Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in April 2018 in the TTAC Insiders Member Newsletter.
As rates of cancer rise, people are beginning to take charge of their health and look to non-traditional therapies for treatment. Whether someone chooses conventional or non-traditional therapies, it is critical to have a nutrition action plan in place to optimize the body’s ability to fight off cancer. A plant-based ketogenic diet is a powerful strategy to use in the fight against cancer.
In addition to the robust nutrient density of a plant-based ketogenic diet, this nutrition plan puts cancer cells at a disadvantage and aids the body in fighting cancer cells. A plant-based ketogenic diet trains the body to use fat for fuel, alleviating the mechanisms that allow cancer to grow.
This article discusses the aspects of the plant-based ketogenic diet, how this diet is therapeutic in the fight against cancer, the key cancer mechanisms that can be influenced by a plant-based ketogenic diet, and the top cancer-fighting foods.
Why the Ketogenic Diet for Cancer?
The ketogenic diet is a powerful tool in the fight against cancer. It is a high healthy fat, low carbohydrate, and low to moderate protein nutrition plan. The keto diet puts cancer cells, which feed off sugar, at an energetic disadvantage by depriving them of their preferred fuel source.
Cancer cells are much different from normal cells. Pioneer researchers, including Otto Warburg and Dr. Thomas Seyfried, discovered that cancer cells have abnormal mitochondria.1 Mitochondria produce energy for cells by taking either sugar or ketones (from fat) and turning them into adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the energy currency of the body.
Most energy production takes place in the mitochondria, but a small amount occurs in the fluid, or cytosol, of the cell. Mitochondria and other smaller organelles float in the cytosol. Energy production in the cytosol can only occur with sugar as the source, not ketones.
Energy production in the cytosol is inefficient and produces high amounts of toxic byproducts that damage the cell. Cancer cells have damaged mitochondria and can only produce energy from sugar in their cytosol.
Cancer cells also have more insulin receptors than normal cells. The increased number of insulin receptors gives cancer cells the ability to rapidly absorb glucose and potentially steal it away from healthy cells. A high sugar, carbohydrate-rich diet feeds cancer cells their preferred fuel source while a ketogenic diet deprives cancer cells of their preferred fuel source.
How a Plant-Based Keto Diet Fights Cancer
While the ketogenic diet is powerful, the best nutrition plan to combat cancer would combine a plant-based diet with the ketogenic diet. A plant-based diet can be potent to fight cancer because numerous plant compounds have been shown to act on different pathways in the body to downregulate cancer growth.
Curcumin is a great example of a plant compound with therapeutic benefits for cancer. Curcumin is the active compound in the spice turmeric. It has been shown to act on the COX and LOX enzyme systems, which are inflammatory pathways in the body.2 Elevations in these inflammatory pathways are associated with the aggressive progression of cancer.3
Using compounds such as turmeric may downregulate these inflammatory pathways, having a therapeutic effect on cancer.
In addition to curcumin, there are numerous other plant compounds that target different pathways in the body. These anti-cancer nutrients perform similar functions while each providing their own unique benefits to the body.
Incorporating a variety of these compounds into the diet can provide a multifaceted approach to creating an internal environment that does not favor the growth of cancer. This approach should be considered as a natural cancer-fighting strategy to give the body the best chances to overcome the disease.
Plant-Based vs. Vegan Diets
For optimal health, it is important to include certain animal products in the diet for their unique health benefits. A plant-based ketogenic diet with a small amount of animal foods is ideal for transforming your health.
While there are certain aspects of a vegan diet that are very therapeutic, there are numerous potential health risks associated with a vegan diet. These health risks include: vitamin and mineral deficiencies, blood sugar dysregulation, low complete protein and fat intake, and more. For these reasons, it is best to include limited amounts of animal products in the diet.
What We Know About Cancer
It is critical to recognize two important aspects of cancer to understand how a plant-based ketogenic diet is therapeutic. These are: how cancer cells are fueled and the epigenetic influences of cancer.
The first important aspect of cancer is that cancer cells thrive in a high-sugar environment. As discussed above, the mitochondria of cancer cells are damaged and use only sugar for energy. By following a ketogenic diet, cancer cells are placed at an energetic disadvantage because the body burns fat rather than sugar for fuel.
The second important aspect of cancer is that cancer has epigenetic influences. Cancer is generally a result of faulty DNA leading to poorly functioning cells (genetics). The thought was that these DNA mutations were completely random and conditions like cancer simply “run in the family.”
We now know that there are several epigenetic pathways in the body that are associated with cancer growth. Epigenetic influences, such as diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors, can largely dictate whether these faulty DNA sequences will occur or not. A plant-based ketogenic diet can alter the epigenetic pathways to improve your chances of overcoming cancer.
Understanding 4 Key Cancer Mechanisms
The four primary pathways in the body for cancer are AMPK, IGF-1, mTOR, and the p53 gene. It is important to understand these key cancer mechanisms and how a plant-based ketogenic diet can impact them.
1 | AMPK
AMPK (Adenosine Monophosphate-activated Protein Kinase) is an energy-regulating molecule that signals ATP production. Upregulation of the AMPK pathway can help the body fight cancer.
As ATP is broken down for energy within cells, phosphate groups are removed to form ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) and AMP (Adenosine Monophosphate). When the ratio of AMP to ATP is increased, this is a sign that energy is getting low. AMPK is activated and signals the upregulation of ATP production.
AMPK activity can be upregulated with carbohydrate restriction and numerous plant-based com- pounds. Upregulation of the AMPK pathway helps the body fight cancer by diverting sugar from cancer cells to healthy cells. This limits the fuel supply to cancer cells.4
2 | IGF-1
IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) is a growth-stimulating hormone that regulates the reproduction and regeneration of cells. It is normal for children in the rapid developmental stages of life to have high levels of IGF-1.
However, elevated IGF-1 can be a catalyst for cancer growth for those not in a rapid develop- mental stage of life. Protein restriction, fasting, exercise, curcumin, resveratrol, and many other plant-based compounds can inhibit the production of excess IGF-1.
3 | mTOR
mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) is a physiological pathway that regulates cell growth and replication. mTOR is necessary for a healthy body. However, cancerous tissues have an elevated activation of the mTOR pathway. This can contribute to the rapid cell division found in cancer.
Insulin is one of the primary activators of the mTOR pathway. A high-sugar diet leads to high levels of insulin which may contribute to cancer by elevating mTOR activity. Excessive protein consumption can also stimulate this pathway. A plant-based ketogenic diet with limited amounts of protein can be a great strategy to prevent these pathways from contributing to cancer growth.5
4 | The p53 Gene

Some metals, such as zinc, are critical for stimulating p53 activity
The p53 gene regulates what happens to damaged DNA sequences before they lead to problems in cell development. When functioning properly, the p53 gene responds in two ways to disorderly cells. If the defective DNA can be repaired, the p53 gene allows the cell to go back into its normal cycle of growth and reproduction. If the defective DNA cannot be repaired, the p53 signals for cellular apoptosis (programmed cell death), halting the potential for cancerous growth.
This critical gene is inactive in many cancers. A high-sugar diet and certain nutritional deficiencies, such as zinc deficiency, contribute to the inactivity or mutation of the p53 gene. There are numerous plant-based compounds that can help restore proper p53 function.
Protein Requirements: How Much Protein Should You Consume?
Overall protein consumption is an important component of the ketogenic diet. Overconsumption of protein can result in the stimulation of insulin levels and the protein being converted to glucose.
Low Protein Plant-Based Ketogenic Diet for Cancer
Daily protein consumption on an anti-cancer nutrition plan should be lower than for a healthy, active individual following a keto diet or someone dealing with an autoimmune condition other than cancer. A higher amount of protein can overstimulate the mTOR pathway and IGF-1 which are often hyperactive and stimulate out of control cell reproduction processes.
To reduce the mTOR pathway and IGF-1 expression, it is important to consume around 0.5 g/kg of protein. To use the same weight as the example above, a 160-pound person would consume only about 36 grams of protein per day.
For individuals consuming this reduced amount of protein it is important to hydrate throughout the day, increase fat intake, and increase overall vegetable content for increased fiber. This will help the individual stay full while consuming low amounts of protein.
In addition to the low protein, plant-based ketogenic nutrition plan, intermittent and extended day fasting is highly recommended. Fasting will help slow down mTOR and IGF-1 expression, improve AMP-K expression, and stabilize the p53 gene.
13 Top Cancer-Fighting Foods to Include in Your Ketogenic Diet
While following a plant-based ketogenic diet, it is important to incorporate specific foods that have powerful anti-cancer effects. Here are the top cancer-fighting plant foods as well as select animal products with unique cancer-fighting benefits.
[Note: It’s important to consume organic/no-spray versions of all of these foods in order to achieve the full range of benefits.]
1 | Berries

Anthocyanins are cancer-fighting plant compounds that also give certain berries their deep purple-blue color. Wild blueberries are an excellent (and tasty) source of anthocyanins
Berries are low-glycemic fruits that contain quercetin and abundant antioxidants. Anthocyanins are a unique class of purple pigmented antioxidant compounds in berries. Anthocyanins may promote AMPK activation while inhibiting mTOR.
Berries and anthocyanins target cancer stem cells and upregulate tumor suppression genes. The antioxidant activity of berries acts to prevent cancer by protecting DNA from damage and to slow the development of cancer. Wild blueberries are one of the best sources of anthocyanins.
2 | Alliums
Garlic and onions are allium vegetables. Allium vegetables contain allicin, selenium, and naturally occurring glutathione. These act as powerful antioxidants in the body to alleviate free radical damage and protect against cancer.
Alliums are an important cancer-fighting food through numerous mechanisms.6 One of these mechanisms is the protective effect of alliums over the p53 gene. The p53 gene helps to maintain the body’s ability to detect and eradicate defective cells before they develop into cancerous growths.
3 | Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables have amazing health benefits, including anti-cancer effects. Cruciferous vegetables help to activate the NRF2 pathway, a powerful antioxidant system in the body with strong cancer-fighting implications.
In addition to a wide array of nutrients, broccoli and Brussels sprouts contain quercetin and sulforaphane which have anti-cancer effects.7 Sulforaphane is a sulfur compound called an isothiocyanate that plays an important role in maintaining p53 function. Sulforaphane also assists the liver in the detoxification of excess estrogen in the body. This can help in the treatment of hormone-sensitive cancers such as breast cancer.
4 | Green Tea
Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages you can consume. It contains EGCG and quercetin, two potent anti-cancer compounds. These compounds act as powerful antioxidants that upregulate AMPK activity, inhibit IGF-1 and the mTOR pathway, and protect the p53 gene. Through these mechanisms, green tea has been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth and promote cancer cell apoptosis (programmed cell death).
Green tea also helps to promote the production of the antioxidants glutathione and superoxide dismutase (SOD). These antioxidants drastically lower inflammation in the body.
5 | Leafy Green Vegetables
Leafy green vegetables are some of the most nutrient-dense foods available. Kale, arugula, collard greens, mustard greens, spinach, and Swiss chard are all leafy greens that are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll can help the body detoxify carcinogenic substances by binding and eliminating them in the digestive tract. Chlorophyll also helps to support liver detoxification.8
Like cruciferous vegetables, the leafy green kale contains sulforaphane. Sulforaphane is the powerful isothiocyanate that reduces cancer cell replication and boosts the immune system.
6 | Sprouts
One of the most commonly overlooked cancer-fighting foods is the sprout. Sprouts, such as broccoli sprouts or kale sprouts, are nutritionally magnified versions of the food. For example, broccoli sprouts contain up to 100 times the antioxidant raw material of broccoli.
In addition to activating antioxidant pathways, sprouts have cancer-fighting enzymes to protect the body from carcinogens.9 Great ways to incorporate sprouts into the diet include adding to salads, wraps, or green smoothies.
7 | Herbs
Chronic inflammation is strongly associated with aggressive cancer growth. Consuming antioxidant-rich foods is one of the easiest and most effect ways of lowering inflammation on a daily basis. Herbs are some of the most antioxidant-rich foods available.
Oregano, basil, rosemary, and milk thistle are all herbs with their own unique compounds to assist the body in fighting cancer growth. These herbs should be used abundantly to boost the nutrient density and antioxidant potential of meals.
8 | Turmeric
Turmeric is an Indian spice that is rich in a variety of healing compounds. The compound in turmeric that has received the most attention for its healing properties is curcumin. Curcumin has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which may help prevent the development of cancer.10
Curcumin has also been shown to prevent the spread of tumors and support apoptosis (cell death). Curcumin can target cancer stem cells to aid in preventing the recurrence of cancer. Many conventional treatments do little to kill cancer stem cells, which is why cancers often reoccur more aggressively after conventional treatments.
9 | Butter/Ghee

Many people who are dairy-intolerant do well with ghee. Ghee is a clarified butter made by heating butter and removing the milk solids
Butter and ghee are excellent sources of cancer-fighting nutrition. Butter contains the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K, in addition to two important healing compounds, butyrate and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).
Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid and is typically produced by the bacteria in the gut. When butyrate from butter is consumed, it has anti-inflammatory and gut-healing properties. With gut inflammation being one of the leading causes of inflammation throughout the body, it is essential to use nutrients like butyrate to help heal the gut.
CLA is an amazing nutrient that boosts metabolism and has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. CLA may activate genes responsible for suppressing tumor growth.
Only small amounts of CLA are needed for the benefit of its cancer-fighting properties.11
10 | Bone Broth & Collagen
Many cancer patients, especially those who have undergone chemotherapy or radiation treatments, have numerous digestive issues. This is due to inflammation in the gut as a result of conventional treatments.
For people with gut inflammation, it is important to get easily digestible protein into their bodies. Two excellent sources of easily digestible protein are bone broth and collagen protein.
Bone broth is super easy to digest and helps soothe and heal inflamed tissues in the gut. The immune system will also improve as digestive issues are often the root cause of chronic inflammation and autoimmunity.
Collagen protein has similar benefits to bone broth. Both bone broth and collagen protein can be made at home or purchased in liquid or powdered form. It is very important to only consume bone broth or collagen protein from grass-fed sources.
11 | Pasture-Raised Eggs

Eggs from pasture-raised chickens are one of the most nutritionally-complete foods available
Pasture-raised eggs are an excellent addition to a plant-based ketogenic diet. Eggs from pasture-raised chickens provide a wide array of nutrients including carotenoid antioxidants, vitamins D, E, and K, fatty acids EPA, DHA and CLA, choline, and lecithin. These eggs may be the most nutritionally complete food on the planet and are great to include in the cancer-fighting diet.
12 | Organ Meats
Organ meats, particularly heart and liver, are some of the most nutritionally dense foods you can consume. Organ meats have much more nutrition than the muscle meats most people consume.
Two of the healthiest organ meats are liver and heart. Liver is full of B vitamins, vitamin A, zinc, and selenium. These nutrients are critical for energy production and immune function.
Heart is rich in CoQ10 in addition to zinc, selenium, and B vitamins. CoQ10 is essential for good mitochondrial function. Individuals with chronic diseases such as cancer are frequently deficient in CoQ10.
It is important to only consume organs from grass-fed, pasture-raised animals. The recommended intake of organ meat is only one to two times per week.
13 | Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Chronic inflammation is common for individuals battling cancer. Increasing omega-3 fatty acid intake and decreasing omega-6 fat intake can have a powerful impact on inflammatory pathways in the body.
The best sources of omega-3 fatty acids are wild-caught sockeye salmon, sardines, anchovies, herring, wild-caught cod, and light tuna. Purified fish oil supplements are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Omega-6 fatty acids are found in processed oils. We must reduce the intake of these fats to reduce inflammation in the body.
Implementing a plant-based ketogenic diet is essential in the fight against cancer. This nutrition plan addresses two important aspects of cancer:
1) Cancer thrives on sugar; and 2) Cancer is influenced by several epigenetic mechanisms. Employing the following guidelines will optimize your diet for preventing and fighting cancer:
- Consume most of your calories from healthy fats.
- Reduce carbohydrate intake to 5% or less of daily calories.
- Restrict protein consumption to around 0.5g/kg of body weight to reduce mTOR expression.
- Consume a variety of plant-based foods, such as leafy greens, berries, herbs, turmeric, alliums, cruciferous vegetables, and sprouts.
- Consume green tea, bone broth, collagen, grass-fed butter/ghee, pasture-raised eggs, organ meats, and omega-3 fatty acid sources.
- Consider a daily intermittent fast, alternate day fasting, or periodic multiple day fasts to further boost AMPK and reduce mTOR expression.
The plant-based ketogenic diet provides a foundational nutrition and lifestyle program for anyone that is dealing with any stage of cancer to follow. Please note that this plan should be used as an adjunct to (meaning along with) more advanced natural and/or conventional cancer healing approaches.
I have bladder cancer stage2 and non invasive.
Could you recommend a specific diet and exercise regime to help me cure my cancer?
Hi Kate,
We cannot recommend specific diets, so the best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Hello Kate,
My daughter had an aggressive stage 3 & a stage 2 bladder cancer earlier this year and the surgeon wanted to take out her bladder and give her chemo and radiotherapy. She did a lot of research, reading books like Mothers not taking chemo and also watched The truth about cancer The Global quest by Ty and Charlene Bollinger. This prompted her to refuse surgery and chemo/radio etc. and she asked her oncologist to work along with her and give her regular checks. She has just had the all clear confirmed and her oncologist told her that she is the boss and to keep doing what she has been doing. She still has her bladder intact! She did a lot of juicing including organic greens and lots of turmeric root with a cold pressed juicer. She had acupuncture, massage and colonic irrigation. She also purchased high dose vitamin E tablets and apricot kernals (from information on The Global Quest) And drank lots of filtered water & green tea. If she did eat, she had big green salads & made vegetarian/vegan meals. She cut out sugar, all dairy, carbs like white bread, pasta, rice, potatoes etc. She also prayed a lot which built her up and gave her the courage to do this. We are all thrilled with the outcome and our sincere thanks go to Ty & Charlene for all the hard work they have done to get all this wonderful information out there. Hope this helps you to make your decision. All the very best, Sue x
Hi Kate,
I’m Vickie and was diagnosed with a rare form of ovarian cancer August. The doctor removed 2 of 3 tumors but left 2% cancer.
I knew that there had to be people that beat cancer without the conventional methods.
Through TTAC I found so many testimonials of people who not only beat cancer but the disease didn’t return.
I am currently following “Ketotarian Diet” by Dr. Will Cole. It’s a mostly plant based plan that has helped me greatly.
I got an excellent report from my most recent blood work which showed the cancer markers came down from 35.0 to 9.2!
I did the research Kate and if you’ll do that, I’m sure that you will find your answer.
All the best,
Thanks for the article. But I am confused since you do not address certain foods. If it is plant based, are legumes allowed? I do not eat meat – occasionally fish. What about cheese?
Legumes are gonna be pretty high in carbs, but that’s not the only reason you’d want to steer clear. Check out the “Plant Paradox” by Dr. Gundry to get the rest of the story.
You can eat cheese on a ketogenic diet, as long as you aren’t eating enough to stimulate the Mtor pathway and causing the body to convert the protein to glucose via gluconeogenesis.
But there’s a problem with dairy separate and apart from the keto equation. Cheese / diary is an inflammatory food. And many people are allergic to it without knowing it.
It’s been implicated as a player in the development of prostate cancer. I cut it out entirely and my chronic gut issues disappeared virtually overnight. Now, I was incorporating some other elements, such as Just Thrive sporebiotics at the same time, and it’s impossible to isolate the cause(s) of my distress without following an elimination diet kind of protocol, but I’m quite confident diary was a key culprit. Cut it out and the problem went away.
Hope this helps.
Dr Gundry huh. The man who says ” I exercised every day for an hour plus ran miles and miles every week and was on a low fat vegetarian diet, and no matter what i did i couldn’t lose weight.”
Complete and utter BS. Every person that comes my way would lose weight under this method.
Gundry is a shark…a salesman..has many complaints from customers i have noticed.
In respect to legumes, clearly you are listening to too much Gundry nonsense. Legumes and beans are heavily consumed in many of the world’s longest living and healthiest populations in the world.
Where woul we find the protein amount in foods.
simple online search. How much protein is in ______.?
Try the cronometer app. It was developed under direction of Dr.Mercola. He is a proponent of the ketogenic diet. You can track your daily food intake and there is a macro for ketogenic diet that will tell you whet you stand throughout the day. You can even scan the barcodes of food you buy and it will load that info!
what is the word or prayer used to bless & protect herbs & plants to keep effective ?
Humans and other mammals have similar afferent efferent neurological structures and suffer physically, emotionally and psychologically when attacked with instruments of torture and murder. Not to recognise this suffering and worse to condone and promote it is not healthy or kind in any way. I don’t think it is Christian either.
There are so many excellent plant oils NO consumption of animal fat is EVER necessary!
From 3 standpoints eating animals should never be advised by any health professional!
Stop Feeding Your Cancer by Dr. John Kelly. Shows how cancer patients who eat animals die. Cancer patients who are Vegan with occasional fish consumption live.
Animal production cause enormous destruction and pollution of the environment. Grossly unwise!
Animals suffer terribly from conception to agonising tortured hideous death. I could never trust a health professional who refuses compassion to sentient beings of any species.
If high protein diets cause cancer, please explain to me why the Inuits – whose traditional diet did not include plant foods, even during the brief Arctic summers (unless they were starving) – never got cancer.
Don’t believe that this is really how they ate, or that they didn’t get cancer?
Canadian anthropologist Diamond Jenness, who spent three months living with the Inuit along Canada’s arctic coast, wrote that the Inuit paid little attention to the plants in their environment because “they added nothing to their food supply.” According to Jenness the meals he shared with the Inuit consisted of “no fruit, no vegetables, morning and night nothing but seal meat washed down with ice cold water or hot broth.”
Yet medical personnel who worked among the Inuits repeatedly commented on the fact that they did not get cancer: As late as 1952 an article written by physicians at Queens University in Ontario began with the comment, “It is commonly stated that cancer does not occur in the Eskimos, and, to our knowledge, no case has so far been reported.”
I don’t think they lived long enough to get cancer, or to see what may or may not have happened to them health wise?
Barbara, I believe the Inuits were pretty much following a ketogenic diet already, because most of their sources of food are very high in fat traditionally. Seal and whale have some protein definitely, but they are mostly fat since they live in very cold climates and need a lot of fat for warmth.
Maybe it is because the Inuit are not adapted to the civilized diet (in the positive sense) whereas we non-aboriginals are. We have adapted to carbs of all kinds – the Inuits have not. I do not believe that it is appropriate for those of us with 500 generations of carb consumption embedded in our DNA to consume a keto diet or a high protein diet indefinitely As a cure for cancer it is right, as far as I can tell. But no healing diet (for us) is meant to be a forever diet.
I’ve been on here all afternoon and have not been asked for money yet. I’m sure that there are specialized consultations etc. that would be available for a fee. I don’t know of anyone who is
trained in this that is independently wealthy that offers it for free. If you do find someone, would you please share it?
I’m beating cancer thanks to TTAC! Chemo treatments are extremely costly so I’d gladly support The Truth About Cancer financially.
Best regards,
Dear Jane,
There was SO much to this research-based informationally-packed article that perhaps you overlooked. Everything they shared allows the reader to make informed, healthy choices around their diet and lifestyle. I don’t see them selling or promoting any particular product within this article. You’re already spending money on food and making good (or harmful) decisions every day. Why not gratefully consider and apply this free health guidance they’re offering to put your life and health on a better course? No nickels necessary! (P.S. I’m NOT in any way affiliated with these folks but I DO follow their research and take much of their advice.)
Bravo Carol! Exactly right!
Good Answer!
I’m shocked that you are now advocating animal protein as part of recovery . I have always advocated you guys but I’m in two minds since reading this .
100% agree. They are jumping on the Keto bandwagon $$$$.
Thanks so much for your excellent article. You make so many excellent points BUT one can do an ENTIRELY organic, vegan diet that is even healthier. I’ve been doing it for more than three years following a diagnosis of prostate cancer (treated successfully a year and a half ago with brachytherapy at M.D. Anderson) and all of my numerous labs have improved even though I’ve been an organic vegetarian 46 years ago and an organic vegan more than 20.
Your list of various animal products made me sad as NONE of them are necessary. For example, I get far better, cleaner and healthier EPA and DHA from the original source, algae. And I should point out that soybeans are legumes and an extremely low carb food unlike other legumes. I’m surprised you omitted them along with wheat gluten (Seitan) which is also an extremely low carb source.
‘A plant based ketogenic diet’, this is interesting, I thought… And then it included bone broth, organ meat, and fish oil… WTF? I call this a ketogenic diet, and no thank you to eating all the dead animals.
Hi Kelly,
Thanks for your comment.
If you would like to learn more about the benefits of the Ketogenic Diet here are some great resources:
Too much acid in animal products cancer loves acid!
Hey K Hartley
Keto diet actually seems to be one of the most effective diets regarding to cancer.
Meat does not harm in small quantities.
Vegan and vegetarian people do not make cancer? Yes they do also!
You have to find a balance in life, good and natural food from your back yard. Little or no stress. Training regularly on a medium level a few hours a day. Find a meaning in your life, find that joy that propels you forward – be happy from every little thing!
This is my advice for everyone, a person who had this terrible disease.
So… Live long, and prosperous!
Hi Demmy,
Thanks for your comment here.
Here are some studies about the Ketogenic Diet that might interest you:
Thank you so much for supplying this information. I was recently diagnosed with a rare form of Ovarian Cancer and had 2 of 3 tumors removed. I’m 61 and for most of my life ate a diet full of sugar and processed foods with little or no vegetables.
For the last 8 weeks I’ve been following a high nutrient, plant-based diet but adding 2 pasture fed chicken eggs each day. Having heard that a Plant-based Keto diet was helpful in stopping Cancerous tumors, I wanted to research it more, so this article was a Godsend and I appreciate having the opportunity to read it.
Thanks so much for your labors of love and the Calling you have on your lives to help people know the truth about Cancer.
Thank you for sharing this with us, Vickie!
We wish you the very best in your healing journey. God bless!
Just got my lab results and Cancer Antigen 125 markers have come down to 9.2!!
Thanks so much TTAC!
I am just now learning about the keto , and the paleo way of eating and am thankful for the very informative article!
You are very welcome, Allison! And we thank YOU for your interest and support of our mission.
Thank you TTAC staff-I am a nutritional coach and this was a great overview of the many lifestyle changes that a person can take to optimize their health journey. Have a super blessed 2019 filled with Joy, Peace, Love, Righteousness and abundant health.
Many blessings,
Debbie, we truly appreciate your cheerful reply, support and New Year Wishes! God bless.
Personally, I did a medium protein keto diet to lose weight. I lost 10 pounds pretty fast but after about 3 weeks I started to feel awful. I couldn’t drink enough water to stay hydrated, and then i started to feel really cranky. Then I got a massive candida infection. All these issues went away when i went back to a while foods vegan diet. I think keto is great for cancer, but i would advise caution for everyone else, especially if you’ve got any liver issues or epstein barr.
I have vitamin B1 and 2 suppliment by way of a malted flaked yeast extract; which gives energy!! You only need 2 teasp per day, it can be put on top of your dinner and tastes delicious. I have been on a Keto diet for 8 months, and had the same problem as you until I bought the above! I am a vegetarian, but i used to be vegan; I ahve to watch the cheese, as it seems to make my hand joints hurt and the nightshade veggies. Apart from that I feel better than ever before and have lots more energy.
Hello,can you recommend a keto cookbook that’s simple to follow recipes? I appreciate
I am shocked and disturbed by this article. It is no longer a secret that all animal proteins cause cancer cells to grow. How could such a trusted source that I formally sent loads of clients to as a helpful resource now suggest using animal products in any amount? I will no longer be sharing this as a resource and I’m very disappointed.
Something to consider is that one of your videos shared with us how harmful eggs are and that marketing agencies are not able to legally say they are healthy they can only legally advertise them as being edible. So to go back and say that eggs are OK is going to confuse and miss lead your audience.
Hi Melissa,
Thanks for your comment.
Here are some great articles about the Ketogenic diet for you:
Please let us know if you have any questions!
100% agree. They have now down a complete turn…into Keto $$$$$$$ i am guessing. Sales have dropped from the TTAC series..need to find the next big thing.
I believe this program of advocating the Keto diet is way off base. My wife and I have been on a vegan diet for 9 years now and doing great (going on 70 years of age). Our BMI weight is terrific and our activity level is high. We exercise 5-7 days/week and maintain a 19 acre camp (currently looking to expand). Plus, we don’t have the guilt of eating animal flesh (or their milk) with no regard for animal compassion (check out the slaughter houses to understand the cruelty that transpires with these animals as well as the environmental impact it has especially with the vast amount of wastes) and digesting all the harmful ingredients (blood, feces, hormones, antibiotics and other harmful drugs, pathogens, animal protein, acidic, no fiber) they have. Is it any wonder that many athletes are moving to a vegan diet, including NFL’s Tennessee Titans (15 players). I do not think the research will support this diet and am very disappointed that a group of people that I had respect for are going in this direction. I thought Ty was looking overweight (no disrespect intended) and now I know why. I suggest that this organization look at the research of Dr. Colin Campbell in his book The China Study as well as the clinical trials of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn to determine the benefits of a plant-based, whole foods diet..
Hi Jim,
Thanks for your comment and feedback.
There is a vegan friendly option for the Ketogenic diet! This may be something that you would like to look more into.
For more information about why we have been speaking and writing about the Ketogenic Diet please see these sources:
So what percentage of calories should fats be kept at? Also, is this a good diet for Candida overgrowth?
I found the Keto diet two years ago to be very helpful in my search for a healthy body and mind, after three months on strict Keto i felt amazing with lots of energy then I began adding some carbs back in as I looked quite thin I also kept the high fat and plant diet going to this day with meat and fish included whilst I still feel fantastic I feel like I wanna go back to a Keto diet for three months, is swinging back and forth detrimental to my health can we trigger problems? I also follow the sauna protocols as well as a good daily supplement Intake ( liopo vit c, glutathione, 3600mg omega3s, d3, curcumin, mag, quercetin, nads+, digestymes, ubiquinol) as well as a dedicated green smoothie every day. Whilst I read all the above I am not sure if I am helping my health particularly this Christmas where I have binged on lots of sugary foods. Can we switch on and off our diets and stay well ? That’s the main question.
I have been studying this stuff and experimenting with sprouts, wheat grass, vegan, vegetarian, fasting for years and everyone contradicts everyone else. Nobody really knows, they just make up stuff based on their point of view. We probably know that junk food and sugar and chemicals are bad, that’s about it. Animals are fed hormones and garbage food and soil is polluted with artificial fertilizers so we have no idea of the vitamin and mineral content of a particular broccoli or butter or anything else. Its a pathetic confusing situation mostly people just hawking products and points of view that may or may not be correct.
True what u say, Barbara, but a lot of this is common sense and proper research on the Internet about different foods and spices. Also, one should buy organic whenever possible. Anyone who has eaten a plant- based diet for any time knows how good u will feel. Using simple strategies like this and acquiring a simple understanding of nutrition/ chemistry will suffice. Its not that hard. U must do your own research and accumulatively acquire the knowledge you need.
Profit over patients?
I think Ty, Charlene and team have now succumbed to this as well by promoting Keto which didn’t appear in the Truth about cancer series…not that i recall anyway.
As a passionate health and fitness professional for many years, i am very disappointed.
I’m a little confused by the plant recommendations, too, because it doesn’t take long to fill up 20g of carbohydrates in a day just with vegetables (a small onion can be 4 or 5 all by itself) and some wild blueberries. Only so many avocados and coconut oil a person can eat.
This ain’t easy ! Cancer sufferer who has been using Intermittent Fasting with an eating window of 4 to 8 pm. Totally plant based because I read so much about how the amino acid Methionine has been known for 40 years to feed cancer……. all animal products including eggs and dairy are high in methionine. Those exalting the Keto diet never mention the methionine issue . In the meantime I have seen little info my goal is to cut BOTH methionine and glucose.
Good time to add that I am not obese, work out daily including 3 sessions weekly of HIIT and with low triglycerides and cholesterol there is no sign of Insulin Resistance.
Trying to do plant based Keto means more weightloss which I definitely dont need after dropping 15 pounds over past 6 months.
Dont want to change my IF, plant based schedule but want to lower glucose, avoid methionine and achieve Ketosis …… a final addenum, just started on MCT oil high C8 type. Now in moderate to low ketosis (thrilled) and wondering if comments on all my rhetoric from above will get a response. Plus, are there any benefits if only mild to moderate ketosis is achievable based on me needing a few more carbs to support my current weight ? Thanks for any help.
As I am just starting on the same journey as you, I have been wondering about the same things. Because I work out regularly and am already a bit underweight, I don’t want to lose any more weight. Do I just pile on the good fats while keeping my protein down to the suggested guidelines, and keeping carbs very low? I also share the same thoughts about eggs. I was just wondering if you have found any answers to your questions.
Tony M