Most people who receive a cancer diagnosis are afraid. Dr. Jockers explains how a foundation of faith can help you heal from…
Cancer Treatments
In 1996, we lost Ty’s father. Not to the cancer with which he had been diagnosed, but to the invasive treatment plan that his doctors prescribed. That day set us on a course that led to the creation of TTAC and a mission to bring you all of the information we wish we’d had. When it comes to cancer treatment, this information is saving lives.
Globally, about 1 in 6 deaths are attributed to cancer, and more than a third of all humans will develop cancer in their lifetime. Unfortunately, the conventional cancer treatments may be more likely to kill you than the cancer itself. In fact, chemotherapy can actually cause new cancers!
Because the medical industrial complex has such an immense influence over Western medicine, cancer patients are often given little choice when it comes to treatment. Doctors will tell you how long you have to live, and insist that chemo, radiation, and surgery are your only chance.
But what these doctors don’t tell you is that there are a number of ways to treat and beat cancer naturally! Drug manufacturers will promote their new cancer treatment as a miracle cure, but these drugs are expensive and won’t fix the underlying cause of the disease.
In fact, some of the most promising cancer treatments have been outlawed in the United States! That’s because there’s more money to be made treating patients than curing them. The cancer industry generates well over $100 billion each year.
At TTAC, we’ve shared testimony from hundreds of doctors, researchers, and patients about how a holistic cancer treatment is the best way to treat the entire body – instead of just the symptoms. Our bodies are unique, and finding the right cancer treatment for you is essential.
Be sure to watch the videos from other cancer survivors to learn which cancer treatments they used:
Prostate cancer
Ovarian cancer
Colorectal cancer
… and more!
Check out the articles below to learn about the natural alternatives to chemotherapy, the cancer treatments that big pharma doesn’t want you to know about, and how the secret to beating cancer may be as simple as changing your diet.
Why I’d Nebulize Colloidal Silver to Treat Lung...
Many people have never heard of this, but Dr. Robert Scott Bell explains the approach he would take if ever diagnosed with lung…
How Dr. William Kelley Treated Pancreatic Cancer with...
You won’t hear this from your oncologist… how Dr. William Kelley (an orthodontist) cured his own pancreatic cancer and helped…
Royal Rife and Bob Beck: Can Their Electro-Medicine...
Have you heard of Rife Frequency or its inventor, Dr. Royal Rife? It’s a story worth learning − especially for anyone touched by…
Cancer Diagnosis? How to Turn On the Healing Power of...
You’ve likely heard of the “stress response,” but did you know there’s a “relaxation response” that’s vital for a good cancer…
How to Support a Loved One With Cancer: 4 Ways to...
Odds are you will have a friend or family member diagnosed with cancer at some point. How can you best support them? Here are some…
Why Is it So Difficult to Treat Pancreatic Cancer...
The traditional standard of care to treat pancreatic cancer and certain other cancers is often not successful. What makes these…
The Dangers of (and Alternatives to) Breast Lumpectomy...
If your doctor’s recommending a biopsy and/or a breast lumpectomy, you need to be informed. Get the inside scoop here…
The Importance of Nutrition During Cancer Treatment...
Cancer expert Dr. Linda Isaacs gives her take on the importance of nutrition for cancer patients and why you can’t go back to old…
In Pain? 7 Natural Pain Management Techniques to...
Pain is the #1 reason for doctor visits. Discover natural pain management techniques without the harmful side effects of pain…