitty some dicomfort as it works. But you should research this first and then make a decision.
Hi can I use this mushrooms in capsule form
I have lung cancer on left lung slow moving an enlarge heart can I eat mushrooms from store in pacage
My nephew had an enlarged heart but after taking hawthorn berry for 3 months his cardiologist said his heart was back to normal and functioning well,
Get the medicinal mushrooms the ones from the store are different,
you can use
nettles root
Beet juice
Where do you get your Reishi from? Do you put it in capsules yourself or maybe tea? I would love the info. Thanks- Janna
There is a company called Gano, that makes a coffee alternative using these mushrooms.
Comes in a hot chocolate version also.
Is it possible for you to post an address/location where I would be able to purchase these organic,non-GMO powdered mushrooms? They might be beneficial in treating my squamus cell carcinoma /head & neck. Thanks—Bob
Where can I buy the mushrooms above article
That treat cancer and prevent it?
I have ulcers in small intestine ..which
Mushroom will help me to get rid of it ?
Thank you
For Ulcer You can drink cabbage juice everyday. You dos,t need healing mushrooms .
depends where you live, you can buy them in store from chinese herbal shops where they sell licensed products from reputable companies. please do your research just to check that the products are safe before purchase. i use the vita green brand which have gmp certification from hong kong and guangxi. the product is vita green lingzhi which have 5 different types of mushroom in them. their website is http://www.vitagreen.com
Dr. Axe has a lot!
Nina…for the ulcer Lalina Masarz is right….formented cabbage juice and aloe Vera and I would also for the pain use Marshmallow Root it will soothe the intestines. I had a bad ulcer in my stomach…and I cured it in two weeks with carrot juice and a thick gel of pure Aloe Vera….never had a problem since and that was more than 40 years ago. I ate no other foods…during that time.
Does anyone know where you can get these and if any have been effective in helping fight gioblastoma!
Me too. Which b rand or blend for brain tumor?
Please look into vivid artemisinin and DMSO …these together or used individually penetrate the blood brain barrier. I’ve personally seen numerous individuals who have used it have been clean of cancer whether on the skin or internal… renal, bladder, tumor in the ear canal…all cleared up. Keep you hope…
How do you use the dmso with the artemesinin?
Yes, I know I use them all the time….I get mine at Rawforestfoods.com from my experence I find that they are the best….they have a formula called “Twelve rivers” that has Chaga, Cordyceps, Fu Ling aka Poria cocos, Hen-of-the-woods aka Maitake, Reishi aka Ganoderma Ludidum, Royal Sun Agaricus aka Agaricus Blazei Murili, Willow Bracket and Turkey Tail. It is in a powder form, I also buy a coffee form the Heath Ranger Store.com that has this great coffee called “InnerHealth organic nature…I like the bean because it is always fresh…this coffee is low acid…and low caffeine It is also imbue with all these mushroom…but since I like Twelve rivers…I use that with other organic coffee beans…this is wonderful to drink…and does so much for you….Blessings
Dr. AXes website has them all!
“A mushroom a day, helps keep the cancer bug away” _ Larry Falzitto 2018
What kind of mushrooms, can I have few names, please
This has been an incredible journey watching the videos on Depression, Anxiety and Dementia. My son who has been suffering from Depression for about 25 years has received no help. I hope I can finally get help not only for him but also for my dementia.
God bless you
Hi, I have a bowel condition plus breast cancer. The ordinary mushrooms give me violent diarrhea. Is this going to be the same for these medicinal mushrooms?
Where can I find these products?
Mushroom science is where I get mine
I have a large hard growth (between 5-10 cm) on my left buttocks cheek. The doctor is sending me for a ct scan to check for the possibility of a soft tissue sarcoma. Are there any mushrooms or combinations of mushrooms that would kill the cancerous cells and shrink the growth?
Mia I had the same thing for years. I knew it was from a boil that did no burst but fattened out over time. Finally had surgery to remove it, doctors did not know what it was but I did. Could be a simple as surgery to remove it.
Good day
I am 48 years old and was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago and don’t even think of going for chemo, like the doctors want me to do.
Which mushroom is the best for breast cancer?
Hi Sone,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Mushroom science
Turkey tail and you can get it from Dr. Axe store or Fungi Perfecti both good companies. If you read this article it mentions several for breast cancer. Also go to cancertutor.com
My 7 year old nephew has luekemia he is getting weaker and wraker on chemo. What will help him get better and cancer free?
Hi Cathy,
We are sorry to hear about your son. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Your article is very interesting but there is no information telling me where I can get this product or how much it costs. Will reading about the ingredients help me get rid of the cancer? Yours is the third article I’ve seen that talks a lot of stuff but does not give any directions on how to get the product. Is this some kind of propaganda you people came up with and are getting your jolly’s off by raising the useless hope of cancer patient’s. If so thanks for nothing!
John, don’t despair and keep researching. This article from the “www.thetruthaboutcancer.com” highlights 4 different mushrooms used effectively for holistic anticancer treatment (https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/medicinal-mushrooms-cancer). A friend of mine, told me about “Host Defence, Turkey Tail mushrooms”. Host Defence is also promoting and selling other types of mushrooms that attack and stop many cancers, but Turkey Tail is believe to be one of the most effective. All mushrooms (especially the mycelium part) are able to be used for cancer.
Please could you advise me on the right mushroom for my son who has angio epithelial soft tissue sarcoma which is very rare, it has METASTASIS to his brain and lungs he is at stage 4, but we are trying everything we possibly can, thankyou, ps he is 29 yrs old.
Hi Caroline,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Wishing your son all the best!
My father has pancreatic cancer stage 3 and is on chemo therapy both IV and oral. He was found to have it in his lymph nodes and floating cells were headed to his liver in the bile after the whipple procedure. Currently, he is taking the Chaga mushroom 2 capsules. Wondering if we should use a different type to help fight this.
Hi Paula,
We are sorry to hear what your father is going through. We are not able to give medical advice, so the best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
I took an entire bud of raw, organic, garlic… completely peeled all of the cloves, crushed them, then I coated my stomach with a tall glass of raw, unsweetened almond milk, then I ate ALL of the garlic. I did this every day for a week. I almost threw up a couple of times because of the incredible strength of the garlic, but I cured my lungs and my blood, and probably everything else in my body that was affected. Prior to doing this self-treatment, I was incredibly lethargic, exhausted every day, even in the morning when I woke up… I was deeply depressed, I didn’t have thoughts of suicide, but I constantly thought about what the point of my being here was for.
I definitely thought that there was no actual reason for my being here still, which I know fed my cancer and other low-vibrational ailments. But I also know that after some deep self-reflection, I knew that I wanted to continue to pursue things in my life that are important to me… so I decided to heal myself. My family and my amazing wife supported my strange, bizarre, and STINKY home remedies for a few weeks and I watched my body heal.
I, personally… would NEVER go to ANY of the “doctors” who DOCTOR you, but don’t generally help you to HEAL yourself, because sadly, the so-called health”care?” system is and has been controlled by the Victorian Era Mindset of “We’re the doctors! We know what’s best!” and the greed and control of the American Medical Association and the American Dental Association and the University Medical System that purposefully brainwashes medical students to believe all sorts of useless, deadly, archaic, backward, unnatural, nasty, super-unhealthy, things that don’t have ANYTHING to do with healing human beings.
I have been misdiagnosed TWICE by one of the “doctors” with whom I visited who was the partner-in-practice with [the] regular “doctor” that I used to see at that time. The only reason I knew that he misdiagnosed me, was because first of all, he is an incredibly arrogant, self-centered, self-serving, little man who made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck when I saw him, AND, I just had this warning bell going off in my heart chakra that was screaming at me to get as far away from him as I could. I returned home both times and resolved my “conditions” on my own once I had calmed myself down enough to just do some research. I finally figured out what was “wrong” with me and cured my “conditions” naturally.
Just to let you know, this little man who poses as a “doctor” would tell me that he was #3 at the top of his graduating class in medical school. My answer to that is that ANYONE who is good at memorization can pass a test and get good grades. That does NOT necessarily mean that they are intrinsically a good person OR a good healer. He has NONE of the traits necessary to be a GOOD healer… a good “doctor.” I have done my best to write reviews pointing out how dangerous I think he is on the medical review blogs in my area. Meanwhile, he has quite a few “good” reviews, but that only tells me that he has some of his patients under his spell. Some people treat doctors like they are gods. They are not. They are fallible human beings who can and do just as much damage to you as the diseases that can ravage your body.
Most “doctors” don’t know ANYTHING about nutrition, which means that they know literally NOTHING about how to BE healthy!
Thank you! To most doctors we are just a number! Take control of your own health people! please!
Thank you for being brave and honest. We are currently in a quandary about how to proceed with our daughter’s osteosarcoma treatments. I feel in my heart that these medical people are absolutely stuck in the 19th century.
Absolutely! Blaise, you are right on! I left medical school, because I no longer believed in Western medicine for HEALTH. (it’s fine for medical intervention} Nutrition is the foundation of health. [note the GMO foods that they are trying to push on us?]
My dear neighbor just found out he has heart cancer… and there is “nothing” they can do…. now I know sugar grows cancer and he has been some what of a drinker but heart cancer?? Never heard of it and now I’m trying to research some things that could either help with the pain and effects from this or could cure him… ideas please
We are sorry to hear about your neighbor Alicia! The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Raw, organic GARLIC! Crushed, chewed in the mouth AFTER drinking a large glass of raw, unsweetened, organic almond milk. He should eat an entire bud of garlic. But make sure that he coats his stomach with the almond milk BEFORE eating the garlic. Otherwise, the garlic will just make him throw up and become very nauseated. I know from experience. He should start by doing this every other day to start. It IS going to make him smell bad and it may also make him feel sick to his stomach, but if he can keep from tossing his cookies in the first 30 minutes or so of taking the garlic, he will be fine. He can eat some scrambled eggs to settle his stomach about an hour or so after he eats the garlic… but NOT before! Only almond milk, THEN the garlic. Also, he needs to CHEW the garlic in order to stimulate his saliva glands because his body needs to release the very necessary enzymes and bacteria in his saliva to help break down the garlic in his digestive system so that it will move through his blood more easily and get into every nook, corner, and crevice in his body. And he needs to stop drinking alcohol completely. That’s a given.
What about taking the powdered garlic capsules?
Which of the carbohydrates or polysaccharides is PSK?
Hi Ty and folks,
I have a good friend that a couple of years ago found out that their adult son has a mild case of schizophrenia and I’m wondering if you know what can be done to help him other than giving him drugs that are dangerous and will probably kill him sooner or later.
Dr. Abram Hoffer wrote a couple of books on treating schizophrenia with niacin. You can get them from Amazon. I have been in touch with a couple of people myself who tried it and it worked. You start with 3,000 mg of niacin in 3 divided doses per day.
Very informative and Educational
Thank you for this site and all your work
God Bless you both and your children
God bless you and yours as well!
Cordyceps, Reishi mushrooms capsules are at Walmart
Thanks for this information! Going to pass it along!
bio chaga , water soluble freeze dried extract -powder frim Birch mushroom Chaga
Hi what can I take for Non Hodgkin Lymphoma
Hi Julian –
Thank you for reaching out to us about this.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. But we do have articles on this topic on our website.
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area: https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/
Blessings and love!
You don’t mention CHAGA mushrooms. Are they also useful to combat cancer?
Hi Mary – yes, we have a whole article dedicated to just chaga mushrooms:
Hope this helps!
What mushrooms are good for stage 4 lung cancer
Hi Bonnie –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice for specific conditions. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area: https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/
Blessings and love!
I have a friend that has pancreas cancer and would like to know what mushrooms to buy and where?
Hi Avery –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
I’m so sorry to hear about your friend’s diagnosis – I’ll be sure to pray for them.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global Quest series so they can give you the most appropriate advice based on your friend’s exact condition.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area: https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to http://www.healingstrong.org/groups, and like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/healingstrong.
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life-saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer-killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
Thank you for sharing and spreading awareness! Mushrooms are really indeed a magical fungus.
As studies progress, it unfolds a lot of possible uses and applications in science and medicine.
I hope this could be the future treatment of a lot of diseases. It has endless capabilities
Thanks for sharing, Daniel!
To treat HIV and AIDS Laboratory studies suggest that reishi mushroom may stimulate certain cells of the immune system, but evidence is lacking on reishi’s ability fight infections.
Chsga , biochaga instant water soluble exteact is good for virus treatment and as anticancer
Really happy you guys are sharing information about the medicinal properties of mushrooms.
This is information that everyone should hear – the research is showing how beneficial these ancient remedies really are.
Thank you again!
Mushroom is good for physical and mental health. It can work as a medicine, even that can fight against cancer. Thank you so much for the clear idea about medicinal mushrooms. A great article.
Mushroom is really an amazing thing. It can be used as medicine. Sometimes it works like a magical thing. Your article is so useful. Thanks for sharing.
This is very informative article for all who have doubts here.
It is thought that some of the chemical compounds in mushrooms might strengthen the immune system. Thank you for sharing this article!
This is really a helpful article. I have lost relatives to the big C, and it really hurts to see them suffering and that there’s nothing you can do to help. I have a cousin who has leukemia, I’m sure to have this article forwarded to her.
i’v been going through your site and saw so many great stuff at your page ,marverlous keep doing great . I do not even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was good. I do not know who you are but certainly you are going to a famous blogger if you are not already 😉 Cheers!
keep up the good work you do, i always try to read your articles
i am nearing my 10 year anniversary as a melnoma cancer survivor
with almost 8+ years NED
i take several mushrooms as those listed here and more
with supplements
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